238 research outputs found


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    This study shows that Fusarium mycotoxins, T-2 toxin and DON impair the performance of broiler chickens, induce DNA damage in chicken leukocytes and cause oxidative stress in the organism. When considering feed consumption and live weight gain in mycotoxicosis induced with high levels of T-2 toxin and DON present in the feed, dietary nucleotides do not have beneficial effect. The crucial role of nucleotide supplementation in feed is to repair DNA damage in immune cells, which are highly sensitive to mycotoxin action. When broilers are exposed to Fussarium mycotoxins their immune function can be depressed, thus they can be more susceptible to virus or bacterial infections. The addition of dietary nucleotides may increase proliferation of immune cells and optimize the function of the immune system in case of infections.Ovaj rad pokazuje da mikotoksini Fusarium, toksini T-2 i DON kvare proizvodne rezultate u brojlera, izazivaju oštećenje DNK u leukocitima pilića i prouzrokuju oksidacijski stres u organizmu. S obzirom na konzumaciju hrane i prirast žive vage u mikotoksikozi izazvanoj visokim razinama toksina T-2 i DON-a što se nalaze u hrani, dijetalni nukleotidi nemaju blagotvorno djelovanje. Presudna uloga dodavanja nukleotida u hranu je obnoviti gubitak DNK u imunim stanicama koje su vrlo osjetljive na djelovanje mikotoksina. Kad su brojleri izloženi mikotoksinima Fusarium njihova se imuna funkcija može smanjiti pa mogu biti osjetljiviji na virusne ili bakterijske infekcije. Dodavanje dijetalnih nukleotida može povećati razmnožavanje imunih stanica i optimirati funkciju imunog sustava u slučaju infekcije


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    The aim of the study was to assess the effects olive leaves, pulp and their extract supplementation on performance, antioxidant status and oxidative stability of eggs. Oxidative stress was induced by the addition of 6% linseed oil in the feed. 94 individually caged laying hens, 40 weeks old, were included in the study. Animals were divided into 6 groups. The feed of each group was composed of a basic feed, supplemented with: group Cont - no supplement, Vit E - 150 IU of α-tocopherol acetate /kg, Olive L - 1% of olive leaves, Olive Ex - extract from olive leaves, the Pulp group - 1% of dried and ground pulp and Pulp Ex - extract from pulp. Based on the results we found out that supplementation of vitamin E, olive leaves, pulp and their extracts had no effect on the performance of hens and showed neither a lymphocyte DNA damage preventive activity nor influence malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration in plasma. The results suggest that α-tocopherol acetate and olive leaves supplementation had significant effect on the MDA content of the stored eggs. Supplements, except vitamin E had neither influence on antioxidant activity (ACL) in eggs nor on n-3 PUFA in fresh and 40 days stored eggs

    Za aktivno državljanstvo je potrebna vzgoja: Kjer se stroka in politika srečata z roko v roki

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    Na kolokviju ne iščemo ene resnice ali pravilnih odgovorov, je misel, ki nam omogoča predstaviti različne poglede, da bi bogatili drug drugega in se razvijali.« Razvijamo se z nenehnim izobraževanjem in vzgajanjem. Če govorimo o aktivnem državljanstvu, je večji poudarek na vzgoji kot na izobraževanju. Vzgoja za aktivno državljanstvo naj bi se začela že v vrtcu, osnovni šoli, za katero lahko rečemo, da čedalje bolj izobražuje kot vzgaja. Konkreten in preverjenem podatek pove, da v 1. in 2. razredu osnovne šole ni bila izrečena niti ena beseda o našem državnem prazniku, »Češ otroci bodo že vedeli, da je praznik, ker bodo doma«


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    Uporaba enzima koji razgrađuju neškrobne polisaharide (NŠP) u hranidbi nepreživača osobito β-glukane i ksilane, u krmnim smijesama na osnovu nekih žitarica za perad i svinje u posljednjim godinama pokazala se opravdanom. Dodavanje temelji se na (djelomično) razgradnji NŠP, koje vodi do poboljšanja učinkovitosti probave (povećana probavljivost hraniva i energetska vrijednost krmiva..) i dovede do poboljšanja proizvodnih osobina. Opisane su neke zakonitosti, koje mogu prouzrokovati određene varijabilnosti rezultata (vrsta životinja, starost, sadržaj i topljivost NŠP u žitaricama, osobine enzima...).In last few years the addition of non starch polysaccharides (NSP), mainly β-glucanes and xylanes, degrading enzymes in some grain based diet for poultry and pigs have been recognised as beneficial. The addition is based on the degradation on NSP which increases the efficiency of digestion (better availability of intracellular substances, lover intestinal viscosity, increased nutrient digestibility and energy value of feed...) and leads to improved production traits. Some factors (species, age, the amount and solubility of NSP in grains, enzyme properties...) which lead to variable results are also discussed


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    This study shows that Fusarium mycotoxins, T-2 toxin and DON impair the performance of broiler chickens, induce DNA damage in chicken leukocytes and cause oxidative stress in the organism. When considering feed consumption and live weight gain in mycotoxicosis induced with high levels of T-2 toxin and DON present in the feed, dietary nucleotides do not have beneficial effect. The crucial role of nucleotide supplementation in feed is to repair DNA damage in immune cells, which are highly sensitive to mycotoxin action. When broilers are exposed to Fussarium mycotoxins their immune function can be depressed, thus they can be more susceptible to virus or bacterial infections. The addition of dietary nucleotides may increase proliferation of immune cells and optimize the function of the immune system in case of infections.Ovaj rad pokazuje da mikotoksini Fusarium, toksini T-2 i DON kvare proizvodne rezultate u brojlera, izazivaju oštećenje DNK u leukocitima pilića i prouzrokuju oksidacijski stres u organizmu. S obzirom na konzumaciju hrane i prirast žive vage u mikotoksikozi izazvanoj visokim razinama toksina T-2 i DON-a što se nalaze u hrani, dijetalni nukleotidi nemaju blagotvorno djelovanje. Presudna uloga dodavanja nukleotida u hranu je obnoviti gubitak DNK u imunim stanicama koje su vrlo osjetljive na djelovanje mikotoksina. Kad su brojleri izloženi mikotoksinima Fusarium njihova se imuna funkcija može smanjiti pa mogu biti osjetljiviji na virusne ili bakterijske infekcije. Dodavanje dijetalnih nukleotida može povećati razmnožavanje imunih stanica i optimirati funkciju imunog sustava u slučaju infekcije

    Komunikacija v času umiranja

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    Organizacija paliativne oskrbe v Veliki Britaniji

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    Comparison of life of Slovene people in the Mauthausen and Arbe concentration camps

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    Koncentracijsko taborišče Mauthausen so nacisti s pomočjo suženjske delovne sile taborišča Dachau postavili v letu 1938 in tja je vse do evakuacije taborišča v letu 1945 po naporni poti prispelo približno 4153 Slovencev. Te so nemške okupacijske sile aretirale zaradi privrženosti komunizmu, članstva v KPS, nudenja pomoči partizanom ali vključenosti v uporniške akcije. Koncentracijsko taborišče Rab so Italijani odprli v letu 1942, obstajalo je le dobro leto, v tem času pa je bilo na otok poslanih 5087 Slovencev. V magistrskem delu se bom posvetila razlikam in podobnostim vsakdanjega življenja Slovencev, ki so bili proti svoji volji ločeni od svojih družin in odpeljani iz domovine v koncentracijsko taboriče Mauthausen ali Rab. Na podlagi pričevanj in spominov preživelih internirancev se bom osredotočila na grozote, ki so jih tamkaj doživeli, vse od deportacije, vstopnega postopka in življenjskih razmer, ki so jim bili izpostavljeni vsak dan do svoje osvoboditve ter vrnitve nazaj v Slovenijo.The nazis built the Mauthausen concentration camp in 1938 with the help of male slave labour, transported from the Dachau camp. By the evacuation of the camp in 1945, approximately 4153 Slovenes were brought there due to their devotion to communism, membership in the League of Communists of Slovenia, providing aid to the partisans or involvement in various insurgent actions. In 1942, the Italians opened the Arbe concentration camp, which existed little over a year. During this time, approximately 5.087 Slovenes were sent to the island. In my master thesis, I will describe the differences and similarities of everyday life of Slovene people, who were deported from their homeland, separated from their families against their will and taken to Mauthausen or Arbe. Based on the testimonies and memories of the survivals, I will focus on the horrors that they experienced during their deportation, on entering the camp and every day of their internment until the liberation and return back to Slovenia


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    In an experimental study on laboratory rats we examined the digestibility of crude protein, dry matter and organic matter after the addition of different sources of fibre in the diet. A control diet was prepared to meet the nutritional requirements of growing rats. In the experimental diets a fraction of starch was replaced with a source of fibre. The apple pectin (Pectin classic AU 701 Herbstreith&Fox, degree of esterification 36-44 %), the guar gum (Fluka 09999) and the wheat bran were used. The protein source in all diets was casein. 20 young male Wistar laboratory rats (five per group) were housed in individual balance cages and fed ad libitum either a control diet, or one of the experimental diets with pectin, guar gum or wheat bran diet. During the experiment the amount of diet consumed and the weight of the animals were registered. At five days intervals urine and the faeces were collected and nitrogen, dry matter and crude ash contents were determined in the collected samples. The apparent and true digestibility of protein were significantly (P >0.05) decreased in the experimental diets as compared to the control. The true digestibility in the control diet was 92.60 %. Among the experimental diets the best value was found for wheat bran (87.93 %), and significantly (P> 0.05) lower in guar gum (84.98 %) and in pectin (84.35 %). Biological value of protein in all groups was similar, between 71.44 % and 74.75 %. The results for the digestibility of dry matter and organic matter were similar to those for crude protein, being significantly (P > 0.05) lower in the experimental groups as compared to the control, but in this case the wheat bran group had significantly (P 0.05) u pokusnim obrocima u usporedbi s kontrolnim obrokom. Prava probavljivost u kontrolnom obroku bila je 92.60%. U pokusnim obrocima najbolja je vrijednost ustanovljena za pšenične posije (87.93%) i znatno niža (P>0.05) za guar gum (84.98%) i pektin (84.35%). Biološka vrijednost bjelančevina u svim je skupinama bila slična, između 71.44% i 74.75%. Rezultati za probavljivost suhe tvari i organske tvari bili su slični rezultatima za sirove bjelančevine, znači značajno niži (P<0.05) u pokusnim skupinama u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom, ali u tom je slučaju skupina s pšeničnim posijama imala značajno najnižu (P<0.05) vrijednost. Guar gum i pektin kao izvor topivog vlakna imali su sličan učinak na probavljivost hranjivih tvari, ali s druge strane pšenične posije, što sadrže više netopivog nego topivog vlakna, prouzročile su nešto drugačije reakcije