4,969 research outputs found

    Test Method Variability in Slow Crack Growth Properties of Sealing Glasses

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    The crack growth properties of several sealing glasses were measured by using constant stress rate testing in ~2 and 95 percent RH (relative humidity). Crack growth parameters measured in high humidity are systematically smaller (n and B) than those measured in low humidity, and crack velocities for dry environments are ~100x lower than for wet environments. The crack velocity is very sensitive to small changes in RH at low RH. Biaxial and uniaxial stress states produced similar parameters. Confidence intervals on crack growth parameters that were estimated from propagation of errors solutions were comparable to those from Monte Carlo simulation. Use of scratch-like and indentation flaws produced similar crack growth parameters when residual stresses were considered

    Organized Current Patterns in Disordered Conductors

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    We present a general theory of current deviations in straight current carrying wires with random imperfections, which quantitatively explains the recent observations of organized patterns of magnetic field corrugations above micron-scale evaporated wires. These patterns originate from the most efficient electron scattering by Fourier components of the wire imperfections with wavefronts along the ±45∘\pm 45^{\circ} direction. We show that long range effects of surface or bulk corrugations are suppressed for narrow wires or wires having an electrically anisotropic resistivity

    Spectrum and diffusion for a class of tight-binding models on hypercubes

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    We propose a class of exactly solvable anisotropic tight-binding models on an infinite-dimensional hypercube. The energy spectrum is analytically computed and is shown to be fractal and/or absolutely continuous according to the value hopping parameters. In both cases, the spectral and diffusion exponents are derived. The main result is that, even if the spectrum is absolutely continuous, the diffusion exponent for the wave packet may be anything between 0 and 1 depending upon the class of models.Comment: 5 pages Late

    Can Quantum Lattice Fluctuations Destroy the Peierls Broken Symmetry Ground State?

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    The study of bond alternation in one-dimensional electronic systems has had a long history. Theoretical work in the 1930s predicted the absence of bond alternation in the limit of infinitely long conjugated polymers; a result later contradicted by experimental investigations. When this issue was re-examined in the 1950s it was shown in the adiabatic limit that bond alternation occurs for any value of electron-phonon coupling. The question of whether this conclusion remains valid for quantized nuclear degrees of freedom was first addressed in the 1980s. Since then a series of numerical calculations on models with gapped, dispersionless phonons have suggested that bond alternation is destroyed by quantum fluctuations below a critical value of electron-phonon coupling. In this work we study a more realistic model with gapless, dispersive phonons. By solving this model with the DMRG method we show that bond alternation remains robust for any value of electron-phonon coupling

    The CMB and the measure of the multiverse

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    In the context of eternal inflation, cosmological predictions depend on the choice of measure to regulate the diverging spacetime volume. The spectrum of inflationary perturbations is no exception, as we demonstrate by comparing the predictions of the fat geodesic and causal patch measures. To highlight the effect of the measure---as opposed to any effects related to a possible landscape of vacua---we take the cosmological model, including the model of inflation, to be fixed. We also condition on the average CMB temperature accompanying the measurement. Both measures predict a 1-point expectation value for the gauge-invariant Newtonian potential, which takes the form of a (scale-dependent) monopole, in addition to a related contribution to the 3-point correlation function, with the detailed form of these quantities differing between the measures. However, for both measures both effects are well within cosmic variance. Our results make clear the theoretical relevance of the measure, and at the same time validate the standard inflationary predictions in the context of eternal inflation.Comment: 28 pages; v2: reference added, some clarification

    Level Sets of the Takagi Function: Local Level Sets

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    The Takagi function \tau : [0, 1] \to [0, 1] is a continuous non-differentiable function constructed by Takagi in 1903. The level sets L(y) = {x : \tau(x) = y} of the Takagi function \tau(x) are studied by introducing a notion of local level set into which level sets are partitioned. Local level sets are simple to analyze, reducing questions to understanding the relation of level sets to local level sets, which is more complicated. It is known that for a "generic" full Lebesgue measure set of ordinates y, the level sets are finite sets. Here it is shown for a "generic" full Lebesgue measure set of abscissas x, the level set L(\tau(x)) is uncountable. An interesting singular monotone function is constructed, associated to local level sets, and is used to show the expected number of local level sets at a random level y is exactly 3/2.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Latest version has updated equation numbering. The final publication will soon be available at springerlink.co

    Magnetic susceptibility of alkali-TCNQ salts and extended Hubbard models with bond order and charge density wave phases

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    The molar spin susceptibilities χ(T)\chi(T) of Na-TCNQ, K-TCNQ and Rb-TCNQ(II) are fit quantitatively to 450 K in terms of half-filled bands of three one-dimensional Hubbard models with extended interactions using exact results for finite systems. All three models have bond order wave (BOW) and charge density wave (CDW) phases with boundary V=Vc(U)V = V_c(U) for nearest-neighbor interaction VV and on-site repulsion UU. At high TT, all three salts have regular stacks of TCNQ−\rm TCNQ^- anion radicals. The χ(T)\chi(T) fits place Na and K in the CDW phase and Rb(II) in the BOW phase with V≈VcV \approx V_c. The Na and K salts have dimerized stacks at T<TdT < T_d while Rb(II) has regular stacks at 100K. The χ(T)\chi(T) analysis extends to dimerized stacks and to dimerization fluctuations in Rb(II). The three models yield consistent values of UU, VV and transfer integrals tt for closely related TCNQ−\rm TCNQ^- stacks. Model parameters based on χ(T)\chi(T) are smaller than those from optical data that in turn are considerably reduced by electronic polarization from quantum chemical calculation of UU, VV and tt on adjacent TCNQ−\rm TCNQ^- ions. The χ(T)\chi(T) analysis shows that fully relaxed states have reduced model parameters compared to optical or vibration spectra of dimerized or regular TCNQ−\rm TCNQ^- stacks.Comment: 9 pages and 5 figure

    Long-Range Order in Electronic Transport through Disordered Metal Films

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    Ultracold atom magnetic field microscopy enables the probing of current flow patterns in planar structures with unprecedented sensitivity. In polycrystalline metal (gold) films we observe long-range correlations forming organized patterns oriented at +/- 45 deg relative to the mean current flow, even at room temperature and at length scales orders of magnitude larger than the diffusion length or the grain size. The preference to form patterns at these angles is a direct consequence of universal scattering properties at defects. The observed amplitude of the current direction fluctuations scales inversely to that expected from the relative thickness variations, the grain size and the defect concentration, all determined independently by standard methods. This indicates that ultracold atom magnetometry enables new insight into the interplay between disorder and transport
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