32 research outputs found

    PERTUMBUHAN KELAPA SAWIT (Elais guineensis Jaqc. ) DI PEMBIBITAN UTAMA DENGAN PERBEDAAN KOMBINASI PUPUK CAIR NUTRIFARM DAN NPKMg (The Seedling Growth Of Oil Palm (Elais guineensis Jaqc) In Nursery With Different Liquid Fertilizers Nutrifarm And NPKMg Comb

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    This experiment was conducted to determine the growth of oil palm seedlings to the provision of a complementary combination liquid fertilizer and manure Nutrifarm AG and NPKMg recommendations. This study was conducted at Agriculture Farm Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jambi. This research arranged with Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 6 treatment. Without liquid fertilizer supplement Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 with 100% NPKMg fertilizer recommendations (control), liquid fertilizer supplement Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 with no NPKMg, Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 with 25% water NPKMg, Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 with 50% water NPKMg Nutrifarm AG 5 ml. L-1 with a 75% water NPKMg, Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 with 100% water NPKMg. Parameter variables number of leaves, total leaf area, seed diameter, plant dry weight, root dry weight. The data were statistically analyzed and followed by Duncan Multiple Test A (DNMRT) at the level of 5%. Results showed combination liquid fertilizer and manure Nutrifarm AG NPKMg recommendation responds to the high seedling growth, total leaf area and diameter of the seed. And efficient use good combination is the provision of a complementary combination liquid fertilizer Nutrifarm AG 5 ml.L-1 water with 25% fertilizer NPKMg recommendation on oil palm seedlings in the main nursery.Key words : Oil Palm, nutrifar

    TANGGAP BIBIT KARET (Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg) TERHADAP PEMBERIAN MIKORIZA VESIKULAR ARBUSKULAR DAN PUPUK FOSFOR DI POLYBAG Rubber Seedling Response (Hevea Brasiliensis Mull. Arg) To The Application Of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae and Phosphorus F

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    This research was conducted to determine the response of rubber seedlings to the application of vesicular arbuscular Mycorrhiza (VAM) and phosphorus (P). The design used in this study was completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors: VAM and phosphorus doses. The treatment is VAM doses consisting of 3 levels of mycorrhiza, that is, without mycorrhizae, 10 g/polybag , 20 g/polybag and the provision of phosphorus which consists of 5 levels i.e. without phosphorus, 25% of the recommended dose, 50% of the recommended dose, 75% of the recommended dose , 100% of the recommended dose. Each treatment was repeated 3 times so that there are 45 units of the experiment. Thevariables observed were seedlings height, seedling, diameter, total leaf area, leaf number, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, and percentage of mycorrhizal infection. The results showed that the mycorrhizal 10 g/polybag and 75% of phosphorus of the recommended dose is the best dosage on the growth of rubber seedlings.Key words : Rubber seedling, VAM, Phosphoru

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Pinang (Areca catechu L.) Terhadap Aplikasi Limbah Solid Kelapa Sawit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan Untuk melihat pengaruh pemberian dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit terhadap pertumbuhan bibit pinang dan untuk mendapatkan dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit yang memberikan pertumbuhan bibit pinang terbaik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi yang terletak di Desa Mendalo Darat Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota Kabupaten Muaro Jambi dengan ketinggian tempat ± 35 meter dpl dari bulan Maret sampai Juni 2021. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan tinggi bibit dengan 6 taraf perlakuan dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit (d) yaitu: Tanpa perlakuaan/Kontrol (d0), 100 g/Tanaman (d1), 150 g/Tanaman (d2), 200 g /Tanaman (d3), 250 g/Tanaman (d4), 300 g/Tanaman (d5). Variabel yang diamati yaitu Pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan diameter batang, jumlah daun, berat kering tajuk, berat kering akar, dan rasio tajuk akar bibit pinang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemberian limbah solid kelapa sawit berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bibit pinang, yaitu pada variabel pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan diameter batang, berat kering tajuk, dan rasio tajuk akar bibit pinang. Namun, tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah daun dan berat kering akar bibit pinang. Dosis limbah solid kelapa sawit yang memberikan pertumbuhan bibit pinang terbaik dalam penelitian ini yaitu 100 g/tanaman

    Respons Pertumbuhan Bibit Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Terhadap Kompos Kulit Buah Kakao

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian berbagai dosis kompos kulit buah kakao dan mengetahui dosis pemberian kompos kulit buah kakao terbaik untuk pertumbuhan bibit kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) di polybag. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Lokasi Teaching And Research Farm, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi, Desa Mendalo Indah, Kecamatan Jambi Luar Kota, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi pada bulan Februari sampai bulan April tahun 2020. Rancangan yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 1 faktor yaitu dosis kompos kulit buah kakao (p) dengan 5 taraf sebagai berikut : Urea 2,5 gram; TSP 3,5 gram; KCl 2 gram (p0), 100 gram kompos + Urea 2,5 gram; TSP 3,5 gram; KCl 2 gram (p1), 150 gram kompos + Urea 2,5 gram; TSP 3,5 gram; KCl 2 gram (p2), 200 gram kompos + Urea 2,5 gram; TSP 3,5 gram; KCl 2 gram (p3), dan 250 gram kompos + Urea 2,5 gram; TSP 3,5 gram; KCl 2 gram (p4). Variabel pengamatan meliputi pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan diameter batang, pertambahan jumlah daun, luas daun total, berat kering tajuk, berat kering akar, dan rasio tajuk akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian kompos kulit buah kakao tidak berbeda nyata terhadap variabel berat kering tajuk, berat kering akar, dan rasio tajuk akar bibit kakao. Namun, berbeda nyata terhadap variabel pertambahan tinggi, pertambahan diameter batang, pertambahan jumlah daun, dan luas daun total bibit kakao. Dosis kompos kulit buah kakao terbaik untuk pertumbuhan bibit kakao yaitu 150 gram/bibit

    Pengaruh Trichokompos Sekam Padi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek)

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    Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh trichokompos sekam padi terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil kacang hijau dan mendapatkan dosis trichokompos yang memberikan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kacang hijau. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian, Unversitas Jambi, Kabupaten Muaro Jambi, Desa Mendalo Indah, pada ketinggian ± 35 m diatas permukan laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Februari sampai bulan Mei tahun 2017. Percobaan ini disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan satu faktor yaitu trichokompos sekam padi (S) yang terdiri dari 5 taraf yaitu : s0 = tanpa pemberian trichokompos sekam padi, s1 = trichokompos sekam padi dengan dosis 5 ton/ha, s2 = trichokompos sekam padi dengan dosis 10 ton/ha, s3 = trichokompos sekam padi dengan dosis 15 ton/ha, s4 = trichokompos sekam padi dengan dosis 20 ton/ha. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 5 kali dengan demikian jumlah petak percobaan 25 petakan. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah polong berisi per tanaman, bobot 1000 biji dan hasil per hektar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian trichokompos sekam padi berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang, jumlah polong pertanaman, jumlah polong berisi pertanaman dan hasil kacang hijau tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot &nbsp

    Analisa Faktor Kunjungan Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Penginapan Hotel Terhadap Penerimaan Sub Sektor PDRB pada Industri Pariwisata di Kabupaten Jember Tahun 2008-2018

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    Indonesia is one country with enormous natural resource potential that can be maximized in the tourism industry sector. Besides that, there is great hope that this tourism sector can increase PDRB in an area. According to the results of the analysis, this study shows the influence of the number of foreign tourist visits and hotel occupancy on the receipt of the tourism industry's PDRP sector in 2008-2018. The data used is time series data from the Central Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Tourism. This research uses quantitative research methods and uses partial addjustmen models using time series processes. In this study, the independent variables are foreign tourists (W1) and hotels (H2) while the dependent variable is PDRP (R). The results of the study using known multiple regression analysis and simultaneous regression test (F test) note that F -st5959.6 confidence below 1 percent indicates that foreign tourists and hotels have a significant effect on PDRP in Jember Regency. Partial regression test (t test) shows that there is a significant influence between the variables of foreign tourists and hotel occupancy on the PDRP of Jember Regency. The magnitude of the effect is that (R2) of 0.95. This means that the PDRP as the dependent variable is explained by the independent variables namely foreign tourists and hotel occupancy by 95% and the remaining 5% is explained by other variables outside the research

    Geospatial Modeling of Blue Carbon Ecosystem Coastal Degradation in Jakarta Bay

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    Jakarta Bay is shallow water which is used for various activities, currently experiencing environment, soil,and sediment degradation. Jakarta Bay experienced rapid development, population growth, increased economic activity and utilization of coastal resources. The development of Jakarta Bay is carried out to balance land necessity and overcome the problem of land subsidence through reclamation and construction of sea dikes. Ecosystem services arethe contribution of various interrelated ecological structures and functions, mangrove ecosystems provide services as an important part of the carbon cycle. Mangroves use CO2 for photosynthesis and store it in Biomass and sediment stock. Mangrove ecosystems in Jakarta Bay have been degraded and deforested due to land conversion for settlement, facilities, and other activities, in line with the increasing population. The calculation of the service value of mangrove ecosystems is limited to economic valuation and descriptive account, geospatial modelling has not been widely carried out, this has caused widespread and temporal unknown data on ecosystem services. The Coastal Blue Carbon geospatial modelling used in this study requires land use classification data input based on the interpretation of Landsat satellite's images and global carbon deposits in mangrove ecosystems while carbon prices are based on Social Cost Carbon (SCC), Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and International Voluntary Market Price (IVMP). This study produced a map of the dynamics of carbon stock, sequestration, emissions, accumulation and net present value of carbon. The output of these maps is expected to be a referencefor sustainable mangrove management, coastal area planning optimization with mangrove ecosystem protection so it can be part of climate change mitigation efforts in Jakarta Bay. Keywords: Geospatial,ecosystem, blue carbon, Jakart

    Hasil dan Komponen Hasil Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr) yang Diberi Pemupukan Nitrogen Lanjutan pada Fase Reproduktif (R1)

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    This research aim to determine the effect of continued nitrogen fertilization to reproductive phase on yield and yield components of soybean. The experiment conducted in teaching and research farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jambi from April to September 2014. The experiment arranged in factorial randomized block design with two replications. First factor were four soybean varieties and second factor were dosages of continued nitrogen fertilization consist of 0 kg ha-1 (n0), 40 kg ha-1 (n1), 50 kg ha-1 (n2) and 60 kg ha-1. Measured variables observed were the length of reproductive phase, number of pods per plant, number of filled pods, weight of 100 seeds, and weight of seed per plant. The result showed that nitrogen did not have effect on evaluated varieties. There were differences in length of reproductive phase, number of pods per plant, number of filled pods, and weight of 100 seeds among soybean varieties. The second nitrogen fertilization with different dosages gave significant effect in number of pods per plant, number of filled pods and weight of seed per plant. Four varieties had same yield potential if developed around research area, but to get larger seed size, Anjasmoro variety was highly recommended. The best dosage to increase yield between varieties was n2 (50 kg N ha-1).Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan nitrogen lanjutan pada fase reproduktif pada hasil dan komponen hasil kedelai. Percobaan akan dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan (teaching dan research farm) Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jambi mulai bulan April 2014 sampai dengan September 2014. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan dua ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah empat varietas kedelai dan faktor kedua adalah dosis pemupukan nitrogen lanjutan yang terdiri atas  0 kg Nitrogen(n0), 40 kg ha-1 (n1), 50 kg ha-1 (n2), dan 60 kg ha-1. Variabel yang diamati adalah panjang fase reproduktif, jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah polong berisi, bobot 100 biji, bobot dan biji per tanaman. Hasil memperlihatkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan pengaruh nitrogen pada tiap-tiap varietas yang dievaluasi. Terdapat perbedaan panjang fase reproduktif, jumlah polong total per tanaman, jumlah polong berisi per tanaman, dan bobot 100 biji diantara varietas kedelai. Pada sisi lain, pemupukan nitrogen kedua berbeda dosis memberikan pengaruh yang nyata pada variabel jumlah polong total per tanaman, jumlah polong berisi per tanaman, dan bobot biji per tanaman. Keempat varietas memiliki potensi hasil yang sama jika dikembangkan diwilayah sekitar wilayah penelitian. Namun jika ingin mendapatkan ukuran biji yang lebih besar, varietas anjasmoro sangat direkomendasikan. Dosis terbaik yang dapat meningkatkan hasil antar varietas adalah n2 (50 kg N ha-1)

    PENGARUH BIOURINE SAPI TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT KARET (Hevea brasiliensis Mull. Arg) ASAL STUM MATA TIDUR (The Effect of Cattle Biourine to The Growth of Rubber Seedling from Stum Rubber)

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    The objective of this research was to determine the best biourine concentration on the rubber seedling. This research was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm, Agriculture Faculty, Mendalo Darat, Jambi. This experiment was designed using completely Randomized Design with five treatment, and three replications. The treatments were  the level of biourine concentration : uo= 0% bio-urine, u1= 2,5%, u2= 5,0%, u3= 7,5% dan u4= 10,0%. Three were 15 units of treatments. Statical analysis showed that cattle biourine  at  7, 5 % gave the best growth of rubber seedling, shoot height and root dry weight. Key word: Urine , rubber, shoo

    PERTUMBUHAN DAN HASIL DUA VARIETAS KEDELAI (Glycine max L. Merril) PADA PERBEDAAN PUPUK ORGANIK (Growth and Yield of Two Soybean (Glycine max L. Merill) Varieties at Different Organic Fertilizers)

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    This Research   was conducted  at  Teaching and Research Farm ,  Faculty of Agriculture, Jambi University started from July 2013 untill October 2013. Experiment was arranged in a Randomized block design with factorial treatment and  three replication. First factor was variety consist of two level  Anjasmoro  and Grobogan . Second factor was different organic fertilizer cattle  manure, chicken manure, goat manure, and Cities Compost Trash. Variables observed were plant height (cm), plant dry weight (g), number of filled pod, number of pod per plant, 100 seed weight (g), and seed weight per plant (g). Data were analysed using analisys of variance and continued with DNMRT test with 5 % level of significance. Results showed that there were not different effect of organic manure applied on both soybean varieties. At the other hand, application of organic manures had significant effect on number of filled pod, number of pod per plant, plant dry weight, and seed weight per plant. Meanwhile, there were sicnificant effect between two soybean varieties  and Cities Compost Trash on number of filled pod, number of pod per plant, plant dry weight and seed weight per plant. Keyword : soybean, organic, manure, variet