41 research outputs found

    The Necessity and Importance of Incorporating Media and Information Literacy into Holistic Metaliteracy

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    Digitalization and the emergence of the Internet have resulted in escalating access to information and communication. Given the circumstances that soaring access to information amounts to the intensification of misinformation and disinformation, a set of critical skills to navigate and critically assess the information is necessary. This paper outlines the significance of these skills, and provides a perspective on metaliteracy as a supplement to media and information literacy, and argues that the ability to conceptualize, access, comprehend, analyze, and use information is crucial in achieving inclusive, pluralistic, and participatory knowledge societies

    The European Immigration Crisis: A Review

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    Issues including the immigration flows, increased diversity of the society, and alienation of parts of the population are not necessarily new phenomena for the European Union. As an illustration, Frontex, the EU Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders, was founded in 2004 in the light of the uncontrolled immigration from Africa to control the cooperation between national border guards securing its external borders, or EUROSUR (the European Border Surveillance System) has come to effect since 2013

    Russian foreign policy: The return of great power politics

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    In Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics, Jeffrey Mankoff examines the course of Russian foreign policy since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. He provides a comprehensive over-view of both the continuity and the changes in Russian foreign policy from the end of the Cold War to the Putin era, and analyses Russia’s interactions with major global powers. Throughout the book, the author makes use of various theoretical approaches, including theories of international relations, classical geopolitical theory and Russian geopolitical tradition

    ضرورت رویکردی اجتماعی روانشناختی برای مقابله با تروریسم: چرا افراد به گروه های تروریستی ملحق می شوند

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    پژوهشگران پدیده تروریسم را از مواضع مختلفی ازجمله سیاسی، اقتصادی، روانشناختی، اجتماعی، فرهنگی و دینی مورد مطالعه قرار دادهاند. علیرغم وجود تعاریف متعدد و غیرواحدی از مفهوم تروریسم و تروریست بیان شده است که به طور کلی بیانگر دیدگاه ارائه دهنده آن است، اجماعی بر دسته بندی تروریسم یراساس نوع (مانند دولتی، مذهبی، پاتولوژیک، سایبری، نارکوتروریسم و بیوتروریسم)، مقیاس (داخلی و بین المللی)، انگیزه ها و اهداف آن وجود دارد. همچنین، ریشه ها و علل تروریسم می تواند منشا داخلی (مانند شاخص های اجتماعی، اقتصادی، سیاسی و فرهنگی) و خارجی (مانند استعمار و پسااستعمار، درگیری های منطقه ای و دشمنی های تاریخی، دولت درمانده و مناطق بی قانون، و نفوذ فرهنگ و سبک زندگی بیگانه) داشته باشد. چنین زمینه هایی می توانند به عنوان علل اشتراکی در نظر گرفته شوند و صرفا بیانگر دلایل احتمالی تبدیل یک فرد به یک عضو بالقوه سازمانهای تروریستی است ولی بهندرت توضیحی درباره چگونگی جذب آن فرد به سازمان های تروریستی ارائه می کنند. از این رو، شناسایی علل ظهور تروریسم و عضویت افراد در سازمانهای تروریستی از اهمیت ویژهای به منظور مبارزه و جلوگیری از آن برخوردار است. با توجه به اینکه نسل اول رویکردهای روانشناختی به خشونت تروریستی اساسا از تئوری روانکاوی نشئت می گرفتند و دیگر توجیه کننده تروریسم مدرن نیستند، این پژوهش با رویکردی سیستماتیک مبنی بر روش پدیدارشناسی به ارزیابی دلایل اصلی تروریسم بهویژه از منظر اجتماعی و رفتاری می پردازد. هدف این پژوهش مطرح کردن و پاسخ دادن به سوالات کلیدی شامل دلایل افراد برای حمایت، عضویت، و ترک سازمان های تروریستی، مناسب بودن علم آسیب شناسی روانی برای درک و جلوگیری از تروریسم، و نقش ایدئولوژی، هویت و تعلق در رفتار تروریستی اس

    Britain and the Iranian Nuclear Program: An Illuminating Appraisal

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    Owing to the escalating regional rivalries and the conventional arms race, Iran’s post-revolutionary hostilities towards the West, in addition to the crucial geopolitical and economic significance of the region, the complex Iranian nuclear crisis has made the global leaders to brood over the multilateral Iranian negotiations with the P5+1 and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which led to finalization and adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in 2015. The United Kingdom as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a nuclear state, the bridge to the Cross-Atlantic relations, in addition to its noted ‘special relationship’ with the United States, and having over two centuries of political ties with Iran has constantly played a crucial role in all stages of the negotiations and tightening the imposed embargoes. Indeed, ever since the 1979 Revolution the Anglo-Iranian relations have been volatile and have suffered from tension, instability, and upheavals; despite reconciliation in 1998 and some prominent diplomatic accomplishments in nuclear negotiations the sour relations had strained by several incidents in the past two decades. This study addresses the Anglo-Iranian relations and attempts to provide theoretical scrutiny of the UK foreign policy on the Iranian nuclear program and clarify the British approach through the lens of game theories with respect to neorealism, classical realism, neoclassical realism, and liberalism perspectives

    The necessity and importance of incorporating media and information literacy into holistic metaliteracy

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    Digitalization and the emergence of the Internet have resulted in escalating access to information and communication. Given the circumstances that soaring access to information amounts to the intensification of misinformation and disinformation, a set of critical skills to navigate and critically assess the information is necessary. This paper outlines the significance of these skills, and provides a perspective on metaliteracy as a supplement to media and information literacy, and argues that the ability to conceptualize, access, comprehend, analyze, and use information is crucial in achieving inclusive, pluralistic, and participatory knowledge societies. (DIPF/Orig.

    US Foreign Policy and US-China Relations in a Changing World Order: the Assessment of American Think Tanks

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    From the animosity of the Cold War era, the rapprochement in 1972, normalization of relations in 1979, to rising China and the current trade war, the US-China relationship has emerged and been regarded as an important relationship in global politics, and distinctively significant in the shaping of world order. The United States, a fount of modern think tanks, is home to approximately 30% of the total in the world. These think tanks were gradually embedded into American politics and exercise undoubtedly significant influence in the policymaking process, particularly foreign affairs. Hence, as an emerging global power, China has been the subject of US think tanks debate from different perspectives, such as economy, military, and foreign affairs. This study reviews the post-World War II US-China relations, addresses China’s economic and military rise, its territorial claims and provides policy options for balancing cooperation and conflict in each of these matters. Given that the assimilation of perspectives of American think tanks can foster comprehending the perception of the US regarding China’s rise and Washington-Beijing relations, this internet-mediated research based on foreign policy analysis with the principal focus on agency at institutional level takes a systematic approach to discuss China policy debates among the US think tanks. The objective is to offer an overall review of the China policy debate in the US over the past two decades, whereas the chief focus is dedicated to the perceptions of China in American think tanks about the concepts of “China collapse”, “China threat” and “China responsibilities”; furthermore, providing an assessment of the impact of think tanks on China’s most-favored-nation (MFN) treatment, the legislature on permanent normal trade relations (PNTR), and contemporary trade relations between the two countries

    A socio-psychological approach towards terrorism: How and why do individuals support, join, stay in, and leave terrorist organizations?

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    The phenomena of terrorism and other politically motivated violence have been assessed across different disciplines from political science and economics to theology and psychology. Whereas the definitions of the concepts of “terrorism” and “terrorist” are disputed and they rather reflect the perspectives of the defining entity, there is a common consensus that terrorism can be classified in terms of its type (such as state-sponsored, dissent, religious, pathological, narco-, cyber-, and bioterrorism), the scale (i.e. domestic vs. international), motives, and objectives. By the same token, the roots and causes of terrorism can be enumerated as internal sources (such as social, economic, political, and cultural indicators) and external sources (such as colonialism and neocolonialism, regional conflicts and historical enmities, failed/failing states and lawless areas, and the penetration of foreign cultures and lifestyles). Although such grounds can be considered as the collective causes, they can merely address how one becomes a potential appropriate recruit for terrorist organizations. Hence, identifying the causes of terrorism is of paramount significance in order to both combat and most importantly prevent terrorism. Given that the first generation of psychological approaches to terrorist violence, chiefly drawing from psychoanalytic theory, has basically run its course, this study takes a systematic approach to evaluate the root causes of terrorism, particularly from social and behavioral perspectives, and attempts to address some key questions such as the progress of and reasons for individuals supporting, joining and leaving terrorist organizations, the relevance of psychopathology to comprehending and preventing terrorism, and the roles of ideology, identity, and belonging in terrorist behavior

    The Global Media and Information Literacy Week: Moving Towards MIL Cities

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    The Global Media and Information Literacy Week commemorates the progress in achieving “MIL for all” by aggregating various MIL-related local and international events and actions across different disciplines around the world.The MIL Global Week 2018, 24 to 31 October, was marked by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in collaboration with various organizations including the UN Alliance of Civilizations, the Global Alliance for Partnership on MIL, the International Federation of Library Associations, the International Association of School Libraries, and the UNESCO-UNAOC University Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue

    La crisis migratoria europea: un análisis

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    OpenMindProblemas tales como los flujos de inmigración, la mayor diversidad de la sociedad y la alienación de sectores de la población no son necesariamente fenómenos nuevos para la Unión Europea. Como ejemplo, el Frontex, la Agencia de la UE para la gestión de la cooperación operativa en las fronteras externas, fue fundada en 2004 a raíz de la inmigración descontrolada procedente de África para coordinar la cooperación entre los guardias fronterizos nacionales que protegen sus fronteras externas, o EUROSUR (el Sistema europeo de vigilancia de fronteras) que lleva vigente desde 2013. La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (IOM) ha calculado la llegada de más de un millón de refugiados e inmigrantes a la Unión Europea, de los cuales más de 800.000 llegaron por mar a Grecia, y más de 3.600 fallecieron o desaparecieron. Cabe destacar que aproximadamente un 90% de los solicitantes de asilo durante el año pasado han terminado en Alemania, Suecia y Austria. Como consecuencia, Austria ha suspendido el tratado de Schengen y los dirigentes alemanes han dicho que la crisis migratoria es el mayor problema al que se ha enfrentado el país desde su reunificación en 1990