399 research outputs found
The effectiveness of the use of various methods of shock wave therapy in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis
The purpose of the study: to evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of shock wave therapy in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis.Materials and methods: the study involved 122 people. with a diagnosis of Lateral epicondylitis, aged 20 to 45 years, of which 55 (45.1 %) women and 67 (54.9 %) men. All patients were divided into 4 groups: a control group, which included 28 people who underwent standard treatment, and 3 groups, a total of 94 people, who underwent shock wave procedures using various methods against the background of standard treatment. The examination included the collection of complaints, anamnesis, physical examination, assessment of the function of the upper limb using the QuickDASH questionnaire, assessment of tennis elbow using the PRTEE questionnaire, carpal dynamometry was performed on a MEGEON-34090 dynamometer, and statistical methods. All studies were conducted before, after treatment, as well as after 3 weeks and 1 month. after treatment.Results: shockwave therapy applied to tendons, flexors of the hand, and triceps brachii outperformed shockwaves to tendons or tendons and flexors of the hand in terms of Upper Limb Functional Activity (DASH) (p < 0,05) and score tennis elbow (PRTEE) (p < 0,05) after 3 weeks and after 1 month after treatment.Conclusion: reducing the severity of pain syndrome and functional disorders of the upper limb when performing various types of activities, when conducting shock wave therapy on the area of the tendons, flexor muscles of the hand and the triceps muscle of the shoulder indicates a faster recovery of the functions of the upper limb, which is especially important for athletes
Development of Hydrometallurgical Process of Non-Ferrous and Rare Metals Recovery from Untraditional Mineral Raw Materials and Natural Brines
In connection with gradual lowering of supplies of tradit- ional ore raw materials involving non-ferrous and rare metals, winch is treated by well-known technologies, invo-lving into the production of untraditional, secondary and technogeneous raw materials appears to be actual task
Lateral epicondylitis: tendinitis or tendinosis?
Lateral epicondylitis is a common pathology of the musculoskeletal system resulting from repeated microtrauma of the extensor muscles of the forearm and their tendons. Lateral epicondylitis was previously thought to be tendinitis, which is an inflammatory reaction in the tendon. However, histopathologically, it has been shown to be low in inflammatory elements: macrophages and neutrophils. Thus, it is now believed that this pathology is a tendinosis, which is defined as a degenerative rather than an inflammatory process
Shock wave therapy evaluation in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of shock wave therapy in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis in comparison with standard methods of treatment.Materials and methods: On outpatient treatment in the period from 2019 to 2022. There were 168 athletes diagnosed with Lateral epicondylitis, including 78 women (46.4 %) and 90 men (53.6 %) aged 20 to 45 years. The mean age of the patients was 31.48 ± 6.72 years. The average duration of the disease was 33.68 ± 28.17 days. To achieve the set goals and objectives, a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted. We used a clinical examination of patients, a study of carpal dynamometry of the affected arm, an assessment of the level of pain and quality of life using the QuickDash and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) scales, statistical research methods, as well as the use of standard treatment for lateral epicondylitis and radial shock wave therapy with an assessment of effectiveness one month after treatment.Results: shock wave therapy in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis, compared with standard methods of treatment, improved the quality of life and reduced pain three weeks after the start of treatment and has a more pronounced effect in the long term (p < 0.05); allowed to reduce the intensity of the signal from the bone tissue (trabecular edema) according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging.Conclusion: the expediency of using shock wave therapy in the complex treatment of athletes with lateral epicondylitis is substantiated, which makes it possible to recommend its use in practical healthcare
Исследование олеогеля на основе компонентов Helianthus annuus L. и Rosmarinus officinalis L. в качестве фритюрного жира
The aim of this study was to study the oxidation resistance and functional properties of oleogels based on high oleic oil and wax from Helianthus annuus L. with the addition of a natural complex antioxidant — an extract from Rosmarinus officinalis L. and lecithin from Helianthus annuus L. — when used as a frying medium for French-fries. High oleic sunflower oil was structured into an oleogel with sunflower wax at a dosage of 5%. Studies were carried out to determine the possibility of replacing the synthetic antioxidant tert-butylhydroquinone at a dosage of 200 mg/kg with a natural antioxidant based on rosemary extract and sunflower lecithin in an oleogel with a defoamer. It was determined that the introduction of sunflower wax increased the induction period of high-oleic sunflower oil by 1.6 times, and the additional introduction of defoamer and antioxidants increased this figure by 1.8–2 times. The rate of accumulation of oxidation products in oil, which is characterized by the level of total polar materials, decreased when wax and antioxidants were added. The degree of thermal oxidation most quickly reached the limit value in oil without additives; in oleogels, it significantly decreased. The introduction of sunflower wax into oil contributed to a noticeable decrease in the absorption of oil by potatoes: fried in oleogel, it absorbed 34–38% less oil than fried in oil without additives. The addition of 0.07% rosemary extract with sunflower lecithin to the oleogel increased the operating time of frying oil by at least 2 times, approximately the same as that of the oleogel with tert-butylhydroquinone. This makes it possible to replace the synthetic antioxidant in deepfrying oleogel with natural rosemary extract with sunflower lecithin. The developed oleogel is a frying oil that has a longer service life and allows you to get fried products with a lower amount of fat.Целью настоящего исследования являлось изучение устойчивости к окислению и функциональных свойств олеогелей на основе высокоолеинового масла и воска из Helianthus annuus L. с вводом натурального комплексного антиокислителя — экстракта из Rosmarinus officinalis L. и лецитина из Helianthus annuus L. — при использовании их в качестве жарочной среды для картофеля-фри. Высокоолеиновое подсолнечное масло было структурировано в олеогель подсолнечным воском в дозировке 5%. Проводили исследования по определению возможности замены синтетического антиокислителя трет-бутилгидрохинона в дозировке 200 мг/кг на натуральный антиокислитель на основе экстракта розмарина и подсолнечного лецитина в олеогеле с пеногасителем. Было определено, что внесение подсолнечного воска увеличило индукционный период высокоолеинового подсолнечного масла в 1.6 раза, а дополнительный ввод пеногасителя и антиокислителей увеличил данный показатель уже в 1.8–2 раза. Скорость накопления продуктов окисления в масле, характеризующаяся уровнем общих полярных веществ, при внесении воска и антиокислителей снижалась. Степень термического окисления быстрее всех достигла предельного значения в масле без добавок, в олеогелях она заметно снижалась. Введение в масло подсолнечного воска способствовало заметному снижению впитываемости масла картофелем: обжаренный в олеогеле, он впитывал на 34–38% меньше масла, чем обжаренный в масле без добавок. Внесение в олеогель 0.07% экстракта розмарина с подсолнечным лецитином увеличивало время эксплуатации фритюрного жира не менее чем в 2 раза примерно также, как и у олеогеля с трет-бутилгидрохиноном. Это дает возможность произвести замену синтетического антиокислителя в олеогеле для фритюра на натуральный экстракт розмарина с подсолнечным лецитином. Разработанный олеогель является фритюрным жиром, имеющим более длительный срок эксплуатации и позволяющим получать обжаренные продукты с более низким количеством жира
In the article features morphological changes in the wall of the abdominal part of esophagus are described at two forms of its tumoral leasions: the squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma.В статье описаны особенности морфологических изменений в стенке абдоминального отдела пищевода при двух формах его опухолевого поражения: плоско- клеточном раке и аденокарциноме.
Influence of Thermal Stabilization for Accuracy Optical Measurements Based on the Phenomenon of Surface Plasmon Resonance
Розглянуто механізми впливу температури на результати оптичних вимірювань, які базуються на явищі
поверхневого плазмонного резонансу. З’ясовано, що похибка результату вимірювання зумовлена впливом тем-ператури на показник заломлення досліджуваних речовин та елементи оптичної схеми вимірювального облад-нання. Експериментально продемонстровано вплив термостабілізації вимірювального обладнання на відхилен-ня результату оптичних вимірювань. ; We
considered the mechanisms of the effect of temperature on the results of optical measurements ba sed on the
phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance. It is found that the error of the measurement results due to the influence of
temperature on the refractive index of the test substances and the elements of the optical scheme of measuring
equipment. Experimental demonstrate the influence of thermal stabilization of the measuring equipment to reject the
results of optical measurements
Robust cryogenic matched low-pass coaxial filters for quantum computing applications
Electromagnetic noise is one of the key external factors decreasing
superconducting qubits coherence. Matched coaxial filters can prevent microwave
and IR photons negative influence on superconducting quantum circuits. Here, we
report on design and fabrication route of matched low-pass coaxial filters for
noise-sensitive measurements at milliKelvin temperatures. A robust transmission
coefficient with designed linear absorption (-1dB/GHz) and ultralow reflection
losses less than -20 dB up to 20 GHz is achieved. We present a mathematical
model for evaluating and predicting filters transmission parameters depending
on their dimensions. It is experimentally approved on two filters prototypes
different lengths with compound of Cu powder and Stycast commercial resin
demonstrating excellent matching. The presented design and assembly route are
universal for various compounds and provide high repeatability of geometrical
and microwave characteristics. Finally, we demonstrate three filters with
almost equal reflection and transmission characteristics in the range from 0 to
20 GHz, which is quite useful to control multiple channel superconducting
quantum circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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