11 research outputs found


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    Plasenta haiwan merupakan salah satu bahan yang dimanfaatkan dalam produk kosmetik dan farmaseutikal, lantaran kandungan kimianya yang berkhasiat tinggi untuk tujuan tersebut. Pelanggan Muslim merupakan antara pengguna produk-produk yang diformulasi daripada plasenta tanpa mengambil peduli mengenai hukum penggunaan sama ada halal atau haram. Isunya ialah adakah plasenta termasuk dalam kategori organ haiwan yang halal digunakan ataupun tidak dalam Islam. Justeru, objektif artikel ini adalah bagi mengenalpasti status plasenta menurut hukum Islam dan menganalisis fatwa mengenainya dalam aspek halal dan haram. Metodologi kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, menerusi kaedah analisis dokumen. Analisis hukum plasenta diklasifikasikan mengikut sumber dari mana sesuatu plasenta diperoleh iaitu samada haiwan halal yang telah disembelih mengikut kaedah syarak, haiwan yang masih hidup, dan haiwan telah mati. Hasil kajian menunjukkan hanya plasenta yang berasal daripada haiwan halal dan telah disembelih secara syarak diiktiraf sebagai halal dan suci. Justeru, tiada halangan untuk dimanfaatkan untuk tujuan perubatan mahupun kosmetik. Manakala plasenta diambil daripada haiwan hidup atau telah mati tanpa disembelih adalah hara


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    One of the purposes of the establishment of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is to help the needy people to get a better life. They help them by doing fundraising to the public. As they get the public donation, they are also allowed to take the commission from the donation according to the Islamic contracts that have been existed in Islam. The purpose of this study is to analyse the types of contract that have been applied by the NGOs in collecting public donation. The methodology used in this research is qualitative method by using document analysis and interview. The informants involved are from the six selected NGOs which have been registered under Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) or Registry of Societies Malaysia (ROS). These NGOs are chosen due to their enthusiasm, activeness and success in implementing the public donation other than based on their expertise relating to the donation collection of the organization. Besides, they cooperated very well from the beginning of the research until the end. The data obtained is analysed using content analysis. The finding shows that Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM), Aman Palestin, Majlis Perundingan Pertubuhan Islam Malaysia (MAPIM), Cinta Syria Malaysia (CSM) and Muslim Volunteer Malaysia (MVM) apply the contract of ijarah, wakalah and ji’alah which comply with the law of Sharia. Yet, Serantau Muslim does not apply any contracts as they do not take any commission from the public donation. Further research needs to be done to identify the similarity of the contract applied by the other NGOs

    Penggunaan alkohol dalam penghasilan produk minuman dan makanan menurut perspektif fiqh

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    Umumnya, alkohol banyak didapati dalam produk makanan dan minuman. Malah, kewujudannya dianggap umum al-balwa. Namun, alkohol sering kali disalah tafsir dengan konsep khamar. Justeru, kertas kerja ini bertujuan menjelaskan penggunaan alkohol dalam penghasilan produk gunaan masa kini. Selain itu, turut meneliti persamaan dan perbezaan antara alkohol dan khamar. Begitu juga menyatakan justifikasi keputusan fatwa alkohol dengan lebih berkesan sesuai dengan perkembangan sains dan teknologi masa kini

    Analisis pengkategorian spesis haiwan menerusi Kitab Kifāyah Al-Muhtadī Karya Syeikh Muhammad Nur Al-Faṭānī: perspektif Halal dan Zoologi

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    Karya Melayu klasik yang dikarang oleh para ilmuwan Islam terdahulu merupakan khazanah bernilai yang merangkumi pelbagai disiplin ilmu seperti tauhid, ibadat, muamalat, jinayat dan munakahat. Kitab Kifayah al-Muhtadi yang dikarang oleh Syeikh Muhammad Nur al-Fathani menjadi antara sumber rujukan para ilmuwan kontemporari dalam mengetahui hukum makanan, termasuklah status haiwan yang halal dan haram. Walau bagaimanapun, masih terdapat beberapa istilah yang kurang jelas maksudnya disebabkan oleh penggunaan istilah klasik, serta sesetengahnya jarang didengari oleh masyarakat kini. Justeru, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenalpasti kaedah pengkategorian haiwan halal dan haram yang terdapat di dalam kitab Kifayah al-Muhtadi, menganalisis istilah-istilah haiwan yang terdapat dalam karya tersebut dan menterjemahkannya ke dalam istilah moden yang bertepatan dengan ilmu sains haiwan dan zoologi. Metodologi kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan kaedah dokumentasi dan dianalisis secara tekstual/kandungan terhadap setiap spesies haiwan yang telah dinyatakan dalam karya tersebut. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa terdapat 66 spesies haiwan halal dan haram yang dinyatakan di dalam kitab tersebut, merangkumi empat kategori haiwan seperti: 1) binatang laut, 2) binatang darat 3) burung, dan 4) lain-lain kategori. Antara ruang penambah baikan yang perlu dilakukan adalah mencari definisi atau istilah yang lebih tepat bagi setiap spesis haiwan yang dinyatakan

    Consumer Protection of Halal Products in Malaysia: A Literature Highlight

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    AbstractThe halal industry is a highly potential market of the future that has not been fully explored. This is supported by the growing number of world's Muslim community estimated to increase to 1.8 billion by 2011 with current halal market value estimated to reach USD2.3 billion. However, there are some issues regarding the halal industry either domestically or internationally, particularly in relation to the abuse of halal logo and other offenses relating to the halal logo. The question is arised whether the rights of Muslims were fully protected under the relevant laws and their lawfully rights if these laws were not adhered to? The objective of this article is to examine a preamble to the highlight of consumer protection in Malaysia and its application. The research methodology is by documentations analysis based on literature review and the outcome of this writing would be an improvement in consumer protection and consumer's comprehension in matters related to halal products, to protect and educate consumers, and to educate producers to be more vigilant and responsible for the manufacture of their products

    The use of ceramic product derived from non-halal animal bone: is it permissible from the perspective of Islamic law?

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    A ceramic product derived from the bones of non-halal animal has become an issue for Muslims in terms of its status whether it is halal or haram. The status can be determined by scrutinizing the transformation process or namely as istiḥālah either a complete change (istiḥālah kāmilah) or an incomplete change (istiḥālah ghayr kāmilah). This research used the qualitative research method via the approach of document analysis to examine various opinions of classical and current Islamic jurists on the status of using ceramic products derived from the bones of non halal animal according to the Islamic law. The research discovers an alternative method of processing ceramic products from animal bones through istiḥālah. It is a transformation of filthy or haram materials into other materials which includes physical appearance and its properties such as odor, taste and color

    Penggunaan sumber haiwan dalam penghasilan produk halal di Malaysia

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    Kajian ini membincangkan penggunaan sumber haiwan dalam penghasilan produk halal di Malaysia. Permasalahan utama kajian berpunca daripada perbezaan pandangan ulama dalam menentukan aspek kenajisan dan kesucian anggota haiwan, membawa kepada ketidakseragaman fatwa mengenai status halal beberapa produk yang berasaskan haiwan dalam industri. Objektif kajian adalah mengenal pasti produk yang dihasilkan daripada sumber haiwan dalam konteks industri halal di Malaysia, menganalisis pandangan Syarak dan fatwa semasa mengenai hukum memanfaatkan bahan-bahan daripada sumber haiwan, seterusnya mencadangkan penyelesaian hukum kepada dua jenis produk yang dihasilkan daripada sumber haiwan. Metodologi kajian berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan analisis dokumen, temubual dan pemerhatian. Hasil kajian mendapati bahan-bahan daripada sumber haiwan sememangnya digunakan secara meluas di peringkat industri meliputi pelbagai sektor produk makanan dan bukan makanan. Analisis pandangan fuqaha mendapati hanya sumber haiwan yang disembelih secara Syarak yang disepakati sebagai halal, manakala bahan-bahan daripada bangkai khinzir adalah disepakati najis. Bagaimanapun, bagi bangkai haiwan bukan daripada kategori najis berat (mughallaẓah) berlaku perselisihan pendapat berpunca daripada perbezaan tafsiran para ulama terhadap dalil-dalil Syarak merangkumi al-Quran, hadis, qiyās, adat dan maslahah. Dalam kes tanduk rusa baldu untuk perubatan, hukum haram adalah lebih tepat disebabkan pemotongan tanduk ketika hidup menyakitkan rusa berdasarkan dapatan saintifik dan teori perubahan fatwa (Taghayyur al-Fatwā). Manakala pemanfaatan tulang haiwan dalam produk gunaan, fatwa yang mengharuskan penggunaannya didapati lebih kuat dengan syarat ia tidak berunsurkan daripada khinzir, berdasarkan teori perubahan secara pembakaran (Istiḥālah bi al-Iḥrāq). Kajian menemukan pembuktian saintifik sebagai salah satu elemen pengukuh fatwa masakini terhadap produk berasaskan sumber haiwan. Keputusan fatwa halal tidak boleh terikat dengan hanya satu aliran mazhab sahaja, sebaliknya turut perlu mengambilkira pandangan daripada mazhab lain, selagimana pandangan tersebut bertepatan dengan maslahah umat Islam

    Istihalah as an alternative method in halal industry with special reference to ceramic products from animal bone

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    The ceramic product derived from non-halal animal bone has become an issue of Muslims whether it is halal or haram for usage. The status can be determined by scrutinizing at istihalah process either a complete change (istihalah kamilah) or incomplete change (istihalah ghayr kamilah). This research applies qualitative research method via document analysis approach to examine the various opinions of the classical and current Islamic jurists. The research discovers an alternative method in processing ceramic product from animal bone through istihalah. It is a transformation of filthy or haram materials into other materials which includes physical appearance and its properties such as odor, taste and color


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    This article aims to analyse the gambling activities in Malaysia against the backdrop of human rights and federal constitution. It instigates for effective efforts to be carried out to, at least, minimise the gambling activities, if not to stop them totally. Based on limited sources in the existing literature, this article initially identifies the definitions of gambling and its status from the perspectives of Islam and other religions. It then examines whether gambling is consistent with the very notion of freedom of religion in this country which makes Islam as its religion. Furthermore, to get an accurate perspective of this ‘industry’ and the laws related to it, this article analyses some selected prominent gambling companies and the existing laws followed by some recommendations for solutions. In sum, this article affirms that gambling is neither a good habit nor does it represent the culture of Malaysian people. It in fact contributes towards social ills within the society and therefore needs to be strongly combated

    Halal pharmaceuticals

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    Halal products are fast gaining worldwide recognition as a new benchmark for safety and quality assurance. Products with halal certification are confidently accepted by consumers especially Muslims as well as those of other religions. Undoubtedly halal product industry has been an emerging industry in Malaysia and all over the world. Recognizing the new concept of halal industry presents an opportunity for manufacturers to make better strategies and innovations in producing their products toward halal certification. Today, halal products are not focused only on food but all products including pharmaceuticals. Since most of Malaysian population are Muslims, the Malaysian Standard on halal pharmaceuticals has been launched to ensure that manufacturers comply with the standard to produce them. This article studies on the fatwa related to pharmaceuticals such as usage of drug, gelatine and alcohol in pharmaceutical products. Apart from that, this paper also looks into the Malaysian Standard of Halal Pharmaceutical - General Guidelines, 2010 and other policies and regulations which have been set by the government. The finding shows that there is an unresolved issue of Shari’ah for pharmaceutical products due to the different opinions of fuqaha’. However, there are also many policies and guidelines on halal pharmaceuticals in Malaysia which are good for Muslim consumers