145 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tradisi selamatan kerbau dan apa saja bentuk unsur teologis yang terkandung dalam tradisi selamatan kerbau. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif analitik. Tehnik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tradisi selamatan kerbau salah satu tradisi yang diwariskan oleh leluhur. Tujuan dari selamatan kerbau ialah agar kerbau yang diselamatkan dijauhkan dari segala bentuk penyakit ghaib, kerbau mampu berkembang biak dengan selamat, dan sebagai bentuk rasa syukur. Unsur teologis yang terkandung dalam tradisi ini yaitu; a).dzikir; b). do’a; c). ketupat yang melambangkan hati yang bersih agar mampu mendekatkan diri kepada Allah; d). Bantal (makanan khas Sasak) dimaknai sebagai simbol untuk memperkuat keyakinan dan syarit Islam; e). Peletakkan Sembeq pada dahi kerbau diharuskan mengucapkan shalawat atas Nabi; f). Penyembelihan ayam di maknai sebagai salah satu bentuk kepasrahan kepada Tuhan. Darah ayam yang disembelih sebagai salah satu gambaran bahwa seluruh ciptaan manusia akan kembali kepada Tuhan; g). Anak di bawah umur di perintahkan untuk mengucapkan kalimat aamiin di depan pintu kandang kerbau. Agar anak-anak kecintaannya dan keyakinannya kepada Tuhannya dapat tertanam dalam jiwa.  &nbsp


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menyediakan akses untuk memperoleh bahan pokok pangan strategis dengan harga yang terjangkau dan wajar ditingkat konsumen, memberikan fasilitas penyediaan dan penyaluran komoditas pangan di tingkat produsen. Dan sistem ini dapat membuat keberadaan TTIC ini sangat dirasakan manfaatnya oleh masyarakat. Pengembangan sistem yang digunakan adalah metode waterfall dengan melakukan perancangan flowchart, diagram konteks, data flow diagram, database, user interface yang dibuat dengan PHP MySQL dan kemudian dilakukan pengujian blackbox serta pengujian user acceptance test (UAT). Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian sistem yang menggunakan pengujian user acceptance test (UAT) memperoleh nilai rata-rata kemudahan mencapai 88% menunjukan bahwa dalam penggunaan sistem informasi pemasaran toko tani indonesia center (ttic) dapat membantu masyarakat dalam mencari informasi dan melakukan transaksi jual beli bahan pokok pangan langsung dari produsen/pemasok melalui TTIC secara online

    Unmanned Aerial System Design for Civil Engineering Operations – A VIP Study

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    Unmanned Aerial System Design for Civil Engineering Operations – A Case Study The objective of the project is to design and build a modular Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) that meets the specifications set forth by United Consulting – a local civil engineering company. These specifications are achieved through three unique missions. In each mission, data is collected using different methods. These missions include land surveying, bridge structure inspection and manhole probing. The key requirements of the drone are to maintain a minimum flight time of 30 minutes and the ability to receive and transmit telemetry, photographic and video data from a distance of up to one mile from the ground station. To ensure the drone meets these specifications, extensive research pertaining to the selection of electronic components is performed to ensure safety and efficiency of the drone’s many sub-systems. In addition to choosing compatible components, 3D modeling is completed to meet the modularity United Consulting is looking for in the different missions that would be completed in the field. The overall goal for the Fall 2022 semester is to create a working prototype that achieves the mission goals set forth by United Consulting

    Surveillance for Zoonotic Pathogens and Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of Ringed Seals (nattiit) (Pusa hispida) in Frobisher Bay and Eclipse Sound, Nunavut, Canada

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    Ringed seals (Pusa hispida) (nattiq (s.), nattiit (pl.) [Inuktut]) provide an important food staple for Nunavummiut (Indigenous residents of Nunavut). We studied the health of nattiit harvested by hunters from Baffin Island, Nunavut, via Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and veterinary science. We conducted serological surveys and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for select zoonotic pathogens, including Brucella spp., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Leptospira interrogans and Toxoplasma gondii, in 55 nattiit from Frobisher Bay (FB) and 58 nattiit from Eclipse Sound (ES). We used a digestion assay to determine the presence of Trichinella spp. larvae in muscle samples from these seals. We conducted interviews with nine Local Knowledge Holders (LKHs) from Iqaluit (FB) and nine from Pond Inlet (ES) to gather their observations about nattiq health. The hunters evaluate nattiq health through a combination of behavior, nutritional condition, and appearance of skin and organs. They rarely observed severely ill nattiit. Hunters from ES but not from FB observed declining nattiit population numbers. In both regions, they observed increased numbers of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica). Frequencies of natural exposure among nattiit from FB and ES, based on seroprevalence, were 20.5% and 37% for Brucella spp., 25% and 11% for E. rhusiopathiae, 93% and 100% for L. interrogans, and 10% and 27% for T. gondii, respectively; PCR was negative for these pathogens in organs and tissues of seropositive animals. We did not detect larvae of Trichinella spp. Knowledge and experience from the LKHs in assessing nattiq health, complemented by negative findings from direct detection methods, provide reassurance about the safety of nattiit as country food, despite their exposure to some zoonotic pathogens in their natural environment.Les phoques annelés (Pusa hispida) (nattiq (s.), nattiit (pl.) [en inuktut]) constituent une source de nourriture importante pour les Nunavummiut (habitants autochtones du Nunavut). Nous avons étudié l’état de santé des nattiit collectés par les chasseurs de l’île de Baffin, au Nunavut à l’aide de l’Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit et de la science vétérinaire. La sérologie et l’amplification en chaîne par polymérase (PCR) ont été employées pour étudier certains pathogènes susceptibles de causer une zoonose, dont Brucella spp., Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae, Leptospira interrogans et Toxoplasma gondii, chez 55 nattiit de la baie Frobisher (BF) et 58 nattiit du détroit d’Éclipse (ES). Un test de digestion a été utilisé pour déterminer la présence de larves de Trichinella spp. dans des échantillons de muscle de ces phoques. Nous avons interviewé neuf détenteurs de savoirs locaux (DSL) d’Iqaluit (BF) et neuf DSL de Pond Inlet (ES) afin de recueillir leurs observations sur l’état de santé des nattiit. Les chasseurs évaluent l’état de santé des nattiit à partir de leur comportement, de leur état nutritionnel ainsi que de l’apparence de leur peau et de leurs organes. Ils ont rarement vu des nattiit sévèrement malades. Les chasseurs d’ES ont observé un déclin de la population de nattiit, ce qui n’a pas été le cas des chasseurs de la BF. Dans les deux régions, ils ont observé une augmentation du nombre de phoques du Groenland (Phoca groenlandica). Les fréquences d’exposition naturelle parmi les nattiit de la BF et d’ES, basées sur la séroprévalence, étaient de 20,5 % et de 37 % pour Brucella spp., de 25 % et de 11 % pour E. rhusiopathiae, de 93 % et de 100 % pour L. interrogans et de 10 % et de 27 % pour T. gondii, respectivement. La présence de ces pathogènes dans les tissus et organes d’animaux séropositifs n’a pas été détectée par PCR. Des larves de Trichinella spp. n’ont pas été détectées. Le savoir et l’expérience des DSL pour déterminer l’état de santé des nattiit ainsi que les résultats négatifs obtenus des méthodes de détection directes fournissent une preuve de la salubrité des nattiit comme source de nourriture traditionnelle, malgré le fait qu’ils soient exposés à certains agents pathogènes zoonotiques dans leur milieu naturel

    Characterization of morbilliviruses isolated from dolphins and porpoises in Europe.

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    A previously unidentified morbillivirus was isolated from two harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) that had died in the Dutch Waddensea (North Sea) in 1990. This porpoise morbillivirus (PMV) and a dolphin morbillivirus (DMV), which had recently caused a heavy mortality in Mediterranean striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), were compared antigenically with other members of the genus Morbillivirus, including the newly recognized phocine distemper virus type 1. DMV and PMV proved to be similar but distinct morbilliviruses, closely related to rinderpest virus and peste-des-petits-ruminants virus. Cell cultures of cetacean, pinniped, ruminant and canine origin showed a different pattern of susceptibility to DMV and PMV infection. Ruminants and dogs proved to be susceptible to experimental infection with DMV and PMV, which both caused a transient leukopenia most pronounced in the ruminants. Pre-exposure of dogs to DMV and PMV protected them from developing CDV viraemia and clinical signs upon challenge infection with virulent CDV. A serological survey among stranded animals of different cetacean species in Europe indicated that infections with DMV- and PMV-like morbilliviruses are not uncommon among these aquatic mammals

    Serosurvey of peste des petits ruminants virus in small ruminants from different agro-ecological zones of Nigeria

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    Peste des petits ruminants, caused by the peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV), is a highly contagious and economically important transboundary viral disease of domestic and wild small ruminants and a major hindrance to small-ruminant production in Nigeria. The seroprevalence and distribution of PPRV antibodies in small ruminants in rural households, farms, live animal markets and slaughter slabs across the six different agro-ecological zones of Nigeria were determined. A total of 4548 serum samples from 3489 goats and 1059 sheep were collected in 12 states. A PPRV competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to test the samples and the data analysed with R statistical software version 3.0.1. The study animals included all ages and both sexes. The overall prevalence estimate of sera positive for PPRV antibodies was 23.16% (n = 1018 positive samples per 4548 total samples, 95% confidence interval: 21.79% – 24.57%). There were significant differences in the seroprevalence between the states ( p = 0.001). Taraba State had the highest seroprevalence of 29.51%, whilst the lowest seroprevalence of 14.52% was observed in Cross River State. There were no significant differences in the PPRV seroprevalence between male and female animals ( p = 0.571), age ( p = 0.323) and between species ( p = 0.639). These data indicate the current seroprevalence to PPRV in the small-ruminant population in Nigeria.A grant (RFA 2 No.48) from the Agricultural Research Council of Nigeria through the Competitive Agricultural Research Grant Scheme.http://www.ojvr.orgam2016Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus: Origin Hypothesis

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome is a serious swine disease that appeared suddenly in the midwestern United States and central Europe approximately 14 years ago; the disease has now spread worldwide. In North America and Europe, the syndrome is caused by two genotypes of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), an arterivirus whose genomes diverge by approximately 40%. My hypothesis, which explains the origin and evolution of the two distinct PRRSV genotypes, is that a mutant of a closely related arterivirus of mice (lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus) infected wild boars in central Europe. These wild boars functioned as intermediate hosts and spread the virus to North Carolina in imported, infected European wild boars in 1912; the virus then evolved independently on the two continents in the prevalent wild hog populations for approximately 70 years until independently entering the domestic pig population