7 research outputs found

    An experimental study

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    Deckblatt-Impressum persönlicher Dank Inhaltsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Einleitung Literatur Eigene Untersuchungen Ergebnisse Diskussion Zusammenfassung Summary Literaturverzeichnis Danksagung SelbständigkeitserklärungDie vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Punktion der Bursa podotrochlearis am Gliedmaßenpräparat von Pferden im Hinblick auf das Podotrochlose-Syndrom. Diese Untersuchungen werden durchgeführt, um zusätzliche Informationen zu gewinnen zur Sicherstellung der Punktion der Bursa podotrochlearis. Aufgrund von Rasse, Alter und Gewicht des Pferdes unterscheiden sich Hufform und Hufgröße zumteil erheblich. Die Injektionsmethode, die in dieser Studie beschrieben wird, ist sehr genau und kann bei allen Hufformen (spitz, regelmäßig, stumpf) und allen Hufgrößen (klein, mittelgroß, groß) angewendet werden. Die notwendige Eindringtiefe der Kanüle bei der Injektion in die Bursa podotrochlearis wurde im Versuch an Gliedmaßenpräparaten mit verschiedensten Hufgrößen und Hufformen jeweils aufgezeichnet (zwischen 4,6 bis 5,5 cm). Die Ergebnisse können als Grundlage für die zukünftige Forschung am lebenden Pferd dienen. Diese Injektionstechnik ermöglicht durch die Kenntnis der notwendigen Kanülengröße und richtige Einschätzung der Eindringtiefe der Kanüle eine hohe Sicherheit in der zuverlässigen Punktion der Bursa podotrochlearis. Eine Aspiration von Synovia aus der Bursa podotrochlearis ist in der Regel nicht möglich. Die Menge an Flüssigkeit, die in die Bursa injiziert werden kann, variiert von Gliedmaße zu Gliedmaße (zwischen 1 bis 10 ml). Das Druckmessgerät kann als Hilfsmittel für die Kontrolle der Lage der Kanüle eingesetzt werden. Die beschriebene Technik ist zur sicheren Punktion der Bursa podotrochlearis unter Praxisbedingungen geeignet. Die Resultate der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der Druck in der Bursa podotrochlearis der präparaten mit der Zeit auf Null, abfällt. In dieser Studie konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Stärke der Belastung keine deutlichen Auswirkungen auf die Druckverhältnisse in der Bursa podotrochlearis hat. Der Druck in der Bursa podotrochlearis steigt unter Flüssigkeitszugabe an. Bei Strahlbeinen mit deformierten Canales sesamoidales ist der Bursadruckwert nicht höher als bei Strahlbeinen mit nicht deformierten Canales sesamoidales.This study is about the puncture of the navicular bursa at the limbs of slaughtered horses in the view of the podotrochlear syndrome. These investigations are carried, to gain extra Imformations about the safe positioning of the puncture of the navicular bursa. Depending on breed, age and weight of the horses, the sizes and shapes of the hooves differ significantly. The injection-method described in this study has prooved to be very reliable and applicable to all hoof shapes (pointed, regular, edgeless) and sizes (small, medium, large). On different hoof sizes of legs from slaughtered horses, the necessary penetration depth for injections into the navicular bursa has been determined (between 4.6 to 5.5 cm). This injection- technique, with its determination of the appropriate cannula size and depth of penetration, allows a high reliability in the punctuation of the navicular bursa. The results of this study can be used as basis for further research conducted with living horses. Another finding of this study is the fact that aspiration of synovia from the navicular bursa is not possible. The mess of fluence that can be injected in to the navicular bursa varies from limb to limb (between 1 to 10 ml). The pressure measuring instrument used for the aforementioned experiments can be used to help positioning the cannule. The technique for a reliable punctuation of the navicular bursa as described above is well applicable in practice. The results of this study show that the pressure in the navicular bursa falls with the time at zero. In this study it can be observed that the strength of the load has no meaningsful consequence on the pressure ratio in the navicular bursa. The pressure in the navicular bursa reises when fluids are reised. Limbs with a deformed Canales sesamoidales do not have a higher bursapressure than limbs without a deformed Canales sesamoidales

    Chronic kidney disease induces a systemic microangiopathy, tissue hypoxia and dysfunctional angiogenesis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with excessive mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Endothelial dysfunction, an early manifestation of CVD, is consistently observed in CKD patients and might be linked to structural defects of the microcirculation including microvascular rarefaction. However, patterns of microvascular rarefaction in CKD and their relation to functional deficits in perfusion and oxygen delivery are currently unknown. In this in-vivo microscopy study of the cremaster muscle microcirculation in BALB/c mice with moderate to severe uremia, we show in two experimental models (adenine feeding or subtotal nephrectomy), that serum urea levels associate incrementally with a distinct microangiopathy. Structural changes were characterized by a heterogeneous pattern of focal microvascular rarefaction with loss of coherent microvascular networks resulting in large avascular areas. Corresponding microvascular dysfunction was evident by significantly diminished blood flow velocity, vascular tone, and oxygen uptake. Microvascular rarefaction in the cremaster muscle paralleled rarefaction in the myocardium, which was accompanied by a decrease in transcription levels not only of the transcriptional regulator HIF-1 alpha, but also of its target genes Angpt-2, TIE-1 and TIE-2, Flkt-1 and MMP-9, indicating an impaired hypoxia-driven angiogenesis. Thus, experimental uremia in mice associates with systemic microvascular disease with rarefaction, tissue hypoxia and dysfunctional angiogenesis

    SCARA with Path trajectory

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    The following Matlab project contains the source code and Matlab examples used for SCARA with Path trajectory. By defining the initial position and final position the robot will follow the path between these two point

    Thoracic epidural anesthesia decreases endotoxin-induced endothelial injury

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    Background: The sympathetic nervous system is considered to modulate the endotoxin-induced activation of immune cells. Here we investigate whether thoracic epidural anesthesia with its regional symapathetic blocking effect alters endotoxin-induced leukocyte-endothelium activation and interaction with subsequent endothelial injury. Methods: Sprague Dawley rats were anesthetized, cannulated and hemodynamically monitored. E. coli lipopolysaccharide (Serotype 0127: B8, 1.5 mg x kg(-1) x h(-1)) or isotonic saline (controls) was infused for 300 minutes. An epidural catheter was inserted for continuous application of lidocaine or normal saline in endotoxemic animals and saline in controls. After 300 minutes we measured catecholamine and cytokine plasma concentrations, adhesion molecule expression, leukocyte adhesion, and intestinal tissue edema. Results: In endotoxemic animals with epidural saline, LPS significantly increased the interleukin-1 beta plasma concentration (48%), the expression of endothelial adhesion molecules E-selectin (34%) and ICAM-1 (42%), and the number of adherent leukocytes (40%) with an increase in intestinal myeloperoxidase activity (26%) and tissue edema (75%) when compared to healthy controls. In endotoxemic animals with epidural infusion of lidocaine the values were similar to those in control animals, while epinephrine plasma concentration was 32% lower compared to endotoxemic animals with epidural saline. Conclusions: Thoracic epidural anesthesia attenuated the endotoxin-induced increase of IL-1 beta concentration, adhesion molecule expression and leukocyte-adhesion with subsequent endothelial injury. A potential mechanism is the reduction in the plasma concentration of epinephrine