28 research outputs found

    Alleviation of diabetic nephropathy by zinc oxide nanoparticles in streptozotocin‐induced type 1 diabetes in rats

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    Abstract This study examines the effect of nanoparticles with zinc oxides (ZnONPs) on diabetic nephropathy, which is the primary cause of mortality for diabetic patients with end‐stage renal disease. Diabetes in adult male rats was induced via intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. ZnONPs were intraperitoneally administered to diabetic rats daily for 7 weeks. Diabetes was associated with increases in blood glucose level, 24‐h urinary albumin excretion rate, glomerular basement membrane thickness, renal oxidative stress markers, and renal mRNA or protein expression of transforming growth factor‐ÎČ1, fibronectin, collagen‐IV, tumour necrosis factor‐α and vascular endothelial growth factor‐A. Moreover, the expression of nephrin and podocin, and the mRNA expression of matrix metalloproteinase‐9 were decreased in the diabetic group. These changes were not detected in the control group and were significantly prevented by ZnONP treatment. These results provide evidence that ZnONPs ameliorate the renal damage induced in a diabetic rat model of nephropathy through improving renal functionality; inhibiting renal fibrosis, oxidative stress, inflammation and abnormal angiogenesis; and delaying the development of podocyte injury. The present findings may help design the clinical application of ZnONPs for protection against the development of diabetic nephropathy

    IntĂ©rĂȘt du QuantiFERON-TB Gold dans le diagnostic des inflammations intraoculaires prĂ©sumĂ©es tuberculeuses

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    PARIS7-Xavier Bichat (751182101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Homologous G776G Variant of Transcobalamin-II Gene is Linked to Vitamin B12 Deficiency

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    Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) deficiency, due to improper internalization of cobalamin, is a metabolic disorder prevalent in impoverished and elderly populations and is associated with megaloblastic anemia and dementia. It has been suggested that mutations in transcobalamin II (TCN2) or gastric intrinsic factor (GIF) proteins can alter their binding efficiency to cobalamin or reduce the ability of their receptors to internalize them. In this case-control study, the correlation between vitamin B12 deficiency and alternative alleles of TCN2 and GIF was investigated in a Jordanian population. One hundred individuals with vitamin B12 deficiency (B12 \u3c 200 mg/mL) were enrolled in our study to evaluate the TCN2 and GIF polymorphisms. The control group (B12 \u3e 200 mg/mL) included 100 individuals. Our results indicated a significant association between the homologous variant of the TCN2 gene (G776G) and vitamin B12 deficiency, and an intermediate phenotype in heterozygous individuals (p \u3c 0.001, OR = 5.6, 95% CI = 2.95 to 10.63). The GIF gene, however, showed no correlation between the A68G variant and vitamin B12 deficiency (p = 0.2). This study expounds the association of TCN2 polymorphism with cobalamin levels in a Jordanian population and highlights the necessity of further studies to elucidate the molecular basis and impact of TCN2 and GIF genes polymorphisms on vitamin B12 deficiency and associated disorders

    Infarctus cérébral et tuberculose : rapport d'un cas et analyse de la littérature

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    International audienceIntroduction: Although tuberculous meningitis is an uncommon presentation of tuberculosis, it still remains one of the deadliest forms of this disease. In this context, the occurrence of a cerebral infarct is an aggravating factor. Observation: A 48-year-old Asian man presented himself in the emergency room for dysarthria and dysphagia of progressive onset. Cerebral CT showed a recent ischemic defect of the right internal capsule. Lumbar puncture showed meningitis with low sugar levels. Pulmonary micronodules on the thoracic CT suggested tuberculosis, which was confirmed by a broncho-alveolar lavage. Anti-tuberculosis treatment and early corticosteroid resulted in an improvement of the patient's state. Conclusion: Cerebral infarctions in patients with tuberculous meningitis are events that cannot be underestimated in terms of frequency or severity. Their poor prognosis is partly the result of insufficiently defined management, which combines anti-tuberculosis treatment and early corticosteroid therapy

    Étude observationnelle de l'usage du QuantiFERONÂź pour le diagnostic de tuberculose oculaire, basĂ©e sur 244 tests consĂ©cutifs

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    International audienceIntroduction: Le diagnostic de tuberculose oculaire (TO) demeure difficile et la contribution du QuantiFERONÂź (QFT) reste Ă  prĂ©ciser malgrĂ© sa gĂ©nĂ©ralisation en France. L'objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer dans quelles situations d'inflammation oculaire (IO) le QFT doit ĂȘtre prescrit et l'intĂ©rĂȘt du nouveau test QuantiFERONÂź-TB-Plus (QFT-Plus) dans la TO. Patients et mĂ©thodes: Étude monocentrique, observationnelle, effectuĂ©e en ophtalmologie sur une pĂ©riode de 5 mois. Les critĂšres d'inclusion Ă©taient l'existence d'une IO avec QFT-Plus demandĂ© Ă  visĂ©e Ă©tiologique. Sur 316 dossiers consĂ©cutifs, 72 ont Ă©tĂ© exclus (tests indĂ©terminĂ©s, bilan prĂ©thĂ©rapeutique, donnĂ©es manquantes et mauvaise indication) et 244 retenus et rĂ©partis en deux groupes: groupe 1 (uvĂ©ite antĂ©rieure/Ă©pislĂ©rite, n = 129), groupe 2 (uvĂ©ite intermĂ©diaire/postĂ©rieure/nĂ©vrite optique/myosite oculaire, n = 115). Tous les patients QFT+ ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'un bilan Ă©tiologique avec imagerie thoracique. RĂ©sultats: Quarante-cinq patients, d’ñge mĂ©dian de 52 ± 12 ans, avaient un QFT+ (18,5 %), incluant 18 patients dans le groupe 1 et 27 dans le groupe 2. Un voyage en pays d'endĂ©mie et un contage tuberculeux et des anomalies de l'imagerie thoracique Ă©taient identifiĂ©s, respectivement dans 70 %, 27 % et 22 % des cas. L'IO Ă©tait chronique chez 36 % des patients (groupe 1, n = 4/18; groupe 2, n = 12/27). Aucun des 18 patients du groupe 1, n'a reçu de quadrithĂ©rapie antituberculeuse, ni n'a prĂ©sentĂ© de rechute Ă  1 an de suivi. Un diagnostic alterne Ă©tait retrouvĂ© chez 15 % des patients du groupe 2. Parmi les 23 patients, sans Ă©tiologie identifiĂ©e, 13 (59 %) avaient au moins un Ă©lĂ©ment sĂ©miologique ophtalmologique prĂ©dictif de TO (synĂ©chies postĂ©rieures, vascularite rĂ©tinienne, granulomes choroĂŻdiens). Onze patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d'un traitement antituberculeux (TAT) d’épreuve (rifampicine/isoniazide/pirilĂšne/Ă©thambutol) de six mois. La prĂ©sence de granulomes Ă  l'angiographie et d'anomalies radiologiques Ă  l'imagerie thoracique Ă©tait statistiquement plus frĂ©quente parmi les patients ayant reçu un TAT (respectivement, p = 0,001 et 0,03). Une guĂ©rison Ă  12 mois Ă©tait observĂ©e pour 8 patients (73 %), considĂ©rĂ© a posteriori comme TO. Neuf patients ont reçu trois mois de bithĂ©rapie (rifampicine/isoniazide) sans que l'on puisse dĂ©terminer l'impact sur l'IO. La comparaison des rĂ©ponses lymphocytaires T entre la stimulation CD4 par peptides ESAT-6/CFP-10 ou la co-stimulation CD4/CD8 Ă©tait similaire, ne retrouvant que 4 discordances sur 244 tests (1,5 %). Aucun de ces 4 patients n'avait de TO. Conclusion: La frĂ©quence de positivitĂ© du QFT est Ă©levĂ©e parmi les patients consultant pour une IO postĂ©rieure. Les anomalies radiologiques et la prĂ©sence de granulomes semblent ĂȘtre les Ă©lĂ©ments qui ont incitĂ©s le clinicien Ă  initier un TAT aux patients QFT+, avec guĂ©rison dans 73 % des cas. Le QFT-Plus ne semble pas plus pertinent que le QFT-TB-Gold dans l'exploration d'une IO. Des Ă©tudes prospectives restent nĂ©cessaires pour codifier l'utilisation du QFT dans le bilan Ă©tiologique des IO et dĂ©finir les indications du TAT d’épreuve et de ses modalitĂ©s. Introduction: Ocular tuberculosis (TB) diagnosisremains difficult and quantiferon (QFT) contribution needs still yet to be specified, despite its generalization in France. The purpose of this observational study is to assess in which ocular inflammation (OI) presentation QFT is prescribed and to evaluate the added value of new QuantiFERONÂź-TB Gold Plus (QFT-Plus) test for diagnosis ocular TB diagnosis. Patients and methods: Monocentric, observational study, carried out in an ophthalmology department over a period of 5 months. Inclusion criteria were defined as an existence of an OI for which a QFT-Plus test was part of the etiological investigations. Of the 316 consecutive files, 72 were excluded (indeterminate test, prescription before anti-TNFα or immunosuppressant initiation, missing data, wrong indication) and 244 were selected and divided into two groups: group one (anterior uveitis/episcleritis, n = 129) and group two (intermediate/posterior uveitis/optic neuritis/ocular myositis, n = 115). All positive QFT patients underwent an etiological investigation including thoracic imaging. Results: Forty-five patients, aged 52 ± 12 years, had positive QFT (18.5%), including 18 patients for group 1 and 27 for group 2. Living in TB-endemic area, TB exposure and chest imaging abnormalities were identified in 70%, 27% and 22% of cases, respectively. OI was chronic in 36% of cases (group one, 4/18; group two, 12/27). None of the 18 patients, in group 1, received anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT) or experienced a relapse during one-year follow-up. Four QFT+ patients, from group 2 (15%) had another associated disease explaining their uveitis. Among the 23 other patients without identified etiology, 13 had at least one relevant ophthalmological signs predictive of TB uveitis (posterior synechiae, retinal vasculitis and/or choroidal granuloma) (59%). Eleven patients received a 6-month ATT trial. Radiological abnormalities and granulomas at angiography were significantly more frequent among treated patients (p = 0.03 and 0.001, respectively). A full OI recovery was observed for 8 patients (73%), considered ex-post as ocular TB. Nine patients in group 2 received rifampicin/isoniazid dual therapy for 3 months, but no conclusion could be drawn as to the benefit of such prescription on OI. QFT rate comparison, according to CD4 stimulation by ESAT-6/CFP-10 peptides or by CD4/CD8 co-stimulation, was comparable and found only 4 cases of discrepancy (1.6%). None of these 4 cases had ocular TB diagnosis. Conclusion: Positive QFT frequency among patients consulting for posterior OI remains high. In this study, radiological abnormalities and granulomas at angiography seemed to be more closely related to clinician decision for starting ATT trial in QFT+ patients, which was effective in 73% of cases. QFT-Plus does not seem more relevant than QFT-TB in exploring an OI. Prospective studies are necessary to codify QFT management in the etiological assessment of OI and clearly define ATT trial indications as well as their modalities

    Crocin treatment improves testosterone induced benign prostatic hyperplasia in rats

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    Background and objective: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a typical nonmalignant growth of the prostate in the elderly. Crocin, a bioactive component of Crocus sativus L., commonly known as saffron, is known to have an anti-proliferative activity against numerous types of cancer, including prostate cancer. This study investigated the effects of crocin on testosterone-induced BPH development in rats. Materials and methods: The study sample included three groups of adult male rats (3 months old, weighed 250 g): the control group received corn oil only, the second and the third groups were injected with testosterone (3 mg/kg dissolved in corn oil) subcutaneously. The second group was considered as testosterone-induced BPH (untreated) while the third groups were assigned as testosterone-induced BPH-crocin treated group (100 mg/kg orally for 14 days). Results: After animal sacrifice, histopathological analysis of the prostate tissues was performed in parallel with gene expression of proliferation (PCNA), inflammation (IL-6), and vascularization (VEGF-A) markers, analyzed by qRT-PCR. Crocin treatment significantly reduced prostate index and the thickness of the epithelial layer in rats with BPH. Additionally, the mRNA expression levels of PCNA, a marker of cell proliferation; IL-6, an inflammatory cytokine; and VEGF-A, an angiogenesis marker, were significantly down-regulated in the BPH group that were treated with crocin. Conclusions: The present study indicates that crocin can effectively prevent the development of experimentally induced BPH through inhibition of prostatic cellular proliferation, inflammation, and angiogenesis

    DNA Macroarray for Identification and Typing of Staphylococcus aureus Isolates

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    International audienceA DNA macroarray containing 465 intragenic amplicons was designed to identify Staphylococcus aureus at the species level and to type S. aureus isolates. The genes selected included those encoding (i) S. aureus -specific proteins, (ii) staphylococcal and enterococcal proteins mediating antibiotic resistance and factors involved in their expression, (iii) putative virulence proteins and factors controlling their expression, and (iv) proteins produced by mobile elements. The macroarray was hybridized with the cellular DNAs of 80 S. aureus clinical isolates that were previously typed by analyses of their antibiograms and SmaI patterns. The set selected contained unrelated, endemic, and outbreak-related isolates belonging to 45 SmaI genotypes. In a gene content dendrogram, the 80 isolates were distributed into 52 clusters. The outbreak-related isolates were linked in the same or a closely related cluster(s). Clustering based on gene content provided a better discrimination than SmaI pattern analysis for the tested mecA + isolates that were endemic to Europe. All of the antibiotic resistance genes detected could be correlated with their corresponding phenotypes, except for one isolate which carried a mecA gene without being resistant. The 16 isolates responsible for bone infections were distinguishable from the 12 isolates from uninfected nasal carriers by a significantly higher prevalence of the sdrD gene coding for a putative SD (serine-aspartate) adhesin (in 15 and 7 isolates, respectively). In conclusion, the macroarray designed for this study offers an attractive and rapid typing method which has the advantage of providing additional information concerning the gene content of the isolate of interest