1,770 research outputs found

    Child Soldiers in the Salvadoran Civil War

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    Bridging Dimensions: A Robotic Art Project

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    Spanning the divide between the humanities and STEM has been a pursuit of my undergraduate experience. In my senior project I seek to relate these disciplines through the creation of “automated canvases.” Resulting is a series of robotic art pieces that automate the opening and closing motion of Turkish map folds. These map folds then present a series of paintings displaying a tone of the uncanny and references to parallel universes. Utilizing robotics in my project allows the paintings to push further into a third dimension than normally possible. Providing literal motion to my traditionally two dimensional work requires consideration of the dynamic between these traditional and modern modes of creation. This project aims to connect my interests in engineering and fine-art, as well as traditional and contemporary forms of art. Development of this project has entailed balancing mechanical demands with aesthetic desires. Particularly central to the design work has been understanding the opportunities as well as the restrictions of interdisciplinary work

    Eudora Welty’s “Clytie”, the Mirror Stage, and the Grotesque

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    At first glance, Eudora Welty’s short stories seem to exist in paradox with the writer’s own intentions. Welty is well known for co-opting the “plots, settings, characters, image patterns, and vocabulary” of Gothic literature, yet upon being asked if she was a Gothic writer, she responded vehemently: “They better not call me that!”. What is a reader then to make of Welty’s short story “Clytie” which is saturated with homages to the imagery of the Gothic— the display of psychological breakdown of an isolated family trapped in a crumbling, memory-haunted mansion, centering on a trapped, unmarried woman who slowly realizes her own monstrosity? A closer look at the psychological framework of Gothic literature reveals that “Clytie” is at first a comedic exaggeration of the narrative, and then an equally comedic deviation from it. Welty appropriates the Gothic genre’s conception of self-realization in “Clytie” to demonstrate the grotesque mismatches and unachievable expectations inherent to the full expectation of Southern womanhood

    Outpatient Physical Therapy Management for a Full Thickness Sutraspinatus Tendon Tear: A Case Study

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    Background and Purpose. This article describes the 14-week physical therapy treatment of a pre- and postoperational full thickness supraspinatus tendon tear of a 45-year-old female. The four muscles of the rotator cuff provide stabilization to the glenohumeral joint of the shoulder. These muscles are the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and the subscapularis. l In the United States, roughly 460 000 rotator cuff repair surgeries occur each year and they are the second most common orthopedic procedure. 2 Past research studies have shown that a full recovery from this surgery takes 3 to 6 months, with factors such as integrity of tendons, extent of injury, and commitment to rehabilitation playing a role in the length of recovery. 3 The purpose of this case report is to describe the interventions implemented with a patient with a supraspinatus tear and the responses to them. Case Description. This patient is a 45-year-old female that fell from a hammock onto an outstretched arm, which resulted in a full thickness supraspinatus tendon tear. The patient underwent a repair with a autogenous bicep\u27s tendon, which resulted in a 14 week physical therapy treatment. She was extremely motivated and had an excellent support system. The patient had a full recovery and was back to her prior level of function by the end of therapy. Intervention. The freafinent for this patient included passive range of motion, active assistive range of motion, active range of motion, stretching, blood flow restriction training, and strengthening. Outcomes. Following PT intervention, the patient achieved full active range of motion for all shoulder motions, symmetrical strength bilaterally, decreased pain, and improved symmetrical shoulder alignment with movement. The patient was able to return to work full time with limited pain, sleep throughout the night, and complete overhead tasks for short periods of time. Discussion. Rationale for treatment followed Michelotti\u27s Arthroscopic Partial Articular Surface Rotator CuffRepair Physical Therapy Protocol for rotator cuff injuries. I The patient responded very well to our passive stretching in the beginning and blood flow restriction training towards the end of her therapy. I believe this was the case because of how tense her shoulder was after immobilization, that the passive stretching was the only way to increase her range of motion at that time. BFR was utilized to aid in the strengthening process

    The Holocaust and Human Experimentation: The Nazi Approach to Medicine

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    The beginning months of 1945 marked the commencement of the swift downfall of the Nazi regime and the end of the tyrannical, oppressive ruling power it held over most of Europe for close to a decade. As Allied Forces invaded Nazi Germany and the remaining Nazi-occupied territories, they undoubtedly expected to encounter the incredible devastation that World War II had left upon most of the Western European continent, from toppled cities, to separated families, to the rising death toll. However, Allied soldiers would soon have to come face to face with another side-effect of the war, something unforeseen and unimaginable, even in their wildest dreams: the reality of concentration camps and the horrors that existed within

    A Quantitative and Molecular Evaluation of Bovine Respiratory Disease, Growth Traits, and Carcass Traits in Crossbred Steers

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    The first objective of the two studies presented herein evaluated on farm sources of variation and correlated effects contributing to BRD incidence in a population of crossbred steers sent to the feedlot from 2010-2013. Analyses revealed that incidence of BRD was lowly positively correlated to birth weight (BW) and lowly negatively correlated to weaning weight (WW), hip height (HH), sire breed, site, and birth year. These results indicate that the traits analyzed herein are not precursors for BRD in the current population. However, since little is still known about the correlation between genetic predisposition to BRD and animal performance, further studies should be conducted in the future. The second study presented herein evaluated single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) located on previously described QTL regions of Bos Taurus Autosome 6 and Bos Taurus Autosome 20 for potential associations with growth traits, carcass traits, and incidence of BRD in crossbred steers. Growth traits analyzed included birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), and hip height (HH). Carcass traits evaluated included hot carcass weight (HCW), yield grade (YG), marbling score (MS), ribeye area (REA), and back fat thickness (BF). Along with growth and carcass traits, incidence of BRD was also evaluated in the current population. Genotyping analyses identified fourteen unique SNP located on BTA 6 and eleven unique SNP located on BTA 20 that were significantly (P \u3c 0.05) associated with the aforementioned traits. However, no markers on either BTA 6 or BTA 20 were identified as significantly associated with BF. These results indicate that there may be a higher genetic predisposition to BRD than previously thought. However, before their incorporation into MAS programs, additional SNP located on BTA 6 and BTA 20 should be genotyped, along with other QTL regions spanning the genome. Additionally, a larger population of crossbred steers should be utilized to further validate the results herein

    Is Horse Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG) plus Cyclosporine (CsA) the most effective firstline therapy for patients with bone marrow failure disorders?

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this selective Evidence Based Medicine review is to determine whether or not Horse Antithymocyte Globulin (ATG) plus Cyclosporine (CsA) is the most effective first-line therapy for patients with bone marrow failure disorders. STUDY DESIGN: Review of two randomized control trials (RCTs) and one single-center retrospective study, which were published between 2010 and 2013. All studies were published in the English language. DATA SOURCES: Two randomized control trials and one single-center retrospective study published in peer-reviewed journals, which were found using PubMed. OUTCOMES MEASURED: Each of the three trials measured the patient-oriented outcome of overall survival. Shin et al also assessed failure free survival. Survival was measured at different year markers after therapy between all three studies and also implemented the use of the Kaplan Meier curve for overall survival. RESULTS: Scheinberg et al (2011) was the only study which yielded statistically significant data supporting Horse ATG plus CsA as the superior therapy for patients with bone marrow failure disorders (p-value = 0.04). Both the Passweg et al (2010) and Shin et al (2013) studies demonstrated inconclusive data, as the results in each study did not yield a statistically significant difference between the three treatment modalities: Horse ATG plus CsA, Rabbit ATG plus CsA, or Basic Supportive Care (BSC). CONCLUSIONS: Results were inconclusive due to only one of the three studies demonstrating data to support Horse Antithymocyte Globulin as the best initial treatment for patients with bone marrow failure disorders

    The impact of the gender binary on gender nonconforming females\u27 lives and psyches over time : an exploratory study

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    The purpose of this research is to explore the impact of the systematically imposed gender binary on the lives and psyches of gender non-conforming females over time. To pursue this qualitative research, I conducted single, exploratory, hour-long interviews with eight gender nonconforming females aged 59 years and older. The interviews touched upon many themes including the multiple ways participants\u27 identify their gender, sex, and sexuality (and the developmental trajectory of each); how each participant relates to notions of the gender binary; participants\u27 experiences as gender nonconforming young people, or tomboys ; ways that families, institutions and the general public have performed regulatory acts through the employment of manipulation, discrimination, and/or violence against participants\u27 non conforming gender presentations; participants\u27 various expressions of female masculinity ; participants\u27 accumulative experiences of the stresses of living as a gender minority; and participants coping strategies and resilience in the face of discrimination. Because there is little-to-no literature on the cumulative effects of the gender binary on gender nonconforming individuals\u27 lives, nor is there readily available literature exploring the experiences of gender nonconforming females, this research works to expand social work discourse in this way

    No Sympathy for the Devil: The Significance of Demons in John Chrysostom\u27s Soteriology

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    This dissertation is a study of John Chrysostom’s demonology as it relates to his theological anthropology and soteriology. Demons run rampant in Chrysostom\u27s thought, though few scholars have taken note of this. Studies of Chrysostom often focus on his exegetical practices, his asceticism, or his social vision and morality. Indeed, many scholars dismiss Chrysostom as unsophisticated and therefore of little value in the landscape of fourth-century theology. In analyzing Chrysostom’s demonology, we see that Chrysostom’s thought is complex and worth further consideration. One cannot treat demons in Chrysostom’s work without treating other theological topics as well. When Chrysostom discusses demons he does so for the sake of bringing his congregation to salvation. Drawing on Stoic categories for discussing “true” versus “apparent” harm, Chrysostom uses rhetoric about demons to highlight humanity’s freedom and self-determination. Each person has a προαίρεσις, which is free and is the locus of moral responsibility, a faculty demons cannot compel. The προαίρεσις is what enables a person to be virtuous. Chrysostom then argues that because each person is able to be virtuous, God expects each person to be virtuous, and this virtue is a necessary aspect of salvation. Though God reconciles humanity to God’s self in the incarnation, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and though Christ continues to help a person be virtuous, the responsibility for virtue, and thus salvation, lies with the human being. In short, Chrysostom\u27s demonology and account of self-determination exert a mutual influence on one another, self-determination is necessary for virtue, and virtue is integral to salvation. Therefore, in order to have a fully developed account of Chrysostom\u27s theological anthropology and soteriology, one must also understand Chrysostom’s demonology. Chrysostom\u27s soteriology is better understood when the role of demonology in his theology is taken into account because Chrysostom\u27s engagements with demonology are an entrance to his soteriology and highlight the depth to which Chrysostom believes humans are responsible for their own salvation

    COVID-19 Renters and Housing Instability: Combatting the Eviction Epidemic during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Knox County, Tennessee

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    COVID-19 has exacerbated preexisting inequities in Knox County, Tennessee. The disruption to employment caused by the pandemic has imposed a great financial burden for many individuals who rent housing. The primary relief that was afforded to renters during the pandemic was enabled by a federal eviction moratorium order, where covered renters could defer payments to avoid eviction while the moratorium was in effect. Some additional rental assistance was provided to local governments through the federal CARES Act pandemic relief package. Despite these provisions, many people experienced housing crises in Knox County, where over 3,000 renters have faced eviction filing from March 2020 – April 2022. The COVID-19 health crisis has emphasized flaws in the United States’ racial capitalist system and intensified socioeconomic inequalities as renters have been neglected and those with the means to own property have been protected. The constantly looming threat of not only contracting a deadly virus, but also being (re)submerged into the process of eviction burdens renters. In Knox County, Statewide Organizing for Community eMpowerment (SOCM) acted to pave pathways towards housing justice working on anti-eviction efforts during COVID-19, disseminating information to tenants facing the threat of eviction and supporting them throughout the eviction process. The project examines the multi-layered rental housing and displacement landscape from many perspectives and current and potential pathways towards a more just housing system. Using mixed-methods, I attempt to capture and analyze the many perspectives of those burdened by eviction and those involved in anti-eviction infrastructure in Knox County, Tennessee using community geographies and housing justice methods