8 research outputs found

    Nursing students' attitudes about their profession

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    Introduction: Positive attitudes toward the nursing profession among nursing students improve the sustainability of the profession. Studying the attitudes of nursing students toward nursing is of great importance, as it can indicate their remaining in the profession. This study aimed to determine the attitudes of nursing students toward the nursing profession.Methods: This was a cross-sectional, descriptive, analytical study. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Health Studies at the University of Sarajevo from May to June 2019. The study involved a convenience sample of 107 currently enrolled Bachelor of Nursing students from the 1st to the 4th (and final) year of full-time study and part-time students in the Baccalaureate of Nursing Care program at the University of Sarajevo. The students voluntarily and anonymously completed a questionnaire consisting of demographic information and the Nursing Image Questionnaire.Results: Overall, 107 students participated in the research. Their mean age was 23 years old (standard deviation, 5 years). Spearmanā€™s correlation factor shows a statistically significant correlation between the scores and the mode of studying (full-time or part-time) (rho = āˆ’0.200*, p = 0.039) and whether respondents working in the profession or not (rho = 0.249*, p = 0.010).Conclusion: The attitudes of future Bachelor of Nursing toward the nursing profession were very positive. Full-time students had more positive attitudes toward the profession, compared with part-time students, although the difference was not statistically significant

    The importance of social support for elderly people

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    Introduction: Social support is not a one-way relationship but is based on the connections people have with other people, groups, and the wider community. This study aimed to assess the perception of social support by people in the third age and to investigate the correlation of social support with the sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents. Methods: A quantitative cross-sectional study was conducted with 147 elderly people who actively use the services of the Center for Health Promotion and Improvement ā€œGeneracijaā€ in Sarajevo. The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) was used to assess social perceptions. Results: The results show a weak negative relationship between age and the total scale (r = āˆ’0.199, p = 0.05), with older people having lower scores on the total scale. A significant relationship was found between the subscale other factors and age (r = āˆ’0.202, p = 0.05). The evaluation of the performance of daily activities correlates weakly with the evaluation of the friendā€™s subscale (r = 0.186, p = 0.05). The friendā€™s subscale correlates significantly with the quality of social life (r = 0.227, p = 0.05). The subjective assessment of the quality of social life after arriving at the center showed a correlation with the overall scale score (r = 0.182, p = 0.05) and especially with the friend subscale (r = 0.219, p = 0.05), with the increase in social life and the subscales examined in both cases. Conclusion: Users of the ā€œGeneracijaā€ center rate social support on the MSPSS with high scores, with users receiving the most support from family. The sociodemographic characteristics of the respondents have an impact on the perception of social support by the users of the Center for Health Promotion and Improvement ā€œGeneracija,ā€ more specifically; they were statistically significantly influenced by age, the way of performing daily activities, the quality of social life and the quality of social life after arrival at the Center


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    Introduction: Nursing as a profession and vocation is understood as humanity, altruism and dedication. Nurses possess 4 types of responsibilities: human, legal, ethical and professional, within which protective models are oriented to the well-being of the patient. The values, rules and principles within nursing practice are regulated by codes of ethics. Aim: To determine the infl uence of knowledge, positive attitude and love for the profession, as well as practices based on high moral and ethical principles in graduate nurses on making ethical decisions in work with patients. Material and methods: The study was conducted among 106 graduate nurses of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. The study was descriptive, transverse according to the cross-sectional type. The study was conducted in the period from June 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. Statistical data processing was performed using the Ļ‡2-test, Fisher test, Mann-Whitney U test, and other tests. Results: The majority of respondents (89.4%) stated that they chose nursing profession out of love and desire to help sick people. The largest number of respondents make ethical decisions independently in the implementation of appropriate health care (84%), 62.3% are considered religious, but 77.7% of them believe that religiosity does not affect ethical decision making. Half of the respondents stated that they were in a situation to act as a legal protector for patients in case they noticed that they could be harmed. The majority of respondents (84%) did not have a situation to make wrong ethical decision in their practice. Conclusion: Our study confi rms that in order to make ethical decisions in working with patients, graduate nurses must have quality knowledge, a positive attitude and love for the profession, and a practice based on high moral and ethical principles.Uvod: Sestrinstvo kao profesija i poziv shvaćeno je kao humanost, altruizam i predanost. Medicinske sestre imaju 4 vrste odgovornosti i to: ljudska, pravna, etička i profesionalna, a unutar kojih se prožimaju zaÅ”titnički modeli usmjereni na dobro bolesnika. Vrijednosti, pravila i načela unutar sestrinske prakse regulirani su etičkim kodeksima. Cilj: Utvrditi utjecaj znanja, pozitivno izgrađenog stava i ljubavi prema struci, kao i prakse zasnovane na visokim moralnim i etičkim načelima kod diplomiranih medicinskih sestara na donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka u radu s bolesnicima. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno među 106 diplomiranih medicinskih sestara Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Istraživanje je deskriptivno, transverzalno prema tipu poprečne (cross-sectional) studije. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 1. lipnja 2019. do 30. rujna 2019. godine. Statistička obrada podataka učinjena je uz primjenu Ļ‡Ā²-testa, Fisherova testa, Mann-Whitneyeva U testa i drugih testova. Rezultati: Većina ispitanika (89,4 %) izjavila je da su sestrinsku struku odabrali iz ljubavi i želje da pomažu bolesnim osobama. Najveći broj ispitanika samostalno donosi etičke odluke kod provođenja odgovarajuće zdravstvene njege (84 %), 62,3 % se smatra religioznim, međutim 77,7 % ih smatra da religioznost ne utječe na donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka. Polovina ispitanih navodi kako su bili u situaciji da se ponaÅ”aju kao pravni zaÅ”titnik bolesnika kada primijete da bi im se mogla nanijeti Å”teta. Većina ispitanika (84 %) nije bila u situaciji da u svojoj praksi donesu pogreÅ”nu etičku odluku. Zaključak: Rad potvrđuje da za donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka u radu s bolesnicima diplomirane medicinske sestre moraju imati kvalitetno znanje, izgrađen pozitivan stav i ljubav prema struci te praksu zasnovanu na visokim moralnim i etičkim načelima


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    Data on the content of total polyphenols in beer is important both because of their negative effects on the stability of beer and the formation of turbidity, and because of the positive health effects. The aim of this study was to determine the content of total polyphenols and antioxidant capacity in 22 samples of light and dark beer using two methods: Folinā€“CiocĆ¢lteu and DPPH method and to confirm the correlation between the total content of UP and AC beer. The content of shell polyphenols in dark beers was statistically significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared to the content of total polyphenols in samples of light beers from the same producer. The antioxidant capacity of dark beers is statistically significantly higher (p < 0.001) compared to the antioxidant capacity of light beers from the same producer

    Awareness and attitudes of nurses of the Clinical center of the University of Sarajevo (ccus) towards the organization of palliative care

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    Uvod: Zdravstveni sustav predstavlja jedan od najsloženijih sustava u bilo kojoj državi. Prema definiciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije, sustav zdravstvene zaÅ”tite obuhvaća zdravstvenu infrastrukturu koja osigurava spektar programa i usluga i pruža zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu pojedincima, obiteljima i zajednici. Osnovno ljudsko pravo jest pravo na zdravstvenu zaÅ”titu koja uključuje zdravstvene aktivnosti kao Å”to je preventivno, kurativno i palijativno liječenje. Organizacija palijativne medicine potrebna je na svim nivoima zdravstvene zaÅ”tite. Ciljevi ovog rada obuhvaćaju situacijsku analizu organizacije palijativne njege u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu, ispitivanje poznavanje i pristupa zdravstvenih radnika u procesu pružanja palijativne njege u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu te ispitivanje stava kod zdravstvenih radnika o načinu organizacije palijativne njege u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu Materijal i metode: U istraživanju je sudjelovao 141 ispitanik zaposlen u Kliničkom centru Univerziteta u Sarajevu (CCUS). Istraživanje je deskriptivno i analitičko. Rezultati su prikazani tablično i grafički putem broja slučajeva i postotka. Testiranje signifikantnosti razlika provedeno je primjenom hi-kvadrat testa i Fisherova egzaktnog testa. Rezultati: Utvrđeno je da postoje različita znanja, stavovi i pristupi ispitanika povezani s načinom organizacije palijativne njege, pružanjem usluga i tretmana u bolnici. Većina ispitanika (64%) smatra da palijativnu njegu treba organizirati u institucijama za palijativnu njegu koja ima zadovoljene uvjete u skladu s propisanim standardima i kriterijima za palijativnu njegu. Zaključak: Utvrđene su znatne razlike u znanju, praksi i stavovima zdravstvenih radnika o palijativnoj njezi.Introduction: The health system is one of the most complex systems in any country. According to the definition of the World Health Organization, the health care system includes health infrastructure that provides a spectrum of programs and services and provides health care to individuals, families and the community. A basic human right is the right to health care, which includes health activities such as preventive, curative and palliative treatment. The organization of palliative medicine is necessary at all levels of health care. Aims: Situational analysis of the organization of palliative care in the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. Examining the knowledge and approach of healthcare workers in the process of providing palliative care at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. To examine the attitude of healthcare workers towards the Material and methods: 141 subjects employed at the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo (CCUS) participated in the research. The research is descriptive and analytical. The results are presented in tables and graphs, chi-square and Fisherā€™s exact test were used for testing the significance of differences. Results: It was found that there are different knowledge, attitudes and approaches of the respondents regarding the way palliative care is organized, the provision of services and treatment in the hospital. The majority of respondents (64%) believe that palliative care should be organized in institutions for palliative care that meet the conditions of the prescribed standards and criteria for palliative care. Conclusion: Significant differences were found in the knowledge, practice and attitudes of health workers about palliative care

    Association between alcohol consumption and dietary supplement intake of students from the University of Sarajevo

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    Introduction: Dietary supplements are an important source of vitamins and minerals that may help prevent several disease-causing biological pathways involved in one-carbon metabolism, including the suppression of cell proliferation, oxidative stress, nitric oxide synthesis, and angiogenesis. The present study aimed to assess the association between the intake of folate, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and minerals and the consumption of alcohol among university students. Methods: This study was participated by students aged 19-22 years from the University of Sarajevo between 2017 and 2018. Using a questionnaire, we interviewed in a week them to collect information regarding age, socio-economic status, alcohol consumption, and dietary supplement intake. Then, we investigated the association between the baseline intake of folate, B vitamins, and minerals and that of alcohol consumption. Results: Most students consumed Vitamin B supplements (32%) and folic acid (10%). Dietary multivitamins and minerals were less prevalent in more than a year, accounting for 186 (23.9%) and 174 (24.3%) students, respectively, than those in less than a year. In a year, <20% of students consumed multivitamins 129 (16.6%) and minerals 116 (15.3%). Meanwhile, 256 (27.1%) students consumed alcohol. The Chi-square test of independence showed that drinking habits and the intake of such dietary supplements had no association (p > 0.05). Conclusion: An extremely low percentage of the participating students in Canton Sarajevo used dietary supplements of Vitamin B, folate, multivitamins, and minerals. Moreover, alcohol consumption and dietary supplement intake were not associated. Further research is needed to establish the best cost-effective public health system to achieve a sufficient intake of dietary supplements


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    Introduction: Nursing as a profession and vocation is understood as humanity, altruism and dedication. Nurses possess 4 types of responsibilities: human, legal, ethical and professional, within which protective models are oriented to the well-being of the patient. The values, rules and principles within nursing practice are regulated by codes of ethics. Aim: To determine the infl uence of knowledge, positive attitude and love for the profession, as well as practices based on high moral and ethical principles in graduate nurses on making ethical decisions in work with patients. Material and methods: The study was conducted among 106 graduate nurses of the Clinical Center of the University of Sarajevo. The study was descriptive, transverse according to the cross-sectional type. The study was conducted in the period from June 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. Statistical data processing was performed using the Ļ‡2-test, Fisher test, Mann-Whitney U test, and other tests. Results: The majority of respondents (89.4%) stated that they chose nursing profession out of love and desire to help sick people. The largest number of respondents make ethical decisions independently in the implementation of appropriate health care (84%), 62.3% are considered religious, but 77.7% of them believe that religiosity does not affect ethical decision making. Half of the respondents stated that they were in a situation to act as a legal protector for patients in case they noticed that they could be harmed. The majority of respondents (84%) did not have a situation to make wrong ethical decision in their practice. Conclusion: Our study confi rms that in order to make ethical decisions in working with patients, graduate nurses must have quality knowledge, a positive attitude and love for the profession, and a practice based on high moral and ethical principles.Uvod: Sestrinstvo kao profesija i poziv shvaćeno je kao humanost, altruizam i predanost. Medicinske sestre imaju 4 vrste odgovornosti i to: ljudska, pravna, etička i profesionalna, a unutar kojih se prožimaju zaÅ”titnički modeli usmjereni na dobro bolesnika. Vrijednosti, pravila i načela unutar sestrinske prakse regulirani su etičkim kodeksima. Cilj: Utvrditi utjecaj znanja, pozitivno izgrađenog stava i ljubavi prema struci, kao i prakse zasnovane na visokim moralnim i etičkim načelima kod diplomiranih medicinskih sestara na donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka u radu s bolesnicima. Materijal i metode: Istraživanje je provedeno među 106 diplomiranih medicinskih sestara Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Istraživanje je deskriptivno, transverzalno prema tipu poprečne (cross-sectional) studije. Istraživanje je provedeno u razdoblju od 1. lipnja 2019. do 30. rujna 2019. godine. Statistička obrada podataka učinjena je uz primjenu Ļ‡Ā²-testa, Fisherova testa, Mann-Whitneyeva U testa i drugih testova. Rezultati: Većina ispitanika (89,4 %) izjavila je da su sestrinsku struku odabrali iz ljubavi i želje da pomažu bolesnim osobama. Najveći broj ispitanika samostalno donosi etičke odluke kod provođenja odgovarajuće zdravstvene njege (84 %), 62,3 % se smatra religioznim, međutim 77,7 % ih smatra da religioznost ne utječe na donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka. Polovina ispitanih navodi kako su bili u situaciji da se ponaÅ”aju kao pravni zaÅ”titnik bolesnika kada primijete da bi im se mogla nanijeti Å”teta. Većina ispitanika (84 %) nije bila u situaciji da u svojoj praksi donesu pogreÅ”nu etičku odluku. Zaključak: Rad potvrđuje da za donoÅ”enje etičkih odluka u radu s bolesnicima diplomirane medicinske sestre moraju imati kvalitetno znanje, izgrađen pozitivan stav i ljubav prema struci te praksu zasnovanu na visokim moralnim i etičkim načelima