533 research outputs found

    A linguagem bi-média no design gráfico

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    A identidade corporativa de uma empresa ou instituição evidencia-se através dos elementos comunicacionais internos e externos, do ambiente de produção e/ou do atendimento que é prestado ao cliente, na apresentação do staff e também através dos estacionários. Neste sentido, a investigação pretende materializar os valores associados à marca IPCB e, assim, permitir delinear vários níveis de estratégia de comunicação corporativa em adequação aos diferentes públicos-alvo. Na metodologia de investigação, numa primeira fase, torna-se necessário fazer uma revisão da literatura, relacionada com a problemática em causa, para clarificar conceitos e adotar métodos. A partir da revisão bibliográfica, determinou-se um conjunto de argumentos a testar e identificaram-se as variáveis e as medidas a tomar para testar esses argumentos. Para testar os argumentos, recorreu-se a uma metodologia de investigação mista: Primeiro, através de observação e análise das campanhas publicitárias de angariação de novos alunos, realizadas anteriormente pelo IPCB, na intenção de avaliar a relação entre imagem e texto. Segundo, através de questionário pretendeu-se a realização de uma auditoria de imagem à presidência, deste instituto. Tudo isso com o objetivo de fundamentar a relação existente entre texto e imagem na publicidade institucional, e quais os valores da marca IPCB presentes na comunidade académica. A análise dos dados resultantes desta metodologia de investigação será qualitativa e poderá resultar num conjunto de diretrizes não fechadas, para que, em futuras campanhas publicitárias, a aplicação da marca IPCB seja feita com maior eficácia, valorizando e solidificando a Imagem institucional. Pretende-se que esta investigação tenha uma aplicabilidade prática na campanha de captação de novos alunos para os cursos do IPCB, nos anos lectivos de 2013/2016. Contribuirá, certamente, para a consolidação da postura institucional no exterior já que, com maior sucesso, se poderão definir linhas estratégicas e determinar objetivos a cumprir, promovendo-se, com isso, uma postura de excelência relativamente à concorrência.ABSTRACT The corporate identity of a company or institution is evidenced through internal and external communication elements, the production environment and / or care that is provided to the customer at the presentation of staff, and also through stationary. In this sense, the research aims to materialize the values associated with the brand IPCB, and allow delineating various levels of corporate communication strategy for adaptation to different target. In research methodology, in a first phase, it is necessary to review the literature related to the issue in question to clarify concepts and adopt methods. From the literature review it was determined a set of hypotheses to be tested and identified the variables and the measures needed to test these hypotheses. To test the hypothesis it was used a mixed research methodology: First, through observation and analysis of advertising campaigns to attract new students, held previously by IPCB, intending to evaluate the relationship between image and text. Second, through questionnaire was intended to carry out an audit (of advertising image) to the presidency of this institute. Therefore, it is sought to substantiate the relationship between text and image in institutional advertising, and what brand values IPCB present in the academic community. The analysis of the data resulting from this research methodology is qualitative and may result in a set of guidelines that are not closed, so that in future advertising campaigns, the implementation of brand IPCB can be done more effectively, enhancing and solidifying the institutional image. It is intended that this research has a practical applicability in the campaign to attract new students to the IPCB courses in the academic years 2013/2016. It will certainly be to consolidate the institutional posture abroad since, with greater success, may be well-defined strategic lines delineate and determine goals to fulfil, promoting thereby a position of excellence over the competition.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effects of social network sites on brand awareness and attitude

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    Brands are increasingly targeting Social Network Sites´ (SNS) massive audiences and incorporating the new media channel in their communication plans. Despite its growing adoption, few research efforts have been devoted to evaluate SNS´ concrete consequences for the brands. In the current study we evaluate SNS´ effects on generating brand awareness and positive brand attitude, two important measures on delivering efficient communication efforts. An online quantitative survey with brand page users of leading brands at Facebook was implemented. Structural equation modeling was used for model estimation. Results have verified a significant, positive and direct impact of brand page participation on brand awareness. Brand attitude also substantially benefits from brand page participation, but this relationship is mediated by brand awareness. Related implications are discussedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Proposing a new construct to measure the effectiveness of brands operating in social networking sites

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    The current study was motivated by the increasing brand adoption of Social Networking Sites, like Facebook, in companies´ communication plans. Currently, the top 100 worldwide advertisers accumulate more than 1 billion users in their brand like pages. In view of this trend, it becomes important to propose a measure that captures the performance and effects of brands´ efforts in brand like pages. The present study addresses this research gap, proposing the construct of brand like page participation (BPP) and validating it. For that four phases were implemented and three studies were conducted. First, the construct domain was defined based on the literature review. Then, a qualitative study based on 10 interviews with Facebook users was implemented to further investigate the construct domain. Following that, an online survey with 203 respondents was used to assess the internal consistency and unidimensionality. Finally, the construct was validated for its ability to get reproduced with a new dataset including 575 valid responses. At this phase, collected data were submitted to confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), in order to check for reliability and convergence. Hence, a new construct is proposed and validated, targeted at offering managers and academics a clear tool to evaluate brands efforts in SNS and to estimate their business impact.info:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Modelling the thermal effluent of a near coast power plant (Sines, Portugal)

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    ABSTRACT The present work is focused on the dispersion of a thermal effluent, produced by the Sines power plant, Portugal, along coastal waters. This facility intakes a yearly average around 40 m 3 /s of seawater, for the required cooling process, which is subsequently discharged back to the ocean at a 10 ºC increase in temperature. A three-dimensional hydrodynamic local model was nested into a regional model and set up to simulate the transport of the thermal effluent during two distinct periods, August and October 2013, respectively featuring dominant north and south wind. The simulations were performed for both situations, with and without the thermal discharge, where the later provides baseline scenarios. Obtained model results closely followed the existing field data. The temperature increase is shown to decay from 10 ºC near the outlet vicinity to 2 ºC at a distance of 2 km from the outlet for both scenarios. Even though the main driving force of this phenomenon is the wind, tidal conditions also have additional influence on thermal plume dispersion near the discharge area. In the north wind scenario the plume extends away from the coast while under south wind dominance the plume is contained near the coast, extending towards the inlet. As a consequence there is a positive feedback under south wind dominance, which is caused by the intake of already warm water from the thermal plume itself. Consequently, south wind dominance is the most unfavorable scenario for both coastal environment and the operational efficiency of the power plant. Keywords: Thermal discharge; Three-dimensional model; Coastal hydrodynamics; Water temperature Submission: 8 JAN 2015; Peer review: 1 MAR 2015; Revised: 20 MAY 2015; Accepted: 26 JUN 2015; Available on-line: 29 JUN 2015 This article contains supporting information online at http://www.aprh.pt/rgci/pdf/rgci-577_Salgueiro_Supporting-Information.pdf Salgueiro et al. (2015) 534 RESUMO Modelação de um efluente térmico numa zona costeira (central termoelétrica de Sines, Portugal) Este artigo tem como objetivo estudar a dispersão do efluente térmico da central termoelétrica de Sines (Portuga

    Deploying the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA) to Enhance Sustainability and Accelerate Climate Change Mitigation

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    Mitigating climate change and promoting sustainability are defining challenges of our time. Public procurement has a vital role to play in responding to the current crises. This article makes the case that the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), and specifically the Work Programme on Sustainable Procurement that has been initiated pursuant to the Agreement, can serve as important instruments to promote sustainable approaches to public procurement internationally, consistent with the goals of climate change mitigation. The Work Programme, which was established at the time of the GPA’s modernization in 2012 and on which important work has already been done but which has recently been relatively dormant, mandates the Organization’s Committee on Government Procurement to study, inter alia, “the ways in which sustainable procurement can be practiced in a manner consistent with Parties’ international trade obligations ”and to prepare a report that sets out best practices concerning relevant measures and polices. This provides an essential and attractive platform for responding to the crisis. The article sets out important related background, including with respect to: (i) a “change of mindset” with respect to environmental sustainability which is already embodied in the amended GPA text adopted in 2012; (ii) existing GPA provisions that provide windows of opportunity for the advancing of related objectives; and (iii) importantly, ongoing developments in key GPA Parties and at the international level that both: (a) point the way toward meaningful change; and (b) suggest, in our view, a need for a modest degree of international coordination to avoid conflict and ensure continuing market openness. These developments portend a rich agenda of possibilities for further discussions in the WTO Work Programme

    Users' participation in facebook brand pages and its influence on word-of-mouth: the role of brand knowledge and brand relationship

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    Due to the development of social media, brands have integrated Social Networking Sites (SNS) as an important part of their communication mix. This change calls for studies that help to understand the role of SNS in the communication mix, through further investigating their effects for brands and acknowledging their influencing triggers. Concerning that, previous studies have associated the use of SNS to effects on WoM, with SNS contributing as a tool skilled for generating conversations about the brand. The current study focuses on investigating the triggers of these effects. In previous research, WoM was accepted as being triggered by constructs related to the effects of SNS on increasing users´ knowledge about the brand and improving perceived relationship value. Despite their relevance, studies in SNS so far have not yet explored these approaches in an integrative manner. So researchers and managers could understand how these dimensions behave in relation to each other in triggering WoM. The current study addresses this research gap, proposing an integrative perspective that combines brand knowledge and brand relationship constructs while investigating the effects on WoM. Direct and indirect effects are proposed with mediating relations being supported by the Theory of Reason Action (TRA) and Social Exchange (SET). Two surveys were implemented, with 218 and 550 valid responses obtained. Results were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Findings support the relevance of brand relationship variables (trust and affective commitment) in influencing WoM, with trust assuming a pivotal role. Moreover, triggers related to brand knowledge also influence the effects, with brand awareness and attitude driving significant effects. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Magnetic phase transitions in Gd64Sc36 studied using non-contact ultrasonics

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    The speed and attenuation of ultrasound propagation can be used to determine material properties and identify phase transitions. Standard ultrasonic contact techniques are not always convenient due to the necessity of using couplant; however, recently reliable non-contact ultrasonic techniques involving electromagnetic generation and detection of ultrasound with electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) have been developed for use on electrically conducting and/or magnetic materials. We present a detailed study of magnetic phase transitions in a single crystal sample of Gd64Sc36 magnetic alloy using contact and non-contact ultrasonic techniques for two orientations of external magnetic field. Phase diagrams are constructed based on measurements of elastic constant C33, the attenuation and the efficiency of generation when using an EMAT. The EMATs are shown to provide additional information related to the magnetic phase transitions in the studied sample, and results identify a conical helix phase in Gd64Sc36 in the magnetic field orientation

    Diels-alder cycloaddition in the synthesis of 1-azafagomine, analogs, and derivatives as glycosidase inhibitors

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    This comprehensive review deals with the synthesis of 1-azafagomine, analogs, and derivatives having the Diels-Alder cycloaddition as the key step. Most of the compounds referred are racemic or have been resolved by lipase transesterification. There are two asymmetric cycloadditions leading to 1-azafagomine or to an analog. In one case both enantiomers of 1-azafagomine were prepared together with a pair of derivatives. The study comprises glycosidase inhibition studies of the target compounds to a set of glycosidic enzymes, and evidenced molecular features that enhance or diminish their activity as glycosidase inhibitors