17 research outputs found


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    Since the last decades, the performance management has become a legislative requirement for the private and public sectors. Companies are looking to find the tool that a can measure the performance effectively. One of the attractive areas subject to be measured is the social and environmental considerations. This paper provides theoretical discussion of the BSC and compares it with other different measurement systems. Moreover, it evaluates the ability of BSC to incorporate the social and environmental issues. The paper concluded that although the criticisms of BSC, it has many advantages versus other performance systems. It also strongly suggested the ability to BSC to incorporate the social and environmental issues, which can open the door for coming studies to consider such issue.   Key words: Balanced Scorecard, performance management systems, social and environmental issues


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    the link between the environmental issues of the corporations and their economic performance and competitiveness has became one of the most popular issues to be studied in the profession. However, previous studies that have attempted to relate environmental issues to economic performance have often led to conflicting results. This paper reviewed the previous environmental literature and suggested that the inconsistency is due to the absence of clear framework that explain what actually constitutes environmental practices and how their outcomes are to be determined and evaluated. Therefore, it becomes difficult to identify general relationships between different indicators of environment and economic performance. The paper concluded that there is a lack of study investigating the relationship between disaggregated environmental practices, corporate environmental performance, and environmentally related competitiveness. Key words: environmental practices, corporate environmental performance, competitiveness, resource-based view theory

    The Effect of Management Accounting Systems in Influencing Environmental Uncertainty, Energy Efficiency and Environmental Performance

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    The current investigation analyzes the role of energy efficiency and environmental uncertainty in influencing environmental performance of Malaysian small and medium enterprises.  Our examination endeavors to add to existing studies in a few different ways. To begin with, we shed some light on the specific association that could exist between the utilization of management accounting system, perceived environmental uncertainty and energy efficiency. Furthermore, we look at the consequential impacts of energy efficiency and environmental uncertainty in influencing organizational environmental performance. The results of the PLS-SEM affirm that energy efficiency, perceived environmental uncertainty and environmental performance have significantly influenced by management accounting system. The results of partial least square structural equation modeling also confirm that energy efficiency have positively and significantly influenced on the enviornmental performance of the small and medium size firms in Malaysia. The results further confirm that perceived environmental uncertainty has no significant impact on environmental performance in small and medium size enterprises in Malaysia.   Keywords: Management accounting system, environmental uncertainty, Malaysia. JEL Classifications: G32, E01 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.827

    Corporate governance characteristics and valuation: inferences from quantile regression

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    Prior literature on corporate governance and performance provides mixed evidence on the impact ofvarious corporate governance measures on performance indicators. However, most of literatures adoptthe Ordinary Least Square (OLS). This method is based on the central tendency, which may not appro-priately represent the reality in cases where the dependent variable ranges between upper and lowervalues and hence the relationship may not be homogenous across different percentiles of the dependentvariables. A variable having a positive impact based on the central tendency for firms may not be the casefor the firms in the upper or lower bounds. Thus, estimating the means using OLS may not reflect andrepresent the heterogeneity in the estimated relationship. Therefore, quantile regression estimates therelationship at any point conditional on the distribution of dependent variable. This would enable us togenerate various estimated coefficient at certain quantile of dependent variable. Therefore, the objectiveof the study is twofold. First, this study aims to investigate the relationship between corporate gover-nance and performance using OLS. Second, this work further explores the impact of corporate governancemechanisms on performance using quantile regression so as to compare and to shed light on whetherthere is heterogeneity in the influence of these variables on the performance of listed companies acrossquantiles. The results of the study provide evidence that quantile approach shows inconsistency in theresult with OLS and hence indicating the impact depends on the scale size. This theoretically providesfurther support that OLS may represent a poor estimation approach for the reality of firms.La literatura previa sobre gobierno corporativo y desempe ̃no aporta una evidencia mixta del impactode las diversas mediciones del mismo sobre los indicadores del desempe ̃no. Sin embargo, gran parte dela literatura adopta el método de los mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (MCO). Dicho método se basa en latendencia central, que puede no constituir una representación adecuada de la realidad en aquellos casosen los que la variable dependiente oscila entre los valores superior e inferior y, por tanto, la relaciónpuede no ser homogénea a lo largo de los diferentes percentiles de las variables dependientes. Unavariable que tenga un impacto positivo basado en la tendencia central para las empresas puede no serel caso para aquellas posicionadas en los límites superior o inferior. Entonces, el cálculo de las mediascon el uso del método MCO no reflejaría ni representaría la heterogeneidad en la relación estimada. Porello, la regresión de cuantiles calcula la relación en cualquier punto, supeditado a la distribución de la variable dependiente. Esto nos permitiría generar diversos coeficientes estimados en cualquier cuantil dela variable dependiente. En consecuencia, el objetivo de este estudio es doble: investiga la relación entre elgobierno corporativo y el desempe ̃no, utilizando el método MCO y explora el impacto de los mecanismosdel gobierno corporativo sobre el desempe ̃no, utilizando la regresión de cuantiles, a fin de comparar yarrojar luz sobre la posibilidad de que exista heterogeneidad en la influencia de dichas variables sobreel desempe ̃no de las empresas cotizadas, a lo largo de los cuantiles. Los resultados del estudio aportanevidencia acerca de que el enfoque de los cuantiles es inconsistente con el método MCO y, por tanto,indica que el impacto depende del tama ̃no de la escala. Esto respalda, además, el hecho de que el métodoMCO puede representar un enfoque de cálculo más débil para la realidad de las empresas

    Consumers Attitude Towards Organic Food

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    AbstractThe awareness on the harmful effects of chemicals present in food is increasing among the consumers. The trend towards purchasing organic food is growing among people. A study to identify what actually induces consumers to turn towards organic food is important. Some of the prominent motivating factors to purchase organic foods include environmental concern, health concern and lifestyle, product quality and subjective norms. This empirical study is aimed at identifying the purchase intention of consumers towards organic foods. The study predicts the purchase intention of consumers based on the influences of factors like environmental concern, health concern and lifestyle, product quality and subjective norms on the attitude towards organic foods. The results of the study show that quality of products, environmental concern, health concern and lifestyle are the most commonly stated motives for purchasing organic foods

    The moderating effects of stakeholders’ integration on the relationship between environmental practices and competitiveness: A conceptual framework

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    The question about the relationship between environmental practices and competitiveness has not been answered systematically by previous studies.In this paper, we argued that the lack of consistence results in previous literature's is due to ignoring the effects of some related variables.Based on stakeholders’ theory, we assumed that stakeholders’ integration may plays role in this relationship.Therefore, we introduced stakeholders’ integration as a possible moderator of the relationship between environmental practices and competitiveness.We reviewed the previous literature and identified their gaps. Then, we came with a proposed model to be tested using a cross section a questionnaire survey will be carried out at 270 Libyan industrial corporations.Such study helps in understanding the role of stakeholders’ integration in improving the competitiveness of the corporation.Additionally, the study points the light on the green concerns in developing countries such as Libya, which have been neglected by previous studies

    Speed of Adjustment and Financial Constraints: Evidence from the UK

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    Our paper estimates the speed of moment adjustment based on the first difference of the lead (t+1) leverage levels (actual lead) and lag (t-1) leverage levels (actual lag) to the first difference of simulated lead (target) leverage levels and lag levels (actual lag leverage) for firm level data. We introduce an intrinsic limitation (financial constraints) to the model to test the impact on speed of adjustment and distance reduction. We find that financial constraints have a statistically and economically significant impact on rate of adjustment and distance reduction to target leverage levels

    Factors lead to customer loyalty in prepaid mobile services

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    This research focuses on the factors of customer loyalty in the service industry particularly in telecommunication industry and aims to solve the issues related to the prepaid mobile services. The research was conducted to evaluate the relationship between service quality, customer perceived value and customer trust against customer loyalty.Surveys are conducted using survey responses from a sample of 398 respondents. The result of this research indicates that there is a positive relationship between customer support service, service reliability, emotional value and customer trust with customer loyalty. The results are also compared with previous earlier findings and implications for future research are discussed. Suggestion was made to conduct future research using longitudinal evidence by evaluating the relationship among and in-between variables towards customer loyalty in service industry

    Artificial neural network to model managerial timing decision: non-linear evidence of deviation from target leverage

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    The current study highlights the utilization of a non-linear model to analyze an important decision-making process in the study of corporate finance where managers are deciding on the capital structure of a firm. This study compares the results from based on the unbalanced panel data multiple regression for firm fixed effects relative to the artificial neural networks, i.e., ANN, with known determinants of capital structure as control variables for a sample of UK firms respectively. Results of the study show that firms are timing away from target levels which challenges the current findings in the literature. The ANN model achieves a better fit based on the root of mean-squared error (RMSE) values which provides a more accurate forecast. Thus, the nature of balancing between cost of being off-target versus benefits gained from timing the equity market is non-linear and which is captured by ANN. Implications from the study allow market players to understand the process of achieving optimal capital structure to maximize firm value and thus benefit all stakeholders