645 research outputs found

    The method of checking equations for energy resources flows data validating

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    The development of energy resources flows verifying methods is aimed primarily at automatic energy accounting systems improvement. Creation of the hi-technology energy resources metering and accounting systems supports the practical application of the total energy efficiency concept and enables the financial mutual settlements between the parties to be improved. The paper presents an advanced mathematical method of checking equations (CE) for monitoring the validity of metering data in the energy transportation networks. The analysis of CE mismatches allows all the measurements of any energy resource flows to be divided into four groups: true, false, uncertain and untestable (critical). The method proposed in the paper gives an opportunity to detect bad data and its source. Also, it provides for a bad data filtering at the stage of data acquisition. © 2013, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    A mathematical method of energy resources flows data validating using the state estimation theory

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    The energy efficiency improvement is known to start with creating the hi-technology energy resources metering and accounting system which enables the financial mutual settlements between the parties to be improved. With data errors or data loss due to any process failures, the financial consequences may turn out to be severe. As a rule, currently existing methods for energy billing imply a posteriori detection of gross errors in the measurements, which often leads to heated arguments of the parties involved and sometimes results in litigation. The paper presents a mathematical method for monitoring the validity of metering data in the energy transportation networks. The method proposed in the paper gives an opportunity to improve the reliability of measurements of energy, to smoothen inaccurate measurements and slight inconsistencies. Also, it provides for a bad data filtering at the stage of data acquisition. Taking into account developing the production infrastructure and increasing attention being paid to energy efficiency, the methodology is very promising. © 2012, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved

    Measurement of the η\eta -η\eta' mixing angle in π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams with GAMS-4π4\pi Setup

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    The results of mixing angle measurement for η\eta', η\eta mesons generated in charge exchange reactions with π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams are preseneted. When the η\eta', η\eta mesons are described in nonstrange(NS)--strange(S) quark basis the π\pi^{-} and KK^{-} beams allow to study ηq>|\eta_{q}> and ηs>|\eta_{s}> parts of the meson wave function. The cross section ratio at t=0t'=0 (GeV/c)2^{2} in the π\pi^{-} beam is Rπ(η/η)=0.56±0.04R_{\pi}(\eta'/\eta)= 0.56 \pm 0.04, results in mixing angle ϕP=(36.8±1.)o\phi_{P} = (36.8 \pm 1.)^{o} . For KK^{-} beam the ratio is RK(η/η)=1.30±0.16R_{K}(\eta'/\eta)= 1.30 \pm 0.16. It was found that gluonium content in η\eta' is sin2ψG=0.15±0.06\sin^{2}\psi_{G}= 0.15 \pm 0.06. The experiment was carried out with GAMS-4π\pi Setup.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, to be submitted in European physical journal C. Minor changes, the Bibliography extende

    Distributed automatic control of technological processes in conditions of weightlessness

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    Some problems associated with the automatic control of liquid metal and plasma systems under conditions of weightlessness are examined, with particular reference to the problem of stability of liquid equilibrium configurations. The theoretical fundamentals of automatic control of processes in electrically conducting continuous media are outlined, and means of using electromagnetic fields for simulating technological processes in a space environment are discussed

    An experience of distant consumers power supply by means of the renewables given specific conditions

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    Local renewable energy resources (RES) are often considered as an alternative to the conventional power supply by means of power lines. This is an urgent approach for rural electrification if there are long distances from main substations, and distribution feeders’ construction and service is not cost-effective for grid companies. Nevertheless, the real potential for RES implementation at some regions could be limited by economic, geographical and climatic factors especially. The paper gives a review of the experience of power supply type selection for distant consumers given the specific northern continental conditions. The main goal of the paper is the methods estimating technical and economical efficiency of power supply system alternatives including centralized power supply and standalone microgrid implementation to select suitable power supply variant. © 2016, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ). All rights reserved.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: 13.1928.2014/KThe work was supported by Act 211 Government of the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006 and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (in the framework of state assignment, №13.1928.2014/K (project №1928))

    Влияние примесей, содержащихся в топливе и воздухе, на сульфидную коррозию лопаток турбины газотурбинных двигателей

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    In the process of improving gas turbine engines (GTE), increasing the resource and efficiency, there is a constant increase in temperature and pressure of the working fluid. Turbine elements are subjected to high thermomechanical loads and continuous exposure from the aggressive environment. These impacts are especially significant for the working blades of the first stages of the turbine, located in the area of the highest temperatures. One of the most serious types of damage in this case is the corrosive effect on the working blade from the combustion gases entering the flow part of the turbine. The TS-1 fuel used on an aircraft contains sulfur compounds in its composition – elemental sulfur and mercaptans, which in the combustion process, together with sodium and potassium in the air, leads to an aggressive effect on the material of the turbine blade. To ensure the long-term operation of the turbine blades of the turbine at the gas temperature at the turbine inlet up to 800...850 ℃, the content of these products in both fuel and air is limited according to the regulatory and technical documentation. However, it is not yet possible to exclude them completely. The presence of sulfur compounds on the turbine blades of the GTE causes sulfide corrosion. Therefore, the article considers the influence of impurities in fuel and air on the process of sulfide corrosion of the turbine blades material of the turbine. The mechanism of sulfur dissolution in metal oxides or protective coating is presented, as well as the diffusion of sulfur oxide from the coating surface into its depth. The reason for the influence of sodium chloride contained in the air on the corrosion of nickel alloy or the protective coating applied on it has been established. The influence of vanadium in the fuel on the corrosion rate is given. In order to increase the efficiency of the turbine blades when exposed to such an aggressive environment, it is proposed to use a new coating formed from an aqueous suspension and allowing the introduction of chromium into the coating, which provides a higher durability of such a coating in comparison with serial aluminide coatings. The introduction of chromium is ensured by an exothermic reaction occurring during the formation of the coating during heat treatment.В процессе совершенствования газотурбинных двигателей (ГТД), повышения ресурса и коэффициента полезного действия (КПД) происходит постоянный рост температуры и давления рабочего тела. Элементы турбиныподвергаются высоким термомеханическим нагрузкам и непрерывному воздействию со стороны агрессивной среды. Эти воздействия особенно существенны для рабочих лопаток первых ступеней турбины ГТД, находящихся в области наиболее высоких температур. Один из самых серьезных видов повреждений в данном случае – коррозионное воздействие на рабочую лопатку со стороны газовых продуктов сгорания, поступающих в проточную часть турбины. Применяемое на воздушном судне (ВС) топливо ТС-1 содержит в своем составе сернистые соединения –элементарную серу и меркаптаны, что в процессе сгорания совместно с находящимися в воздухе натрием и калием приводит к агрессивному воздействию на материал рабочей лопатки турбины ГТД. Для обеспечения длительной работы лопаток турбины ГТД при температуре газа на входе в турбину до 800…850 ℃ содержание данных продуктов как в топливе, так и в воздухе, согласно нормативно технической документации, ограничивают. Однако исключить их полностью пока нет возможности. Присутствие соединений серы на лопатках турбины ГТД вызывает протекание сульфидной коррозии. Поэтому в статье рассматривается влияние примесей в топливе и воздухе на процесс протекания сульфидной коррозии материала лопаток турбины ГТД. Представлен механизм растворения серы в оксидах металла или защитного покрытия, а также диффузия оксида серы с поверхности покрытия в его глубь. Установлена причина влияния содержащегося в воздухе хлористого натрия на коррозию никелевого сплава или применяемого на нем защитного покрытия. Приводится влияние находящегося в топливе ванадия на скорость коррозии. С целью увеличения работоспособности рабочих лопаток турбины ГТД при воздействии такой агрессивной среды предлагается применение нового покрытия, формируемого из водной суспензии и позволяющего ввести в состав покрытия хром, что обеспечивает более высокую долговечность такого покрытия в сравнении с серийными алюминидными покрытиями. Введение хрома обеспечивается за счет экзотермической реакции, протекающей в процессе формирования покрытия при термической обработке

    On the possibility of observing tetraquarks in the K+ beam

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    Various models of tetraquark generation in the reaction K+pT(us;sˉsˉ)XK^{+} p \rightarrow T (us; \bar{s}\bar{s})X are considered. The predictions for corresponding inclusive spectra were evaluated at the energy 32 and 250 GeV.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, 22 ref