42 research outputs found

    Microfluidics: A Groundbreaking Technology for PET Tracer Production?

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    Application of microfluidics to Positron Emission Tomography ( PET) tracer synthesis has attracted increasing interest within the last decade. The technical advantages of microfluidics, in particular the high surface to volume ratio and resulting fast thermal heating and cooling rates of reagents can lead to reduced reaction times, increased synthesis yields and reduced by-products. In addition automated reaction optimization, reduced consumption of expensive reagents and a path towards a reduced system footprint have been successfully demonstrated. The processing of radioactivity levels required for routine production, use of microfluidic-produced PET tracer doses in preclinical and clinical imaging as well as feasibility studies on autoradiolytic decomposition have all given promising results. However, the number of microfluidic synthesizers utilized for commercial routine production of PET tracers is very limited. This study reviews the state of the art in microfluidic PET tracer synthesis, highlighting critical design aspects, strengths, weaknesses and presenting several characteristics of the diverse PET market space which are thought to have a significant impact on research, development and engineering of microfluidic devices in this field. Furthermore, the topics of batch- and single-dose production, cyclotron to quality control integration as well as centralized versus de-centralized market distribution models are addressed

    A solvent resistant lab-on-chip platform for radiochemistry applications

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    The application of microfluidics to the synthesis of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers has been explored for more than a decade. Microfluidic benefits such as superior temperature control have been successfully applied to PET tracer synthesis. However, the design of a compact microfluidic platform capable of executing a complete PET tracer synthesis workflow while maintaining prospects for commercialization remains a significant challenge. This study uses an integral system design approach to tackle commercialization challenges such as the material to process compatibility with a path towards cost effective lab-on-chip mass manufacturing from the start. It integrates all functional elements required for a simple PET tracer synthesis into one compact radiochemistry platform. For the lab-on-chip this includes the integration of on-chip valves, on-chip solid phase extraction (SPE), on-chip reactors and a reversible fluid interface while maintaining compatibility with all process chemicals, temperatures and chip mass manufacturing techniques. For the radiochemistry device it includes an automated chip-machine interface enabling one-move connection of all valve actuators and fluid connectors. A vial-based reagent supply as well as methods to transfer reagents efficiently from the vials to the chip has been integrated. After validation of all those functional elements, the microfluidic platform was exemplarily employed for the automated synthesis of a Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRP-R) binding the PEGylated Bombesin BN(7-14)-derivative (F-18]PESIN) based PET tracer

    Analysing the impact of the absence of CARD containing caspases on different forms of cell death

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    © 2018 Dr. Ranja SalvamoserCell death is an important process during embryogenesis as well as tissue homeostasis in the adult. Apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis are three of the major programmed cell death pathways. Dysregulation of either of these cell death pathways can promote the development of a variety of diseases, such as cancer or autoimmune pathologies. Cysteine-dependent aspartate-specific proteases, known as caspases, exert key functions in all of these cell death pathways. Of note, certain caspases have been shown to play a role in more than one cell death pathway. This thesis presents the functional analysis of different caspases, in particular caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) containing caspases and their contributions to the pyroptotic, apoptotic and other cell death pathways. We have generated a novel triple knockout mouse strain deficient for the CARD containing caspases-1, -11 and -12. We initially used this strain to improve our understanding on the contributions of caspases-1, -11 and-12 to sepsis and different forms of cell death. Previous studies have suggested a role for caspase-12 in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced cell death. However, we were not able to attribute a role of caspase-12 to sepsis or ER stress-induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. In Chapter 4 we present a study on the roles of different caspases as well as RipK3 during Salmonella infection in vitro and in vivo. There is evidence for a substantial functional overlap between different cell death pathways in the cellular response to pathogens, such as Salmonella. We examined this functional overlap of different cell death processes in the organismal and cellular response to infection by generating mice deficient for multiple caspases and also RipK3, an essential mediator of necroptotic cell death. Upon infection with S. Typhimurium SL1344 strain, primary myeloid cells from caspase-1/11/12/8 RipK3-/- mice showed marked resistance to cell death and survived even at high bacterial loads for up to 24 hours. When infecting the caspase-1/11/12/8 RipK3-/- mice with the vaccine Salmonella Typhimurium strain, they were not able to clear the bacteria from primary organs. Collectively, these findings provide evidence that there is substantial functional overlap between the different cell death pathways and hence the caspases involved in these processes in the cellular as well as organismal response to infection with S. Typhimurium and possibly other pathogens. Lastly, I generated mice lacking all murine CARD containing caspases, i.e. caspase-1, -11, -12, -2 and -9. These preliminary analyses revealed no major defects when comparing the embryonic development of mice lacking caspases-1, -11, -12, -2 and -9 to wildtype. Furthermore, we isolated haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) from foetal livers derived from caspase-1/11/12/2/9 deficient mice and reconstituted lethally irradiated wildtype mice. Surprisingly, we did not find notable defects in the lymphoid and myeloid compartments in the caspase-1/11/12/2/9 deficient mice at steady state. In thymocyte cell death assays, cells from the quintuple caspase knockout mice still could undergo cell death, induced by the cytotoxic agent ionomycin, albeit at a delayed rate

    Erymanthus Spinola 1841

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    <i>Erymanthus</i> Spinola, 1841 <p> Type species: <i>Erymanthus gemmatus</i> Klug, 1842</p> <p>Spinola 1841: 75; Klug 1842: 327; Lacordaire 1857: 457; Desmarest in Chenu 1860: 269; Schenkling 1903: 28, 64; Corporaal 1949: 355; Opitz 2010: 66.</p> <p> <b>Head:</b> Head including eyes wider than base of pronotum, eyes coarsely facetted, reniform, protruding laterally, deeply emarginated at antennal insertion, separated by one to two eye widths, ocular notch distinct; frons with two grooves or two gibbosities; labrum bilobed, terminal segment of labial palpomeres securiform; terminal maxillary palpomeres spatulate, widened distally; gular sutures apically converging, gular process broad with two papillae (Fig. 1); antennae comprised of 11 antennomeres; antennomere 1 with one long hair; antennomeres 2–8 filiform, 9– 10 triangular, 9–11 forming a distinct club with dense light pubescence; male specimens with a small pit-like sensilla on antennomere 11 (Fig. 2).</p> <p> <b>Thorax</b>: Procoxal cavities closed behind; pro-intercoxal process narrow, broadly dilated posteriorly (Fig. 3); pronotum longer than broad; pronotum subparallel, widest in middle, basal collar conspicuously narrower, pronotal arch slightly narrower, sometimes with strong lateral gibossities; pronotal disc with more or less conspicuously gibbosities and always with a longitudinal elongate-ovate groove centrally; mesocoxal cavities open laterally; anterior mesoventral process present, forming a small convexity; intercoxal mesoventral process more or less wide, protruding laterally; mesepisternum with fine punctation anteriorly, surface smooth posteriorly; scutellum oblongovate; hypomeron tapering apically towards intercoxal process, forming a typical “edge” towards base; metendosternite with conspicuous furcal arms, laminae broadly triangular (Fig. 4).</p> <p> <b>Elytra</b>: Elongate, almost two times longer than broad, base not margined, usually with strong humeri; apex strongly dilated, declivous; elytral punctation in basal part arranged into ten striae, punctation behind humeral part mostly irregular; punctation crateriform, circular to oblong-ovate, sometimes rasp-like; in the posterior part many gibbosities without regular arrangement; posterior half usually with five large gibbosities with dense setae and more or less regular distribution (Fig. 6); hind wing with AA3+4 and CuA2 absent (hence wedge cell absent), MP4 absent or with vetige evident at junction of MP3 and MP3+4.</p> <p> <b>Legs</b>: Legs stout, femora conspicuously swollen, especially profemora; pro- and mesotibiae strongly bent, metatibiae only slightly bent, almost straight; carinae of pro- and mesotibiae over entire length, carinae of metatibiae extending from two-thirds to full length; inner edge of pro- and mesofemora and -tibiae with a row of short, thick bristles; claws simple; tarsal pulvillar formula 3–3–3; pulvilli deeply bilobed; tibial spur formula 1–1– 1 or 1–2–1 (<i>E. pustulatus</i> only).</p> <p> <b>Abdomen</b>: Six visible abdominal ventrites; abdominal metaintercoxal process narrow; pygidium broadest at the beginning of the processes, pygidial index (PL:PW) between 1:0.8 and 1:1; tegminal struts conspicuously long and variable in shape and width.</p>Published as part of <i>Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6)</i> on page 503, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251514">http://zenodo.org/record/251514</a&gt

    Erymanthus bicolor Chapin 1924

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    <i>Erymanthus bicolor</i> Chapin, 1924 <p>(Figs 12–13, 39 C)</p> <p>Chapin 1924: 2.</p> <p> <i>Erymanthus concoloripennis</i> Pic, 1932: 5 <b>n. syn.</b> Pic 1932: 5; Pic 1933: 116.</p> <p> <b> Specimens examined: <i>Erymanthus bicolor</i>:</b> Type material unavailable.</p> <p> <b> <i>Erymanthus concoloripennis:</i> Lectotype</b> (designated here): Musée de Congo, Sankuru: Komi, 28.III.1930, J. Ghesquière, Erymanthus concoloripennis mp, R. Det. DD 2224, Type, Holotype, Erymanthus bicolor Chap., Syn. Nov. J. J. Menier 1981 (MRAC).</p> <p> <b> Comment on type specimen: <i>Erymanthus bicolor</i>:</b> Chapin lists a single type specimen (AMNH Type 28080) in his description of <i>E. bicolor</i>, it therefore (although we have not examined it) qualified as the Holotype, fixed by monotypy (ICZN 1999: Article 73.1.2). <b> <i>Erymanthus concoloripennis</i>:</b> As Pic makes no mention of type specimens, all <i>E. concoloripennis</i> type material are considered syntypes (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1).</p> <p> <b>Others:</b> Muséum Paris, Congo belge centr., Maniema: Kindu, L. Burgeon 1917, Individu bcp + grand que type, E. bicolor Chapin, Comparé au type par Jean J. Menier 1981 - Type á New York Amer. Mus. nat. Hist. (MNHN). Musée du Congo, Lulua, Kapanga, IV. 1933, G. F. Overlaet, R. Det. H 3312, Erymanthus bicolor Chap. (MRAC). Musée du Congo, Kafakumba, XI. 1933, G. F. Overlaet, R. Det. S. 5492, desiré, Erymanthus bicolor Chap. (MRAC). Gumba, 11.XI.27, A. Collart, det. Corporaal 1941, Erymanthus bicolor Chapin, Coll. R. I. Sc. N. B. (ISNB).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Erymanthus bicolor</i> can easily be confused with <i>E. diversipes</i>, primarily because of their very similar coloration. <i>Erymanthus diversipes</i> only has the tibiae dark blue, antennomeres 1–2 orange and antennomeres 3–11metallic blue. Specimens of <i>E. bicolor</i> can be recognized by their orange anterior legs and orange antennae. <i>Erymanthus concoloripennis</i> is treated as a synonym because we observed no differences in external morphology or genitalia.</p> <p> <b>Length:</b> (5 specimens measured) 13–16mm (average 14.6mm).</p> <p> <b>Head:</b> Orange; antennae yellow to orange; frontal umbo with two grooves; with anteriorly directed flavous pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Pronotum:</b> Pronotal length to width ratio 1.05:1 to 1.18:1 (average 1.11:1); orange, prebasal depression and pronotal collar laterally dark; gibbosities inconspicuous; pronotal groove quite deep; with quite dense fine punctation; with relatively dense dark and white pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Scutellum:</b> Black; vested with black setae.</p> <p> <b>Elytra:</b> Elytral length to width ratio 1.90:1 to 2.09:1 (average 2.00:1); nitid; with dense punctation, apical part with many gibbosities; first 2–4 rows of punctation slightly rasp-like; punctation basally fine and circular, in distinct rows, interstices smaller than diameter of punctation, apically coarse, elongate-ovate, irregularly distributed, interstices up to double diameter of punctation; posterior part with dense black and white pilosity; gibbosities A, B, C and D with dense fine punctation (sometimes with white setal tuft), E with black setae.</p> <p> <b>Legs:</b> Prothoracic legs orange, tibiae slightly darker, tarsi black; other legs completely black.</p> <p> <b>Lower surface:</b> Prothorax pale, remainder black, sometimes with light spots laterally on each abdominal segment.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI:</b> Tips of tegminal lobes pointed, tegminal lobes one-seventh length of tegmen; tegminal struts broadened at base, broadened even more after one-ninth length and tapering after onefourth lanceolate; phallic tip clavate; posterior side of pygidium almost round; processes of ventrite VI almost round.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> DR Congo.</p> <p> <b>Seasonal occurrence:</b> Collected from November to April.</p>Published as part of <i>Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6)</i> on pages 510-511, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251514">http://zenodo.org/record/251514</a&gt

    Analysing the impact of the absence of CARD containing caspases on different forms of cell death

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    © 2018 Dr. Ranja SalvamoserCell death is an important process during embryogenesis as well as tissue homeostasis in the adult. Apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis are three of the major programmed cell death pathways. Dysregulation of either of these cell death pathways can promote the development of a variety of diseases, such as cancer or autoimmune pathologies. Cysteine-dependent aspartate-specific proteases, known as caspases, exert key functions in all of these cell death pathways. Of note, certain caspases have been shown to play a role in more than one cell death pathway. This thesis presents the functional analysis of different caspases, in particular caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) containing caspases and their contributions to the pyroptotic, apoptotic and other cell death pathways. We have generated a novel triple knockout mouse strain deficient for the CARD containing caspases-1, -11 and -12. We initially used this strain to improve our understanding on the contributions of caspases-1, -11 and-12 to sepsis and different forms of cell death. Previous studies have suggested a role for caspase-12 in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress-induced cell death. However, we were not able to attribute a role of caspase-12 to sepsis or ER stress-induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. In Chapter 4 we present a study on the roles of different caspases as well as RipK3 during Salmonella infection in vitro and in vivo. There is evidence for a substantial functional overlap between different cell death pathways in the cellular response to pathogens, such as Salmonella. We examined this functional overlap of different cell death processes in the organismal and cellular response to infection by generating mice deficient for multiple caspases and also RipK3, an essential mediator of necroptotic cell death. Upon infection with S. Typhimurium SL1344 strain, primary myeloid cells from caspase-1/11/12/8 RipK3-/- mice showed marked resistance to cell death and survived even at high bacterial loads for up to 24 hours. When infecting the caspase-1/11/12/8 RipK3-/- mice with the vaccine Salmonella Typhimurium strain, they were not able to clear the bacteria from primary organs. Collectively, these findings provide evidence that there is substantial functional overlap between the different cell death pathways and hence the caspases involved in these processes in the cellular as well as organismal response to infection with S. Typhimurium and possibly other pathogens. Lastly, I generated mice lacking all murine CARD containing caspases, i.e. caspase-1, -11, -12, -2 and -9. These preliminary analyses revealed no major defects when comparing the embryonic development of mice lacking caspases-1, -11, -12, -2 and -9 to wildtype. Furthermore, we isolated haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) from foetal livers derived from caspase-1/11/12/2/9 deficient mice and reconstituted lethally irradiated wildtype mice. Surprisingly, we did not find notable defects in the lymphoid and myeloid compartments in the caspase-1/11/12/2/9 deficient mice at steady state. In thymocyte cell death assays, cells from the quintuple caspase knockout mice still could undergo cell death, induced by the cytotoxic agent ionomycin, albeit at a delayed rate

    Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842

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    <i>Erymanthus gemmatus</i> Klug, 1842 <p>(Figs 18–19, 39 F)</p> <p>Klug 1842: 327, t. 1 f. 6; Spinola 1844: 61, t41 f5; Imhoff 1856: t6 f33; Desmarest in Chenu 1860: t18 f4; Schenkling 1906: 282; Ekis 1975: 39.</p> <p> <b>Specimens examined: Lectotype</b> (designated here): Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB). <b>Paralectotypes</b> (designated here): Caffraria, Paratype?, Gemmatus Klug. Mon. 327.1.6., Ex Musaeo James Thomson, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr, (MNHN). Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB). Caffraria, Krebs, Syntypus, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug 1842, labelled by MNHUB 2012, Hist. Coll. (Coleoptera) Nr. 17813, Zool. Mus. Berlin (ZMB).</p> <p> <b>Comment on type specimens:</b> In stating “Fand sich verschiedentlich in Sendungen des Hrn. Krebs aus dem Kaffernland”, Klug (1842: 327,328) implied that there were more than one specimen he examined and therefore all type material are considered syntypes (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1). We have designated the lectotype and three paralectotypes from specimens from type material held in ZMB and MNHN.</p> <p> <b>Others:</b> Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Museum f. Naturkunde Berlin (ZMB). Uamgebiet, Bosum, 11.– 20.6.14, Tessmann S., Erymanthus gemmatus J. J. Menier det. 19 (ZMB). Südafrika, 8.ii.1995, KwaZulu-Natal: St. Lucia Park, Charter's Creek, 28°12' S / 32°25' E, leg. F. Koch (ZMB). Cap de Bonne-Espérance, E. gemmatus Kl. Schenkling vid. 1901, Muséum Paris (MNHN). Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Cape, Ex Musaeo Parry, Muséum Paris 1952, Coll. R. Oberthúr (MNHN). Chesen, Afr. Orient, Coll. Oberthur (MNHN). Klaserie-Kampersrus, 7/ 800m 17.XI., Transv. S.A., W. Wittmer 1983, Muséum Paris, Don de W. Wittmer 1984 (MNHN). 16m S. of Nelsspruit, XI.1965, L. Schulze, Mazoe, Mashonal., Dec. 0 5 GAKM, Mazoe, Mashonal'd, Dec. 0 5, G.A. K. Marshall, 1926 ex British Museum, Marshall Coll. 1914–554, J. B. Corporaal det. 1926 Erymanthus gemmatus Klug (RMNH). South Africa, E. Cape, Queenstown, Long Hill, 31.52 S 26.53 E, 2 Dec 1989, S. van Noort, South African Museum Cape Town, Eurymanthus Spinola, 1841, det. W. Opitz, SAM-COL- A068403 (SAMC). Transvaal, Potchefst. Dist., Purck 1879, T. Ayres, gemmatus Kl., 1146, SAM-COL-A038085 (SAMC). Estcourt, Natal, Dec. 1896, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, J. J. Menier det. 1981, Marshall Coll. 1914–554 (BMNH). Kenya, Kilifi, 1601, J. C. M. Gardner, G4179 Jan. '56, Pres by Com Inst Ent B M 1956–30, Com. Inst. Ent. Coll. No. 14936, Erymanthus gemmatus Klug, J. J. Menier det. 1981 (BMNH). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 11.12.2001, E-Y: 3459, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Game Res., 25.40’ S– 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3448, beating, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3453, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 22.11.2001; E-Y: 3453, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Waterberg Geelhoutbush farm, 24.22 S – 27.33 E, 8.10.1995; E-Y: 3155, pyrethrum fogging, Endrödy & Bellamy, Acacia robusta (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). S. Afr., Gauteng, Cullinan Premier Mine Game Res., 25.40 S – 28.29 E, 16.1.2002; E-Y: 3475, light trap, leg. TMSA staff (TMSA). South Africa, TVL. Pretoria, The Willows, 25.45S 28.21E, 10.xii.1995, collected at light, R. G. Oberprieler, National Coll. of Insects Pretoria, S. Afr (SANC). South Africa, TVL, D'Nyala Nat. Res., Ellisras, 23.45S 27.49E, 850m, 24–26.ix.1990, R. G. Oberprieler, National Coll. of Insects, Pretoria, S. Afr (SANC). Tanzania c.occ., 1200m, 3°25,5' N; 31°47,1' E, 100km on Kathama road, leg. L. Hálková, 24.xii.2006, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). Zimbabwe-NE, 10-30km E and NE of Shamva, Nyagui river, 1998, lgt. S. Bečvář, 15.–16.xii, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). RSA, Kruger NP, Numbi Gate, 8.– 14.1.2007, Šafanda leg. (RGCM). Tanzania, Iringa pr., 100km NE Iringa, S 07°37' E 36°17', 660m, 9.1.2007, J. Halada lgt., Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). South Africa, TVL, D'Nyala Nat. Res., Ellisras District, 23.45S 27.49E, 8.–10.xii.1989, M. W. Mansell, Collected at light, National Coll. of Insects, Pretoria, S. Afr. (SANC)</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Erymanthus gemmatus</i> can be confused with <i>E. transversopustulatus</i> <b>n. sp.</b> and <i>E. testaceus</i>. <i>Erymanthus testaceus</i> has white setae on gibbosities A, C and D. <i>Erymanthus transversopustulatus</i> <b>n. sp.</b> is 18– 20mm long and has black setae on gibbosity B and black legs with two light brown crossbands on each femur.</p> <p> <b>Length:</b> (29 specimens measured) 8–13mm (average 9.72mm).</p> <p> <b>Head:</b> Yellow to brown with a dark triangular spot, tapering posteriorly; frontal umbo light; with short light pilosity and with isolated long dark hairs; antennae distally darker.</p> <p> <b>Pronotum:</b> Pronotal length to width ratio 1.03:1 to 1.21:1 (average 1.11:1); yellow to brown, with characteristic dark pattern (Fig. 39 F); broadest behind middle; gibbosities plane; with isolated punctation; with dorsally long dark, laterally white pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Scutellum:</b> Black; vested with white setae.</p> <p> <b>Elytra:</b> Elytral length to width ratio 1.69:1 to 2.02:1 (average 1.83:1); apical half of elytra conspicuously broader, yellow to brown, with variable dark markings; always with spots next to scutellum; punctation in the anterior half always lighter; first 3–4 rows of punctation slightly rasp-like; punctation coarse, almost circular and anteriorly in distinct rows, anteriorly interstices smaller than diameter of punctation; pilosity with long dark and short white hairs; gibbosities B and E yellow, the others brown; gibbosities A, C and E with dark and dense setal tuft, D sometimes with dark setae, B with white setal tuft.</p> <p> <b>Legs:</b> Yellow, tibiae proximally darker, femora with dark pattern around the middle.</p> <p> <b>Lower surface:</b> Dark brown, with white pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI:</b> Tegminal lobes one-tenth of tegmen length, tips of tegminal lobes pointed; tegminal struts broadened until two-thirds of whole length and then tapering concavely; phallic tip hooklike in lateral view; posterior side of pygidium angular; tips of ventrite VI blunt.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> Central African Republic, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, South Africa.</p> <p> <b>Seasonal occurrence:</b> Collected from June to February.</p>Published as part of <i>Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6)</i> on pages 516-518, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251514">http://zenodo.org/record/251514</a&gt

    Erymanthus flavonotatus Pic 1932

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    <i>Erymanthus flavonotatus</i> Pic, 1932 <p>(Figs 16–17, 39 E)</p> <p>Pic 1932: 5; Pic 1933: 116; Pic 1950: 160.</p> <p> <b>Specimen examined: Lectotype</b> (designated here): Mayumbe, Cabra, Musée du Congo Belge, (MRAC). <b>Comment on type specimen:</b> Pic (1932: 5) does not mention the number of specimens, the specimen of Cabra is therefore considered a syntype ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and available for lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Erymanthus flavonotatus</i> can be confused with <i>E. belzebuth</i>, <i>E. variolatus</i>, and <i>E. maculaticeps</i>. <i>Erymanthus maculaticeps</i> has the abdomen dark brown to black. <i>Erymanthus belzebuth</i> and <i>E. variolatus</i> have dark markings basally and around the middle of femora.</p> <p> <b>Length:</b> (1 specimen measured) 10mm.</p> <p> <b>Head:</b> Light brown; frontal umbo with two grooves and posterior extension; with anteriorly directed flavous pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Pronotum:</b> Pronotal length to width ratio 1.05:1; light brown; gibbosities and pronotal groove inconspicuous; with dense fine punctation; with isolated flavous pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Scutellum:</b> Black; vested with white setae.</p> <p> <b>Elytra:</b> Elytral length to width ratio 2.01:1; lighter brown than head and pronotum, one black spot on each side in anterior half; punctation circular, coarse, first 2–4 rows slightly rasp-like, interstices half as wide as diameter of punctation, irregularly distributed; with isolated flavous pilosity; all gibbosities with white setal tuft, E not distinct, with dense fine punctation.</p> <p> <b>Legs:</b> Light brown, tibiae darker; indication of dark spot on pro- and mesofemora, metafemora basally towards middle dark; coxae except for procoxae (with light spot) dark.</p> <p> <b>Lower surface:</b> Dark brown to black, last two abdominal segments light brown, other abdominal segments with light spot laterally; meso- and metathorax with dense white pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI:</b> Tips of tegminal lobes pointed, tegminal lobes very short; tegminal struts broadened until three-sevenths length and tapering lanceolate until tip; phallic tip hooklike in lateral view; posterior side of pygidium rather angular; processes of ventrite VI pointed.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> DR Congo.</p> <p> <b>Seasonal occurrence:</b> Not specified.</p>Published as part of <i>Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6)</i> on pages 514-516, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251514">http://zenodo.org/record/251514</a&gt

    Erymanthus maculaticeps Pic 1949

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    <i>Erymanthus maculaticeps</i> Pic, 1949 <p>(Figs 22–23, 40 B)</p> <p>Pic 1949: 310.</p> <p> <b>Specimens examined: Lectotype</b> (designated here): IFAN-1948 Ziele ubena, IFAN-1948 Holas et Descaper, Type, Erymanthus maculaticeps nsp (MNHN).</p> <p> <b>Comment on type specimen:</b> Pic (1949: 310) does not mention number of specimens he examined, therefore the specimen of Ziela is considered a syntype (ICZN 1999: Article 73.2) and is available for lectotype designation (ICZN 1999: Article 74.1).</p> <p> <b>Others:</b> Joveri 6, Adipodoumé B. - Côte d'Ivoire, Type, Muséum Paris, don Orsum 1951, Erymanthus joveri nsp (MNHN; the species name “ <i>joveri</i> ” was never published). Côte d'Ivoire, Adipodoumé, mois 12.1947, Coll. Ch. Primot, Muséum Paris 1950, Coll. Ch. et J. Primot (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Taï, 25-1-55, P. Cachan (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Adipodoumé, mois 9.1947, Coll. Ch. Primot, Muséum Paris 1950, Coll. Ch. et J. Primot (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Taï, Mars.78, G. Couturier leg., Piège lumineux (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, reg. de Taï, 18.3.1985, G. Couturier & V. van Zeijst Réc. Orstom-Paris, Mission Unesco, Environs Village de Gouleako, Friche a Magaranga Hurifolia de 6 ans, Biotope n° 24 (MNHN). Côte d'Ivoire, Lamto, 17.X.1982, Leroux Rec., Muséum Paris (MNHN). Guinea: Kindia, Mt. Gangan 1000m, 29.10.1984, leg: Murzin, Erymanthus testaceus Pic, J. Rolčík det.</p> <p>2004, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). RCI.1.87, Buneo, Jakub Rolčík Collection Prague (JRCP). Côte d'Ivoire, reg. de Taï, 18.3. 1985, G. Couturier & V. van Zeijst Réc. Orstom-Paris, Mission Unesco, Environs Village de Gouleako, Friche a Magaranga Hurifolia de 6 ans, Biotope n° 24 (RGCM).</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis:</b> <i>Erymanthus maculaticeps</i> can be confused with <i>E. belzebuth</i>, <i>E. semirufus</i>, <i>E. variolatus</i> and <i>E. flavonotatus</i>. <i>Erymanthus semirufus</i>, <i>E. flavonotatus</i> and <i>E. variolatus</i> have at least two flavotestaceous abdominal segments. <i>Erymanthus belzebuth</i> and <i>E. variolatus</i> have dark markings basally and just before the middle of femora. <i>Erymanthus maculaticeps</i> is clearly recognizable by its dark abdomen and the basally darker femora.</p> <p> <b>Length:</b> (7 specimens measured) 11–14mm (average 12.43mm).</p> <p> <b>Head:</b> Light brown, posteriorly darker; frontal umbo with two grooves; with anteriorly directed flavous pilosity; antennomeres from A3 onwards black.</p> <p> <b>Pronotum:</b> Pronotal length to width ratio 1.07:1 to 1.15:1 (average 1.12:1); with dense fine punctation; light brown; gibbosities and pronotal groove inconspicuous; with isolated flavous pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Scutellum:</b> Black; vested with white setae.</p> <p> <b>Elytra:</b> Elytral length to width ratio 2.05:1 to 2.24:1 (average 2.19:1); elytra lighter brown than head and pronotum, one black spot on each side in basal half; punctation circular to slightly elongate-ovate, first 2–4 rows slightly rasp-like, basally distinct rows visible, interstices half to same width as diameter of punctation; with isolated flavous and black pilosity; gibbosities A, B, C and D with white setal tuft, E with dense fine punctation.</p> <p> <b>Legs:</b> Light brown, tibiae darker; indication of a dark spot on pro- and mesofemora, mesofemora basally darker, its metafemora dark from base towards middle; coxae except for procoxae (with light spot) dark.</p> <p> <b>Lower surface:</b> Dark brown to black, each abdominal segment with a pale spot laterally; meso- and metathorax black, with dense white pilosity.</p> <p> <b>Male genitalia, pygidium, ventrite VI:</b> Tips of tegminal lobes pointed, tegminal lobes one-eighth length of tegmen; tegminal struts narrow, broadened until three-sevenths length and tapering lanceolate until tip; phallic tip clavate; posterior side of pygidium rounded; processes of ventrite VI neither pointed nor blunt.</p> <p> <b>Distribution:</b> Guinea, Ivory Coast.</p> <p> <b>Seasonal occurrence:</b> Collected from September to March.</p>Published as part of <i>Gerstmeier, Roland & Salvamoser, Max, 2014, Revision of the checkered beetle genus Erymanthus Spinola, 1841 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae), pp. 501-548 in Zootaxa 3755 (6)</i> on pages 522-525, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3755.6.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/251514">http://zenodo.org/record/251514</a&gt