3,238 research outputs found

    Molecular detection of parasites (Trematoda, Digenea: Bucephalidae and Monorchiidae) in the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis (Mollusca: Bivalvia)

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    Members of the globally distributed bivalve family Ostreidae (oysters) have a significant role in marine ecosystems and include species of high economic importance. In this work, we report the occurrence of digenean parasites of the families Bucephalidae (Prosorhynchoides sp.) and Monorchiidae (Postmonorchis sp.) in Mediterranean native populations of Ostrea edulis (but not in the introduced Magallana gigas). Molecular detection was based on DNA sequencing of the ribosomal intergenic spacer 2 (ITS2) marker. The importance of detecting the presence of overlooked digenean parasites in Mediterranean oysters is discussed. © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

    A multilocus view on Mediterranean aeolid nudibranchs (Mollusca): Systematics and cryptic diversity of Flabellinidae and Piseinotecidae

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    Recent molecular studies revealed high level of endemism and numerous cryptic species within opisthobranchs, with Mediterranean taxa clearly understudied. Here we used genetic data from both mitochondrial and nuclear gene fragments as well as morphological data from taxonomically relevant characters to investigate the phylogenetic relationships and systematics of Mediterranean taxa of the Flabellinidae and Piseinotecidae families. Phylogenetic analyses based on Bayesian and Maximum-Likelihood methods indicate that Flabellinidae and Pisenotecidae taxa and species within the genera Flabellina, Calmella and Piseinotecus do not form monophyletic clades. These results are supported by our morphological analyses which allowed the re-evaluation of the triseriate radula condition in Pisenotecidae and Calmella taxa and their inclusion in the genus Flabellina as Flabellina gaditana comb. nov. (synonym of F. confusa), Flabellina gabinierei comb. nov. and Flabellina cavolini comb. nov. Species delimitation and barcoding gap analyses allowed uncovering cryptic species within Flabellina gracilis (Alder and Hancock, 1844), F. trophina (Bergh, 1890), F. verrucosa (M. Sars, 1829) and F. ischitana Hirano and Thompson, 1990, the latter with an Atlantic form which is under description. This study corroborates the relevance of combining molecular and morphological data from multiple populations and species in the assessment of nudibranch diversity and classification

    The Sapheos Project: Transparency in Multi-image Collation, Analysis, and Representation

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    Our proposal for a Level II Start-Up grant for the Sapheos project seeks to develop innovative software to analyze, represent, and collate images in the humanities. While there are an array of text based digital projects underway that offer increasingly powerful tools for marking up, analyzing, and visualizing textual data in the humanities, image-based analysis has not received similar attention. From the project's inception, our aim has been to develop extensible open-source software that researchers across the humanities can use to link image to text in a discrete, granular fashion. Working with the NEH-funded Spenser Project, a multi-institutional Scholarly Editions project, we're developing two significant image-based software tools: (a) digital collation software that builds on and extends the work of optical methods, using transparency to "stack" and collate multiple copies, and (b) software for automatically sectioning and identifying (x,y) coordinate pairs for images

    Normal and five-fingered hand: comparative X-ray morphometry in the post-natal age

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    Background: Five-fingered hand (5-FH) with completely developed phalanges is a rare phenotype observed so far only in humans and characterised by three phalanges of the 1st ray. A long-lasting, debated question is if the missing element of the normal hand 1st ray is the metacarpal or the phalanx. In this study, comparative X-rays morphometry of long bones in normal and 5-FH is carried out with the aim to face this question through homology analysis of long bone segments in the transverse and longitudinal line of normal hand and 5-FH. Materials and methods: In the normal hand X-rays (n =20) and in a 5-FH X-rays series (n = 9) the relative length of each segment on the ray total length and the index of growth rate (IGR) were assessed. The calculation of the first parameter in normal hand bi-phalangeal thumb was carried out on the 3rd ray total length in the same hand. Results: The parameters of relative length and the proximal/distal growth rate asymmetry in the post-natal period (assessed through the IGR) confirmed in 5-FH the homology of all the five segment on the transverse line. In the normal control hand, the relative length assessment methodology was biased by the missing segment of the thumb, therefore, the reference to the 3rd ray total length in the same hand (instead of the 1st), allowed the homology analysis of the thumb metacarpal and 1st phalanx with the lateral segments (2nd–5th ray) of the same hand. The 5-FH analysis was used to choose the more appropriate reference ray for the normal hand group. Conclusions: The comparative analysis of relative lengths and IGRs in the two groups suggested homology of the (anatomical) 1st metacarpal with the 2nd–5th proximal phalanges in the same hand and that of the (anatomical) 1st proximal phalanx with the 2nd–5th mid phalanges. These data suggest that the missing segment of the normal hand thumb is the metacarpal

    Tools to discriminate between targets of CK2 vs PLK2/PLK3 acidophilic kinases

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    While the great majority of Ser/Thr protein kinases are basophilic or proline directed, a tiny minority is acidophilic. The most striking example of such "acidophilic" kinases is CK2, whose sites are specified by numerous acidic residues surrounding the target one. However PLK2 and PLK3 kinases recognize an acidic consensus similar to CK2 when tested on peptide libraries. Here we describe optimal buffer conditions for PLK2 and 3 kinase activity assays and tools such as using GTP as a phosphate donor and the specific inhibitors CX-4945 and BI 2536, useful to discriminate between acidic phosphosites generated either by CK2 or by PLK2/PLK

    Scale-free random branching tree in supercritical phase

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    We study the size and the lifetime distributions of scale-free random branching tree in which kk branches are generated from a node at each time step with probability qkkγq_k\sim k^{-\gamma}. In particular, we focus on finite-size trees in a supercritical phase, where the mean branching number C=kkqkC=\sum_k k q_k is larger than 1. The tree-size distribution p(s)p(s) exhibits a crossover behavior when 2<γ<32 < \gamma < 3; A characteristic tree size scs_c exists such that for sscs \ll s_c, p(s)sγ/(γ1)p(s)\sim s^{-\gamma/(\gamma-1)} and for sscs \gg s_c, p(s)s3/2exp(s/sc)p(s)\sim s^{-3/2}\exp(-s/s_c), where scs_c scales as (C1)(γ1)/(γ2)\sim (C-1)^{-(\gamma-1)/(\gamma-2)}. For γ>3\gamma > 3, it follows the conventional mean-field solution, p(s)s3/2exp(s/sc)p(s)\sim s^{-3/2}\exp(-s/s_c) with sc(C1)2s_c\sim (C-1)^{-2}. The lifetime distribution is also derived. It behaves as (t)t(γ1)/(γ2)\ell(t)\sim t^{-(\gamma-1)/(\gamma-2)} for 2<γ<32 < \gamma < 3, and t2\sim t^{-2} for γ>3\gamma > 3 when branching step ttc(C1)1t \ll t_c \sim (C-1)^{-1}, and (t)exp(t/tc)\ell(t)\sim \exp(-t/t_c) for all γ>2\gamma > 2 when ttct \gg t_c. The analytic solutions are corroborated by numerical results.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure