6,728 research outputs found

    Landau and Ott scaling for the kinetic energy density and the low TcT_c conventional superconductors, Li2Pd3BLi_{2}Pd_{3}B and Nb

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    The scaling approach recently proposed by Landau and Ott for isothermal magnetization curves is extended to the average kinetic energy density of the condensate. Two low TcT_c superconductors, Nb and Li2Pd3BLi_{2}Pd_{3}B are studied and their isothermal reversible magnetization shown to display Landau and Ott scaling. Good agreement is obtained for the upper critical field Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T), determined from the Abrikosov approximation for the reversible region (standard linear extrapolation of the magnetization curve), and from the maximum of the kinetic energy curves. For the full range of data, which includes the irreversible region, the isothermal d.M.B/H2d.M.B/H^2 curves for Li2Pd3BLi_2Pd_3B show an impressive collapse into a single curve over the entire range of field measurements. The Nb isothermal d.M.B/H2d.M.B/H^2 curves exhibit the interesting feature of a constant and temperature independent minimum value

    Onset of phase correlations in YBa2Cu3O{7-x} as determined from reversible magnetization measurements

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    Isofield magnetization curves are obtained and analyzed for three single crystals of YBa2Cu3O{7-x}, ranging from optimally doped to very underdoped, as well as the BCS superconductor Nb, in the presence of magnetic fields applied both parallel and perpendicular to the abab planes. Near Tc, the magnetization exhibits a temperature dependence \sqrt{M} [Ta(H)-T]^m. In accordance with recent theories, we associated Ta(H) with the onset of coherent phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter. For Nb and optimally doped YBaCuO, Ta(H) is essentially identical to the mean-field transition line Tc(H). The fitting exponent m=0.5 takes its mean-field value for Nb, and varies just slightly from 0.5 for optimally doped YBaCuO. However, underdoped YBCO samples exhibit anomalous behavior, with Ta(H)>Tc for H applied parallel to the c axis, suggesting that the magnetization is probing a region of temperatures above Tc where phase correlations persist. In this region, the fitting exponent falls in the range 0.5 < m < 0.8 for H\parallel c, compared with m~0. for $H\parallel ab planes. The results are interpreted in terms of an anisotropic pairing symmetry of the order parameter: d-wave along the ab planes and s-wave along the c axis.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Educational Corner of the Issue: Basic concepts of medical genetics. Formal genetics, part 4

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    A Robust Solution Procedure for Hyperelastic Solids with Large Boundary Deformation

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    Compressible Mooney-Rivlin theory has been used to model hyperelastic solids, such as rubber and porous polymers, and more recently for the modeling of soft tissues for biomedical tissues, undergoing large elastic deformations. We propose a solution procedure for Lagrangian finite element discretization of a static nonlinear compressible Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic solid. We consider the case in which the boundary condition is a large prescribed deformation, so that mesh tangling becomes an obstacle for straightforward algorithms. Our solution procedure involves a largely geometric procedure to untangle the mesh: solution of a sequence of linear systems to obtain initial guesses for interior nodal positions for which no element is inverted. After the mesh is untangled, we take Newton iterations to converge to a mechanical equilibrium. The Newton iterations are safeguarded by a line search similar to one used in optimization. Our computational results indicate that the algorithm is up to 70 times faster than a straightforward Newton continuation procedure and is also more robust (i.e., able to tolerate much larger deformations). For a few extremely large deformations, the deformed mesh could only be computed through the use of an expensive Newton continuation method while using a tight convergence tolerance and taking very small steps.Comment: Revision of earlier version of paper. Submitted for publication in Engineering with Computers on 9 September 2010. Accepted for publication on 20 May 2011. Published online 11 June 2011. The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    Spectral studies of some hydroxy-derivatives of anthraquinones

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    The u.v., visible, and i.r. spectra of several hydroxy-anthraquinones are discussed and the bands are assigned. These bands are compared with those of anthracene and anthraquinone. The band at 207 nm. is assigned to a n-sigma* transition; the bands at 252, 272, and 326 nm. are assigned by measuring spectra in solvents of various polarities. The stability constant for the 12-dihydroxyanthraquinone-ethanol complex is obtained

    Experimental observation of high field diamagnetic fluctuations in Niobium

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    We have performed a magnetic study of a bulk metallic sample of Nb with critical temperature Tc=8.5T_{c}=8.5 K. Magnetization versus temperature (M {\it vs} T) data obtained for fixed magnetic fields above 1 kOe show a superconducting transition which becomes broader as the field is increased. The data are interpreted in terms of the diamagnetic lowest Landau level (LLL) fluctuation theory. The scaling analysis gives values of the superconducting transition temperature Tc(H)T_{c}(H) consistent with Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T)% . We search for universal 3D LLL behavior by comparing scaling results for Nb and YBaCuO, but obtain no evidence for universality.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    A comparative study of high-field diamagnetic fluctuations in deoxygenated YBa2Cu3O(7-x) and polycrystalline (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca3O(10)

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    We studied three single crystals of YBa2Cu3O{7-x} with Tc= 62.5, 52, and 41 K, and a textured specimen of (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 with Tc=108 K, for H//c axis. The reversible data were interpreted in terms of 2D lowest-Landau-level fluctuation theory. The data were fit well by the 2D LLL expression for magnetization obtained by Tesanovic etal., producing reasonable values of kappa but larger values of dHc2/dT. Universality was studied by obtaining a simultaneous scaling of Y123 data and Bi2223. An expression for the 2D x-axis LLL scaling factor used to obtain the simultaneous scaling was extracted from theory, and compared with the experimental values. The comparison between the values of the x-axis produced a deviation of 40% which suggests that the hypothesis of universality of the 2D-LLL fluctuations is not supported by the studied samples. We finaly observe that Y123 magnetization data for temperatures above TcT_c obbey a universal scaling obtained for the diamagnetic fluctuation magnetization from a theory considering non-local field effects. The same scaling was not obbeyed by the corresponding magnetization calculated from the two-dimensional lowest-Landau-level theory.Comment: 7 pages 5 figures, accept in Journ. Low Temp. Phy
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