5 research outputs found

    Pertikaian Inggeris-Belanda di Hindia Timur dan usaha penyelesaiannya melalui Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824

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    Artikel ini membincangkan usaha menyelesaikan pertikaian kuasa dan lingkungan pengaruh yang tercetus di antara Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur kesan daripada Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814. Pertikaian di antara Belanda dengan British pasca Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814 berlaku apabila pegawai-pegawai British di Hindia Timur berusaha mendapatkan penempatan baru bagi menyaingi monopoli perdagangan Belanda. Kemuncaknya adalah apabila berlaku pertikaian akibat pertapakan British di Singapura pada tahun 1819. Usaha-usaha rundingan untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian di antara Belanda dengan British mula digerakkan namun menemui kegagalan. Pertikaian ini akhirnya berjaya diselesaikan apabila Belanda dan British bersetuju menandatangani Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824. Justeru itu, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang timbul dalam menyelesaikan pertikaian di antara Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur dari tahun 1814 sehingga 1824. Permasalahan dari sudut hak penguasaan dan kedaulatan sesebuah kawasan yang dipertikaikan merupakan antara subjek perbincangan kajian ini. Kajian ini mengaplikasikan kaedah kualitatif yang berasaskan metodologi kajian sejarah dengan meneliti dokumen pentadbiran Belanda dan British terutamanya catatan yang dilakukan oleh pegawai kolonial Belanda seperti C.T. Elout dan J.C. Baud. Sumber sekunder yang releven dan berautoriti turut dirujuk khususnya perjanjian-perjanjian dan surat-menyurat peribadi yang dikumpul oleh P.H.V.D. Kemp dan A.R. Falck. Hasil kajian mendapati Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1814 telah mencetuskan permasalahan dan pertikaian di antara Belanda dan British. Namun begitu, Perjanjian Inggeris-Belanda 1824 berjaya menyelesaikan pertikaian kuasa dan lingkungan pengaruh serta memperkukuh hubungan Belanda dan British di Hindia Timur

    An analysis of Islamic banks' exposure to rate of return risk

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    The objective of this study is to analyze the dynamic effects of interest rate changes on the rate of return of Islamic banks and the amount of deposits in the conventional and Islamic banks. In analyzing the potential rate of return risk in the Islamic banks and interest rate risk in the conventional banks, for the Islamic banks, the 3-month Islamic deposit rate of return and total Islamic deposit are considered, while for the conventional banks, the 3-month fixed deposit interest rate and total conventional deposits are considered. Using data covering the period from January 1997 to October 2008, the study applies the cointegration analysis, bi-variate Granger causality test, Impulse Response Function (IRF) and Variance Decomposition (VDC) analysis based on the Vector Auto-regression (VAR) framework. The results of the study have important implications on the risk management practices of the Islamic banks in Malaysia. Several suggestions are put forward to mitigate the rate of return risk so as to ensure healthy growth of the Islamic banking institutions

    Capitalism, Plantation Industry, and Environmental Change: East Sumatra During the Late Dutch Colonial State in Indonesia

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    This paper departs from the problem of the conspiracy between capitalism and imperialism and modern colonialism which has become a powerful force to exploit the environment in order to meet the demands of industrialization and modernization of society in capitalist countries. Some research questions that will be answered in this paper are why the East Sumatra region is a frontier area that is contested by the capitalists to expand their capital in this region? How did the various colonial powers compete for control of this region? How was the expansion of the plantation industry during the late Dutch colonial period? The results of the study show that the East Sumatra region is a potential area for the plantation industry (tobacco, rubber, tea, etc.). It is not surprising that the main colonial powers in Southeast Asia tried to control this region, especially the Netherlands and England. Various approaches were taken to negotiate with local authorities to obtain the right to control this area. Finally, from the second half of the 19th century until the end of the colonial government in Indonesia, the plantation industry in this region developed remarkably