882 research outputs found

    A computer model for the study of light water reactor fuel pin behaviour

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    The role of entrepreneurship in tourism industry development

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    In today's world, both in developed countries and in developing countries the biggest issues for every industry, every organization are individual thinking and creativity of entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial thinking led ultimately to eliminate unemployment and social ills. Entrepreneurial thinking is the key to economic growth and development of any country. In recent years, governments of various countries have actively encouraged entrepreneurial thinking because promotion and development of the nation depended on them. So, today, all organizations, companies and communities are trying to understand this process, and it should be implemented. Like other industries, the tourism industry must be able to clearly understand the requirements of the process, tools and resources and get resources and opportunities to the entrepreneur and entrepreneurs. Accordingly, thread tourism, as part of entrepreneurship and promotion of the economic development of one of the axes is important. Therefore, first, we have to get a little familiar with the tourism industry and entrepreneurship, and the next step is making the relationship between these two and generate wealth

    Commutative Nil-Neat Group Rings

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    Let R be a ring and G a group. We establish a rather curious necessary and sufficient condition for the commutative group ring RG to be nil-neat only in terms of R,G and their sections. This somewhat extends two recent results established by McGovern et al. in (J. Algebra Appl., 2015) and by Udar et al. in (Commun. Algebra, 2017), related to commutative nil-clean and neat group rings, respectively

    The role of entrepreneurship in tourism industry development

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    In today's world, both in developed countries and in developing countries the biggest issues for every industry, every organization are individual thinking and creativity of entrepreneurial. Entrepreneurial thinking led ultimately to eliminate unemployment and social ills. Entrepreneurial thinking is the key to economic growth and development of any country. In recent years, governments of various countries have actively encouraged entrepreneurial thinking because promotion and development of the nation depended on them. So, today, all organizations, companies and communities are trying to understand this process, and it should be implemented. Like other industries, the tourism industry must be able to clearly understand the requirements of the process, tools and resources and get resources and opportunities to the entrepreneur and entrepreneurs. Accordingly, thread tourism, as part of entrepreneurship and promotion of the economic development of one of the axes is important. Therefore, first, we have to get a little familiar with the tourism industry and entrepreneurship, and the next step is making the relationship between these two and generate wealth

    Cross-species amplification of Clupeidae microsatellite DNA markers in common kilka, Clupeonella cultriventris from the Caspian Sea

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    Common kilka Clupeonella cultriventris (Nordmann, 1840) is a brackish water and small pelagic fish species and is one of the most abundant fishes that live gregariously in the Caspian Sea. A total of 60 specimens of adult common kilka were sampled from two seasons. Fifteen pairs of microsatellites previously developed for A. sapidissima, C. pallasi, C. harengus, and S. pilchardus were tested for cross-species amplification on the common kilka. In this study, only five primer pairs were used successfully. Analyses revealed that the average of alleles per locus was 14.4. The average observed and expected heterozygosity was 0.153 and 0.888, respectively. All loci significantly deviated from H–W equilibrium. These results together with significant Rst. values for genotypic differences support the existence of different genetic populations along the Caspian Sea coast (Guilan Province)

    Neo-orientalism? A critical appraisal of changing Western perspectives: Bernard Lewis, John Esposito and Gilles Kepel

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    In order to justify and naturalise domination and exploitation of ‘others,’ some ideologies that theorise ‘they are less human’ have been invented and employed throughout history. Among these ideologies is the ‘West‐and‐Islam’ dualism, which has been comprehensively and critically studied by Edward Said in Orientalism. Since Orientalism was published in 1978, however, the world seems to have become much more interdependent and political interrelations between the West and Islam have changed dramatically. Consequently this dualism, though more or less in place, has been influenced by escalating waves of globalisation and redistributed and reshaped in a different form. To critically appraise this dualism in this new era, three prominent contemporary Western Islamologists, Bernard Lewis, John Esposito and Gilles Kepel, have been selected and different aspects of their perspectives, their methodologies, their views on Islam and modernity, their political propositions and Islamic belief and law in their vision, are closely compared and critically examined. These three scholars are used to describe parts of the fabric of what I call neo‐Orientalism; they are exemplars suggesting the existence of a larger whole. This dissertation aims to present the genealogy of some lingering traces of the West‐and‐Islam dualism in order to know how they were originated and how they can be replaced by an egalitarian perspective. This is particularly important in this new interdependent world, where we are very close to each other and any crisis anywhere can affect human beings everywhere. This thesis also aims to criticise the often unquestioned assumptions of Western works on Islam and to show through a comparative examination that there can be very different routes with healthier outcomes to look at other cultures. In addition to methods used by Said and to avoid his shortcomings, this research is informed by a Popperian methodology, relying on his theory of the growth of knowledge, his situational analysis and his views on framework and ideology. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that if the West‐and‐Islam dualism is considered as a spectrum of views on Islam, Lewis is the most dualist, perfectly following all principles of dualism, Esposito is the least, and Kepel is (so to say) in between. Moreover, some promising changes in neo‐Orientalism as well as some additional dualistic tendencies that can define neo‐Orientalism are found in this new era. To portray a better future for our interdependent world some new approaches to identity, global ethics and global civil society are suggested. Eradicating the roots of Orientalism and Occidentalism alike and accepting, protecting and even promoting diversity are first steps towards countering devastating threats that endanger humankind as a whole

    Predicting Visual Attention and Distraction During Visual Search Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Most studies in computational modeling of visual attention encompass task-free observation of images. Free-viewing saliency considers limited scenarios of daily life. Most visual activities are goal-oriented and demand a great amount of top-down attention control. Visual search task demands more top-down control of attention, compared to free-viewing. In this paper, we present two approaches to model visual attention and distraction of observers during visual search. Our first approach adapts a light-weight free-viewing saliency model to predict eye fixation density maps of human observers over pixels of search images, using a two-stream convolutional encoder-decoder network, trained and evaluated on COCO-Search18 dataset. This method predicts which locations are more distracting when searching for a particular target. Our network achieves good results on standard saliency metrics (AUC-Judd=0.95, AUC-Borji=0.85, sAUC=0.84, NSS=4.64, KLD=0.93, CC=0.72, SIM=0.54, and IG=2.59). Our second approach is object-based and predicts the distractor and target objects during visual search. Distractors are all objects except the target that observers fixate on during search. This method uses a Mask-RCNN segmentation network pre-trained on MS-COCO and fine-tuned on COCO-Search18 dataset. We release our segmentation annotations of targets and distractors in COCO-Search18 for three target categories: bottle, bowl, and car. The average scores over the three categories are: F1-score=0.64, MAP(iou:0.5)=0.57, MAR(iou:0.5)=0.73. Our implementation code in Tensorflow is publicly available at https://github.com/ManooshSamiei/Distraction-Visual-Search .Comment: 33 pages, 24 figures, 12 tables, this is a pre-print manuscript currently under review in Journal of Visio
