179 research outputs found

    La Representation Sociale de Lapprentissage Chez des Artisans du Batiment

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    Em um contexto de diminuição contínua do setor artesanal na França, constata-se que os artesãos recusam cada vez mais o emprego de aprendizes, o que pode gerar o desaparecimento da atividade. O trabalho buscou compreender o efeito da percepção de reversibilidade/irreversibilidade na representação social da aprendizagem em artesãos. Os resultados mostram que a representação social do futuro exerce um efeito sobre a aprendizagem

    Re-thinking Borders in the Digital Space

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    On the basis of the arguments advanced by Imad Saleh, Nasreddine Bouhai, and Hakim Hachour (Saleh, Bouhai, & Hachour, 2014) concerning the impact of “digital borders” generated by the Internet on the dynamics of inter-disciplinary research, we have been led to blend disciplines in order to develop the following question: are representations in the digital space located in a borderless communication imagery? Here the humanities are called upon to look into the underpinnings of the meanings assigned to digital space, in its conception and its technological praxis. This question also provokes the following underlying reflections: how could we define the notion of borders in relation to a space that is non-territorialized at the level of human perceptions and where customs officials are not quite “in flesh and blood”? How does a border present itself? Does its representation influence conception and technological praxis? As a matter of priority we define what a border is in space for the purpose of confronting this definition with imagined borders in order to analyze the digital space in its continuum between openness and limits

    Emancipation Education Thanks to a mobile digital device

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    International audienceWithin the remote and isolated Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps of Northern Iraq, the needs of IDPs go beyond that of basic humanitarian aid as clearly expressed in the Inter-Agency Rapid Assessment Report, in August 2014. We have worked on a critique from an anthropologic angle and have noticed the gap between what it is acknowledged in the report and the effectiveness of humanitarian aid actions in the field. Regrettably, the report shows intentions that leaves IDPs with their concerns, especially regarding young people future. Where is the opportunity to reconnect with the world while in these camps? This article identifies problematic issues in relation to education and humanitarian aid in the camps and discusses the response to this critique in developing an emancipation through education project for disinherited youths living in the hostile IDP camps. The purpose is to evaluate how an NPO project could provide an answer by combining both a technological and pedagogical approach. Following the IDPs wishes, a two phase project is designed, based on praxis and emphasizes emancipation that privileges autonomy, a situated pedagogy, an oral transmission culture and creative transmission through theatre in order to fulfil the information and education needs of these youths

    Emancipation Education Thanks to a Mobile Digital Device

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    Within the remote and isolated Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps of Northern Iraq, the needs of IDPs go beyond that of basic humanitarian aid, as clearly expressed in the Inter-Agency Rapid Assessment Report in August 2014. We have carried out an anthropologically oriented critique and have noticed a gap between what is acknowledged in the report and the effectiveness of humanitarian aid action in the field. Regrettably, the report shows intentions that leave IDPs alone with their concerns, especially regarding young people’s future. Where is the opportunity to reconnect with the world while in these camps? This article identifies problematic issues in relation to education and humanitarian aid in the camps and discusses a response to this critique by developing an emancipation through education project for disinherited youths living in hostile IDP camps. The purpose is to evaluate how such an NPO project could provide an answer by combining both a technological and a pedagogical approach. Following the wishes of the IDPs, a two phase program is designed, based on praxis and emphasizing emancipation that privileges autonomy, a situated pedagogy, an oral transmission culture and creative transmission through theatre in order to fulfil the information and education needs of these youths

    Esanté : connaissance et coconstruction représentationnelle, pour une meilleure compréhension despratiques

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    International audienceLa santé est une préoccupation mondiale et grandissante occupant une place prépondérante aussi bien dans les débats de la sphère publique que dans les conversations ordinaires. Toutefois, la vie numérique de l’usager est encore mal connue, ainsi que les ressorts des représentations qui régissent les comportements dans ce domaine. C’est donc à partir de la théorie des représentations sociales que nous proposons d’appréhender la e-médecine en tant que phénomène de société. La e-santé consécutive à l’essor du numérique et des technologies mobiles autorise non seulement la consommation de connaissances liées à la santé, mais également la production et diffusion de celles-ci. Aussi, dans le domaine de la médecine, le recours aux outils numériques a initié de nombreuses ruptures comportementales et entraîné de fait la création d’un univers représentationnel associé qui favorise ou non leur acceptabilité par les utilisateurs potentiels

    Measuring the collaborative image of the city

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 59-63).This thesis presents Place Pulse, a tool capable of conducting large crowdsourced visual preference surveys. The data collected with Place Pulse was used to create quantitative measures of the perceptions people hold of urban environments. From this data, novel algorithms identified locations associated with positive and negative perceptions of safety, social class and uniqueness. The high throughput of the tool addressed two important methodological questions: the number of responses required to obtain robust results in a comparative study, and the number of images required to get a statistically significant evaluative map of a large city. In closing, the validated dataset was used to correlate perceptions of safety and social class to rates of both violent crime and high school graduation.Mark Philip Salesses.S.M

    Mode digitale en tension, de l'intime au public

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    International audienceAbstract: The links between fashion and digital culture are questioning the new distribution channels and medialization of the brands and the trends to the era of the digital technology. It is also questioning the customer’s experiences ensuing from this process of digitalization of fashion. In this emergent context, great shifts operate a renewal of the sources of creation and the vectors of influence: social networks, blogs, brand websites. Traditional landscape of fashion and its imaginary representations are recomposed to be transformed into a digital ecosystem in which the consumer becomes stakeholder, between intimate and public area.Les liens entre la mode et la culture digitale questionnent les nouveaux canaux de distribution et de médiatisation des marques et tendances à l'ère du numérique ainsi que les expériences consommatoires découlant de ce processus de digitalisation de la mode. Dans ce contexte émergent, de grandes mutations opèrent un renouvellement des sources de création et des vecteurs d'influence : réseaux sociaux, blogs, sites de marques, recomposent le paysage traditionnel de la mode et ses imaginaires, pour le transformer en un écosystème digital dans lequel le consommateur devient partie prenante, entre l'intime et le public. Abstract: The links between fashion and digital culture are questioning the new distribution channels and medialization of the brands and the trends to the era of the digital technology. It is also questioning the customer's experiences ensuing from this process of digitalization of fashion. In this emergent context, great shifts operate a renewal of the sources of creation and the vectors of influence: social networks, blogs, brand websites. Traditional landscape of fashion and its imaginary representations are recomposed to be transformed into a digital ecosystem in which the consumer becomes stakeholder, between intimate and public area

    Marques de mode, influenceurs et e-réputation

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    The Collaborative Image of The City: Mapping the Inequality of Urban Perception

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    A traveler visiting Rio, Manila or Caracas does not need a report to learn that these cities are unequal; she can see it directly from the taxicab window. This is because in most cities inequality is conspicuous, but also, because cities express different forms of inequality that are evident to casual observers. Cities are highly heterogeneous and often unequal with respect to the income of their residents, but also with respect to the cleanliness of their neighborhoods, the beauty of their architecture, and the liveliness of their streets, among many other evaluative dimensions. Until now, however, our ability to understand the effect of a city's built environment on social and economic outcomes has been limited by the lack of quantitative data on urban perception. Here, we build on the intuition that inequality is partly conspicuous to create quantitative measure of a city's contrasts. Using thousands of geo-tagged images, we measure the perception of safety, class and uniqueness; in the cities of Boston and New York in the United States, and Linz and Salzburg in Austria, finding that the range of perceptions elicited by the images of New York and Boston is larger than the range of perceptions elicited by images from Linz and Salzburg. We interpret this as evidence that the cityscapes of Boston and New York are more contrasting, or unequal, than those of Linz and Salzburg. Finally, we validate our measures by exploring the connection between them and homicides, finding a significant correlation between the perceptions of safety and class and the number of homicides in a NYC zip code, after controlling for the effects of income, population, area and age. Our results show that online images can be used to create reproducible quantitative measures of urban perception and characterize the inequality of different cities.MIT Media Lab Consortiu