91 research outputs found


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    O presente artigo discute as diferentes perspectivas teóricas quanto à suposta dualidade no desenvolvimento do Brasil. Assume a posição indicada por Francisco Oliveira, de que a dualidade não se constitui em anomalia do capitalismo brasileiro. É, na verdade, funcional e complementar à reprodução econômica, um modo peculiar de capitalismo tropical. Uma síntese que mistura modernidade e atraso como partes de um mesmo processo. Essa aparente contradição marca também toda a trajetória do desenvolvimento da educação pública no país. A partir da independência de Portugal, as elites dirigentes elegem a educação como instrumento a serviço da construção do projeto de Nação. Deste ponto de vista, a educação escolar é vista como o amálgama necessário à identidade de uma nação ainda sem povo. Os rumos tomados pela escola não se distanciam daqueles tomados pela nação: um projeto ainda inacabado e desde o início marcado por profundas desigualdades


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    Esta reflexão é parte do projeto da pesquisa de doutorado em Artes Visuais em desenvolvimento na Escola de Comunicação e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo - ECA/USP, intitulada “O que se ensina e o que se aprende nas Licenciaturas em Artes Visuais a distância?” e trás os desdobramentos desta investigação no período 2011/2012, com os devidos encaminhamentos das questões surgidas ao longo da pesquisa, que tem como objetivo realizar análise crítica de currículos de formação de profissionais de ensino de Artes Visuais nos cursos de licenciatura em Artes Visuais oferecidos na modalidade a distância. Este trabalho aponta os novos estudos e reflexões acerca das proposições transdisciplinares como base de construção um olhar questionador às práticas em Educação a Distância em Artes Visuais para formação inicial de professores, que se baseie em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem e ocorra, se não total, prioritariamente por EaD. As proposições aqui tratadasnão pretendem ser um fim em si mesmo, mas, ao contrário, se configuram como abertura de um diálogo propositivo acerca da multiplicidade de possibilidades que a visão transdisciplinar agrega à educação em geral e, em especial, às práticas em educação à distância para a formação de profissionais docentes em artes

    Fluency in signs and colors : the watercolor teaching for deaf children

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    This article shows a project developed in a Rehabilitation Research Center, a project which proposes the teaching of watercolor for deaf children. The activities had the aim to practice the technique main aspects, besides the difficulties of the communication between the students and the researcher due to the fact that we are not fluent LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language), what leaded to a challenge and an opportunity of proposing and developing a complete activity and a reflectioninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Perspective Chapter: Endocannabinoids in Renal Physiology - From Tissue Homeostasis to Precision Medicine

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    Body homeostasis is fully dependent on the different physiological systems working together in an orchestrated way. Different hormones, autacoids, and other bioactive molecules are known to play a role in the modulation of such events, either during a normal response to different stimuli or upon any harmful condition that will impact tissue or organ. The kidneys are very important for whole body homeostasis as they are responsible for the control of blood pressure, maintenance of the water compartments volume and composition, detoxification, reabsorption, pH regulation, and even some hormone production. Here we will discuss the ability of cannabinoids (phyto- or endocannabinoids) as modulators of renal physiology, which may open new perspectives for the development of new therapeutic drugs or the discovery of new patterns of endocannabinoids that may be explored as biomarkers for nephropathies or kidney repair toward precision medicine initiatives

    A Deep Learning approach to Case Based Reasoning to the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Cervical Carcinoma

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    Deep Learning (DL) is a new area of Machine Learning research introduced with the objective of moving Machine Learning closer to one of its original goals, i.e., Artificial Intelligence (AI). DL breaks down tasks in ways that makes all kinds of machine assists seem possible, even likely. Better preventive healthcare, even better recommendations, are all here today or on the horizon. However, keeping up the pace of progress will require confronting currently AI’s serious limitations. The last but not the least, Cervical Carcinoma is actuality a critical public health problem. Although patients have a longer survival rate due to early diagnosis and more effective treatment, this disease is still the leading cause of cancer death among women. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to present a DL approach to Case Based Reasoning in order to evaluate and diagnose Cervical Carcinoma using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It will be grounded on a dynamic virtual world of complex and interactive entities that compete against one another in which its aptitude is judged by a single criterion, the Quality of Information they carry and the system’s Degree of Confidence on such a measure, under a fixed symbolic structure

    L-Tyr-Induced Phosphorylation of Tyrosine Hydroxylase at Ser40: An Alternative Route for Dopamine Synthesis and Modulation of Na+/K+-ATPase in Kidney Cells

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    Background/Aims: Dopamine (DA) is a natriuretic hormone that inhibits renal sodium reabsorption, being Angiotensin II (Ang II) its powerful counterpart. These two systems work together to maintain sodium homeostasis and consequently, the blood pressure (BP) within normal limits. We hypothesized that L-tyrosine (L-tyr) or L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-dopa) could inhibit the Na+/K+-ATPase activity. We also evaluated whether L-tyr treatment modulates Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH). Methods: Experiments involved cultured LLCPK1 cells treated with L-tyr or L-dopa for 30 minutes a 37°C. In experiments on the effect of Dopa Descarboxylase (DDC) inhibition, cells were pre incubated for 15 minutes with 3-Hydroxybenzylhydrazine dihydrochloride (HBH), and them L-dopa was added for 30 minutes. Na+/K+-ATPase activity was quantified colorimetrically. We used immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry to identify the enzymes TH, DDC and the dopamine receptor D1R in LLCPK1 cells. TH activity was accessed by immunoblotting (increase in the phosphorylation). TH and DDC activities were also evaluated by the modulation of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity, which can be ascribed to the synthesis of dopamine. Results: LLCPK1 cells express the required machinery for DA synthesis: the enzymes TH, and (DDC) as well as its receptor D1R, were detected in control steady state cells. Cells treated with L-tyr or L-dopa showed an inhibition of the basolateral Na+/K+-ATPase activity. We can assume that DA formed in the cytoplasm from L-tyr or L-dopa led to inhibition of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity compared to control. L-tyr treatment increases TH phosphorylation at Ser40 by 100%. HBH, a specific DDC inhibitor; BCH, a LAT2 inhibitor; and Sch 23397, a specific D1R antagonist, totally suppressed the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity due to L-dopa or L-tyr administration, as indicated in the figures. Conclusion: The results indicate that DA formed mainly from luminal L-tyr or L-dopa uptake by LAT2, can inhibit the Na+/K+-ATPase. In addition, our results showed for the very first time that TH activity is also significantly increased when the cells were exposed to L-tyr

    Turismo comunitário a partir de experiências brasileiras, chilenas e costarriquenha

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    CT is a strategy for traditional populations to lead their own lifestyles, independently of their degree of deculturalization in the face of the industrial urban societies hegemony and, therefore, it consists in an alternative to the consumer-materialistic lifestyle. Based on Latin American experiences, the objective of this article is to refine, or, even better, to justify the concept CT. Populations involved in these experiences, especially traditional ones, have a context of historical disadvantages. These experiences are not resumed to a new heterodox tourism alternative although they allow one to think about a new economy, the ecosocioeconomy, through a new rationality, which has been happening in domiciles, productive groups and communities, where problems and solutions occur and rarely are properly qualified. It is concluded that CT is a theory conceived from the experiences, the everyday complexities, the contradictions inherent to the pragmatic change pursued in the face of the economic utilitarianism limitations, although its implementation, many times, does not happen at the desired pace. The challenge is to preserve the communitarian logic of these experiences, without, at the same time, losing the communities' own dynamics as these get inserted into the market.El turismo comunitario es una estrategia para las poblaciones tradicionales, sin importar el grado de distorsión delante de la hegemonía de sociedades industriales urbanas, son los protagonistas de sus propios estilos de vida, lo que es una alternativa posible a la forma de vida materialista, consumista. El propósito de esto artículo es justificar y refinar más bien el concepto de turismo comunitario de las experiencias de América Latina. Estos, a su vez, están comprendidos en el contexto de desventajas históricas, poblaciones principalmente tradicionales. Como resultado de la investigación, estos ensayos no se resumen en un turismo alternativo heterodoxo nuevo, pero piensa en los experimentos que permiten a una nueva economía, es decir, el ecossocioeconomía, a través de otra racionalidad y lo que ocurre en casa, en grupos productivos y de las comunidades, donde los problemas y sus soluciones pasan, y están calificados en pocas ocasiones. Se concluye que el turismo comunitario es una teoría diseñada a partir de los ensayos, las complejidades de la vida cotidiana, las contradicciones inherentes al cambio de paradigma que se desea cuando se consideran las limitaciones del utilitarismo económico, y que a menudo no ocurre desgraciadamente en la velocidad que desee. El desafío se plantea, cómo preservar la lógica de estos experimentos turismo comunitario comunitario sin perder su propia dinámica en la ocasión que se incluya en la economía de mercado.O turismo comunitário é uma estratégia para que populações tradicionais, independente do grau de descaracterização frente à hegemonia das sociedades urbanas industriais, sejam protagonistas de seus modos de vida próprios, tornando-se uma alternativa possível ao modo de vida materialista-consumista. O objetivo deste artigo é refinar ou, melhor, justificar o conceito de turismo comunitário a partir de experiências latinoamericanas. Estas, por sua vez, se enquadram num contexto de desvantagens históricas, principalmente de populações tradicionais. Como resultado da pesquisa, essas experimentações não se resumem em uma nova alternativa heterodoxa de turismo, e sim de experimentações que possibilitam pensar uma nova economia, ou seja, a ecossocioeconomia, por via de uma outra racionalidade e que vem acontecendo nos domicílios, nos grupos produtivos e nas comunidades, onde os problemas e suas soluções acontecem, e raramente são devidamente qualificados. Conclui-se que o turismo comunitário é uma teoria pensada a partir das experimentações, das complexidades do cotidiano, das contradições inerentes à mudança paradigmática que se deseja quando se pensa nas limitações do utilitarismo econômico e que, muitas vezes, não se dá infelizmente na velocidade que se deseja. O desafio se coloca, como preservar a lógica comunitária dessas experiências de turismo comunitário sem perder sua dinâmica própria na ocasião que se inserem na economia de mercado

    VizLattes: a tool for relevance analysis from scientific co-authorship networks

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    Social network data typically carry attribute information associated with the individuals and to their relationships. Such interconnected information can be useful to identify groups of individuals sharing common attribute properties and also to investigate the behaviour of particular individuals in a global network scenario. Different approaches have been introduced to extract and identify information of interest in social networks, and community identification is one of them. Some methods focus on identifying groups or communities of individuals based on their relationships, while others try to identify groups of individuals based on the common information they share. Integrating both approaches is not straightforward, as different mathematical and computational must be implemented and integrated into a unified framework. In this paper we approach this problem and propose a new method to identify underlying communities in a network, while highlighting the information shared by their components. Our solution relies on a single unified mathematical method. As a proof-of-concept, we have applied the proposed method to scientific co-authorship networks extracted from the wellknown Lattes Platform made available by CNPq, the Brazilian national science funding agency. We use textual information on the co-authors and their papers as focus attributes. We show that the method supports both community detection and also the identification of thematic paths, underlying topics and relevant authors characterizing distinct academic communities. The results presented show that this approach can be quite useful for exploration and understanding of academic collaboration networks.CAPESCNPqFAPES