42 research outputs found
Predviđanje promena u korišćenju zemljišta primenom modela vođenih podacima (DATA-DRIVEN MODELS)
One of the main tasks of data-driven modelling methods is to induce a
representative model of underlying spatial - temporal processes using past data
and data mining and machine learning approach. As relatively new methods,
known to be capable of solving complex nonlinear problems, data-driven methods
are insufficiently researched in the field of land use. The main objective of this
dissertation is to develop a methodology for predictive urban land use change
models using data-driven approach together with evaluation of the performance of
different data-driven methods, which in the stage of finding patterns of land use
changes use three different machine learning techniques: Decision Trees, Neural
Networks and Support Vector Machines. The proposed methodology of data-driven
methods was presented and special attention was paid to different data
representation, data sampling and the selection of attributes by four methods (χ2,
Info Gain, Gain Ratio and Correlation-based Feature Subset) that best describe the
process of land use change. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis of the Support
Vector Machines -based models was performed with regards to attribute selection
and parameter changes. Development and evaluation of the methodology was
performed using data on three Belgrade municipalities (Zemun, New Belgrade and
Surčin), which are represented as 10×10 m grid cells in four different moments in
time (2001, 2003, 2007 and 2010).
The obtained results indicate that the proposed data-driven methodology provides
predictive models which could be successfully used for creation of possible
scenarios of urban land use changes in the future. All three examined machine
learning techniques are suitable for modeling land use change. Accuracy and
performance of models can be improved using proposed balanced data sampling,
including the information about neighbourhood and history in data
representations and relevant attribute selections. Additionally, using selected
subset of attributes resulted in a simple model and with less possibility to be
overfitted with higher values of Support Vector Machines parameters.Један од главних задатака моделирања метода вођених подацима (Data-driven methods) је проналажење репрезентативног модела испитивног просторно временског процеса, применом података из прошлости и Data Mining и Machine Learning приступа..
Iskustva sa stručne posete Nemačkoj - 'follow-up' radionica
The paper presents the experience acquired in the study tour, the German education sector, with special attention to the organization of student associations, operating processes cadastral services and private practice students.U radu su prikazana iskustva stečena u okviru studijskog putovanja nemačkom obrazovnom sektoru, sa posebnim aspektom na organizaciju studentskih udruženja, radne procese katastarskih službi i privatnu praksu studenata
Shuttle radar topography mission - dostupnost podataka i ostvarena tačnost
This paper aim is to determine accuracy of digital terrain model (DTM) formed upon Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data, for the region of the Republic of Serbia. Main characteristics of SRTM will be introduced, along with short description of determining DTM based on SRTM data and accuracy of such derived digital terrain model.Cilj ovog rada je da se odredi tačnost digitalnog modela terena (DMT) formiranog na osnovu podataka šatlove radarske topografske misije (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission - SRTM), za područje Republike. Srbije. U radu će biti predstavljene glavne karakteristike SRTM-a kao i kratak opis samog postupka određivanja DMT-a na osnovu SRTM podataka i određivanje tačnosti tako dobijenog digitalnog modela terena
Digitalni modeli terena kao podloge za projektovanje u građevinarstvu
The concept and the production of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) has drawn a lot of attention of spatial data users. In addition to numerous improvements that were made in data collection technologies, big market with wide diapason of DTMs products was established. For this reason, it is necessary to develop methods and procedures that would enable quality assessment of these data bases. In this paper the review of contemporary spatial data acquisition technologies for DTM production is given, as well as the possibilities of usage of DTM, especially in civil engineering applications.Koncept i tehnologija izrade digitalnih modela terena (DMT) poslednjih godina sve više zaokuplja pažnju mnogobrojnih korisnika ovakve vrste prostornih podataka. Osim što je načinjen veliki pomak u pojavi novih tehnologija za prikupljanje podataka na terenu koje su omogućile dobijanje visoko kvalitetnih baza podataka o reljefu, formirano je i tržište na kojem se nudi široka lepeza ovakvih proizvoda. Ovakve baze podataka zahtevaju i razvoj metoda i postupaka koji će omogućiti ocenu njihovog kvaliteta. U radu je dat osvrt na savremene tehnologije prikupljanja podataka za potrebe izrade DMT-a, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja ovakvih proizvoda s aspekta njihovog kvaliteta, i s posebnim osvrtom na primenu DMT-a u građevinarstvu
Digitalni modeli terena kao podloge za projektovanje u građevinarstvu
The concept and the production of Digital Terrain Models (DTM) has drawn a lot of attention of spatial data users. In addition to numerous improvements that were made in data collection technologies, big market with wide diapason of DTMs products was established. For this reason, it is necessary to develop methods and procedures that would enable quality assessment of these data bases. In this paper the review of contemporary spatial data acquisition technologies for DTM production is given, as well as the possibilities of usage of DTM, especially in civil engineering applications.Koncept i tehnologija izrade digitalnih modela terena (DMT) poslednjih godina sve više zaokuplja pažnju mnogobrojnih korisnika ovakve vrste prostornih podataka. Osim što je načinjen veliki pomak u pojavi novih tehnologija za prikupljanje podataka na terenu koje su omogućile dobijanje visoko kvalitetnih baza podataka o reljefu, formirano je i tržište na kojem se nudi široka lepeza ovakvih proizvoda. Ovakve baze podataka zahtevaju i razvoj metoda i postupaka koji će omogućiti ocenu njihovog kvaliteta. U radu je dat osvrt na savremene tehnologije prikupljanja podataka za potrebe izrade DMT-a, kao i mogućnosti korišćenja ovakvih proizvoda s aspekta njihovog kvaliteta, i s posebnim osvrtom na primenu DMT-a u građevinarstvu
Dosadašnje aktivnosti uklapanja postojećih državnih koordinatnih sistema u ETRS Republike Srbije i zemalja u okruženju
In the world, as well as us, all the greater use of GPS technology, there is a justified need for the determination of transformation models between existing and new reference system. The paper presents a GPS reference basis of Serbia and some countries of the former member of the SFRY and current activities regarding matching the national referece frame to ETRS (Europen Terrestrial Reference System).U svetu, kao i kod nas, sve većom upotrebom GPS tehnologije, postoji opravdana potreba za određivanjem transformacionog modela između postojećeg i novog referentnog sistema. U radu je dat prikaz GPS referentnih osnova, Republike Srbije i nekih zemalja bivših članica SFRJ, kao i dosadašnje aktivnosti uklapanja postojećih državnih koordinatnih sistema u ETRS (Europen Terrestrial Reference System)
Dasymetric modelling of population dynamics in urban areas [Dasimetrično modeliranje dinamike prebivalstva na urbanih območjih]
Solving the problem of publicly available census data disaggregation has preoccupied numerous researchers intensively A noteworthy advance in the methodology was made thanks to the contemporary storage and presentation of spatial and socio-economic data in the GIS environment. It is also important that a large number of auxiliary databases (satellite images, theme layers pertaining to land use and land cover, etc.) are publicly available and are periodically supplemented at increasingly shorter time intervals. Soil sealing databases are another class of auxiliary databases that pertain to land areas which have, due to anthropogenic influences, become a water-impermeable layer and indicate the level of spatial development and spatial contents that correlate to the population distribution. The soil sealing database can be a useful tool for dasymetric mapping of population when combined with town planning documentation that describes land use and height of residential buildings. The results of such mapping can help monitor the spatio-temporal dynamics of population trends in periods between two censuses. This study presents a methodology in which a soil-sealing database is combined with auxiliary data in a test area covered by the Master Plan of the Belgrade City, with census data from the year 2002 and the results of the year 2011. The results of the model validation indicate application of the proposed methodology in highly urbanised areas
Spatial modelling of population concentration using geographically weighted regression method
This paper presents possibilities of applying the geographically weighted regression method in mapping population change index. During the last decade, this contemporary spatial modeling method has been increasingly used in geographical analyses. On the example of the researched region of Timočka Krajina (defined for the needs of elaborating the Regional Spatial Plan), the possibilities for applying this method in disaggregation of traditional models of population density, which are created using the choropleth maps at the level of statistical spatial units, are shown. The applied method is based on the use of ancillary spatial predictors which are in correlation with a targeted variable, the population change index. For this purpose, spatial databases have been used such as digital terrain model, distances from the network of I and II category state roads, as well as soil sealing databases. Spatial model has been developed in the GIS software environment using commercial GIS applications, as well as open source GIS software. Population change indexes for the period 1961-2002 have been mapped based on population census data, while the data on planned population forecast have been used for the period 2002-2027
Short-term forecasting of PM10and PM2.5 concentrations with Facebook's Prophet Model at the Belgrade-Zeleno brdo
We demonstrate the use of Facebook's Prophet (usually just called Prophet) model for short-term air quality forecasting at Belgrade-Zeleno brdo monitoring station. To address missing data, we applied minimally-altering data distribution imputation techniques. Linear interpolation proved effective for short-term gaps (1–3 hours), hourly mean method for mid-term gaps (24–26 hours), and Hermite interpolation polynomial for long-term gaps (132–148 hours). The most significant data change was a 3.4% shift in skewness. Partitioning the time series enabled a detailed quality assessment of the Prophet model, with PM2.5predictions being more precise than PM10. Using the longest time series for forecasting yielded absolute errors of 6.5μg/m3forPM10and 2.7μg/m3for PM2.5. Based on 173 forecasts, we anticipate Prophet model root-mean-square values under 6.26μg/m3and 9.99μg/m3for PM2.5 and PM10in 50% of cases. The Prophet model demonstrates several advantages and yields satisfactory results. In future research, the results obtained from the Prophet model will serve as benchmark values for other models. Additionally, the Prophet model is capable of providing satisfactory air quality forecasting results and will be utilized in future resear
Dosadašnje aktivnosti uklapanja postojećih državnih koordinatnih sistema u ETRS Republike Srbije i zemalja u okruženju
In the world, as well as us, all the greater use of GPS technology, there is a justified need for the determination of transformation models between existing and new reference system. The paper presents a GPS reference basis of Serbia and some countries of the former member of the SFRY and current activities regarding matching the national referece frame to ETRS (Europen Terrestrial Reference System).U svetu, kao i kod nas, sve većom upotrebom GPS tehnologije, postoji opravdana potreba za određivanjem transformacionog modela između postojećeg i novog referentnog sistema. U radu je dat prikaz GPS referentnih osnova, Republike Srbije i nekih zemalja bivših članica SFRJ, kao i dosadašnje aktivnosti uklapanja postojećih državnih koordinatnih sistema u ETRS (Europen Terrestrial Reference System)