1,012 research outputs found

    Korelasi Penguasaan Kosakata Aktif-produktif dengan Keterampilan Menulis Puisi Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aimed to know the relationship between active-productive vocabulary mastery with the skills of writing poerty in grade V 10 State Primary School Ketapang. The methods used in this research is descriptive method. The research sample wes 21 students. The average test scores of active productive vocabulary in students of class v of 38.41 belongs in the category of “very deficient” and the average test schores of weiting poerty in grade v of 55.08 is included in the category of “less”. The average values of the test counted back the level of relation and inclueded in the category of “strong”. It is known from the calculation of the correlation coefficient is equal to 0.736. the value is them compared to the fare table on the r 5% for db N=19 is 0.456. Thus r count >r table or 0.74 > 0.456, that means there is a correlation between an active-vocabulary mastery with the skills of writing poerty in garde V Ketapang

    Peningkatan Motivasi Murid Menggunakan Metode Demostrasi dalam Mempelajari IPA Kelas III di Sekolah Dasar

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    Motivation to learn in the third grades students of SDN 11 Padang Sepan Kapuas Hulu is still lacking, especially in the learning process. In connection with the above issues need to be improved to enhance the students learning motivation. The purpose of this research is to increase the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation of student to learn and see the impact of learning on learning outcomes. Researchers used the descriptive method and from of action research is a collaboration between the researcher with colleagues. Setting and subject of research conducted in the classroom with the research subject is the teacher and students who are 17 students with composition 11 boys and 6 girls. Each cycle consist of planning, implementation, direct observation and data collection tool as guide for the student and teacher abservation data obtained from each cycle are : Pupil instrinsic motivation increased from the baseline to the third cycle 57,52%, and pupil motivation ekstrinsic increased from the baseline to the third cycle 79,00%

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Menggunakan Metode Kerja Kelompok di Sekolah Dasar

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    : The general problem is: "How does an increase in activity in the civic education of students by using group work class III Elementary School 18 West Pontianak?". Sub-problems in this study were: (1) How does an increase in physical activity in civic education using group work? (2) How does an increase in mental activity in civic education using group work? (3) How does an increase in emotional activity in civic education using group work?. The method in this study is action, the form of action research. Research subjects Elementary School third graders 18 Pontianak, amounting to 33 people. In general it can be concluded that there is increased activity in the civic education of students by using group work. In particular, it can be concluded: (1) Physical activity in learning has increased. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 42.42%, 80.00% and third cycle. (2) mental activity in learning has increased. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 46.06%, 75.76% and third cycle. (3) activity increased emotional learning. It can be seen from the beginning of the study 41.67%, 81.06% and third cycle

    Critical Thinking Skill: Konsep Dan Inidikator Penilaian

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    The development of the world of the 21st century is marked by progress and the demands of the times one of the technologies that can lead to decreased. Life in the 21st century demand a person to master a range of skills. One of the important skills in the 21st century, namely critical thinking skill. This study focused on definition, importance, challenges in developing indicators and assessment of critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skill is the ability to think logically, reflective, productive and systematically applied in making consideration and take a good decision. Critical thinking skills are beneficial in improving the skills of the analyst, creativity, make use of ideas or information, and searching for information as well as self-reflection. The development of critical thinking skills in learners can through learning. An important indicator in the critical thinking skills to interpret, there is the capability of studying or analyzing, identifying the source of relevant and irrelevant, identifies and evaluates the assumptions, implementing various strategies to make the appropriate decisions, concluded and regulations themselves

    Penggunaan Media Gambar untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Murid pada Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial di SD

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    This Research can be useful to give the ways to increase Social Studies learning activities. Research method used is descriptive method, the classroom research activities and is a collaborative effort. This research will be done in 2 cycles. Data research results by ability assessment teachers in planning a lesson for the cycle I average 3.80 and in the cycle II average 4. Assessment at the ability of teachers in order to carry out a lesson for the average cycle I 3.89 and in the cycle II average 3.98. The students learning activities percentage at cycle I for physical activity 86 percent, such mental 64 percent, such emotional 78.67 percent and in the cycle II for physical activity 94%, such mental 77 percent, and such emotional 88 percent. Students' achievement assessment obtained in the cycle I average 72.24 and in the cycle II average 81.2. The conclusions from this research is using the images media may increase the activity in Social Studies of the students grade V at Primary School 12 East Pontianak sub-district
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