13 research outputs found

    Analysis of Reliability Mapping in Refining Industry: Identification of Critical Regions and Interventions in Complex Production Systems

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    PresentationThe article aims demonstrate the importance of reliability mapping for decrease risks of shutdown and accident in critical activities. For mapping is needed to know the operational context, considering culture and deviations that between with other factors will be occasion total failure. The analyses of sociotechnical reliability need of mapping of human, operational, process and equipment reliability to occur, besides considering the system complexity and the social attractiveness, for that this way be possible the elaboration of efficient barriers. The reliability mapping demands tools in the area of social and human risk analysis, analysis of the task with the evaluation of the environment of the activities, project of work, analysis of human factors, identification of work behaviour for cultural transformation, leadership style for process safety, culture of guilt and fair culture, dynamic risk management, energy reliability and good energy practices. The Socio Technical Reliability Analyses – STRA is a more complete tool for the analyse of systems and decrease of risks. With this mapping, it is possible to identify the industrial areas that have the greatest influence on the losses occurred in the industrial context, after that it is possible use the information for make an using fault tree analyses & decision diagram. That provides for the manager makes decisions with a solid knowledge base. The methodology aims through application of tool, demonstrate the use in analyses of parameters and construction of sociotechnical reliability mapping, identifying the tasks, equipment and process that cause shutdown. After reliability assessment, it continued with barriers analysis using fault tree analyses & decision diagram tool. The conclusion is about understand different cause considering STRA and demonstrate the decision-making processes importance to take corrective and preventive actions

    Analysis of the Low Perception of Risk: Causes, Consequences, and Barriers

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    PresentationThe principles of risk, danger, and sociability depend on cognitive limitations and the social work environment. Subjects are linked in binaries or multiples where they can establish causal relationships or influences that lead to informal rules of behavior in the workplace. A group that understands what positively influences the organizational goal of avoiding accidents and losing energy will know the importance of keeping the fundamentals of work alive. Understanding the principles is the basis for research into safe, alert, and resilient behavior. From the characterization of the principles adopted in the form of relationships, from the established standards of good practices, they present hypotheses about safe behavior. The hypotheses may indicate gaps in the difference between what is expected for a risk activity (good practices) and what is detected from the observation scenarios of this industrial routine. In the cognitive analysis based on the models that indicate perception, attention, and memory are initial stages for the construction of the mental scheme of execution of preformatted procedures or elaboration of procedures in unusual situations. A comparative analysis for a group indicates which aspects considered as priorities for decision and common sense allow a more complex preparation that requires a new concept. In the job search are the physical, cognitive (information flow and type of communication) and organizational situations that can cause human error and equipment failure. Working criteria can decrease or increase human error. This work aims to test the principles and indicate the hypotheses through the analysis of scenarios and confirm the relationships of the lack of perception of risk, with the analysis of the work station indicating which factors of performance that influence the human error. When designing interventions, it is important to suggest the influence of competence level and quality of communication tools in a stressful environment with specific leadership. Interventions depend on the type of human error, therefore, on the application of intellectual capital, operational groups for situations under stress, change of habits and educational campaigns


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    É notório que há um comprometimento do equilíbrio ambiental no mundo devido à falta de áreas verdes, incluindo no Brasil. Por isso, as restrições ambientais para o uso do solo tem sido preocupação do governo, porém, este não realiza adequadamente o planejamento para as áreas urbanas e não fiscaliza as ocupações espontâneas, que se instalam em áreas restritas. Isto faz-se importante para Madre de Deus, pela intensa atividade industrial, no qual a migração não ordenada provoca degradação do solo, acúmulo de resíduos e efluentes não tratados. Desse modo, este trabalho pretende realizar uma análise temporal do uso e ocupação do solo de áreas localizadas na Baia de Todos os Santos no Município de Madre de Deus, Bahia, utilizando as ferramentas técnicas de sensoriamento remoto, com o objetivo de demonstrar a ocupação aleatória em Áreas de Proteção Ambiental Permanente e a redução de áreas de vegetação nativa. Fotografias aéreas foram utilizadas para a análise com as seguintes escalas: 1:8.000 na foto de 1976: 1: 10.000 na foto de 1989: 1: 8.000 na foto de 2001 e uma ortofoto do ano de 2010. Os cenários visualizados demonstram alterações da vegetação nativa, transformada em áreas antropizadas, e indicam práticas de ocupação e a ausência de planejamento, levando em consideração atuação de líderes locais, representantes da indústria e poder público. Através destes dados, pode-se auxiliar as autoridades locais na aplicação do plano diretor para ocupações futuras ou para recuperação da vegetação natural e promoção de educação ambiental na comunidade

    Decision Making in Health Management during Crisis: A Case Study Based on Epidemiological Curves of China and Italy against COVID-19

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    In December 2019, a new infectious respiratory disease called COVID-19 was identified in Wuhan, Hubei province, in China and quickly reached pandemic status in March 2020, in uncertain and frightening situation. The objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiological curves from the fight against COVID-19 in China and Italy, establishing parameters that can assist with the decisions of health-planning managers. This study was conducted using the principles of the grounded theory methodology and a practical method of comparison between the real and ideal curves, based on the contamination and death data by SARS-CoV-2 in China and Italy. For this purpose, we built graphs, including parameters, such as, among others, amplitude, height, saturation point, acceleration, lethality, event, risk, and efficiency. The results of our study showed that China exhibited amplitude and height of the active contamination and death curve 2 times smaller than those of Italy which exhibited several saturations. It was investigated that Italy presented a qualitative risk of 5–6, whereas for China it was 4. According to the parameters, China and Italy presented health management that was able to reduce the impact caused by the virus. The implementation of adequate health management with these practical tools can guide perception of the crisis critical levels, avoiding major disasters. We intend to continue to validate the method in the analysis of data from Brazil and the USA

    Modeling the Socioeconomic Metabolism of End-of-Life Tires Using Structural Equations: A Brazilian Case Study

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    Socioeconomic metabolism (SEM) is the exchange of materials and energy between society and the environment involving the social, economic and environmental sectors. In this paper, a boundary was defined between the economic (consumption) and environmental (waste recovery) limits in a city of 300,000 inhabitants in relation to the circulation (generation, reuse and disposal) of end-of-life tires (ELTs). The objective was to elaborate a theoretical structural model to evaluate the socioeconomic metabolism of waste (SEMw) by means of technical constructs (direct material flows (DMF), reverse material flows (RMF), socioeconomic environment (SEF) and sociodemographic factors (SDF)). Structural Equation Modeling (SEMm) was performed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (SmartPLS) software. The results obtained from the hypotheses show the causal relationships between the technical and social constructs and suggest guidelines for supporting the planning and management of urban solid waste in the collection and final disposal of ELTs. The processed information also contributes to the analysis of the city’s socioeconomic scenarios in relation to the disposal of ELTs. One of the hypotheses tested (RMF have a direct effect on SEMw) shows the importance of managing ELTs through the correct final disposal of waste and recycling. SEMw was evaluated from the perception of the local society and it is concluded that it is possible to plan public policies to avoid the formation of waste inventory in the city

    Prevalência e fatores de risco para tuberculose bovina na Bahia, Brasil

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    An epidemiological study was carried out in order to characterize the bovine tuberculosis situation and to support the planning and implementation of the National Program for the Control and Eradication of Bovine Tuberculosis in the State of Bahia, owing to the importance of the disease in causing economic burdens and its impact on public health. The State was divided into four regions. In each region, properties were randomly chosen and, a pre-established number of animals was also randomly selected; these animals then subjected to the intradermal comparative cervical tuberculin diagnostic test. Animals with inconclusive test results were retested with the same diagnostic procedure within a minimum interval of 60 days. Within each sampled property, a questionnaire was administered to verify possible risk factors for the disease. In the State, the prevalence of infected herds was 1.6% [1.0–2.6] and that of infected animals 0,21% [0,07; 0,60]. In the regions, the prevalence of infected herds and infected animals were, respectively, 2,0% [1,0; 4,2%] and 2,0% [1,0; 4,2%] in region 1; , 2,9% [1,5; 5,5] and 0,66% [0,20; 2,16] in region 2; 0,3% [0,04; 2,1] and 0,02% [0,002; 0,12] in region 3; and 0,6% [0,2; 2,5] and 0,05% [0,01; 0,20] in region 4. The risk factors associated with tuberculosis infection were dairy farm (odds ratio [OR] = 9.72) or mixed farm (OR = 6.66), and size of herd ? 18 cows ? 24 months of age (OR = 8.44). In conclusion, it is recommended that the State of Bahia implement a surveillance system for the detection of herds with bovine tuberculosis to certifying them in free herds, with special attention to dairy properties, and develop a solid program of health education so that producers test animals for bovine tuberculosis before introducing them into their herds.Em virtude da importância da tuberculose bovina como enfermidade causadora de prejuízos econômicos, o impacto em saúde pública e visando apoiar o planejamento e execução do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Tuberculose Bovina no Estado da Bahia, foi realizado estudo epidemiológico para caracterizar a situação da enfermidade no estado. O Estado foi estratificado em quatro regiões. Em cada região, propriedades foram sorteadas aleatoriamente e, dentro dessas, escolheu-se de forma também aleatória um número pré-estabelecido de animais, os quais foram submetidos ao teste tuberculínico Cervical Comparativo. Os animais que resultaram inconclusivos foram retestados com o mesmo procedimento diagnóstico em intervalo mínimo de 60 dias. Em cada propriedade amostrada aplicou-se um questionário para se verificar possíveis fatores de risco para a doença. No Estado, a prevalência de focos foi de 1,6% [1,0; 2,6%] e a de animais 0,21% [0,07; 0,60]. Nas regiões, as prevalências de focos e de animais foram, respectivamente de 2,0% [1,0; 4,2%] e 0,08% [0,035; 0,17] na região 1, 2,9% [1,5; 5,5] e 0,66% [0,20; 2,16] na região 2, 0,3% [0,04; 2,1] e 0,02% [0,002; 0,12] na região 3 e 0,6% [0,2; 2,5] e 0,05% [0,01; 0,20] na região 4. Os fatores de risco associados a condição de foco foram: ser propriedade leiteira (OR= 9,72), ser propriedade mista (OR= 6,66) e tamanho do rebanho ? 18 fêmeas ? 24 meses (OR= 8,44). Concluindo, recomenda-se que o Estado da Bahia implemente um sistema de vigilância para detecção e saneamento dos focos de tuberculose bovina, com especial atenção para as propriedades produtoras de leite, e que desenvolva uma sólida ação de educação sanitária para que seus produtores passem a testar os animais para tuberculose bovina antes de introduzi-los em seus plantéis