310 research outputs found

    Biotopos o escollos artificiales

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    Biotopes, or Artificial Reefs

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    Biotopes ou Ă©cueils artificiels

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    Fish Farming

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    Convergence of singular perturbations in singular linear systems

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    AbstractA convergence criterion for singular perturbations in linear systems is established. The criterion is useful for regular and singular systems. It is assumed that the matrices of the system depend analytically on Δ. It is proved that if the real parts of the divergent eigenvalues tend to −∞, the solution of the system converges to the solution for Δ = 0 uniformly in compact subsets of ]0, +∞[. On the other hand, if there is a divergent eigenvalue whose real part does not tend to −∞, then there are initial values such that the solution does not converge at some points. The criterion is valid both for the homogeneous equation and for the nonhomogeneous equation if functions are sufficiently smooth. The use of distributions allows the analysis with inconsistent initial conditions

    Integration of a voice recognition system in a social robot

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    Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) 1 is one of the main fields in the study and research of robotics. Within this field, dialog systems and interaction by voice play a very important role. When speaking about human- robot natural dialog we assume that the robot has the capability to accurately recognize the utterance what the human wants to transmit verbally and even its semantic meaning, but this is not always achieved. In this paper we describe the steps and requirements that we went through in order to endow the personal social robot Maggie, developed in the University Carlos III of Madrid, with the capability of understanding the natural language spoken by any human. We have analyzed the different possibilities offered by current software/hardware alternatives by testing them in real environments. We have obtained accurate data related to the speech recognition capabilities in different environments, using the most modern audio acquisition systems and analyzing not so typical parameters as user age, sex, intonation, volume and language. Finally we propose a new model to classify recognition results as accepted and rejected, based in a second ASR opinion. This new approach takes into account the pre-calculated success rate in noise intervals for each recognition framework decreasing false positives and false negatives rate.The funds have provided by the Spanish Government through the project called `Peer to Peer Robot-Human Interaction'' (R2H), of MEC (Ministry of Science and Education), and the project “A new approach to social robotics'' (AROS), of MICINN (Ministry of Science and Innovation). The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-II-CM project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU

    Study of scenarios and technical requirements of a social assistive robot for Alzheimer's disease patients and their caregivers

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    Robots have begun to assist elders and patients suffering dementia. In particular, recent studies have shown how robots can benefit Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients. This is a novel area with a promising future but lot of researching needs to be done. The RobAlz project is aimed to assist AD patients and their caregivers by social robots. This project is divided in three phases: the definition of the requirements and scenarios, the development of a new robotic platform, and the evaluation. This work presents the results obtained in the first phase, in which several meetings were conducted with a set of subject-matter experts in the areas of Alzheimer's Disease and social robotics. The meetings were classified according to the application areas they covered: general aspects, safety, entertainment, personal assistance, and stimulation. The meetings ended up with a repertory of scenarios where robots can be applied to Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers at their home or in longterm care facilities. These scenarios present different psychological, social and technical concerns that must be addressed for the design of the robot. In this work we perform an analysis on the scenarios and present the technical requirements for the development of a first robotic prototype. This prototype will be constructed and tested in real environments in the subsequent phases of the RobAlz project.The authors gratefully acknowledge the collaboration of the Spanish Alzheimer Foundation (FAE) and the funds provided by the Spanish Government through the project Aplicaciones de los robots sociales DPI2011-26980, from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
