119 research outputs found

    Subnanosecond spectral diffusion of a single quantum dot in a nanowire

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    We have studied spectral diffusion of the photoluminescence of a single CdSe quantum dot inserted in a ZnSe nanowire. We have measured the characteristic diffusion time as a function of pumping power and temperature using a recently developed technique [G. Sallen et al, Nature Photon. \textbf{4}, 696 (2010)] that offers subnanosecond resolution. These data are consistent with a model where only a \emph{single} carrier wanders around in traps located in the vicinity of the quantum dot

    Robust optical emission polarization in MoS2 monolayers through selective valley excitation

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    We report polarization resolved photoluminescence from monolayer MoS2, a two-dimensional, non-centrosymmetric crystal with direct energy gaps at two different valleys in momentum space. The inherent chiral optical selectivity allows exciting one of these valleys and close to 90% polarized emission at 4K is observed with 40% polarization remaining at 300K. The high polarization degree of the emission remains unchanged in transverse magnetic fields up to 9T indicating robust, selective valley excitation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Subnanosecond spectral diffusion measurement using photon correlation

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    Spectral diffusion is a result of random spectral jumps of a narrow line as a result of a fluctuating environment. It is an important issue in spectroscopy, because the observed spectral broadening prevents access to the intrinsic line properties. However, its characteristic parameters provide local information on the environment of a light emitter embedded in a solid matrix, or moving within a fluid, leading to numerous applications in physics and biology. We present a new experimental technique for measuring spectral diffusion based on photon correlations within a spectral line. Autocorrelation on half of the line and cross-correlation between the two halves give a quantitative value of the spectral diffusion time, with a resolution only limited by the correlation set-up. We have measured spectral diffusion of the photoluminescence of a single light emitter with a time resolution of 90 ps, exceeding by four orders of magnitude the best resolution reported to date

    Mesoscale simulations of surfactant dissolution and mesophase formation

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    The evolution of the contact zone between pure surfactant and solvent has been studied by mesoscale simulation. It is found that mesophase formation becomes diffusion controlled and follows the equilibrium phase diagram adiabatically almost as soon as individual mesophases can be identified, corresponding to times in real systems of order 10 microseconds.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ReVTeX

    De-Confinement in high multiplicity proton-proton collisions at LHC energies

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    Recently, the CMS Collaboration has published identified particle transverse momentum spectra in high multiplicity events at LHC energies s\sqrt s = 0.9-13 TeV. In the present work the transverse momentum spectra have been analyzed in the framework of the color fields inside the clusters of overlapping strings, which are produced in high energy hadronic collisions. The non-Abelian nature is reflected in the coherence sum of the color fields which as a consequence gives rise to an enhancement of the transverse momentum and a suppression of the multiplicities relative to the non overlapping strings. The initial temperature and shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s are obtained. For the higher multiplicity events at s\sqrt s =7 and 13 TeV the initial temperature is above the universal hadronization temperature and is consistent with the creation of de-confined matter. In these small systems it can be argued that the thermalization is a consequence of the quantum tunneling through the event horizon introduced by the confining color fields, in analogy to the Hawking-Unruh effect. The small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio η/s\eta/s near the critical temperature suggests that the matter is a strongly coupled Quark Gluon Plasma.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dark-bright mixing of interband transitions in symmetric semiconductor quantum dots

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    In photoluminescence spectra of symmetric [111] grown GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots in longitudinal magnetic fields applied along the growth axis we observe in addition to the expected bright states also nominally dark transitions for both charged and neutral excitons. We uncover a strongly non-monotonous, sign changing field dependence of the bright neutral exciton splitting resulting from the interplay between exchange and Zeeman effects. Our theory shows quantitatively that these surprising experimental results are due to magnetic-field-induced \pm 3/2 heavy-hole mixing, an inherent property of systems with C_3v point-group symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Optical signature of symmetry variations and spin-valley coupling in atomically thin tungsten dichalcogenides

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    Motivated by the triumph and limitation of graphene for electronic applications, atomically thin layers of group VI transition metal dichalcogenides are attracting extensive interest as a class of graphene-like semiconductors with a desired band-gap in the visible frequency range. The monolayers feature a valence band spin splitting with opposite sign in the two valleys located at corners of 1st Brillouin zone. This spin-valley coupling, particularly pronounced in tungsten dichalcogenides, can benefit potential spintronics and valleytronics with the important consequences of spin-valley interplay and the suppression of spin and valley relaxations. Here we report the first optical studies of WS2 and WSe2 monolayers and multilayers. The efficiency of second harmonic generation shows a dramatic even-odd oscillation with the number of layers, consistent with the presence (absence) of inversion symmetry in even-layer (odd-layer). Photoluminescence (PL) measurements show the crossover from an indirect band gap semiconductor at mutilayers to a direct-gap one at monolayers. The PL spectra and first-principle calculations consistently reveal a spin-valley coupling of 0.4 eV which suppresses interlayer hopping and manifests as a thickness independent splitting pattern at valence band edge near K points. This giant spin-valley coupling, together with the valley dependent physical properties, may lead to rich possibilities for manipulating spin and valley degrees of freedom in these atomically thin 2D materials

    Spatial multistability induced by cross interactions of confined polariton modes

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    We demonstrate the occurrence of spatial multistability using laterally confined microcavity exciton-polaritons. By coherently exciting with a blue detuned laser a series of confined polariton modes, we investigate the effects of multistability on the transmitted laser beam as a function of the excitation power. At each threshold of the hysteresis loop, a switching of the mode profile of the laser beam is associated with a significant energy jump of each of the confined polariton modes in the mesa. A simulation of this behavior is achieved with a multimode generalization of the Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the exciton photon basis. The mechanism behind the spatial multistability is identified as a repulsive cross interaction between polaritons in different modes
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