1,799 research outputs found

    Reciprocity and status in a virtual field experiment

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    This article reports on a field study that has been conducted in the online computer game World of Warcraft. In a basic labor situation a principal gives an upfront wage to an agent (who is unaware that he is participating in an experiment) and asks him to conduct a real-effort task. The unique characteristic of the virtual world allows us to control for agents’ abilities to perform the task and to manipulate the principal’s social status. Confirming gift exchange theory, generous wages indeed increase agents’ efforts, even controlling for agents’ abilities, while the principals’ social status influences effort provision probability substantially. We interpret this result such that agents assess the kindness of the wages with respect to the expected principals’ wealth.Field experiment, gift-exchange, reciprocity, status, virtual world

    Requiem voor de visserij in Vis Mineur

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    Onderzoek naar de visstand door Natuurplanburea

    Temporal coding in the hippocampus

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    There is a large body of evidence that the hippocampus is involved in temporal aspects of memory. It remains unclear what neural processes within the hippocampus contribute to this ability. The following experiments aim to quantify and qualify these neural processes while rats perform temporal memory tasks. First we examined the firing of neurons in the hippocampus while rats compared a current series of odors to a learned sequence of odors. We found evidence of neural correlates which might represent whether a stimulus odor was in the correct ordinal sequence or not. Next we examined the delay intervals in between learned sequences of events with the goal of identifying the origin of “time cells” in the hippocampus. We used a delayed alternating T-maze task that our lab has used before to record time cells in area CA1 of the hippocampus. We found time cells in CA3, one of the major inputs to CA1 and demonstrated that they behave in many ways like place cells previously observed in these two regions. Time cells had previously been reported to occur only when an animal is engaged in a task with memory load. We demonstrated that memory load isn't necessary to observe time cells. Our observations of the similarities between place and time cells led us to conjecture that the hippocampus might process space and time similarly. In a final study I examined time vii cell firing properties with an aim at constraining models of time cells. We defined time cells in several ways including a new methodology that is promising as a future unbiased selection criteria. All of our findings help further elucidate several different ways that neural coding in the hippocampus contributes to temporal processing

    Energy-limited escape revised

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    Gas planets in close proximity to their host stars experience photoevaporative mass loss. The energy-limited escape concept is generally used to derive estimates for the planetary mass-loss rates. Our photoionization hydrodynamics simulations of the thermospheres of hot gas planets show that the energy-limited escape concept is valid only for planets with a gravitational potential lower than log⁡10(−ΦG)<13.11 \log_\mathrm{10}\left( -\Phi_{\mathrm{G}}\right) < 13.11~erg \,g−1^{-1} because in these planets the radiative energy input is efficiently used to drive the planetary wind. Massive and compact planets with log⁡10(−ΦG)≳13.6 \log_\mathrm{10}\left( -\Phi_{\mathrm{G}}\right) \gtrsim 13.6~erg \,g−1^{-1} exhibit more tightly bound atmospheres in which the complete radiative energy input is re-emitted through hydrogen Lyα\alpha and free-free emission. These planets therefore host hydrodynamically stable thermospheres. Between these two extremes the strength of the planetary winds rapidly declines as a result of a decreasing heating efficiency. Small planets undergo enhanced evaporation because they host expanded atmospheres that expose a larger surface to the stellar irradiation. We present scaling laws for the heating efficiency and the expansion radius that depend on the gravitational potential and irradiation level of the planet. The resulting revised energy-limited escape concept can be used to derive estimates for the mass-loss rates of super-Earth-sized planets as well as massive hot Jupiters with hydrogen-dominated atmospheres.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    High-energy irradiation and mass loss rates of hot Jupiters in the solar neighborhood

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    Giant gas planets in close proximity to their host stars experience strong irradiation. In extreme cases photoevaporation causes a transonic, planetary wind and the persistent mass loss can possibly affect the planetary evolution. We have identified nine hot Jupiter systems in the vicinity of the Sun, in which expanded planetary atmospheres should be detectable through Lyman alpha transit spectroscopy according to predictions. We use X-ray observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton of seven of these targets to derive the high-energy irradiation level of the planetary atmospheres and the resulting mass loss rates. We further derive improved Lyman alpha luminosity estimates for the host stars including interstellar absorption. According to our estimates WASP-80 b, WASP-77 b, and WASP-43 b experience the strongest mass loss rates, exceeding the mass loss rate of HD 209458 b, where an expanded atmosphere has been confirmed. Furthermore, seven out of nine targets might be amenable to Lyman alpha transit spectroscopy. Finally, we check the possibility of angular momentum transfer from the hot Jupiters to the host stars in the three binary systems among our sample, but find only weak indications for increased stellar rotation periods of WASP-77 and HAT-P-20.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Background paper on the international seafood trade and poverty

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    (121 p.

    FISHRENT; Bio-economic simulation and optimisation model

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    Key findings: The FISHRENT model is a major step forward in bio-economic model-ling, combining features that have not been fully integrated in earlier models: 1- Incorporation of any number of species (or stock) and/or fleets 2- Integration of simulation and optimisation over a period of 25 years 3- Integration of effort and TAC-driven management policies 4- Three independent relations for stock growth, production and investments. The feedbacks within the model allow for a dynamic simulation. The main application of the model is scenario analysis of policy options. Complementary findings: The model formulates a complete set of mathematical relations, but it also con-tains a number of important assumptions, which remain to be tested empirically. Therefore the model presents a challenging agenda for empirical research, which should lead to further qualitative and quantitative improvements of the in-dividual mathematical equations and parameter values. Method: This model was developed during the EU-funded project 'Remuneration of spawning stock biomass'. Its aim was to generate consistent sets of scenarios for an assessment of potential resource rents in different EU fisheries. The model comprises six modules, each focussing on a different aspect of the functioning of the fisheries system: biology (stocks), economy (costs, earnings and profits), policy (TACs, effort and access fees), behaviour (investments), prices (fish and fuel) and an interface linking the modules together. Input, calculation and output are clearly separated. The model produces a standard set of graphics, which provide a quick insight into the results of any model run. All output of the model runs can be exported to database software for further analysis. The model has been built in Excel, which makes it accessible for most us-ers. It has been used in new applications and even translated to other software. The model is continually further developed

    Coronal X-ray emission and planetary irradiation in HD 209458

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    HD 209458 is one of the benchmark objects in the study of hot Jupiter atmospheres and their evaporation through planetary winds. The expansion of the planetary atmosphere is thought to be driven by high-energy EUV and X-ray irradiation. We obtained new Chandra HRC-I data, which unequivocally show that HD 209458 is an X-ray source. Combining these data with archival XMM-Newton observations, we find that the corona of HD 209458 is characterized by a temperature of about 1 MK and an emission measure of 7e49 cm^-3, yielding an X-ray luminosity of 1.6e27 erg/s in the 0.124-2.48 keV band. HD 209458 is an inactive star with a coronal temperature comparable to that of the inactive Sun but a larger emission measure. At this level of activity, the planetary high-energy emission is sufficient to support mass-loss at a rate of a few times 1e10 g/s.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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