45 research outputs found

    Statistics as a tool for decision making in agricultural and environmental experiments

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    This study aimed to identify and present applications of statistical methods in problems of agricultural and environmental nature. To achieve this objective, applied research of exploratory and quantitative nature was carried out. Two case studies were adopted as method and technical procedures. As a contribution to this research, the use of statistical methods in problem solving and as a tool for decision making is pointed out

    How to perform a simultaneous optimization with several response variables

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    A problem facing the product development community is developing simultaneous solutions of response variables (to several properties) that depends on a number of independent variables or sets of responses. Harrington, among others, addressed this problem and presented a desirability function with a functional approach. Derringer and Suich altered their approach and illustrated how multiple variables can be transformed into a convenience function. This work redid the calculation performed by them using another software and made a comparative discussion of the results found

    Scientific research trends about metaheuristics in process optimization and case study using the desirability function

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    This study aimed to identify the research gaps in Metaheuristics, taking into account the publications entered in a database in 2015 and to present a case study of a company in the Sul Fluminense region using the Desirability function. To achieve this goal, applied research of exploratory nature and qualitative approach was carried out, as well as another of quantitative nature. As method and technical procedures were the bibliographical research, some literature review, and an adopted case study respectively. As a contribution of this research, the holistic view of opportunities to carry out new investigations on the theme in question is pointed out. It is noteworthy that the identified study gaps after the research were prioritized and discriminated, highlighting the importance of the viability of metaheuristic algorithms, as well as their benefits for process optimization

    Identification of Research gaps on Municipal Solid Waste Management from Data Indexed in the SCOPUS Database

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    This study aimed to identify the research gaps on the theme "Municipal Solid Waste Management", as from the analysis of articles indexed in the SCOPUS database. For this objective to be achieved, an applied research of exploratory nature and qualitative approach was carried out. It is noteworthy that, as method and technical procedures were adopted, respectively, the bibliographic research and the literature review. The data used in the analysis were obtained from the SCOPUS database in May 2018 and treated using Microsoft Excel® software. It is noteworthy that as a selection criterion, thirty papers indexed in this base that presented the highest number of citations were analyzed. As main results, it can be highlighted that the identified gaps were grouped into eight categories. Among the categories analyzed, one can highlight life cycle assessment, with ten gaps, and tools for municipal solid waste management, with eight. It is also noteworthy that the category "municipal solid waste management associated with other methodologies" occupies the second position, along with "tools for the management of municipal solid waste, indicating the lack of studies in the highlighted areas and pointing out the relevance of the theme for the academic environ

    Mapping Sustainability 4.0: contributions and limits of the symbiosis

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    The history of industry is marked by four industrial revolutions, and society is now in the consolidation of its fourth, which provides opportunities for sustainability, such as reduction in environmental impact and social inclusion. This article aims to identify the main authors, countries, articles, and research gaps on the theme "Industry 4.0 and Corporate Sustainability"; and to draw up a mind map with the research trends, through the analysis of the documents that are indexed in the Scopus database. Among the main trends that were identified in this article are: Industry 4.0 as a tool to support sustainability; Intersection and boundaries between sustainability and industry 4.0; Development of industry 4.0 along the lines of sustainability; Management applied in sustainable industry 4.0. The main contribution applied was the exposure of the possibilities that companies can implement, both in relation to sustainability in the development of innovative technologies, and the use of technologies to strengthen the pillars of sustainability

    Estratégia de manutenção baseada em funções de confiabilidade para uma evacuadora jumbo / Maintenance strategy based on reliability functions for a jumbo evacuator

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    O objetivo deste artigo foi definir a estratégia de manutenção mais adequada para um equipamento de alta criticidade com base em cálculos de confiabilidade. Foram levantados registros de falhas e dos tempos para reparo do equipamento Evacuadora Jumbo. Estes tempos foram modelados pela função de probabilidade de Weibull. Os valores para tempo médio entre falhas (MTBF), tempo médio de reparo (MTTR) e disponibilidade (D) foram respectivamente 13,54 horas, 2,8 horas e 82,8%. O fator de forma mais provável da distribuição de Weibull que modelou o tempo até a falha foi de 1,7685. É possível afirmar que o equipamento está em fase de mortalidade senil. A estratégia de manutenção indicada é a preventiva

    Estratégia de manutenção baseada em funções de confiabilidade para uma evacuadora jumbo / Maintenance strategy based on reliability functions for a jumbo evacuator

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    O objetivo deste artigo foi definir a estratégia de manutenção mais adequada para um equipamento de alta criticidade com base em cálculos de confiabilidade. Foram levantados registros de falhas e dos tempos para reparo do equipamento Evacuadora Jumbo. Estes tempos foram modelados pela função de probabilidade de Weibull. Os valores para tempo médio entre falhas (MTBF), tempo médio de reparo (MTTR) e disponibilidade (D) foram respectivamente 13,54 horas, 2,8 horas e 82,8%. O fator de forma mais provável da distribuição de Weibull que modelou o tempo até a falha foi de 1,7685. É possível afirmar que o equipamento está em fase de mortalidade senil. A estratégia de manutenção indicada é a preventiva


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    Concerns about food quality and safety have grown as cases of disease and food-related scandals increase. To mitigate this problem, organic products have been a solution, as their certification is provided through processes that are less harmful to the environment and consumer health. To understand the main motivations of consumers of organic products, the objective of this study is to demonstrate whether the statistical values of the predictor variables (health concern, signaling trust, and attitude) confirm their purchase intention (dependent variable). To carry out this research, the survey method was used, applying a questionnaire with open and closed questions to 288 respondents, supporting the elaboration of a structural model based on four hypotheses, which were confirmed through statistical calculations. As for the contribution, this work supports the alignment of expectations and preferences of the members of the production chain of organic products


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    Estudo da corrosão das ligas Ni-Cr-Mo para próteses dentárias fixas em solução aquosa de NaF 0,05% , NaCl 0,05% e em colutórios comerciais

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    As ligas Ni-Cr-Mo têm sido usadas como próteses dentárias por possuírem boa resistência mecânica, elevada resistência à corrosão e também por serem economicamente viáveis. A proteção contra a corrosão destas ligas em soluções salinas típicas de meios fisiológicos é devida ao fenômeno de passivação com a formação de uma camada superficial de óxidos, principalmente óxidos de cromo. Este filme protetor submetido a esforços mecânicos num ambiente corrosivo pode se romper parcialmente liberando íons que apresentam efeitos deletérios no corpo humano. Íons fluoreto existentes em produtos de higiene modificam o ambiente bucal e sua presença pode possibilitar o início de um processo corrosivo localizado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a resistência à corrosão de três ligas de Ni-Cr-Mo, de diferentes composições: SC (73% Ni; 14%Cr; 8,5%Mo; 1,8% Be; 1,8%Al), SB (61%Ni; 25%Cr; 10,5%Mo; 1,5%Si) e W (65%Ni; 22,5%Cr; 9,5%Mo; 1,0% Nb; 1,0% Si; 0,5%Fe) em meios contendo fluoretos que simulam as soluções de enxágue bucal. O estudo foi realizado em solução de NaF 0,05 %, NaCl 0,05 % e colutórios comerciais em pH 6,0 a 37ºC, utilizando análise metalográfica, técnica de imersão e ensaios eletroquímicos, . A liga SC, com o maior teor de níquel e o menor teor de cromo não se passiva nos meios estudados apresentando um aumento contínuo na densidade de corrente em função do aumento do potencial, enquanto que as outras ligas apresentam intervalo de passivação de 600 mV e densidade de corrente passiva 10-6 A / cm2. De um modo geral, considerando os ensaios de corrosão por imersão e eletroquímicos, conclui-se que o pior desempenho foi atribuído à liga SC, enquanto que, W e SB apresentaram os melhores desempenhos e comportamentos bastante similares.Ni-Cr-Mo alloys have been used as dental prostheses due their properties such as good mechanical strength, high corrosion resistance and also because they are economically viable. These alloys corrosion protection in salt solutions which are typical of physiological media, is due to the phenomenon called passivation with an oxide superficial layer formation, particularly chromium oxides. This protective film, subjected to mechanical stress in a corrosive environment,can be broken partially releasing ions that have deleterious effects in a human body. Fluoride ions, existent in hygiene products, change the oral environment and their presence may enable the beginning of a localized corrosion process. The objectics this work is to evaluate the corrosion resistance of three Ni-Cr-Mo alloys, of different compositions: SC (73% Ni, 14% Cr, 8.5% Mo, 1.8% Be, 1.8% Al) SB (61% Ni, 25% Cr, 10.5% Mo, 1.5% Si) and W (65% Ni, 22.5% Cr, 9.5% Mo, 1.0% Nb, 1.0% Si, 0.5% Fe) in media containing fluoride which simulate oral rinse solutions. This study has been in solution of 0.05% NaF, NaCl 0.05% and commercial mouthwashes on pH 6.0 at 37 ° C using metallography analyses, immersion techniques, and electrochemical tests, impedance tests and analysis. SC, with the highest nickel and the lowest chromium content, does not passivate in the studied means showing a continuous increase in current density due to increasing potential, while the other alloys exhibit passivation range of 600 mV and passive current density 10-6 A / cm2. In general, considering the immersion and electrochemical corrosion tests, it is concluded that the worst performance has been attributed to the alloy SC, while W and SB have shown the best performance and very similar behaviors.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES