26 research outputs found

    Maxillofacial metastasis from breast cancer

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    Metastatic tumors to paranasal sinuses are exclusively rare. In this paper, we report acase of breast  carcinoma metastasizing to the right maxilla. The metastasis occurred 5 years after radical mastectomy and presented as a primary sinonasalmass. The diagnosis was confirmed with histopathologic  andimmunohistochemical examination however the patient died before starting any specific treatment  because of tumor bleeding.Key words: Breast cancer, maxillofacial, metastasi

    Un carcinome épidermoïde du col utérin récidivant sous forme d’une métastase pulmonaire isolée: à propos d’un cas et revue de la literature

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    Les métastases pulmonaires du carcinome épidermoïde (CE) du col utérin sont rares. C'est un cancer à évolution locorégionale, rarement extra pelvienne, et qui est intimement lié à l'infection par HPV (humain papilloma virus). Nous rapportons un nouveau cas d'une patiente âgée de 40 ans, traitée pour CE du col utérin il y a 3 ans, traitées par RTH externe, curiethérapie et chirurgie et qui présente une récidive de sa maladie sous forme d'une masse pulmonaire isolée mimant un primitif pulmonaire. Le diagnostic a été posé par génotypage HPV sur le prélèvement biopsique de la masse pulmonaire. La patiente a été mise sous chimiothérapie type col utérin, avec une bonne réponse clinique et biologique.Pan African Medical Journal 2015; 2

    La dermatomyosite paranéoplasique révélant un carcinome indifférencié du nasopharynx: à propos d’un cas

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    La dermatomyosite (DM) est une maladie inflammatoire d'origine inconnue qui se manifeste sous forme de myopathie associée à lésions cutanées typiques. L'association DM et cancer est fréquente (18 a 32% selon les séries). Décrite pour la première fois par Stertz en 1916 en association avec un cancer gastrique. Tous les types histologiques et toutes les localisations de cancers observés danss la population générale peuvent être associés à la DM. Son association avec le carcinome nasopharyngé (NPC) est peu décrite et de l'ordre d'un cas pour 1000 cas de cancer nasopharyngé. Nous rapportons une observation de dermatomyosite révélant un cancer du nasopharynx localement avance.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Para testicular rhabdomyosarcoma in adults: three case reports and review of literature

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    Paratesticular embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a rare tumor arising from the mesenchymal tissues of the spermatic cord, epididymis, testis and testicular tunics. We report three cases of adult paratesticular RMS, two embryonic and one pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma. All the patients underwent diagnostic orchidectomy. The work up investigations revealed lung metastases. Chemotherapy with Ifosfamide and Doxorubicin was used in two cases, whereas Vincristin- Actinomycin D and Cyclophosphamide was received in one case. An objective partial response was reported in 2 cases, with complete response in one case. Paratesticular RMS is a rare and aggressive tumor. Because of the absence of protocols designed specifically for adult patients, it is necessary to follow therapeutic guidelines in pediatric protocols

    Synchronous malignant renal mass in patient with a Lung cancer: case report and literature review

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    The finding on imaging (computed tomography scan or magnetic  resonance imaging) of synchronous malignant renal mass in patient with an active nonrenal malignancy without renal specific symptoms is not frequent and diagnostic evaluation can be challenging. We describe a 54-yearold Moroccan male former chronic smoker who presented to our hospital with dry cough and impairment of the performance status. The imaging found a tumor mass in the left upper lobe of the lung associated to mediastinal lymph node and a scanno-guided biopsy of this tumor showed a non small cell lung cancer. The radiological staging revealed a solitary renal mass in the right kidney. The patient received firstly two cycles of a lung cancer chemotherapy with a partial response in the lung and a stability of the renal mass. Consequently, he underwent a scanno-guided biopsy of this mass which confirmed a synchronous clear cell renal carcinoma. The patient got chemo radiotherapy for the lung cancer and then after that he got a partial nephrectomy. He is still under a good  control with more than 2 years after the initial diagnosis

    Exploring the landscape of immunotherapy approaches in sarcomas

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    Sarcomas comprise a heterogenous group of malignancies, of more than 100 different entities, arising from mesenchymal tissue, and accounting for 1% of adult malignancies. Surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapy constitute the therapeutic armamentarium against sarcomas, with surgical excision and conventional chemotherapy, remaining the mainstay of treatment for local and advanced disease, respectively. The prognosis for patients with metastatic disease is dismal and novel therapeutic approaches are urgently required to improve survival outcomes. Immunotherapy, is a rapidly evolving field in oncology, which has been successfully applied in multiple cancers to date. Immunomodulating antibodies, adoptive cellular therapy, cancer vaccines, and cytokines have been tested in patients with different types of sarcomas through clinical trials, pilot studies, retrospective and prospective studies. The results of these studies regarding the efficacy of different types of immunotherapies in sarcomas are conflicting, and the application of immunotherapy in daily clinical practice remains limited. Additional clinical studies are ongoing in an effort to delineate the role of immunotherapy in patients with specific sarcoma subtypes

    A rare case of locally advanced fibrosarcoma of diaphysal humerus managed successfully with limb-sparing procedures after neoadjuvant chemotherapy

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    Fibrosarcomas (FS) of bone are a rare malignancy accounting for less than 5% of all primary malignant bone neoplasms. Diagnosis and treatment approaches of this entity are complex and require a skilled and experienced multidisciplinary team

    Non-HIV Kaposi's sarcoma: a review and therapeutic perspectives.

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    "Classic" Kaposi's sarcoma (CKS) not related to HIV is a multifocal angioproliferative neoplasm that is linked to human herpesvirus. CKS is a cutaneous cancer frequently occurring with an indolent course. However, it can compromise the quality of life by causing pain, disfigurement and functional disability. For this reason, the main treatment goals are not only to reduce the cutaneous lesions but also to alleviate organ involvement and psychological stress by delaying disease progression and ultimately cure. This report summarizes systemic treatment options of CKS, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy and anti-HHV8 therapy. In addition, this review will focus on the recent understanding of carcinogenesis and consequently highlight potential "targeted" therapeutic interventions.Journal ArticleReviewSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe