41 research outputs found

    Teori-Teori Perkembangan Manusia Pengantar Menuju Pemahaman Holistik

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    xvi, 448 hlm.; 24 cm

    Teori-Teori Perkembangan Manusia

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    xvi, 448 hlm.; 24 c

    Exploring Research

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    xvii.316 hal.;ind.;23 c

    Métodos de Investigación

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    Colección de ciencias sociale

    Statistics for people who hate statistics

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    Child Development

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    The topics in this encyclopedia were selected andorganized by Neil J. Salkind and Lewis Margolis (editorand associate editor, respectively), with the help ofMandy Goodnight. Neil J. Salkind is a professor ofPsychology and Research in Education at theUniversity of Kansas, while Lewis Margolis is a professorof Public Health at the University of NorthCarolina in Chapel Hill. Mandy Goodnight is a practicingschool psychologist in western Kansas.All of the entries were written by leading expertsin their field or those who were under their supervision.Each author was asked to make a specific contribution.The diversity and excellence of the contributorsadds an unmistakable flavor of comprehensivenessand authority to the entries. Speaking for all ofthe editors, it was a pleasure and an honor to havesuch a distinguished group of scholars contribute tothe volume

    Exploring research

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    Teori-Teori Perkembangan Manusia : Pengantar Menuju Pemahaman Holistik

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    Buku ini Teori-Teori perkembangan manusia,Menyajikan tujuan lengkap mengenai model-model teoritis perkembangan manusia yg paling pokok, termasuk diantaranya dari sudut pandang biologis, psikoanalisis,behavioral,dan kognitif-developmental. Disamping membahas latar sejarah masing-masing pendekatan,buku ini juga mencontohkan penerapan teori-teori tersebut diberbagai bidang nyata perkembangan manusia, khususnya berkenaan dg intervensi usia dini,penanganan individu, masalah seputar dunia remaja, dan sosiobiologi