1,883 research outputs found

    Orion Routing Protocol for Delay-Tolerant Networks

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    In this paper, we address the problem of efficient routing in delay tolerant network. We propose a new routing protocol dubbed as ORION. In ORION, only a single copy of a data packet is kept in the network and transmitted, contact by contact, towards the destination. The aim of the ORION routing protocol is twofold: on one hand, it enhances the delivery ratio in networks where an end-to-end path does not necessarily exist, and on the other hand, it minimizes the routing delay and the network overhead to achieve better performance. In ORION, nodes are aware of their neighborhood by the mean of actual and statistical estimation of new contacts. ORION makes use of autoregressive moving average (ARMA) stochastic processes for best contact prediction and geographical coordinates for optimal greedy data packet forwarding. Simulation results have demonstrated that ORION outperforms other existing DTN routing protocols such as PRoPHET in terms of end-to-end delay, packet delivery ratio, hop count and first packet arrival

    GEAMS: a Greedy Energy-Aware Multipath Stream-based Routing Protocol for WMSNs

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    Because sensor nodes operate on power limited batteries, sensor functionalities have to be designed carefully. In particular, designing energy-efficient packet forwarding is important to maximize the lifetime of the network and to minimize the power usage at each node. This paper presents a Geographic Energy-Aware Multipath Stream-based (GEAMS) routing protocol for WMSNs. GEAMS routing decisions are made online, at each forwarding node in such a way that there is no need to global topology knowledge and maintenance. GEAMS routing protocol performs load-balancing to minimize energy consumption among nodes using twofold policy: (1) smart greedy forwarding and (2) walking back forwarding. Performances evaluations of GEAMS show that it can maximize the network lifetime and guarantee quality of service for video stream transmission in WMSNs

    Percaruncular single injection peribulbar anaesthesia in patients with axial myopia for phacoemulsification

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    AbstractBackgroundMyopia has been identified as a risk factor for globe perforation during regional anaesthesia for cataract surgery. We conducted this study to evaluate efficacy of single injection percaruncular peribulbar anaesthesia for phacoemulsification in patients with axial myopia.MethodsEighty patients with axial myopia received percaruncular peribulbar anaesthesia and were evaluated for incidence of major or minor complications. Also surgeon and patients’ satisfaction and their comment on operative conditions were noted.ResultsOf the 80 patients 51 patients had posterior staphylomas. About three quarters of the patients developed adequate akinesia in 10min. Remaining 25% received second injection with the same technique but with less volume after which the percent of patients with adequate akinesia rose to 91%. Adequate analgesia developed in almost all patients and only in one patient, intravenous analgesia was necessary to complete the operation. All operations were completed uneventfully. No perforations or penetrations were recorded and no other major complications were encountered. About 97% of the surgeons and 96% of the patients found the operative conditions satisfactory.ConclusionUsing single injection percaruncular peribulbar local anaesthesia for phacoemulsification in patients with axial myopia is an effective technique

    Beamforming management and beam training in 5G system

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    Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) antenna system with beamforming technique is an integral part of upcoming 5G new radio (NR) system. For the upcoming deployment of 5G NR system in both stand-alone (SA) and non-stand-alone (NSA) structure, beamforming plays an important role to achieve its key features and meet the estimated requirement. To be employed with massive MIMO antenna structure, beamforming will allow 5G system to serve several users at a time with better throughput and spectral usage. Beamforming will also minimize the path loss due to high susceptibility of millimetre wave and provide beamforming gain. For a wide range of benefit scheme, beamforming is currently a hot topic regarding the deployment of 5G. With the advantage of both analog and digital beamforming, hybrid beamforming structure can provide better system benchmark performance in terms of cost and flexibility. Switched beam training and adaptive beam training approaches and algorithms are developed in order to reduce training time, signalling overhead and misdetection probability. Some of the approaches and algorithm are addressed in this thesis. Beamforming management ensures the initiation and sustainability of the established link between transmitter and receiver through different processes. Beam tracking helps to keep track of the receiver devices during mobility. As beamforming is related to antenna configuration, near-field spherical wave front incident problem was ignored, and all the references and examples presented in this topic was obtained with a far-field propagation perspective. To avoid mutual coupling between antenna elements and grating lobe problems in antenna radiation pattern, each element is separated by half of the wavelength. This thesis paper aims to provide a broader view into beamforming scenario, starting from the basics of beamforming to training the beams and management aspects in the hardware part of 5G structure. Another goal is to present the necessity of beamforming in a 5G system by stating different benefits scheme such as spatial diversity, interference suppression, energy efficiency, spectral efficiency and so on. These benefits are justified by evaluating various research paper and MATLAB simulations

    Use of the TOPSIS technique to choose the best supplier of quarry natural aggregate

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    Purpose. All over the world, natural substance – the most consumed after water – is the aggregate. The aim of this paper is to select the best supplier of Quarry Natural Aggregate (QNA). Methods. Selection of the best supplier of QNA is performed using the TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) approach, and the method of weights based on ordinal ranking of criteria, and Lagrange multiplier. Findings. In this article, the proposed Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach helps the decision maker(s) to choose the best supplier of QNA amongst the considered and evaluated suppliers. Originality. During negotiation with suppliers, many are the decision makers which only attach an importance at two criteria (unit price and quality, or unit price and delivery time). Thereby, other criteria are not taken into account. Consequently, supplier selection would become not-efficient. The originality of this work is based on the multi-criteria approach to choose the best supplier of QNA. Practical implications. The efficient choice of the best supplier of QNA represents a practical and economical value for the enterprises of the civil engineering, public works, railway and hydraulic works.Мета. Обґрунтування та вибір оптимального постачальника кар’єрного щебню як природного заповнювача на основі використання багатокритеріального методу. Методика. Вибір найкращого постачальника кар’єрного природного заповнювача здійснювався за допомогою багатокритеріального методу аналізу варіантів за ступенем близькості до оптимального (TOPSIS) і методу вагових коефіцієнтів на основі порядкового ранжирування критеріїв та множника Лагранжа. Результати. Підхід, що описується в статті, заснований на багатокритеріальному прийнятті рішень і дозволяє обрати кращого постачальника природного заповнювача серед наявних та розглянутих на ринку компаній. В якості ілюстрації запропонована методологія застосована до чисельного прикладу. Це дозволило визначити вагу впливових на оцінку критеріїв, оцінку значень характеристик кожного розглянутого постачальника QNA, встановлення рейтингу розглянутих постачальників QNA і вибір альтернативи {a4} в якості кращого постачальника QNA. Наукова новизна. Вперше для вибору оптимального постачальника природного заповнювача крім факторів ціни і якості встановлено характер впливу на загальну оцінку також ряду інших факторів: вартість транспортування, транспортна відстань, час доставки, гарантійна політика й рівень відхилення. У даній роботі вперше пропонується багатокритеріальний підхід до вибору оптимального постачальника природного заповнювача кар’єра. Практична значимість. Ефективний вибір постачальника природного заповнювача кар’єра важливий з практичної та економічної точок зору для підприємств у галузі цивільного будівництва, громадських робіт, залізниці та гідротехнічних споруд.Цель. Обоснование и выбор оптимального поставщика карьерного щебня как природного заполнителя на основе использования многокритериального метода. Методика. Выбор лучшего поставщика карьерного природного заполнителя осуществлялся с помощью многокритериального метода анализа вариантов по степени близости к оптимальному (TOPSIS) и метода весовых коэффициентов на основе порядкового ранжирования критериев и множителя Лагранжа. Результаты. Подход, описываемый в статье, основан на многокритериальном принятии решений и позволяет выбрать лучшего поставщика природного заполнителя среди имеющихся и рассматриваемых на рынке компаний. В качестве иллюстрации предложенная методология применена к числовому примеру. Это позволило определить вес влияющих на оценку критериев, оценку значений характеристик каждого рассматриваемого поставщика QNA, установление рейтинга рассматриваемых поставщиков QNA и выбор альтернативы {a4} в качестве лучшего поставщика QNA. Научная новизна. Впервые для выбора оптимального поставщика природного заполнителя кроме факторов цены и качества установлен характер влияния на общую оценку также ряда других факторов: стоимость транспортирования, транспортное расстояние, время доставки, гарантийная политика и уровень отклонения. В данной работе впервые предлагается многокритериальный подход к выбору оптимального поставщика природного заполнителя карьера. Практическая значимость. Эффективный выбор поставщика природного заполнителя карьера важен с практической и экономической точек зрения для предприятий в области гражданского строительства, общественных работ, железной дороги и гидротехнических сооружений.The authors thank all the colleagues which have contributed to the realization of this research work

    Organization of Multi-Agent Systems: An Overview

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    In complex, open, and heterogeneous environments, agents must be able to reorganize towards the most appropriate organizations to adapt unpredictable environment changes within Multi-Agent Systems (MAS). Types of reorganization can be seen from two different levels. The individual agents level (micro-level) in which an agent changes its behaviors and interactions with other agents to adapt its local environment. And the organizational level (macro-level) in which the whole system changes it structure by adding or removing agents. This chapter is dedicated to overview different aspects of what is called MAS Organization including its motivations, paradigms, models, and techniques adopted for statically or dynamically organizing agents in MAS.Comment: 12 page


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    As electronics become smaller and more capable, it has become possible to conduct meaningful and sophisticated satellite missions in a small form factor. However, the capability of small satellites and the range of possible applications are limited by the capabilities of several technologies, including attitude determination and control systems. This dissertation evaluates the use of image-based visual attitude propagation as a compliment or alternative to other attitude determination technologies that are suitable for miniature satellites. The concept lies in using miniature cameras to track image features across frames and extracting the underlying rotation. The problem of visual attitude propagation as a small satellite attitude determination system is addressed from several aspects: related work, algorithm design, hardware and performance evaluation, possible applications, and on-orbit experimentation. These areas of consideration reflect the organization of this dissertation. A “stellar gyroscope” is developed, which is a visual star-based attitude propagator that uses relative motion of stars in an imager’s field of view to infer the attitude changes. The device generates spacecraft relative attitude estimates in three degrees of freedom. Algorithms to perform the star detection, correspondence, and attitude propagation are presented. The Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) approach is applied to the correspondence problem to successfully pair stars across frames while mitigating false-positive and false-negative star detections. This approach provides tolerance to the noise levels expected in using miniature optics and no baffling, and the noise caused by radiation dose on orbit. The hardware design and algorithms are validated using test images of the night sky. The application of the stellar gyroscope as part of a CubeSat attitude determination and control system is described. The stellar gyroscope is used to augment a MEMS gyroscope attitude propagation algorithm to minimize drift in the absence of an absolute attitude sensor. The stellar gyroscope is a technology demonstration experiment on KySat-2, a 1-Unit CubeSat being developed in Kentucky that is in line to launch with the NASA ELaNa CubeSat Launch Initiative. It has also been adopted by industry as a sensor for CubeSat Attitude Determination and Control Systems (ADCS)


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    This thesis addresses the problem of designing and evaluating passive satellite attitude control systems for small satellites. Passive stabilization techniques such as Gravity Gradient stabilization, Passive Magnetic Stabilization, and Aerodynamic stabilization in Low Earth Orbit utilize the geometric and magnetic design of a satellite and the orbit properties to passively provide attitude stabilization and basic pointing. The design of such stabilization systems can be done using a high fidelity simulation of the satellite and the environmental effects in the orbit under consideration to study the on-orbit behavior and the effectiveness of the stability system in overcoming the disturbance torques. The Orbit Propagator described in this thesis is developed to include models for orbit parameters, Gravity Gradient torque, Aerodynamic Torque, Magnetic Torque, and Magnetic Hysteresis Material for angular rate damping. Aerodynamic stabilization of a three-unit CubeSat with deployable side panels in a “shuttlecock” design is studied in detail. Finally, the Passive Magnetic Stabilization system of KySat-1, a one-unit CubeSat, is also described in detail and the simulation results are shown