5,447 research outputs found

    Finiteness theorems for matroid complexes with prescribed topology

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    It is known that there are finitely many simplicial complexes (up to isomorphism) with a given number of vertices. Translating to the language of hh-vectors, there are finitely many simplicial complexes of bounded dimension with h1=kh_1=k for any natural number kk. In this paper we study the question at the other end of the hh-vector: Are there only finitely many (d−1)(d-1)-dimensional simplicial complexes with hd=kh_d=k for any given kk? The answer is no if we consider general complexes, but when focus on three cases coming from matroids: (i) independence complexes, (ii) broken circuit complexes, and (iii) order complexes of geometric lattices. We prove the answer is yes in cases (i) and (iii) and conjecture it is also true in case (ii).Comment: to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric

    Lexicographic shellability, matroids and pure order ideals

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    In 1977 Stanley conjectured that the hh-vector of a matroid independence complex is a pure OO-sequence. In this paper we use lexicographic shellability for matroids to motivate a combinatorial strengthening of Stanley's conjecture. This suggests that a pure OO-sequence can be constructed from combinatorial data arising from the shelling. We then prove that our conjecture holds for matroids of rank at most four, settling the rank four case of Stanley's conjecture. In general, we prove that if our conjecture holds for all rank dd matroids on at most 2d2d elements, then it holds for all matroids

    Cabri's role in the task of proving within the activity of building part of an axiomatic system

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    We want to show how we use the software Cabri, in a Geometry class for preservice mathematics teachers, in the process of building part of an axiomatic system of Euclidean Geometry. We will illustrate the type of tasks that engage students to discover the relationship between the steps of a geometric construction and the steps of a formal justification of the related geometric fact to understand the logical development of a proof; understand dependency relationships between properties; generate ideas that can be useful for a proof; produce conjectures that correspond to theorems of the system; and participate in the deductive organization of a set of statements obtained as solution to open-ended problems

    The topology of the external activity complex of a matroid

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    We prove that the external activity complex Act<(M)\textrm{Act}_<(M) of a matroid is shellable. In fact, we show that every linear extension of LasVergnas's external/internal order <ext/int<_{ext/int} on MM provides a shelling of Act<(M)\textrm{Act}_<(M). We also show that every linear extension of LasVergnas's internal order <int<_{int} on MM provides a shelling of the independence complex IN(M)IN(M). As a corollary, Act<(M)\textrm{Act}_<(M) and MM have the same hh-vector. We prove that, after removing its cone points, the external activity complex is contractible if MM contains U3,1U_{3,1} as a minor, and a sphere otherwise.Comment: Comments are welcom

    A Geometric Lower Bound Theorem

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    We resolve a conjecture of Kalai relating approximation theory of convex bodies by simplicial polytopes to the face numbers and primitive Betti numbers of these polytopes and their toric varieties. The proof uses higher notions of chordality. Further, for C^2-convex bodies, asymptotically tight lower bounds on the g-numbers of the approximating polytopes are given, in terms of their Hausdorff distance from the convex body.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Geometric and Functional Analysi

    A proposition of 3D inertial tolerancing to consider the statistical combination of the location and orientation deviations

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    Tolerancing of assembly mechanisms is a major interest in the product life cycle. One can distinguish several models with growing complexity, from 1-dimensional (1D) to 3-dimensional (3D) (including form deviations), and two main tolerancing assumptions, the worst case and the statistical hypothesis. This paper presents an approach to 3D statistical tolerancing using a new acceptance criterion. Our approach is based on the 1D inertial acceptance criterion that is extended to 3D and form acceptance. The modal characterisation is used to describe the form deviation of a geometry as the combination of elementary deviations (location, orientation and form). The proposed 3D statistical tolerancing is applied on a simple mechanism with lever arm. It is also compared to the traditional worst-case tolerancing using a tolerance zone

    Instrumented activity and semiotic mediation: two frames to describe the conjecture construction process as curricular organizer

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    We document part of the process through which conjectures produced by students, with the aid of the dynamic geometry software Cabri, when they solve proposed geometric problems, become a curriculum organizer in the classroom. We first focus on characterizing students’ instrumented activity recurring to utilization schema (Rabardel, 1995, in Bartolini Bussi and Mariotti, 2008), and then describe the teacher’s content management through which the ideas produced by the students become key elements of knowledge construction
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