52 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Inference System for Software Product Family Process Evaluation

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    When developing multiple products within a common application domain, systematic use of a software product family process can yield increased productivity in cost, quality, effort and schedule. Such a process provides the means for the reuse of software assets which can considerably reduce the development time and the cost of software products. A comprehensive strategy for the evaluating the maturity of a software product family process is needed due to growing popularity of this concept in the software industry. In this paper, we propose a five-level maturity scale for software product family process. We also present a fuzzy inference system for evaluating maturity of software product family process using the proposed maturity scale. This research is aimed at establishing a comprehensive and unified strategy for process evaluation of a software product family. Such a process evaluation strategy will enable an organization to discover and monitor the strengths and weaknesses of the various activities performed during development of multiple products within a common application domain

    A Novel Distributed and Stealthy Attack on Active Distribution Networks and a Mitigation Strategy

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    Rapid advances in smart devices tremendously facilitate our day-to-day lives. However, these can be exploited remotely via existing cyber vulnerabilities to cause disruption at the physical infrastructure level. In this paper, we discover a novel distributed and stealthy attack that uses malicious actuation of a large number of small-scale loads residing within a distribution network (DN). This attack is capable of cumulatively violating the underlying operational system limits, leading to widespread and prolonged disruptions. A key element of this attack is the efficient use of attack resources, planned via Stackelberg games. To mitigate this type of an attack, we propose a countermeasure strategy which adaptively suppresses adverse effects of the attack when detected in a timely manner. The effectiveness of the proposed mitigation strategy is demonstrated via theoretical convergence studies, practical evaluations, and comparisons with the state-of-the-art strategies using realistic load flow and DN infrastructure models

    Nonrigid registration of three-dimensional ultrasound and magnetic resonance images of the carotid arteries

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    Atherosclerosis at the carotid bifurcation can result in cerebral emboli, which in turn can block the blood supply to the brain causing ischemic strokes. Noninvasive imaging tools that better characterize arterial wall, and atherosclerotic plaque structure and composition may help to determine the factors which lead to the development of unstable lesions, and identify patients at risk of plaque disruption and stroke. Carotid magnetic resonance (MR) imaging allows for the characterization of carotid vessel wall and plaque composition, the characterization of normal and pathological arterial wall, the quantification of plaque size, and the detection of plaque integrity. On the other hand, various ultrasound (US) measurements have also been used to quantify atherosclerosis, carotid stenosis, intima-media thickness, total plaque volume, total plaque area, and vessel wall volume. Combining the complementary information provided by 3D MR and US carotid images may lead to a better understanding of the underlying compositional and textural factors that define plaque and wall vulnerability, which may lead to better and more effective stroke prevention strategies and patient management. Combining these images requires nonrigid registration to correct the nonlinear misalignments caused by relative twisting and bending in the neck due to different head positions during the two image acquisition sessions. The high degree of freedom and large number of parameters associated with existing nonrigid image registration methods causes several problems including unnatural plaque morphology alteration, high computational complexity, and low reliability. Thus, a twisting and bending model was used with only six parameters to model the normal movement of the neck for nonrigid registration. The registration technique was evaluated using 3D US and MR carotid images at two field strengths, 1.5 and 3.0 T, of the same subject acquired on the same day. The mean registration error between the segmented carotid artery wall boundaries in the target US image and the registered MR images was calculated using a distance-based error metric after applying a twisting and bending model based nonrigid registration algorithm. An average registration error of 1.4 +/- 0.3 mm was obtained for 1.5 T MR and 1.5 +/- 0.4 mm for 3.0 T MR, when registered with 3D US images using the nonrigid registration technique presented in this paper. Visual inspection of segmented vessel surfaces also showed a substantial improvement of alignment with this nonrigid registration technique compared to rigid registration

    Automating dicentric chromosome detection from cytogenetic biodosimetry data.

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    We present a prototype software system with sufficient capacity and speed to estimate radiation exposures in a mass casualty event by counting dicentric chromosomes (DCs) in metaphase cells from many individuals. Top-ranked metaphase cell images are segmented by classifying and defining chromosomes with an active contour gradient vector field (GVF) and by determining centromere locations along the centreline. The centreline is extracted by discrete curve evolution (DCE) skeleton branch pruning and curve interpolation. Centromere detection minimises the global width and DAPI-staining intensity profiles along the centreline. A second centromere is identified by reapplying this procedure after masking the first. Dicentrics can be identified from features that capture width and intensity profile characteristics as well as local shape features of the object contour at candidate pixel locations. The correct location of the centromere is also refined in chromosomes with sister chromatid separation. The overall algorithm has both high sensitivity (85 %) and specificity (94 %). Results are independent of the shape and structure of chromosomes in different cells, or the laboratory preparation protocol followed. The prototype software was recoded in C++/OpenCV; image processing was accelerated by data and task parallelisation with Message Passaging Interface and Intel Threading Building Blocks and an asynchronous non-blocking I/O strategy. Relative to a serial process, metaphase ranking, GVF and DCE are, respectively, 100 and 300-fold faster on an 8-core desktop and 64-core cluster computers. The software was then ported to a 1024-core supercomputer, which processed 200 metaphase images each from 1025 specimens in 1.4 h
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