148 research outputs found

    Oxidation and Antioxidants in Fish and Meat from Farm to Fork

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    Quality of carcasses and meat from male and female rabbits

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    Meat from rabbits offers high nutritive properties as it has high levels of essential amino acids, minerals and vitamins. Rabbit meat is also regarded lean, since it contains less fat than many other meat types. The composition of rabbit meat lipids is also favourable due to higher contents of unsaturated fatty acids compared to other types of meat. The aim of the present study was to examine and compare meat quality from male and female rabbits. A total of 24 rabbits (12 males and 12 females) were used. The rabbits were slaughtered at an age of 17–18 weeks. The following parameters were studied: slaughter traits, colour, pH, cooking loss, tenderness, total fat content and water holding capacity (WHC). Interestingly, the ultimate pH was significantly lower in male compared to female rabbits (p = 0.008). Moreover, cooking losses were higher in the meat from male rabbits (p = 0.001). No other relevant differences were found between meat from male and female rabbits suggesting that sex might be regarded as a minor factor in the production of rabbit meat at the chosen slaughter age

    Deterministic Small-World Networks

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    Many real life networks, such as the World Wide Web, transportation systems, biological or social networks, achieve both a strong local clustering (nodes have many mutual neighbors) and a small diameter (maximum distance between any two nodes). These networks have been characterized as small-world networks and modeled by the addition of randomness to regular structures. We show that small-world networks can be constructed in a deterministic way. This exact approach permits a direct calculation of relevant network parameters allowing their immediate contrast with real-world networks and avoiding complex computer simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Influence of production system, age an sex on carcass parameters and some biochemical meat quality characteristics of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L.)

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    Carcass composition in reindeer is affected by feed intake and the age and sex of the animal. Studies have also shown that age, sex, carcass trim fat content and total intramuscular fat content (IMF) influence lipid class composition. The aim of this study was to compare lipid class composition and IMF in relation to carcass weight, conformation and trim fat content, and to investigate how these parameters are affected by age, sex and different feed sources. Five groups of reindeer were studied. Two groups of calves were fed two grain-based pelleted feeds with different lipid compositions for approximately two months before slaughter. One of these groups was fed with conventional pellets, and the other with pellets enriched with linseed cake to increase the amount of n-3 fatty acids in the diet. Three groups of grazing reindeer were also included in the study, consisting of adult males, adult females or calves. Reindeer calves fed pellets had higher slaughter weights, higher trim fat content and better carcass conformation scores compared to the grazing calves. However, there was no significant difference in IMF between pellet-fed and grazing calves. Adult female reindeer had the highest and grazing calves the lowest slaughter weights, trim fat and IMF. There was no difference in lipid class composition in meat from calves fed with the two pelleted feeds, whereas grazing calves had a higher amount of phospholipids. Squalene was identified and quantified as a component of intramuscular lipids in reindeer meat. Effekt av produktionssystem, ålder och kön på slaktkroppskvalitet och några biokemiska egenskaper hos renköttAbstract in Swedish / Sammandrag: Slaktkroppssammansättningen hos renar påverkas av både foderintag, fodersammansättning och djurens ålder och kön. Tidigare har vi visat att renens kön, ålder, mängden intramuskulärt fett (IMF) och putsfett på slaktkroppen påverkar sammansättningen av lipidklasser. Syftet med denna studie var att jämföra lipidklassammansättningen och IMF i relation till slaktkroppens vikt, form och mängden putsfett och att undersöka hur dessa parametrar påverkas av renarnas kön, ålder och olika typer av foder (bete och pellets). Fem grupper renar ingick i studien (totalt 38 djur). Två grupper kalvar utfodrades med två sorters pellets med olika fettsammansättning under två månader före slakt. Den ena gruppen fick normala pellets (CPD) (Renfor Bas) medan den andra gruppen fick pellets som hade en tillsats av linfrökaka (LPD) för att öka mängden n-3 fettsyror i fodret. Dessutom ingick tre grupper betesdjur i studien: vajor, sarvar och kalvar. Utfodring med pellets gav slaktkroppar med bättre klassning, högre slaktvikter och mer putsfett jämfört med slaktkroppar från betande kalvar. Vajorna hade de högsta och betande kalvar de lägsta slaktvikterna, minst putsfett och lägst halt av IMF. Utfodringen med pellets gav ingen signifikant skillnad i IMF mellan betande och utfodrade renkalvar. Vi fann ingen skillnad i lipidklassammansättning mellan de två utfodrade kalvgrupperna, men köttet från de betande kalvarna hade en högre halt av fosfolipider. Vi kunde också identifiera och kvantifiera squalen som en komponent i intramuskulärt fett i renkött

    Essential fatty acids composition and oxidative stability of frozen minced carp meat

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    This study aimed to introduce minced common carp (Cyprinus caprio L.) meat as a nutritional valuable by-product from carp filleting. This research was focused on fatty acid composition and considered its sensitivity to oxidation during frozen storage (-20 degrees C). Additionally, copper chloride was used to magnify possible oxidation reactions. A better understanding of minced carp meat quality and deterioration during frozen storage could help to promote the usage of this underestimated by-product. The utilization of this by-product for human consumption could be a useful way to increase the carp aquaculture economy and sustainability. The fatty acid profile showed a favorable content of essential fatty acids, as well as a beneficial ratio of omega-3/omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Furthermore, during 4 months of frozen storage (-20 degrees C), no significant changes were detected in fatty acid composition. Negligible changes were observed in the oxidation of lipids and proteins. The nutritional value and storage stability of minced carp meat was shown

    Oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula toruloides biomass effect on the metabolism of Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)

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    Sustainability issues arise when using fish oil and vegetable oils in fish feed production for aquaculture purposes. Microbial production of single cell oil is a potential alternative as a lipid ingredient in the production of fish feed. In this study, we replaced the vegetable oils with the oleaginous yeast R. toruloides biomass in the diet of Arctic char (S. alpinus) and investigated the effects on health and composition. Measurement of fish growth parameters showed a higher liver weight and hepatosomatic index in the experimental group of fish fed partly with yeast biomass compared to a control group fed a diet with vegetable oils. No significant differences in the lipid content of muscle and liver tissues were found. The fatty acid profiles in the muscle of both fish groups were similar while the experimental fish group had a higher amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in the liver. Histology of livers showed no significant difference in the number of lipid droplets. The size of hepatic lipid droplets seemed to be related to liver fat content. Quantification of metabolites in the liver revealed no differences between the fish groups while plasma metabolites involved in energy pathways such as alanine, 3-hydroxybutyrate, creatinine, serine, betaine, and choline were significantly higher in the experimental fish group

    Oleaginous yeasts respond differently to carbon sources present in lignocellulose hydrolysate

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    Background Microbial oils, generated from lignocellulosic material, have great potential as renewable and sustainable alternatives to fossil-based fuels and chemicals. By unravelling the diversity of lipid accumulation physiology in different oleaginous yeasts grown on the various carbon sources present in lignocellulose hydrolysate (LH), new targets for optimisation of lipid accumulation can be identified. Monitoring lipid formation over time is essential for understanding lipid accumulation physiology. This study investigated lipid accumulation in a variety of oleaginous ascomycetous and basidiomycetous strains grown in glucose and xylose and followed lipid formation kinetics of selected strains in wheat straw hydrolysate (WSH). Results Twenty-nine oleaginous yeast strains were tested for their ability to utilise glucose and xylose, the main sugars present in WSH. Evaluation of sugar consumption and lipid accumulation revealed marked differences in xylose utilisation capacity between the yeast strains, even between those belonging to the same species. Five different promising strains, belonging to the species Lipomyces starkeyi, Rhodotorula glutinis, Rhodotorula babjevae and Rhodotorula toruloides, were grown on undiluted wheat straw hydrolysate and lipid accumulation was followed over time, using Fourier transform-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. All five strains were able to grow on undiluted WSH and to accumulate lipids, but to different extents and with different productivities. R. babjevae DVBPG 8058 was the best-performing strain, accumulating 64.8% of cell dry weight (CDW) as lipids. It reached a culture density of 28 g/L CDW in batch cultivation, resulting in a lipid content of 18.1 g/L and yield of 0.24 g lipids per g carbon source. This strain formed lipids from the major carbon sources in hydrolysate, glucose, acetate and xylose. R. glutinis CBS 2367 also consumed these carbon sources, but when assimilating xylose it consumed intracellular lipids simultaneously. Rhodotorula strains contained a higher proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids than the two tested Lipomyces starkeyi strains. Conclusions There is considerable metabolic diversity among oleaginous yeasts, even between closely related species and strains, especially when converting xylose to biomass and lipids. Monitoring the kinetics of lipid accumulation and identifying the molecular basis of this diversity are keys to selecting suitable strains for high lipid production from lignocellulose

    On almost distance-regular graphs

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    Distance-regular graphs are a key concept in Algebraic Combinatorics and have given rise to several generalizations, such as association schemes. Motivated by spectral and other algebraic characterizations of distance-regular graphs, we study `almost distance-regular graphs'. We use this name informally for graphs that share some regularity properties that are related to distance in the graph. For example, a known characterization of a distance-regular graph is the invariance of the number of walks of given length between vertices at a given distance, while a graph is called walk-regular if the number of closed walks of given length rooted at any given vertex is a constant. One of the concepts studied here is a generalization of both distance-regularity and walk-regularity called mm-walk-regularity. Another studied concept is that of mm-partial distance-regularity or, informally, distance-regularity up to distance mm. Using eigenvalues of graphs and the predistance polynomials, we discuss and relate these and other concepts of almost distance-regularity, such as their common generalization of (â„“,m)(\ell,m)-walk-regularity. We introduce the concepts of punctual distance-regularity and punctual walk-regularity as a fundament upon which almost distance-regular graphs are built. We provide examples that are mostly taken from the Foster census, a collection of symmetric cubic graphs. Two problems are posed that are related to the question of when almost distance-regular becomes whole distance-regular. We also give several characterizations of punctually distance-regular graphs that are generalizations of the spectral excess theorem

    Identification, Quantification and Kinetic Study of Carotenoids and Lipids in Rhodotorula toruloides CBS 14 Cultivated on Wheat Straw Hydrolysate

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    Production of carotenoids and lipids by Rhodotorula toruloides CBS 14 cultivated on wheat straw hydrolysate was investigated. An ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) method for carotenoid quantification was developed and validated. Saponification effects on individual carotenoid quantification were identified, and lipid and carotenoid kinetics during cultivation were determined. The carotenoids beta-carotene, gamma-carotene, torularhodin, and torulene were identified; beta-carotene was the major carotenoid, reaching a maximum of 1.48 mg/100 g dry weight. Recoveries of the carotenoids were between 66% and 76%, except torulene and torularhodin, which had lower recoveries due to saponification effects. Total carotenoid content in saponified and unsaponified yeast extract, respectively, determined by UHPLC or photometer, respectively, was 1.99 mg/100 g and 4.02 mg beta-EQ/100 g dry weight. Growth kinetics showed a positive correlation between carotenoid content and lipid accumulation. beta-carotene was the major carotenoid at all time points. At the end of the cultivation, triacylglycerols (TAGs) were the major lipid class, with 58.1% +/- 3.32% of total lipids. There was also a high proportion of free fatty acids, reaching from 20.5% to 41.8% of total lipids. Oleic acid (C18:1) was the major fatty acid. The lipid yield at the end of the cultivation was 0.13 g/g of sugar consumed
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