168 research outputs found

    Nykyaikaisen raitiotiejƤrjestelmƤn suunnittelu: case Helsinki

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    Helsinki has a long history of tramways. However, they have a local reputation as a slow mode of transit which only belongs in the inner city. In 2016, the city approved a new master plan which includes nearly 100 km of new tramways to be built by 2050, with the aim of enabling more intense land use. The tramway system is now officially split into ā€œurbanā€ and ā€œrapidā€ tramways. The thesis is a case study into the planning process of tramways in Helsinki and aims to determine whether there is an actual difference between the two categories. As a general conclusion, the infrastructure is fundamentally compatible. However, the rapid tramways will be built to higher standards as a system, operating with a higher capacity and speed. The work also functions as a high-level overview of the current development of Helsinkiā€™s tramways in English.Helsingin raitioteillƤ on pitkƤ historia. NiillƤ on kuitenkin yleinen maine hitaana liikennemuotona, joka kuuluu vain kantakaupunkiin. Vuonna 2016 kaupunki hyvƤksyi uuden yleiskaavan, joka sisƤltƤƤ lƤhes 100 km uusia raitioteitƤ. Ne on tarkoitus rakentaa vuoteen 2050 mennessƤ tiivistyvƤn maankƤytƶn tueksi. RaitiotiejƤrjestelmƤ on nyt virallisesti jaettu kaupunki- ja pikaraitioteihin. Diplomityƶ on tapaustutkimus Helsingin raitioteiden suunnitteluprosessista. Tavoitteena on selvittƤƤ, onko nƤiden kahden kategorian vƤlillƤ todellista eroa. YleisenƤ johtopƤƤtƶksenƤ voidaan todeta, ettƤ infrastruktuuri on pƤƤosin yhteensopivaa. Pikaraitiotiet rakennetaan kuitenkin jƤrjestelmƤnƤ laadukkaammin ja niillƤ tullaan ajamaan suurempia raitiovaunuja aiempaa nopeammin. Tyƶ toimii myƶs englanninkielisenƤ yleiskatsauksena Helsingin raitioteiden tƤmƤnhetkisestƤ kehityksestƤ

    Capital Adequacy In The Albanian Banking System; An Econometrical Analysis With A Focus On Credit Risk

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    This paper examines the relationship between regulatory capital and credit risk within the Albanian banking sector. We estimate an equation which tries to capture the relationship among regulatory capital, nonperforming loans, profitability, total assets, liquidity and the level of growth in the GDP. The data is grouped and the analysis is performed in accordance with three banking groups. The grouping of the banks is in accordance with their size in the system and reflects the grouping used by the central bank for regulatory purposes. The model developed can be used to forecast required levels of CAR and it suggests that in the Albanian banking system, as well as for each bank group separately, the relationship between CAR and NPL is negative, the relationship between CAR and assets is negative for an unchanged level of regulatory capital, the relationship between CAR and profitability is positive, whereas the relationship between CAR and liquidity is negative. The effects of the change in the level of NPL on CAR are of a longer term nature, whereas the effect of the change in the level of assets on CAR is more of a shorter term nature

    Employment Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities In The Private Sector (Kosovo Case)

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    This research was conducted with the intention of understanding the opportunities for employment of persons with disabilities (PWDs) and the potential fields and sectors in which new enterprises will operate in the Peja region of Kosovo. In order to verify these hypotheses and answer the research question this paper is separated into two parts. The first part analyzes the profile of PWDs and was done through some steps. The second part involved analysis over the business environment of the Peja region in order to understand employment possibilities of PWDs in the private sector as well as potential fields and sectors for new enterprises as forms of self employment for PWDs. In this regard several steps were carried: Information gathering from Kosovo Agency of Statistics, Kosovo Tax Administration and Kosovo business registration agency, analysis of business environment, in-depth interviews with 70 registered businesses in the Peja region. These steps not only provided enough numbers, graphs and statistics they also provided qualitative argumentation with regards to PWDs employment in the private sector. The major obstacles faced were: The lack of concrete information on PWDs from employment agencies, non-updated information from KAS, KTA and KBRA and a high number of businesses operating in the informal economy. All findings will be reported in the following paragraphs with reasoning and explanations on the methodology as well

    Ziđe od prirodnog kamena prema DIN EN 1996-1-1 i BAS EN 1996-1-1 (Eurokod 6)

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    U radu su predstavljeni podjela, klasifikacija i mehanička svojstva ziđa od prirodnog kamena prema DIN EN 1996-1-1 i BAS EN 1996-1-1 (Eurokod 6) s napomenom da nacionalni dodatak uz BAS EN 1996-1-1 joÅ” nije donesen

    Copper content in soil-plant-sheep continuum at Nisici plateau

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    Uz toksičnost bakar ima i esencijalnu ulogu u odvijanju životnih procesa. Razlike između esencijalnih i toksičnih koncentracija kod bakra su vrlo male. Iako je bakar u mnogim područjima zastupljen odgovarajućim količinama neka područja su manjkava ovim elementom. Da bi se ispitao sadržaj bakra u hranidbenom lancu tlo-biljka-ovca, na području NiÅ”ićke visoravni su tijekom ljeta 2003. godine ispitani uzorci tla, paÅ”e i krvi životinja. Srednje vrijednosti bakra su u paÅ”i od 0,56 ppm u svibnju i 0,72 ppm u lipnju i indiciraju manjkav sadržaj ovog elementa. To potvrđuju i njegove koncentracije u krvi ovaca od 0,39 ppm. Iako je tlo sadržavalo 18,85 ppm (svibanj) i 20,01 ppm bakra (lipanj), zbog interakcije s drugim elementima kao Å”to su Fe, Mo i S nemoguće je dati generalnu ocjenu o statusu bakra bez istraživanja spomenutih minerala.Besides its toxicity, copper has an important role in animal nutrition. The differences between copper toxicity and copper requirement are very small. Although copper is found in adequate amounts over most regions worldwide some deficient areas have been reported in scientific literature. In order to examine the copper status in sheep, during summer of 2003 it were collected samples of soil, plant and blood of sheep at NiÅ”ići plateau in Central Bosnia. The results indicated low copper content in pasture (0.56 ppm and 0.72 ppm in May and July, respectively). Low level of copper in blood of sheep (0.39 ppm) confirms this deficiency. Although the soil contained 18.85 and 20.01 ppm of Cu in May and June, respectively, due to interaction with other elements such as Fe, Mo and S it is impossible to give general opinion on the Cu status without studying them
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