56 research outputs found

    Static test of a fan-powered chin nozzle for V/STOl applications

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    The performance of a "chin" nozzle which diverts flow in a downward direction immediately downstream of a fan typical of designs suitable for V/STOL A applications was evaluated. Back pressure distortion to the fan and fan discharge pressure distortion were also measured. Results show that the distortion is significant at the closest spacing between the fan exit and cascade entrance tested, and that the chin nozzle performance deteriorates with increased flow diversion to the chin nozzle. Color oil flow visualization on video tape and still photos were also obtained. Tests were conducted behind a 12" model fan in the NASA-Lewis fan calibration facility

    Inlet flow field investigation. Part 1: Transonic flow field survey

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    A wind tunnel investigation was conducted to determine the local inlet flow field characteristics of an advanced tactical supersonic cruise airplane. A data base for the development and validation of analytical codes directed at the analysis of inlet flow fields for advanced supersonic airplanes was established. Testing was conducted at the NASA-Langley 16-foot Transonic Tunnel at freestream Mach numbers of 0.6 to 1.20 and angles of attack from 0.0 to 10.0 degrees. Inlet flow field surveys were made at locations representative of wing (upper and lower surface) and forebody mounted inlet concepts. Results are presented in the form of local inlet flow field angle of attack, sideflow angle, and Mach number contours. Wing surface pressure distributions supplement the flow field data

    Inlet flowfield investigation. Part 2: Computation of the flow about a supercruise forebody at supersonic speeds

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    A numerical procedure which solves the parabolized Navier-Stokes (PNS) equations on a body fitted mesh was used to compute the flow about the forebody of an advanced tactical supercruise fighter configuration in an effort to explore the use of a PNS method for design of supersonic cruise forebody geometries. Forebody flow fields were computed at Mach numbers of 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5, and at angles-of-attack of 0 deg, 4 deg, and 8 deg. at each Mach number. Computed results are presented at several body stations and include contour plots of Mach number, total pressure, upwash angle, sidewash angle and cross-plane velocity. The computational analysis procedure was found reliable for evaluating forebody flow fields of advanced aircraft configurations for flight conditions where the vortex shed from the wing leading edge is not a dominant flow phenomenon. Static pressure distributions and boundary layer profiles on the forebody and wing were surveyed in a wind tunnel test, and the analytical results are compared to the data. The current status of the parabolized flow flow field code is described along with desirable improvements in the code

    Chudâidât : ein jüdisch-buchârisches Gedicht

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    Mit dt. Übers.Teilw. in arab. Schr., pers., teilw. hebräisc

    Judaeo-Persica : nach St.-Petersburger Handschriften

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    mit geteilt von Carl SalemannTeilw. in arab. Schr., pers., teilw. hebräisc

    Als Dem Hoch-Ehrwürdigen/ Hoch-Edlen und Hochgelahrten Herrn Lic. Johann George Neumann/ Bey hiesiger Weltberuffenen Universität ... Professori Poeseos und Hochansehnlichen Bibliothecario, anietzo Hochverordnetem Professori Theologiae Ordinario Die höchste Doctor-Würde Den 11. Octobr. dieses 1692sten Heil-Jahrs/ in der SchloßKirchen allhie solenniter mitgetheilet wurde

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    Wolte Aus schuldigem Gehorsam und Respect Gegen seinen ... Praeceptorem, folgendes aufsetzen M. Georg Salemann/ von Reval aus LiefflandVorlageform des Erscheinungsvermerks: Wittenberg/ mit Fincelischen Schrifften. - Erscheinungsjahr nach der Datierung im Titel angegebe