4 research outputs found

    Lipid Profile Changes During the First Year After Kidney Transplantation: Risk Factors and Influence of the Immunosuppressive Drug Regimen

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    Aim. This study analyzed the incidence, time course, and risk factors associated with dyslipidemia during the first year after kidney transplantation among patients receiving various immunosuppressive regimens.Methods. the analysis included 474 kidney transplant recipients receiving cyclosporine (CSA) combined with sirolimus (SRL; n = 137) or mycophenolate (MMF, n = 58) or everolimus (EVR, n = 47); or SRL combined with MMF (n = 32); or tacrolimus (TAC) combined with SRL (n = 86) or MMF (n = 114). All patients received prednisone. We evaluated the influence of demographic features, clinical outcomes, and statin use on lipid profiles during the first year after transplantation. total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), non-HDL-C, TC:HDL-C, LDL-C:HDL-C, TG:HDL-C.Results. Lipid profiles were within the recommended ranges in 28% of patients pretransplantation and in 10% at 1 year; 27% of them received statins. At 1 year, LDL-C 100 mg/dL, almost 70% to 80% had other lipid fractions or ratios within target ranges. A logistic regression analysis showed age, gender, time on dialysis, diabetes, type of calcineurin inhibitor (CSA vs TAC), adjunctive therapy (SRL/EVR vs MMF) and prednisone dose to be associated with dyslipidemia.Conclusion. Dyslipidemia is frequent at 1 year after transplantation. the lack of agreement among changes observed in lipid fractions and ratios suggests that more studies are necessary to guide therapy besides targeting LDL-C concentrations as recommended by current guidelines.Universidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Div Nephrol, Hosp Rim & Hipertensao, BR-04038002 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo UNIFESP, Div Nephrol, Hosp Rim & Hipertensao, BR-04038002 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Alemtuzumab induction in kidney transplant recipients

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    INTRODUCTION: Induction therapy has been used in sensitized patients, re-transplants, and in patients who have high risk to delayed graft function (DGF) after renal transplantation. METHODS: Retrospective study with aim to compare transplant endpoints between recipients of deceased donors which have received induction with alemtuzumab (n = 9) versus thymoglobulin (n = 18). Patients were matched for age, duration of dialysis treatment and cold ischemia time. RESULTS: There were no differences at demographic characteristics. All patients received kidney grafts from deceased donors and 67% of these donors met the expanded criteria. The incidence of DFG was similar in alemtuzumab and thymoglobulin groups, 55% and 56%. At 12 months, rates of rejection free survival (67% versus 89%, p = 0,13), graft survival (62,5% versus 76,6%; p = 0,73), graft with death censored (62,5% versus 76,6%; p = 0,82) and patient survival (83,3% versus 81,2%; p = 0,63) were similar between the two groups. Viral infections and renal function were similar between groups. At the end of the first month, alemtuzumab patients displayed a fewer lymphocyte number (135 ± 78 versus 263 ± 112 N/mm³, p < 0,05) followed by a more rapid recovery after 3 months (day 90: 683 ± 367 versus 282 ± 72 N/mm³; p < 0,05). Cost associated with alemtuzumab and thymoglobulin inductions therapies were R1,388.00andR 1,388.00 and R 7,398.00. CONCLUSION: In this cohort of patients, alemtuzumab induction showed efficacy and safety comparable to thymoglobulin but with significant cost reduction.INTRODUÇÃO: Terapias de indução são usualmente utilizadas em receptores sensibilizados contra antígenos HLA, retransplantes e pacientes com risco de apresentar função tardia do enxerto (FTE). MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo com objetivo de avaliar os desfechos do transplante renal com doador falecido em pacientes que receberam indução com alentuzumabe (n = 9). Os pacientes do grupo controle, pareados conforme idade do receptor, tempo em diálise e tempo de isquemia fria, receberam timoglobulina (n = 18). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença nas características demográficas entre os grupos. A idade média dos receptores foi de 47 anos e dos doadores, de 59 anos. Entre os doadores, 67% apresentavam critério expandido. A incidência de FTE foi de 55% e 56%, respectivamente. Ao final do primeiro ano, não houve diferença nas sobrevidas livre de rejeição aguda comprovada por biópsia (67,0% e 84,6%, p = 0,26), do paciente (83,3% e 81,2%; p = 0,63), do enxerto (62,5% e 66,7%; p = 0,82), do enxerto com óbito censorado (62,5% e 76,6%; p = 0,73) e na função renal (depuração de creatinina: 61,6 ± 18,2 versus 52,7 ± 26,1 mL/min, p = 0,503). Houve maior redução na contagem de linfócitos no sangue periférico no grupo alentuzumabe (dia 14:172 ± 129 versus 390 ± 195 N/mm³, p < 0,05; dia 30: 135 ± 78 versus 263±112 N/mm³, p < 0,05), porém com retorno mais rápido a valores normais após o transplante (dia 90: 683 ± 367 versus 282 ± 72 N/mm³, p < 0,05; dia 360: 1269 ± 806 versus 690±444 N/mm³, p < 0,05). O custo do tratamento com alentuzumabe foi de R1.388,00,enquantoqueocustomeˊdiocomtimoglobulinafoideR 1.388,00, enquanto que o custo médio com timoglobulina foi de R 7.398,00. CONCLUSÃO: Essa experiência com alentuzumabe não demonstrou eficácia e/ou segurança superiores aos regimes com timoglobulina, apesar do custo ser em média cinco vezes menor.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Patologia, Transplante Renal e NefropatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Hospital do Rim e HipertensãoUNIFESP, Depto. de Patologia, Transplante Renal e NefropatologiaSciEL

    Eficácia, tolerabilidade e segurança do uso do sirolimo após o transplante renal Sirolimus efficacy, tolerability, and safety for treatment after kidney transplantation

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    INTRODUÇÃO: Sirolimo (SRL) é um imunossupressor com conhecida eficácia e perfil de segurança na profilaxia da rejeição aguda após o transplante renal. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar eficácia, tolerabilidade e segurança do uso do SRL e de prednisona em associação a ciclosporina (CSA) ou tacrolimo (TAC) após o transplante renal. METODOLOGIA: Estudo retrospectivo de 332 receptores de transplantes renais realizados entre 1999 e 2006. O desfecho primário foi a falha de tratamento, definida como a incidência cumulativa de rejeição aguda confirmada por biópsia (RACB), perda do enxerto, óbito ou descontinuação do SRL. RESULTADOS: Dos 332 transplantes, 92% foram com doador vivo. A média de idade dos receptores foi de 37 anos, sendo 65% homens, 46% brancos e 6% diabéticos. SRL foi associado a CSA ou TAC em 70,8% e 29,2% dos pacientes. A incidência de falha de tratamento foi de 22,2% e de 47,8% no final do primeiro e do quinto ano de transplante, sem diferença entre pacientes recebendo CSA ou TAC. Ao final do quinto ano, as sobrevidas do paciente, do enxerto, do enxerto censorando o óbito e livre de RACB foram de 92,8%, 86,1%, 92,7% e 82,2%, respectivamente. O tratamento com SRL foi interrompido em 27,1% dos pacientes: 22,9% em razão de reações adversas e 3,3% devido à ineficácia. Os principais motivos de suspensão do SRL foram dislipidemia (6,0%), disfunção do enxerto (5,2%), proteinúria (4,5%), infecções (1,5%), dificuldade de cicatrização (1,2%) e anemia (0,9%). CONCLUSÃO: Na população estudada, a eficácia e a segurança do SRL foram semelhantes quando combinado com CSA ou TAC. A tolerabilidade oral foi adequada considerando-se a relativa baixa taxa de interrupção do uso de SRL.<br>INTRODUCTION: Sirolimus (SRL) is an immunosuppressive drug with confirmed efficacy and safety profile in the prophylaxis of acute rejection after renal transplantation. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of SRL and prednisone in combination with cyclosporine (CSA) or tacrolimus (TAC) after renal transplantation. METHODS: Retrospective study of 332 renal transplant recipients from 1999 to 2006. Primary outcome included treatment failure, defined as the cumulative incidence of biopsy-proven acute rejection, graft loss, death, or SRL discontinuation. RESULTS: Living donors were the primary source of kidneys (92%). Regarding the recipients, mean age was 37 years, 65% were males, 46% were white, and the prevalence of diabetes was 6%. Sirolimus was combined with CSA and TAC in 70.8% and 29.2% of patients, respectively. Treatment failure rates at the first and fifth year of transplantation were 22.2% and 47.8%, respectively, without difference between the groups receiving CSA and TAC. At five years, the survival rates were as follows: patient's, 92.8%; graft's, 86.1%; deathcensored graft's, 92.7%; and free from biopsy-proven acute rejection, 82.2%. Treatment with SRL was discontinued in 27.1% of the patients, due to adverse effects (22.9%) and inefficacy (3.3%). The main reasons for SRL discontinuation were as follows: dyslipidemia (6%); graft dysfunction (5.2%); proteinuria (4.5%); infection (1.5%); delayed wound healing (1.2%); and anemia (0.9%). CONCLUSION: In this cohort of patients, SRL efficacy and safety were similar when combined with either CSA or TAC. Oral tolerability was adequate, considering the relatively low SRL discontinuation rate