171 research outputs found

    El pensamiento social en la enseñanza y el aprendizaje del concepto "organización del estado" en niños y niñas de grado tercero

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    En este trabajo se presenta una investigación de tipo cuantitativa descriptiva, que tiene como objetivo Describir las Habilidades de Pensamiento Social identificadas en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje del concepto de “Organización del Estado”, apoyada por las TIC, lo que permitió plantear la siguiente pregunta de investigación :¿Cuáles son las habilidades del pensamiento social que se identifican en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de la Unidad Didáctica enfocada en el tema “Organización del Estado” con apoyo de TIC, en niños y niñas de grado tercero de la Institución Educativa Hugo Ángel Jaramillo de la ciudad de Pereira. De lo cual, se deriva la importancia del desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en las y los estudiantes, esta es una de las metas que presentan los Estándares Básicos en Ciencias Sociales; hacia la búsqueda de una formación de ciudadanos capaces de comprender su realidad y transformarla, construyendo así las bases de su Pensamiento Social. La investigación ubicada en el enfoque cuantitativo descriptivo, según (Hernandez Sampieri, Fernandez Collado, & Baptista Lucio, 2010) es secuencial y probatorio, cada etapa precede a la siguiente, el orden es riguroso, pero se puede redefinir algunas fases; en este tipo de investigaciones se parte de una idea, que a su vez delimitada se derivan objetivos y pregunta de investigación, se revisa la literatura y se construye el marco teórico, las variables son determinadas de la pregunta de investigación, las cuales se miden en un determinado contexto, luego se analizan e interpretan los resultados obtenidos y se realizan una serie de conclusiones. La investigación fue abordada desde la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de las Ciencias Sociales, teniendo en cuenta tres momentos: la planeación, un desarrollo y una reflexión en donde el docente hace reflexiones y análisis descriptivos de la práctica educativa y de las habilidades de pensamiento social que se identificaron, posteriormente a la aplicación de la unidad didáctica “organización del estado” la cual se apoya con las TIC, ya que se consideran como las herramientas, soportes y canales que procesan, almacenan, sintetizan, recuperan y presentan información de una forma variada.This paper presents an investigation quantitative descriptive type, which aims Describe Social Thinking Skills identified in the process of teaching and learning the concept of "State Organization”, supported by the TIC, allowing pose the following research question :¿ What are the skills of social thought identified in the teaching process and learning Teaching Unit focused on the topic “Organization of the State” with support from TIC, children in third grade of School Hugo Ángel Jaramillo city of Pereira. Research located in the descriptive quantitative approach, according to (hernandez Sampieri, Fernandez collado, & Baptista Lucio, 2010) is sequential and probative, precedes each stage to the next, the order is rigorous, but you can redefine some phases in this type of research is part of an idea, which in turn delimited deriving objectives and research questions, review the literature and the theoretical framework is constructed, variables are determined by the research question, which are measured in a given context, then the measurements obtained are analyzed and some conclusions are made. The research was approached from the teaching and learning of Science Sociales based on three points: planning, development and reflection in which the teacher makes reflections and descriptive analysis of educational practice and social thinking skills that were identified, subsequent to the implementation of the teaching unit “state organization "which supports the TIC as they are considered as tools, media and channels that process, store, synthesize, and present information retrieved from a varied form

    Impact of the throat sizing on the operating parameters in an experimental fixed bed gasifier: Analysis, evaluation and testing

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    The aim of this research is to contribute into the diffusion of biomass power systems by analyzing and testing the throat sizing influence on the operation of a gasification plant coupled with an internal combustion engine. In order to do this, the assessment of the proper operation range for some of the driving process parameters has been carried out. The analysis has been focused on such parameters as pressure drop of the fixed bed reactor, the inlet air flow, the syngas production, electrical power production and efficiency, looking for improving the performance and guaranteeing the proper system operation. Two different campaigns of tests have been carried out for figuring out the best design on the reactor. Based on this analysis, the most convenient throat diameter has been determined (in this case, around 10 cm), producing an increment in the production of syngas of about 31%. This modification has demonstrated also an increment of the electrical power produced by the gasification plant of about 40%, which means an increment in the motor generator efficiency of 35%.Montuori, L.; Vargas Salgado, CA.; Alcázar-Ortega, M. (2015). Impact of the throat sizing on the operating parameters in an experimental fixed bed gasifier: Analysis, evaluation and testing. Renewable Energy. 83:615-625. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2015.04.068S6156258

    Evaluation in High Education Based On a Multi-Criteria Methodology: Application to a Course on Power Systems

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    [EN] After the adoption of the Bologna Plan by European Universities, the classical method used to evaluate students by traditional exams has changed, so that a wide typology of evaluation mechanisms haveappeared. By means of those mechanisms, students may be evaluated according to the specific and transversal competences they have acquired during their degree. In this contribution, the authors present a methodology, based on a multi-criteria procedure, which could be used to evaluate University students from different perspectives so as to obtain an objective assessment about the level of achievement of such competences. The proposed methodology has been applied during the last four years to the course onPower Systems that is taught in the Master Degree in Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, whose results are also presented here.Alcázar-Ortega, M.; Montuori, L.; Vargas-Salgado, C.; Rodríguez-García, J. (2022). Evaluation in High Education Based On a Multi-Criteria Methodology: Application to a Course on Power Systems. Specialusis Ugdymas. 43(2):3486-3496. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1912103486349643

    Multi-Criteria Evaluation Method in the Field of University Education: Application to a Course on Energy Markets

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    [EN] The Bologna Plan adopted by European universities ended the hegemony of an evaluation system exclusively based on the performance of traditional examinations. In this area, with a view to revitalizing grading models in university education, a wide range of evaluation mechanisms has been developed in recent years. Using them, teachers may evaluate the learning levels of their students, including both the specific competences of the taught subject and the transversal competences that help students further develop their professional careers. This article presents a methodology based on a multi-criteria procedure through which students could be evaluated from different points of view, based on different types of evaluation mechanisms that are diversely weighted. Therefore, their levels of learning could be assessed more objectively. This article shows a practical case of applying this methodology, which has been used for the last five years in a course on energy markets taught as part of the Degree in Energy Engineering at the UPV.Alcázar-Ortega, M.; Montuori, L.; Rodríguez-García, J.; Vargas-Salgado, C. (2023). Multi-Criteria Evaluation Method in the Field of University Education: Application to a Course on Energy Markets. Knowledge. 3(1):40-52. https://doi.org/10.3390/knowledge301000340523

    Doodle: an innovative tool for organizing group tutorials in University education

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    [EN] Group tutorials are becoming an ever-increasing learning methodology in University education due to the continuous knowledge feedback among students. Despite the positive impact of such kind of sessions on students, their previous organization phase remains most of the times misleading. The traditional way of arranging a group tutorial through e-mail normally results in a long and ineffective method mainly caused by the different schedule availability between the professor and the different students. Is in this context where Doodle arises as a virtual application to enhance this first group tutorial phase. Generally, Doodle allows users to schedule meetings in a quick, effective and free way: the organizer creates a new meeting, proposes different schedule options and invites the other participants through an e-mail invitation or a link created by Doodle. Then, participants vote for the schedule options that best fit their availability, so that the final meeting schedule is selected democratically. In the University context, professors would play the role of organizers and students of participants, respectively. In this paper, we analyze the application of Doodle in the organization of a group tutorial of students of Electrical Circuits from the Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering (Polytechnic University of Valencia). Particularly, the tutorial was formed by six students and the professor, and took place in the Department of Electrical Engineering. After the meeting, the students answered a survey. Their answers reveled the positive acceptance of Doodle among them in terms of efficiency and ease of use. 100% of them agree on its suitability for arranging future group tutorials. Moreover, a comparative study demonstrated that using Doodle instead of e-mail while arranging a group tutorial leads to an average of up to 64% reduction in process time.This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106.Bastida Molina, P.; Vargas Salgado, CA.; Montuori, L.; Alcázar Ortega, M. (2021). Doodle: an innovative tool for organizing group tutorials in University education. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 185-193. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11883OCS18519

    Experience with synchronous and asynchronous tools in online teaching: Application to Thermal Renewable Energies of the Degree in Energy Engineering at UPV due to the pandemic produced by COVID-19

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    [EN] Due to the pandemic provoked by COVID-19 in March 2020, the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), following the Government's guidelines, changed the modality of the formal lectures from face-to-face to online non-face-to-face teaching. Professors and students had the challenge of adapting to the new model in one week to finish the semester. In this paper, the results of applying online teaching using both: synchronous and asynchronous lectures and the comparison with the traditional course are shown. The synchronous tools used were MS Teams and skype. Among the asynchronous tools used to create the screencast videos are PoliformaT (Own tool created by UPV), MS Powerpoint, MSRecorder and ODB. The platforms used to upload and public the produced videos are media UPV and YouTube. Also, professors use PoliformaT to create exams and task and to send messages and students to send works, carry out exams and access to the information shared by professors.This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106Vargas Salgado, CA.; Bastida Molina, P.; Alcázar Ortega, M.; Montuori, L. (2021). Experience with synchronous and asynchronous tools in online teaching: Application to Thermal Renewable Energies of the Degree in Energy Engineering at UPV due to the pandemic produced by COVID-19. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 175-184. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11879OCS17518

    Methodology for the implementation of e-learning class during the COVID-19

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    [EN] The serious situation caused by the coronavirus has forced Authorities to take drastic decisions that have affected the normal functioning of the entire society. One of the most impactful measures taken has been the self-discipline of the social distancing as the entire society has been obliged to stay at home. At the education level, restrictions ordered by the Authorities have limited the access to all professors and students at the academic centers. In Spain, the state of alarm decreed by the Government has affected the entire Academic course and therefore, in order to be able to preserve the public service, the Polytechnic University of Valencia, in just a week, has been asked to revise the entire programs and settle on-line courses for more than 35.000 students in multiples disciplines. Within this framework, a methodology has been developed for the implementation of on-line learning courses in a period of crisis within a short time. On-line learning has been demonstrated to be effective as face-to-face education, becoming one of the most popular higher education alternatives. However, students engaged in on-line classes result to be less engaged in collaborative learning, student-faculty interactions, and discussions with their classmates if compared to the traditional system. In this context, the barriers of on-line teaching classes have been investigated and tools to overcome them have been proposed. Finally, a real application to the Polytechnic University of Valencia is presented.This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106.Montuori, L.; Alcázar-Ortega, M.; Vargas Salgado, CA.; Bastida Molina, P. (2021). Methodology for the implementation of e-learning class during the COVID-19. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 155-163. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11877OCS15516

    Application of Artificial intelligence to high education: empowerment of flipped classroom with just-in-time teaching

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    [EN] In the so-called society 4.0, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being widely used in many areas of life. Machine learning uses mathematical algorithms based on "training data", which are able to make predictions or take decisions with the ability to change their behavior through a self-training approach. Furthermore, thanks to AI, a large volume of data can be now processed with the overall goal to extract patterns and transform the information into a comprehensible structure for further utilization, which manually done by humans would easily take several years. In this framework, this article explores the potential of AI and machine learning to empower flipped classroom with just-in-time teaching (JiTT). JiTT is a pedagogical method that can be easily combined with the reverse teaching. It allows professors to receive feedback from students before class, so they may be able to adapt the lesson flow, as well as preparing strategies and activities focused on the student deficiencies. This research explores the application of AI in high education as a tool to analyze the key variables involved in the learning process of students and to integrate JiTT within the flipped classroom. Finally, a case of application of this methodology is presented, applied to the course of Energy Markets taught at the Polytechnic University of Valencia.This work was supported in part by the regional public administration of Valencia under the grant ACIF/2018/106.Montuori, L.; Alcázar Ortega, M.; Bastida Molina, P.; Vargas Salgado, CA. (2021). Application of Artificial intelligence to high education: empowerment of flipped classroom with just-in-time teaching. En Proceedings INNODOCT/20. International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Education. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 223-231. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2020.2020.11896OCS22323

    Gestión de glosas para prestadores de servicios de salud.

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    Dentro de los procesos de gestión de las Instituciones Prestadoras de Servicios de Salud se evidencia una brecha en el cobro de servicios glosados, lo que disminuye el flujo de caja dentro de las organizaciones. Al encontrar causales similares el de no pago de dichos servicios, se ha encontrado una opción de empresa en la cual como asesores y gestores de dicho proceso, se logrará disminuir el porcentaje de servicios no pagados a través de la aplicación de un modelo de gestión de glosas.Especialista en Gerencia en Servicios de SaludEspecializació

    Development of an interactive tool based on Education ERPs Software to support the learning of Transversal Competences

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    [EN] According to the current tendencies in University education strategies, students should develop not just the specific competences related to the particular degree they pursue, but also a series of transversal competences (TCs, also called key competences). Such TCs may be transferable between different contexts (personal, social, academic, etc.) while help students to solve problems from different perspectives and so, they would provide students with a holistic education and training. In this framework, the authors present in this paper a tool they have designed for the systematic analysis and evaluation of TCs so as to support students in the achievement of such competences. Moreover, the tool is able to help students to choose the courses that may help them to work out and complement the competences they may not be developed yet, as well as it suggests the most appropriate post-graduate courses for the students according to their background, particular interests and degree of development for the different TCs. The tool has been designed under the scope of vertical ERP systems, which have demonstrated their ability to create collaborative and learning environments with multiple communication functionalities between professors and students. Thus, the tool has been thought as an interactive framework that includes different indexes to monitor the level of development of the diverse TCs, so that it may be accessible to both professors and students during their entire academic life. The tools has been tested within the program of Transversal Competences of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, specifically to the Degree of Energy Engineering.Montuori, L.; Alcázar Ortega, M.; Vargas Salgado, CA.; Chiñas Palacios, CD. (2020). Development of an interactive tool based on Education ERPs Software to support the learning of Transversal Competences. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 71-79. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10090OCS717