39 research outputs found

    L’assistance aux démunis dans les communes occupées : un terrain d’expérimentation municipale ?

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    À partir de la fin août 1914, l’Aisne, comme neuf autres départements français, est partiellement envahie par l’armée allemande. Le préfet et les principaux fonctionnaires de l’administration étatique ont quitté précipitamment la moitié nord du département devant l’ennemi. Commence alors une occupation de plusieurs dizaines de mois pendant laquelle la population est coupée de l’État central par un front totalement étanche. Comme dans les autres occupations militaires qu’a connues la France au..

    Perspectives sur l’étatisation des sociétés

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    Comprendre comment l’État fait la guerre et ce que la guerre fait à l’État, telle était l’ambition de ce volume. Au terme de l’entreprise, une mise à distance critique et honnête suppose de reconnaître ses apports, ses lacunes et les perspectives qu’elle ouvre. Maximisation et déprise de l’État Élie Halévy, dont la correspondance et les écrits de guerre ont été édités l’année même du colloque, écrivait dans une conférence donnée à Oxford en 1930 qu’un nouveau régime avait débuté en août 1914,..

    CRAC: an integrated approach to the analysis of RNA-seq reads

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    International audienceA large number of RNA-sequencing studies set out to predict mutations, splice junctions or fusion RNAs. We propose a method, CRAC, that integrates genomic locations and local coverage to enable such predictions to be made directly from RNA-seq read analysis. A k-mer profiling approach detects candidate mutations, indels and splice or chimeric junctions in each single read. CRAC increases precision compared with existing tools, reaching 99:5% for splice junctions, without losing sensitivity. Importantly, CRAC predictions improve with read length. In cancer libraries, CRAC recovered 74% of validated fusion RNAs and predicted novel recurrent chimeric junctions. CRAC is available at http://crac.gforge.inria.fr

    Querying large read collections in main memory: a versatile data structure

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High Throughput Sequencing (HTS) is now heavily exploited for genome (re-) sequencing, metagenomics, epigenomics, and transcriptomics and requires different, but computer intensive bioinformatic analyses. When a reference genome is available, mapping reads on it is the first step of this analysis. Read mapping programs owe their efficiency to the use of involved genome indexing data structures, like the Burrows-Wheeler transform. Recent solutions index both the genome, and the <it>k</it>-mers of the reads using hash-tables to further increase efficiency and accuracy. In various contexts (e.g. assembly or transcriptome analysis), read processing requires to determine the sub-collection of reads that are related to a given sequence, which is done by searching for some <it>k</it>-mers in the reads. Currently, many developments have focused on genome indexing structures for read mapping, but the question of read indexing remains broadly unexplored. However, the increase in sequence throughput urges for new algorithmic solutions to query large read collections efficiently.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we present a solution, named <it>Gk </it>arrays, to index large collections of reads, an algorithm to build the structure, and procedures to query it. Once constructed, the index structure is kept in main memory and is repeatedly accessed to answer queries like "given a <it>k</it>-mer, get the reads containing this <it>k</it>-mer (once/at least once)". We compared our structure to other solutions that adapt uncompressed indexing structures designed for long texts and show that it processes queries fast, while requiring much less memory. Our structure can thus handle larger read collections. We provide examples where such queries are adapted to different types of read analysis (SNP detection, assembly, RNA-Seq).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><it>Gk </it>arrays constitute a versatile data structure that enables fast and more accurate read analysis in various contexts. The <it>Gk </it>arrays provide a flexible brick to design innovative programs that mine efficiently genomics, epigenomics, metagenomics, or transcriptomics reads. The <it>Gk </it>arrays library is available under Cecill (GPL compliant) license from <url>http://www.atgc-montpellier.fr/ngs/</url>.</p


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    À partir de l’été 1914, les sociétés européennes sont brusquement saisies par la guerre et, ce faisant, par l’État. C’est en son nom que des millions d’hommes vont s’affronter, sous l’uniforme, et que s’opère une gigantesque « mobilisation » des corps, des esprits et des ressources. Omniprésent dans la littérature scientifique, le terme « mobilisation » mérite à l’évidence d’être interrogé. D’abord parce qu’il désigne une pratique militaire – la convocation dans les casernes des hommes ayant ..

    Les mises en guerre de l'État

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    À partir de l’été 1914, les sociétés européennes paraissent brutalement saisies par la guerre et, ce faisant, saisies par l’État. C’est en son nom que des millions d’hommes vont s’affronter, sous l’uniforme, et que s’opère une gigantesque « mobilisation » des corps, des esprits et des ressources, pour reprendre le terme de l’époque toujours employé par les historiens et les historiennes. Cent ans plus tard, alors que tous les États ayant fait la guerre ont engagé de vastes programmes de commémoration, le moment semblait particulièrement opportun pour comprendre comment l’État parvient à faire la guerre et ce que la guerre fait à l’État. L’emprise de l’État est-elle immédiate, progressive, continue ou discontinue ? Connaît-elle des phases d’essoufflement, des ratés ? S’accompagne-t-elle de phénomènes parallèles de « déprise » ? Loin de toute généralité ou de toute extrapolation hasardeuse, est-il possible de repérer des formes de résistance ou d’évitement ? Interroger le processus de nationalisation des sociétés européennes, tel est l’un des enjeux de cet ouvrage pluridisciplinaire, largement ouvert dans l’espace et dans le temps autour du point de référence de 1914. Composé d’enquêtes bien circonscrites, l’ouvrage s’inscrit dans une histoire sociale de la guerre, et permet de questionner ce qui semble une évidence, au moins en France : la spectaculaire capacité de l’État à mobiliser, presque du jour au lendemain, une société tout entière.From the summer of 1914, European societies seem brutally seized by war and, as a consequence, seized by the State. In the name of the State, millions of men enrolled in the armed forces are to fight one another. Bodies, minds and resources are subjected to a gigantic "mobilization", a contemporary word still used by historians. A hundred years later, when all the warring States, as well as the States that were born from the conflict, are launching ambitious commemorative programs, the moment seems well chosen to study how the State wages war and, in return, how war transforms the State. As part of this vast topic, this international and multidisciplinary (history, political science, sociology) conference will address the invention of the War State, from the perspective of all the processes through which the event has – or does not have – an impact on the organisation, actions and conduct of the public power. The aim is to identify potential changes or limited adjustments, but always within situations of transition born from the conflict. Is the intensification of the State's hold on society immediate or gradual, continuous or discontinuous? Are there slower phases, failures? Is it paralleled with a loss of influence in other areas? Is it possible to detect forms of resistance or avoidance, while refraining from all generalizations and risky extrapolations? Questioning the process of nationalisation of European societies is one of the challenges of this multidisciplinary work, which is widely open in space and time around the 1914 key date. Composed of well-defined surveys, the book falls within a social perspective of war, and allows us to question what seems obvious, at least in France: the spectacular capacity of the State to mobilize, almost overnight, an entire society

    Glutaredoxin regulation of primary root growth is associated with early drought stress tolerance in pearl millet

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    Seedling root traits impact plant establishment under challenging environments. Pearl millet is one of the most heat and drought tolerant cereal crops that provides a vital food source across the sub-Saharan Sahel region. Pearl millet’s early root system features a single fast-growing primary root which we hypothesize is an adaptation to the Sahelian climate. Using crop modeling, we demonstrate that early drought stress is an important constraint in agrosystems in the Sahel where pearl millet was domesticated. Furthermore, we show that increased pearl millet primary root growth is correlated with increased early water stress tolerance in field conditions. Genetics including genome-wide association study and quantitative trait loci (QTL) approaches identify genomic regions controlling this key root trait. Combining gene expression data, re-sequencing and re-annotation of one of these genomic regions identified a glutaredoxin-encoding gene PgGRXC9 as the candidate stress resilience root growth regulator. Functional characterization of its closest Arabidopsis homolog AtROXY19 revealed a novel role for this glutaredoxin (GRX) gene clade in regulating cell elongation. In summary, our study suggests a conserved function for GRX genes in conferring root cell elongation and enhancing resilience of pearl millet to its Sahelian environment

    Glutaredoxin regulation of primary root growth is associated with early drought stress tolerance in pearl millet

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    Seedling root traits impact plant establishment under challenging environments. Pearl millet is one of the most heat and drought tolerant cereal crops that provides a vital food source across the sub-Saharan Sahel region. Pearl millet’s early root system features a single fast-growing primary root which we hypothesize is an adaptation to the Sahelian climate. Using crop modeling, we demonstrate that early drought stress is an important constraint in agrosystems in the Sahel where pearl millet was domesticated. Furthermore, we show that increased pearl millet primary root growth is correlated with increased early water stress tolerance in field conditions. Genetics including genome-wide association study and quantitative trait loci (QTL) approaches identify genomic regions controlling this key root trait. Combining gene expression data, re-sequencing and re-annotation of one of these genomic regions identified a glutaredoxin-encoding gene PgGRXC9 as the candidate stress resilience root growth regulator. Functional characterization of its closest Arabidopsis homolog AtROXY19 revealed a novel role for this glutaredoxin (GRX) gene clade in regulating cell elongation. In summary, our study suggests a conserved function for GRX genes in conferring root cell elongation and enhancing resilience of pearl millet to its Sahelian environment

    Author Response: Glutaredoxin regulation of primary root growth is associated with early drought stress tolerance in pearl millet

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    Seedling root traits impact plant establishment under challenging environments. Pearl millet is one of the most heat and drought tolerant cereal crops that provides a vital food source across the sub-Saharan Sahel region. Pearl millet’s early root system features a single fast-growing primary root which we hypothesize is an adaptation to the Sahelian climate. Using crop modelling, we demonstrate that early drought stress is an important constraint in agrosystems in the Sahel where pearl millet was domesticated. Furthermore, we show that increased pearl millet primary root growth is correlated with increased early water stress tolerance in field conditions. Genetics including GWAS and QTL approaches identify genomic regions controlling this key root trait. Combining gene expression data, re-sequencing and re-annotation of one of these genomic regions identified a glutaredoxin-encoding gene PgGRXC9 as the candidate stress resilience root growth regulator. Functional characterization of its closest Arabidopsis homolog AtROXY19 revealed a novel role for this glutaredoxin (GRX) gene clade in regulating cell elongation. In summary, our study suggests a conserved function for GRX genes in conferring root cell elongation and enhancing resilience of pearl millet to its Sahelian environment

    Retour sur un silence (2/4) : Trois moments différents de publication entre 1914 et 1939

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    Suite du papier sur l'étude bibliométrique de la production éditoriale sur l'occupation allemande en 1914-1918.  Le premier épisode de la série est ici. Une analyse plus fine de la production éditoriale nous conduit à distinguer les ouvrages en fonction du genre : récit d’exactions, monographie, souvenirs personnels, récit héroïque, essai théorique et même publication de sources sur l’occupation (affiches et documents allemands). Les pics des courbes diffèrent alors selon le genre du récit m..