2,095 research outputs found

    Gastrointestinal Tumors: Phytochemical and Drug Combinations Targeting the Hallmarks of Cancer

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    Cancer is a worldwide burden resulting in millions of deaths each year. In particular, gastrointestinal tumors are life-threatening malignancies and one of the leading reasons for death in developed countries. Phytochemicals can be found in grains, vegetables, fruits and several foods. Many phytochemicals, such as curcumin, genistein, luteolin, vitexin-2-O-xyloside, avenanthramides, quercetin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), resveratrol, sulforaphane, piperine and thymoquinone have been used in combination with different chemotherapeutic agents for their synergistic anticancer effects against various forms of cancer. In this review, we describe the antitumor properties and biological effects of combinations of phytochemicals and anticancer drugs against gastrointestinal tumors: colon cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer. We focus on the molecular pathways, oncoproteins and tumor suppressors modulated by the combination of phytochemicals with antitumor drugs and on the biomarkers of the hallmarks of cancer influenced by these therapeutic strategies in cancer cell lines, xenograft models and clinical trials. The increased knowledge of biomarkers and molecular pathways regulated by the combination of phytochemicals and conventional anticancer drugs in both in vitro and in vivo models will remarkably improve the efficacy of these therapeutic strategies against gastrointestinal tumors in future innovative clinical applications

    Radioactivity of Mt. Etna volcano and radionuclides transfer to groundwater

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    The paper presents the results of a radiometric survey carried out on the eastern flank of Mt. Etna over an area of approximately 120 km2. Activity concentrations of 238,234U, 232,230,228Th, 226,228Ra, from 238U and 232Th decay chains, and potassium 40K were determined using α- and γ- spectrometry techniques. All rock samples presented activity concentrations of U, Th and Ra isotopes ranging from 20 Bq kg-1 to about 90 Bq kg-1, and they showed no particular compositional variations over the investigated area. Based on their respective elemental concentrations, the isotopic ratios of different elements were studied to check the presence of radioactive equilibrium, or disequilibrium, in the decay chains. Moreover, an attempt to calculate radionuclide transfer factors from soil to water was made, and the radiological risk resulting from ingestion of these isotopes contained in drinking water was calculated. The results were compared with current regulations on the quality of drinking water

    Preliminary Indoor Radon Measurements Near Faults Crossing Urban Areas of Mt. Etna Volcano (Italy)

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    The slopes of Etna are crossed by numerous active faults that traverse various towns and villages. These faults pose a two-fold problem for the local people: on one hand, they cause frequent damage to houses and breakage of roads, while on the other they constitute a preferential route for the rising of crustal and sub-crustal gases, including radon, toward the surface. Various recent studies on the volcano confirm a high level of radon degassing measured both in the soil (> 10,000 Bq/m3), and inside homes (> 2,000 Bq/m3). For this reason, we felt the need to deepen our knowledge on the radon present in the Etnean area, focusing in particular on indoor radon pollution that, as widely recognized, is among the main causes of cancer largely (but not exclusively) of the respiratory system. Firstly, since 2005 we made a broad surface survey that revealed very high radon emissions from soils near active faults on Etna. Typical background soil activity on Etna were <1,000 Bq/m3, whereas in areas of stronger soil degassing, activity values up to ~60,000 Bq/m3 were measured. Furthermore, since late 2015 we have performed continuous indoor radon monitoring inside seven houses, some of which located close to degassing faults on the eastern, southern and south-western flanks of the volcano. Indoor radon concentration varied according to the season of the year, but above all, they changed according to the geology and tectonic setting of the substratum of the monitored houses. In one case, indoor radon concentration reached 3,549 Bq/m3 and remained > 1,000 Bq/m3 for several consecutive months, highlighting a potential health problem for those living in such environments. In other cases, the construction features of the houses and/or the materials used seemed to play an important role in the mitigation of indoor radon accumulation, even in the presence of intensely degassing soils. These preliminary data demonstrate the need to deepen the studies, extending indoor radon measurements to other urban areas, in order to monitor the health hazard for the Etna population, amounting to about one million people

    A hydrogeochemical approach to the characterization of low-enthalpy geothermal systems: the Scordia – Lentini graben (Sicily, Italy)

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    We describe the geochemical characteristics of groundwater samples collected in 23 water wells located on the northern margin of the Hyblean plateau (East Sicily). This area, mostly made of highly permeable carbonate rocks, is rich in low temperature (T < 50° C) hydrothermal groundwaters, distributed in an active sismogenetic zone, with several ENE-WSW-directed tectonic structures that drove magma to the surface during Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene. The chemical features suggest complex mixing between rainwater, CO2-rich groundwater, steam-heated groundwater and geothermal brines, as highlighted by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Some parameters, however, indicate widespread pollution of the aquifers from human activities. Stable isotopes analysis confirms the meteoric origin of groundwater and supports the origin of dissolved CO2 mostly from mantle degassing through deep tectonic faults. Geothermometric estimates, mostly based on quartz and Saturation Indexes geothermometers, suggest minimum reservoir temperature between 100 and 120° C

    Natural radioactivity content in groundwater of Mt. Etna's eastern flank and gamma background of surrounding rocks

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    Waters of Mt. Etna are the main source of drinking water for the local population and are also distributed in municipal supply systems to neighbouring areas. Radioactivity in underground waters and surrounding rocks from the eastern flank of Mt. Etna was investigated on the basis of 9 water and 8 rock samples from 12 localities altogether. Three samples were from water drainage galleries and six from water wells. All water intakes are used for consumption. Activity concentration of uranium isotopes234,238U, radium isotopes226,228Ra and radon222Rn were determined with the use different nuclear spectrometry techniques. The determination of uranium isotopes was carried out with the use of alpha spectrometry. The measurements of radium and radon activity concentration in water were performed with the use of a liquid scintillation technique. Additionally, rocks surrounding the intakes were examined with gamma spectrometry. All water samples showed uranium concentration above Minimum Detectable Activity (MDA), with the highest total uranium (234U +238U) activity concentration equal to 149.2±6 mBq/L. Conversely, all samples showed radium isotopes activity concentrations below MDA. Radon activity concentration was within the range from 2.91±0.36 to 21.21±1.10 Bq/L, hence these waters can be classified as low-radon waters. Gamma natural background of the rocks surrounding the water sampling sites was found on the same levels as other volcanic rocks of Italy

    Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets Practice

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    Also this year, the “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” took place at Mt. Etna, now in its fourth edition. The school was hosted in the historical Volcanological Observatory “Pizzi Deneri”, one of the most important sites of the INGV - Osservatorio Etneo for geochemical and geophysical monitoring. Mount Etna, located in eastern Sicily, is the largest active volcano in Europe and one of the most intensely degassing volcanoes of the world [Allard et al., 1991; Gerlach, 1991]. Mt Etna emits about 1.6 % of global H2O fluxes from arc volcanism [Aiuppa et al., 2008] and 10 % of global average volcanic emission of CO2 and SO2 [D’Alessandro et al., 1997; Caltabiano et al., 2004; Aiuppa et al., 2008; Carn et al., 2017]. Furthermore, Gauthier and Le Cloarec, [1998] underscored that Mt. Etna is an important source of volcanic particles, having a mass flux of particle passively released from the volcano during non-eruptive period estimated between 7 to 23 tons/day [Martin et al., 2008; Calabrese et al., 2011]. In general, Etna is considered to be still under evolution and rather ‘friendly’, which, along with the above, makes it a favorable natural laboratory to study volcanic geochemistry. The Observatory Pizzi Deneri was sponsored by Haroun Tazieff, and it was built in 1978 by the CNR - International Institute of Volcanology under the direction of Prof. Letterio Villari. It is located at the base of the North-East crater (2,850 m a.s.l.), near the Valle del Leone and it was built on the rim of the Ellittico caldera. A picturesque building, consisting of two characteristics domes in front of the breath-taking panorama of the summit craters. Even though it is quite spartan as an accommodation facility, the dormitories, kitchen, seminar room and laboratory are well equipped. In other words, the Pizzi Deneri observatory is a unique place close to the top of the most active volcano of Europe. The observatory lies in a strategic location making it one of the most important sites for monitoring, research and dissemination of the scientific culture. After six field multidisciplinary campaigns (2010-2015) organized by a group of researchers of several institutions (INGV of Palermo, Catania, Naples, Bologna; Universities of Palermo, Florence, Mainz, Heidelberg), the idea of sharing and passing on the experience to the new generation of students has materialized, and the “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” was born in 2016. The four editions of the school were partially funded by INGV of Palermo and Catania, European Geoscience Union (EGU), SocietĂ  Geochimica Italiana (SoGeI) and Associazione Naturalistica Geode. The conceptual idea of the school is to share scientific knowledge and experiences in the geochemical community, using local resources with a low-cost organization in order to allow as many students as possible access to the school. The “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice” is addressed to senior graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, fellows, and newly appointed assistant professors, aiming to bring together the next generation of researchers active in studies concerning the geochemistry and the budget of volcanic gases. Introduce the participants with innovative direct sampling and remote sensing techniques. Furthermore, it gives young scientists an opportunity to experiment and evaluate new protocols and techniques to be used on volcanic fluid emissions covering a broad variety of methods. The teaching approach includes theoretical sessions (lectures), practical demonstrations and field applications, conducted by international recognized geochemists. We thank all the teachers who helped to make the school possible, among these: Tobias Fischer (University of New Mexico Albuquerque), Jens Fiebig (Institut fĂŒr Geowissenschaften Goethe-UniversitĂ€t Frankfurt am Main), Andri Stefansson (University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Sciences), Mike Burton (University of Manchester), Nicole Bobrowski (UniversitĂ€t Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry), Alessandro Aiuppa (UniversitĂ  di Palermo), Franco Tassi (UniversitĂ  di Firenze), Walter D’Alessandro (INGV of Palermo), Fatima Viveiros (University of the Azores). Direct sampling of high-to-low temperature fumaroles, plume measurement techniques (using CO2/SO2 sensors such as Multi-GAS instruments, MAX-DOAS instruments and UV SO2 cameras, alkaline traps and particle filters), measurement of diffuse soil gas fluxes of endogenous gases (CO2, Hg0, CH4 and light hydrocarbons), sampling of mud volcanoes, groundwaters and bubbling gases. Sampling sites include the active summit craters, eruptive fractures and peripheral areas. The students have shown an active participation both to the lessons and the fieldworks. Most of them describe the school as formative and useful experience for their future researches. Their enthusiasm is the real engine of this school

    Etna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets Practice

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    Also this year, the \u201cEtna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice\u201d took place at Mt. Etna, now in its fourth edition. The school was hosted in the historical Volcanological Observatory \u201cPizzi Deneri\u201d, one of the most important sites of the INGV - Osservatorio Etneo for geochemical and geophysical monitoring. Mount Etna, located in eastern Sicily, is the largest active volcano in Europe and one of the most intensely degassing volcanoes of the world [Allard et al., 1991; Gerlach, 1991]. Mt Etna emits about 1.6 % of global H2O fluxes from arc volcanism [Aiuppa et al., 2008] and 10 % of global average volcanic emission of CO2 and SO2 [D\u2019Alessandro et al., 1997; Caltabiano et al., 2004; Aiuppa et al., 2008; Carn et al., 2017]. Furthermore, Gauthier and Le Cloarec, [1998] underscored that Mt. Etna is an important source of volcanic particles, having a mass flux of particle passively released from the volcano during non-eruptive period estimated between 7 to 23 tons/day [Martin et al., 2008; Calabrese et al., 2011]. In general, Etna is considered to be still under evolution and rather \u2018friendly\u2019, which, along with the above, makes it a favorable natural laboratory to study volcanic geochemistry. The Observatory Pizzi Deneri was sponsored by Haroun Tazieff, and it was built in 1978 by the CNR - International Institute of Volcanology under the direction of Prof. Letterio Villari. It is located at the base of the North-East crater (2,850 m a.s.l.), near the Valle del Leone and it was built on the rim of the Ellittico caldera. A picturesque building, consisting of two characteristics domes in front of the breath-taking panorama of the summit craters. Even though it is quite spartan as an accommodation facility, the dormitories, kitchen, seminar room and laboratory are well equipped. In other words, the Pizzi Deneri observatory is a unique place close to the top of the most active volcano of Europe. The observatory lies in a strategic location making it one of the most important sites for monitoring, research and dissemination of the scientific culture. After six field multidisciplinary campaigns (2010-2015) organized by a group of researchers of several institutions (INGV of Palermo, Catania, Naples, Bologna; Universities of Palermo, Florence, Mainz, Heidelberg), the idea of sharing and passing on the experience to the new generation of students has materialized, and the \u201cEtna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice\u201d was born in 2016. The four editions of the school were partially funded by INGV of Palermo and Catania, European Geoscience Union (EGU), Societ\ue0 Geochimica Italiana (SoGeI) and Associazione Naturalistica Geode. The conceptual idea of the school is to share scientific knowledge and experiences in the geochemical community, using local resources with a low-cost organization in order to allow as many students as possible access to the school. The \u201cEtna International Training School of Geochemistry. Science meets practice\u201d is addressed to senior graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, fellows, and newly appointed assistant professors, aiming to bring together the next generation of researchers active in studies concerning the geochemistry and the budget of volcanic gases. Introduce the participants with innovative direct sampling and remote sensing techniques. Furthermore, it gives young scientists an opportunity to experiment and evaluate new protocols and techniques to be used on volcanic fluid emissions covering a broad variety of methods. The teaching approach includes theoretical sessions (lectures), practical demonstrations and field applications, conducted by international recognized geochemists. We thank all the teachers who helped to make the school possible, among these: Tobias Fischer (University of New Mexico Albuquerque), Jens Fiebig (Institut f\ufcr Geowissenschaften Goethe-Universit\ue4t Frankfurt am Main), Andri Stefansson (University of Iceland, Institute of Earth Sciences), Mike Burton (University of Manchester), Nicole Bobrowski (Universit\ue4t Heidelberg Institute of Environmental Physics and Max Planck Institute for Chemistry), Alessandro Aiuppa (Universit\ue0 di Palermo), Franco Tassi (Universit\ue0 di Firenze), Walter D\u2019Alessandro (INGV of Palermo), Fatima Viveiros (University of the Azores). Direct sampling of high-to-low temperature fumaroles, plume measurement techniques (using CO2/SO2 sensors such as Multi-GAS instruments, MAX-DOAS instruments and UV SO2 cameras, alkaline traps and particle filters), measurement of diffuse soil gas fluxes of endogenous gases (CO2, Hg0, CH4 and light hydrocarbons), sampling of mud volcanoes, groundwaters and bubbling gases. Sampling sites include the active summit craters, eruptive fractures and peripheral areas. The students have shown an active participation both to the lessons and the fieldworks. Most of them describe the school as formative and useful experience for their future researches. Their enthusiasm is the real engine of this school

    Assessment of the Geochemical Potential in a Complex Tectonic Environment of South-East Sicily: New Insights From Hydrochemical Data

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    We analyzed a large dataset (143 water sampling sites, 22 variables) of chemical parameters in local groundwaters from the south-east sector of Sicily, namely the Hyblean plateau, in order to set an original evaluation of its geothermal potential using applied geochemistry. The area was affected by volcanism until about 1.4 Ma. Today, though no active volcanism occurs, it is site of surface gas manifestations of focused degassing to which a mantle source has been attributed. We identified and thence selected the most promising sites (water springs and wells) based both on their main geochemical characteristics and on their calculated equilibrium temperature (resulting in the range between 50 and 140 °C). We then applied Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to this restricted dataset and we were able to discriminate between different sources of solutes, both natural and anthropogenic. Finally, we mapped the factor scores obtained from PCA and we focused on those likely related with geothermal conditions in order to highlight the areas with the highest geothermal potential

    Helicobacter pylori and Epstein–Barr Virus Co-Infection in Gastric Disease: What Is the Correlation with p53 Mutation, Genes Methylation and Microsatellite Instability in a Cohort of Sicilian Population?

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    Genetic predisposition, environmental factors, and infectious agents interact in the development of gastric diseases. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection has recently been shown to be correlated with these diseases. A cross-sectional study was performed on 100 hospitalized Italian patients with and without gastric diseases. The patients were stratified into four groups. Significant methylation status differences among CDH1, DAPK, COX2, hMLH1 and CDKN2A were observed for coinfected (Hp-EBV group) patients; particularly, a significant presence of COX2 (p = 0.0179) was observed. For microsatellite instability, minor stability was described in the Hp-HBV group (69.23%, p = 0.0456). Finally, for p53 mutation in the EBV group, exon 6 was, significantly, most frequent in comparison to others (p = 0.0124), and in the Hp-EBV group exon 8 was, significantly, most frequent in comparison to others (p &lt; 0.0001). A significant positive relationship was found between patients with infection (Hp, EBV or both) and p53 mutation (rho = 0.383, p = 0.0001), methylation status (rho = 0.432, p &lt; 0.0001) and microsatellite instability (rho = 0.285, p = 0.004). Finally, we observed among infection and methylation status, microsatellite instability, and p53 mutation a significant positive relationship only between infection and methylation status (OR = 3.78, p = 0.0075) and infection and p53 mutation (OR = 6.21, p = 0.0082). According to our analysis, gastric disease in the Sicilian population has different pathways depending on the presence of various factors, including infectious agents such as Hp and EBV and genetic factors of the subject

    Antimicrobial potential of Sicilian honeys against commensal Escherichia coli and pathogenic Salmonella serovar Infantis

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    Introduction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the antibacterial effect of 71 locally produced honeys from different botanical sources collected from apiarist?s open markets in Sicily. Methods. Antimicrobial activity was determined against Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) and Salmonella serovar Infantis (ATCC 1523) by an agar-diffusion assay from the estimation of the diameter of the inhibition zone produced by the honeys. Statisti- cally significant differences (P inf. .000) regarding inhibition were observed for the honeys tested. Results. The chestnut and polyfloral honey samples exhibited the largest and highest inhibition (diameter of the inhibition zone &gt; 25 mm) against both E. coli and S. Infantis. The honey of oregano origin showed intermediate or low activity against E. coli and S. Infantis, respectively. Prickly pear and erica honeys showed no antimicrobial activity against the two reference strains. Discussion. The results may partially suggest the usefulness of the Sicilian honeys on treating multi-resistant enterobacteria. In light of the enormous potential for application of honey in the clinical practice, it is important that research continues not only into those honeys well recognized as antimicrobial, but also into other locally produced and yet untested honeys
