342 research outputs found

    Inter-provincial migration in Italy: a comparison between Italians and foreigners

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    Internal migration in Italy increased in the 2000s due to foreigners residing in the country. Foreigners have changed the characteristics of Italy’s internal migration. Extended gravity models were run to highlight the differences between the migratory behaviours of Italians and foreigners. The model was implemented to detect the different effects of the Italian and foreign populations, and the distances between the provinces of origin and destinations of the inter-provincial migration of Italians and foreigners. Estimations obtained for the years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015 highlight the different evolutions of the phenomenon

    Role of the AP-1 transcription factor FOSL1 in endothelial cells adhesion and migration.

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    Vasculogenesis and angiogenesis, the fundamental processes by which new blood vessels are formed, involve the proliferation, migration, and remodeling of endothelial cells. Dynamic adhesion of endothelial cells to extracellular matrix plays a fundamental role in all these events. Key regulators of endothelial cells adhesion and migration are the αvβ3 and uPA-uPAR complexes. The αvβ3 integrin heterodimer is the receptor for extracellular matrix components such as vitronectin and is overexpressed on the cell surface of angiogenic endothelial cells, but not quiescent cells lining normal vessels. The uPA-uPAR complex contributes to extracellular matrix remodeling by mediating proteolytic activity at the leading edge of migrating cells. We recently reported that the FOSL1 transcription factor of the AP-1 family plays a pivotal role in the regulation of the level of the αvβ3 and uPA-uPAR complexes on the surface of endothelial cells. In this commentary, we review the current knowledge of αv and β3 transcriptional regulation in endothelial cells and discuss the role of FOSL1 in angiogenesis

    The Utrophin Gene Is Transcriptionally Up-regulated in Regenerating Muscle *

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    The utrophin gene codes for a large cytoskeletal protein closely related to dystrophin, the gene mutated in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy. Although utrophin could functionally substitute for dystrophin, in Duchenne's muscular dystrophy patients it did not compensate for the absence of dystrophin because in adult muscle utrophin was poorly expressed and limited to subsynaptic nuclei. However, increased levels of utrophin have been observed in regenerated muscles fibers suggesting that utrophin up-regulation in muscle is feasible. We observed that utrophin mRNA was transiently up-regulated at early time points after muscle injury with a peak already 24 h after muscle damage and utrophin induction in activated satellite cells before fusion into young regenerated fibers. Injection of utrophin lacZ constructs into regenerating muscle demonstrated that the utrophin upstream promoter under the control of its intronic enhancer activated the transcription that leads to the expression of the reporter gene in the newly formed fibers, which was not limited to neuromuscular junctions. Utrophin enhancer activity was dependent on an AP-1 site, and in satellite cells of regenerating muscle the AP-1 factors Fra1, Fra2, and JunD were strongly induced. These results establish that utrophin was induced in adult muscle independently from neuromuscular junctions and suggest that growth factors and cytokines that mediate the muscle repair up-regulate utrophin transcription

    Minorities internal migration in Italy: an analysis based on gravity models

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    ABBSTRACT. Italians and foreigners internal migration assume different behaviour in terms of intensity, geography, type. The levels of the mobility, the propensity to move in a short or in a long range, the propensity to cluster or to disseminate in the host country represent important differential characteristics between the two population. Actually the foreign population seems as a mosaic made up of minorities showing different propensities. This is the reason why an analysis considering foreign population as a whole could reach biased outcome. In the paper some gravity models applied to migratory movements among the 110 Italian provinces concerning the most consistent minorities groups are used. The Poissonian effects (regarding various typologies of masses and distance) show in a synthetic way the main differences among the minorities mobility. Moreover, the interpretation of these parameters allows an original interpretation of the minorities mobility structure inside Italy: the sign and level of the estimates derived from the gravity model can permit to better illustrate the residential model of the minorities reflecting how different theories in this domain act. RIASSUNTO. Stranieri ed italiani si muovono all’interno dell’Italia con intensità, forme, percorsi spesso differenti. Livelli di mobilità, tendenza a preferire spostamenti di breve o di lungo raggio, propensione a raccogliersi in determinate aree o al contrario a diffondersi sul territorio sono elementi che agiscono in modo differente tra le due popolazioni. Inoltre, i gruppi che compongono il mosaico etnico nel nostro paese mostrano a loro volta tendenze differenti per cui un’analisi limitata a considerare la popolazione straniera nel suo insieme potrebbe ricostruire una realtà media che non trova corrispondenza nel comportamento di nessun gruppo etnico. Nel lavoro si applica un modello gravitazionale ai movimenti migratori tra le province italiane di alcuni tra i più consistenti gruppi presenti nel Paese. La lettura dei parametri del modello ottenuti attraverso stime di tipo poissoniano consente non solo di acquisire solidi elementi esplorativi sul comportamento differenziale delle varie collettività, ma anche di interpretare la mobilità migratoria dei diversi gruppi alla luce delle teorie più convincenti che inquadrano il modello di insediamento residenziale delle minoranze all’interno del paese ospite

    Learning t-doped stabilizer states

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    In this paper, we present a learning algorithm aimed at learning states obtained from computational basis states by Clifford circuits doped with a finite number t of non-Clifford gates. To tackle this problem, we introduce a novel algebraic framework for t-doped stabilizer states by utilizing tools from stabilizer entropy. Leveraging this new structure, we develop an algorithm that uses sampling from the distribution obtained by squaring expectation values of Pauli operators that can be obtained by Bell sampling on the state and its conjugate in the computational basis. The algorithm requires resources of complexity O(\exp(t)\poly(n)) and exhibits an exponentially small probability of failure.Comment: L.L. and S.O. contributed equally to this wor

    Isospectral twirling and quantum chaos

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    We show that the most important measures of quantum chaos, such as frame potentials, scrambling, Loschmidt echo and out-of-time-order correlators (OTOCs), can be described by the unified framework of the isospectral twirling, namely the Haar average of a k-fold unitary channel. We show that such measures can then always be cast in the form of an expectation value of the isospectral twirling. In literature, quantum chaos is investigated sometimes through the spectrum and some other times through the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian generating the dynamics. We show that thanks to this technique, we can interpolate smoothly between integrable Hamiltonians and quantum chaotic Hamiltonians. The isospectral twirling of Hamiltonians with eigenvector stabilizer states does not possess chaotic features, unlike those Hamiltonians whose eigenvectors are taken from the Haar measure. As an example, OTOCs obtained with Clifford resources decay to higher values compared with universal resources. By doping Hamiltonians with non-Clifford resources, we show a crossover in the OTOC behavior between a class of integrable models and quantum chaos. Moreover, exploiting random matrix theory, we show that these measures of quantum chaos clearly distinguish the finite time behavior of probes to quantum chaos corresponding to chaotic spectra given by the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE) from the integrable spectra given by Poisson distribution and the Gaussian Diagonal Ensemble (GDE)