19 research outputs found

    Riesgo de inundación en la subcuenca del río La Antigua, Veracr z, México

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue aplicar el modelo de simulación hidráulica HEC-RAS para delimitar las zonas con riesgo a inundación en la subcuenca del río La Antigua, Veracruz, México, utilizando la metodología del Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred), que considera la vulnerabilidad y el peligro de un sistema ante la ocurrencia de un fenómeno extremo perturbador. El modelo HEC-RAS usa ecuaciones diferenciales determinísticas que simulan el comportamiento y la dinámica de los niveles de agua en secciones transversales del cauce; su aplicación bajo condiciones de flujo no permanente y régimen mixto permitió definir las áreas de inundación alcanzadas durante una avenida extraordinaria. Para la simulación hidráulica se construyeron hidrogramas unitarios sintéticos con datos de precipitación registrados durante un evento hidrometeorológico extremo; la geometría del cauce se obtuvo con la extensión HEC-GeoRAS, herramienta que extrajo y procesó información georreferenciada del Modelo Digital de Elevación (MDE) LiDAR tipo terreno y los coeficientes de rugosidad (h de Manning) se estimaron de acuerdo con las características físicas del canal. Para calibrar los datos estimados por el modelo se utilizó información hidrométrica (niveles registrados) de la estación 28003 Cardel. La aplicación de tres estadísticas de prueba: R, RMSE y DMA demostraron un alto ajuste entre datos observados versus simulados, respaldando la aplicabilidad del modelo HEC-RAS para simular, predecir y delimitar zonas de riesgo a inundación

    Proyecto de educación en salud ambiental: "El castillo mágico"

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    El presente es un proyecto de educación en salud ambiental titulado "El Castillo Mágico", realizado por Médicos del Hospital Nacional de Niños Benjamín Bloom que cursan el Diplomado en Educación Superior en Salud de la Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador (UEES), promoción 2002, válido como trabajo de graduación. Tiene como propósito que a través de actividades recreativas los niños(as) que consultan a este hospital, se conviertan en personas susceptibles de participar en forma positiva y activa en el proceso de cambio ecológico, para mejorar el medio ambiente en que viven y por ende su salud, partiendo de la concepción de la salud y la enfermedad como un fenómeno bio-psico-social

    Fuzzy Logic and Linear Programming-Based Power Grid-Enhanced Economical Dispatch for Sustainable and Stable Grid Operation in Eastern Mexico

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    Sustainable, stable, and cost-optimized operation of power grids must be the main objectives of power grid operators and electric utilities. The energy transition towards a preponderant green energy economy requires innovative solutions to enhance the power grid economic dispatches looking for a better allocation of the energy demand among the diverse renewable and fossil fuel energy plants. Green renewable energy systems must be preferred over fossil fuel generators when they are available. However, fossil plants are still required to be kept operational due to the variability and uncertainty of renewable energy plants. This study proposes a hybrid rational economic dispatch model that combines a cost minimization linear model enhanced with a fuzzy logic system for decision-making on wind and hydropower minimum and maximum generation levels. The model considers the intermittency of wind energy and recognizes the strategic value of hydropower as energy storage. The results of the model with real data taken from wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear, bioenergy, and fossil fuel power plants in the eastern region of Mexico show that a fairer, rational, and cost-optimized power grid economic dispatch can be achieved with the proposed approach

    Fuzzy Logic and Linear Programming-Based Power Grid-Enhanced Economical Dispatch for Sustainable and Stable Grid Operation in Eastern Mexico

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    Sustainable, stable, and cost-optimized operation of power grids must be the main objectives of power grid operators and electric utilities. The energy transition towards a preponderant green energy economy requires innovative solutions to enhance the power grid economic dispatches looking for a better allocation of the energy demand among the diverse renewable and fossil fuel energy plants. Green renewable energy systems must be preferred over fossil fuel generators when they are available. However, fossil plants are still required to be kept operational due to the variability and uncertainty of renewable energy plants. This study proposes a hybrid rational economic dispatch model that combines a cost minimization linear model enhanced with a fuzzy logic system for decision-making on wind and hydropower minimum and maximum generation levels. The model considers the intermittency of wind energy and recognizes the strategic value of hydropower as energy storage. The results of the model with real data taken from wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, nuclear, bioenergy, and fossil fuel power plants in the eastern region of Mexico show that a fairer, rational, and cost-optimized power grid economic dispatch can be achieved with the proposed approach

    Plataforma geoespacial en línea para la recaudación de la cuota de riego

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    In Mexico, there is an area of 6.5 million hectares under irrigation, made up of 3.3 million corresponding to 86 Irrigation Districts and the remaining 3.2 million to more than 40 thousand irrigation units. Due to the fact that in the country’s irrigation districts the possession of land and the uses of soil and water are dynamic, it is necessary to have a continuous update of their user registers. The models of the Geographic Information System, at the parcel level of the irrigation districts of Mexico, constitute a valuable tool that needs to be capitalized in the use of different applications to improve the development of the activities that involve the attention of said districts. In this work, based on the update of the user registry and the cadastre inthe GIS model of module 5 Tepatepec of the Irrigation District 03 Tula, Hidalgo, the system for collecting the irrigation service fee is integrated into a geospatial platform online. This will allow obtaining a register of users, cadastre, cultivated areas and pattern of crops in real time, updated through the process of charging the irrigation service fee.En México, se tiene una superficie de 6.5 millones de hectáreas bajo riego, conformadas por 3.3 millones correspondientes a 86 distritos de riego y los 3.2 millones restantes a más de 40 mil unidades de riego. En virtud de que en los distritos de riego del país la posesión de la tierra y los usos del suelo y del agua son dinámicos, se requiere de tener una actualización continua de sus padrones de usuarios. Los modelos de sistema de información geográfica, a nivel de parcela de los distritos de riego de México constituyen una valiosa herramienta que necesitan ser capitalizados en el uso de diferentes aplicaciones para mejorar el desarrollo de las actividades que involucran la atención de dichos distritos. En este trabajo, partiendo de la actualización del padrón de usuarios y del catastro en el modelo de SIG del módulo 5 Tepatepec del Distrito de Riego 03 Tula, Hidalgo, se integra el sistema de recaudación de la cuota por servicio de riego en una plataforma geoespacial en línea. Esto permitirá obtener un padrón de usuarios, catastro, superficies cultivadas y patrón de cultivos en tiempo real, actualizados a través del proceso de cobro de la cuota por servicio de riego

    Development and Accuracy Assessment of a High-Precision Dual-Axis Pre-Commercial Solar Tracker for Concentrating Photovoltaic Modules

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    In recent decades, advances in the development of solar tracking systems (STSs) have led to concentrating solar technologies to increase their energy conversion efficiency. These systems, however, still have areas of opportunity or improving their performance and reducing their manufacturing costs. This paper presents the design, construction and evaluation of a high-precision dual-axis solar tracking system with a technology readiness level of 7–8. The system is controlled by a low-cost Arduino board in a closed-loop control using a micro-electromechanical solar sensor. Real-time tracking experiments were performed under a clear sky as well as during partly and mostly cloudy days. Solar tracking accuracy was evaluated in an operational environment using test procedures adapted from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 62817 standard. The total mean instantaneous solar tracking error on a clear day measured with a calibrated digital solar sensor was 0.37° and 0.52° with a developed pinhole projection system. Similarly, the total mean reported solar tracking accuracy achieved was 0.390° on a sunny day and 0.536° on a partially cloudy day. An annual power generation analysis considering a conventional photovoltaic (PV) panel system and a typical concentrator photovoltaic (CPV) module as payloads was also presented. Simulations showed an increase in the generation of up to 37.5% for a flat panel with dual-axis tracking versus a fixed panel. In the case of the CPV system, first, a ray tracing study was implemented to determine the misalignment coefficient, then the annual power generation was estimated. The developed STS allowed the CPV modules to reach at least 90% of their nominal energy conversion efficiency

    Annual Optical Performance of a Solar CPC Photoreactor with Multiple Catalyst Support Configurations by a Multiscale Model

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    In this work, the seasonal and yearly optical performance of supported catalyst CPC solar photocatalytic reactors has been theoretically analyzed. A detailed model for the optical response of the anatase catalyst films is utilized, based on the characteristic matrix method, together with Monte Carlo ray tracing simulations. The catalyst is supported over glass tubes contained inside a larger glass tube that functions as receiver of the CPC reflector. Arrangements with four, five, and six tubes are considered. Overall, the four-tube scenario presents the worst performance of all, followed by the five-tube case. In general, the six-tube configuration is better. Nevertheless, important differences can be observed depending on the specific arrangement of tubes. The six-tube case surpasses the absorption rate of all the other configurations when the distance between tubes is extended. This configuration exhibits 27% increased yearly energy absorption with respect to the reference case and 47% with respect to the worst case scenario

    Physicochemical and Optical Characterization of Citrus aurantium Derived Biochar for Solar Absorber Applications

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    Agro-industrial waste valorization is an attractive approach that offers new alternatives to deal with shrinkage and residue problems. One of these approaches is the synthesis of advanced carbon materials. Current research has shown that citrus waste, mainly orange peel, can be a precursor for the synthesis of high-quality carbon materials for chemical adsorption and energy storage applications. A recent approach to the utilization of advanced carbon materials based on lignocellulosic biomass is their use in solar absorber coatings for solar-thermal applications. This study focused on the production of biochar from Citrus aurantium orange peel by a pyrolysis process at different temperatures. Biochars were characterized by SEM, elemental analysis, TGA-DSC, FTIR, DRX, Raman, and XPS spectroscopies. Optical properties such as diffuse reflectance in the UV−VIS−NIR region was also determined. Physical-chemical characterization revealed that the pyrolysis temperature had a negative effect in yield of biochars, whereas biochars with a higher carbon content, aromaticity, thermal stability, and structural order were produced as the temperature increased. Diffuse reflectance measurements revealed that it is possible to reduce the reflectance of the material by controlling its pyrolysis temperature, producing a material with physicochemical and optical properties that could be attractive for use as a pigment in solar absorber coatings