12 research outputs found

    Review of literature on cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral parent training for aggressive behavior, and peer problem of children with conduct disorder

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    Introduction: This study provides an overview of interventions, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavioral parent training for aggressive behavior, and peer problems of children with conduct disorder (CD) worldwide. Conduct disorder is one of the main externalizing disorders listed in DSM-5 among children and adolescents. Children with this disorder violate basic rights of others and other societal norms. The main symptom of conduct disorder is aggression. Aggressive behavior often results in being rejected by their peers (especially those with prosocial behaviors) and losing the opportunity for developing social skills.  Methods: This study reviews the related studies on treatment of children with CD through the aforementioned methods conducted over the world. Most of the studies mainly focused on only children with conduct problems and only in a few of them parents of the children were involved as sources of data collection.  Results: This review demonstrated that researchers worldwide investigate aggressive behavior of children with conduct problems vastly. It is also evident that more studies need to be conducted in both developed and developing countries to solve peer problems of children with CD.  Conclusion: It is recommended that in developing countries studies based on making choices program need to be expanded.  Declaration of interest: Non

    The Effectiveness of Job Stress Management on Improving Mental Health and Self-Efficacy of Training the Teachers

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    Background: Job stress is one of the most important problems in the modern world and have created many concerns for many organizations. The aim of present study was to determine the effectiveness of job stress management on improving mental health and self-efficacy of training the teachers.Methods: Forty teachers(21 women, and 19 men) were selected by simple random sampling assigned into the experimental and control groups. With a pre-test and post-test-control group design, subjects in the experimental group, undergone sessions of stress management training both groups were evaluated using Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale(TSES) and mental health inventory(MHI) in pre-test and post-test. Data analyzed by descriptive statistics and Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Results: Findings show that there were not significant differences between two groups in pretest, but stress management training, significantly increases psychological well-being and teaching self-efficacy scores in experimental group.Conclusion: The stress management training, could be intervention program in target groups and counseling centers, and with enhancing psychological well-being and senses of teaching self-efficacy of teachers, increase education to productivity of schools

    Comparison of Relation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Children with and without Simple Febrile Seizure Admitted in Arak Central Iran

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    How to Cite This Article: Salehi B, Yousefichaijan P, Safi Arian S, Ebrahimi S, Naziri M. Comparison of Relation between ADHD in Children with And without Simple Febrile Seizure Admitted in Arak Amir-Kabir Hospital on 2010-2011. Iran J Child Neurol. Autumn 2016; 10(3):56-61.AbstractObjectiveFebrile seizure is one of the most prevalent childhood convulsions with the most common age of onset at 14-18 mo old. Fever decreases the brain threshold for seizure. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is also a neurologic-behavioral problem defined by attention deficit and hyperactivity according to DSM-IV criteria in which the child must have these signs in two different environments. There is controversy on the possible relation between febrile seizure and ADHD; while some studies approve a strong relation, some exclude any relation and some attribute ADHD to the side effects of other reasons. Materials & MethodsThis descriptive-analytic study enrolled all children of 3-12 yr old with febrile seizure (according to Nelson Pediatrics Textbook diagnosed by the pediatrician in charge) referring to Amir Kabir Hospital, Arak, central Iran in 2010-2011.Overall, 103 of them with no corporeal or psychological disorder (like depression, anxiety, schizophrenia and other CNS maternal disease) were compared to 103 children of the same age and gender admitted due to disease other than febrile seizure utilizing DSM IV criteria for ADHD. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 18. ResultsThe hyperactivity disorder in the control and case group was 34.3% and 16.7%, respectively, denoted a significant relation between simple febrile seizure and hyperactivity. ConclusionHyperactivity has a significant relation with febrile seizure in male gender, making further investigation in these children prudent for early diagnosis and management. References1. Cunningham NR, Jensen P. ADHD. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, Geme III JW, Schor NF, Behrman RE, eds. Nelson Textbook of pediatrics. 19th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2011. p. 108-12.2. Greenhill LL, Hechtman LI. Attention- Deficit Disorders. In: Sadock BJ, Sadock VA, Ruiz P, Kaplan HI, editors. Kaplan & Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/ Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2009.p.1223-1231.3. Biederman J, Faraone SV, Keenak K, Steinjard R, Tsuang M. Familial association between ADHD and anxiety disorders. APA 1991; 48: 633–642.4. Austin JK, Perkins SM, Johnson CS, Fastenau PS. Behavior problems in children at time of first recognized seizure and changes over the following years. Epilepsy Behave 2011;21(4):373-81.5. Baum KT, Byars AW, deGrauw TJ, Dunn DW. The effect of temperament and neuropsychological functioning on behavior problems in children with new onset seizures. Epilepsy Behave 2010; 17(4):467-73.6. Fastenau PS, Johnson CS, Perkins SM, Byars AW. Neuropsychological status at seizure onset in children: risk factors for early cognitive deficits. Neurology 2009;73(7):526-347. Anna W, Kelly B, Cynthia S, Ton J. The relationship between sleep problems and neuropsychological functioning in children with first recognized seizures Epilepsy Behave 2008; 13(4):607-13.8. Ying C, Nai W, Chao C, Shan T, Jing J. Neurocognitive Attention and Behavior Outcome of School-Age Children with a History of Febrile Convulsions: A Population Study. Epilepsies 2000; 41(4):412-20.9. Chang YC, Guo NW, Wang ST, Huang CC. Working memory of school- aged children with a history of febrile convulsions: a population study. Neurology 2001; 57(1):37-42.10. Hesdorffer DC, Ludvigsson P, Olafsson E, Gudmundsson G. ADHD as a Risk Factor for Incident Unprovoked Seizures and Epilepsy in Children. Arch Gen Psychiat 2004; 61(7):731-6.11. Dunn D, Harezlak J, Ambrosius W, Austin J. Teacher assessment of behavior in children with new – onset seizures. Seizure 2002; 11(3):169-75.12. Tsai JJ, Wang ST. Assessing the behavioral and cognitive effects of seizures on the developing brain. Prog Brain Res 2002; 135: 377-90.13. Austin J, Harezlak J, Dunn D, Huster G. Behavior Problems in children before first recognized seizures. Pediatrics 2001; 115-122.14. Yousefichaijan P, Eghbali A, Rafiei M, Sharafkhah M, Zol M, Firouzifar M. The Relationship between iron deficiency anemia and simple febrile convulsion in children. J Pediatr Neurosci 2014; 9: 110-114.15. Yousefichaijan P, Salehi B, Firouzifar M, Sheikholslami H. The correlation between ADHD and enuresis in children with nocturnal enuresis. I.U.M.S, 2nd week, 2012. 184(30): 8-14

    Validity and reliability of the multidimensional student’s life satisfaction scale among Iranian girl students

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    Life satisfaction is a subjective and unique concept for each person that constitutes an essential component of the subjective well-being. The aim of his study was investigating the psychometric properties of Multidimentional student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) by using confirmatory factor analysis. Sample size of 307 students in Tehran were selected randomly. To calculate the convergent validity of MSLSS, Satisfaction with Life Scale and Body Image Concern Inventory were implemented. Confirmatory factor structure for the first-order approach to MSLSS estimated using weighted least squares (WLS) criteria for assessing the adequacy of the data model with RMR, RMSEA, CFI, AGFI, GFI, 2c, / df2 c and 2 D c used. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of MSLSS was above 0.70 and the limit was satisfactory. Factor structure of the MSLSS after the first time using confirmatory factor analysis was confirmed. Correlation coefficient analysis showed that MSLSS is a significant positive relationship with Satisfaction with Life Scale and significant negative relationship with Body Image Concern Inventory which shows the convergent validity. A single first-order factor structure of MSLSS were better fit with the observed data. Confirmatory factor structure, reliability and validity of the MSLSS for research applications and clinical diagnostics were within acceptable limit

    Effects of psychoeducational group interventions on peer rejection and aggression among children with conduct disorder

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    Most of children with Conduct Disorder (CD), experience difficulties such as limited peer relationship and aggression. They have fewer opportunities to come along with non-aggressive peers and improve their social skills. These problems lead to negative outcomes for children with CD. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of psychoeducational group interventions on peer rejection and aggression among children with CD. The research methodology used was true experimental design, under the design of randomized, pre-test, post-test, control group design. One hundred and thirty six children (boys and girls) between 8 to 10 year old with childhood onset type of CD selected from Centres under the license of rehabilitation administration and educational-vocational organization in Tehran, Iran. The instruments of this study include Peer Rejection Questionnaire (PRQ) and Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL). This study conducted with four groups and three kinds of interventions include Making Choices Program (MCP - for children) for the first group, Barkley Behavioural Parent Training (BBPT) for the second group, and combination of MCP and BBPT for the third group. It is important to note that parents (mothers) of children in group two and three participated in the intervention of this study. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics procedures were applied to answer the research questions concerning the effects of each intervention within the groups and between the groups on both peer rejection and aggression. Additionally, semistructured interview with three parents of each experimental group was conducted to confirm the quantitative findings and gain more understanding of the interventions. Overall, the Two-way Repeated Measure ANOVA was conducted to study the effects of groups across test. The results showed that the interaction between groups and test for peer rejection was significant. It means that the average of mean score for peer rejection across time (test) was significantly different among four groups (F (6, 264) = 1122.64, p < .05, η2= .962, f =5.03). Furthermore, the average of mean score for aggression across time (test) was significantly different among four groups (F (4.86, 213.80) = 1600.82, ƞ2= 0.99, f = 6.003). This study found that the effect for the combination of both MC program and BBPT was more than each program on peer rejection. However, the mean score of this variable remained permanent in the follow-up. Therefore, three kinds of psychoeducational group interventions in this study suggested for the peer rejection of children with Conduct Disorder. The other finding of this study was that combination of both MCP program and BBPT is more effective in post-test and follow-up compared with other interventions. The results of semi-structured interview presented that peer rejection and aggression of children with CD decreased after the intervention. It is recommended to conduct a global study on teachers; parents; parents and children; parents and teachers; and parents, teachers, and children to compare effectiveness of interventions on peer rejection and aggression of children with CD. In addition, it is suggested that another researcher conduct a qualitative research to gain more understanding of the effects of the interventions on peer rejection and aggression among children with CD

    The Effectiveness of Group Choice Theory and Reality Therapy Training on Reducing the Aggression in Female Students

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    Background: Nowadays violence and aggression are one of the problems that have been seen in several levels and dimensions in the world. The present study investigated the effect of group choice theory and reality therapy training on the reduction of aggression among female students.Materials and Methods: The study employed a quasi-experimental method and a pretest- posttest with control group design. The population included all female high school students in academic year 2015-2016. Research instruments was Buss and Perry Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ). 34 participants who achieve higher scores on BPAQ were randomly selected and assigned into one experimental and one control group (each group17 students). Experimental group received eight sessions of 1/2 hours training and control group receive no intervention till the end of the study. Data analyzed by using ANCOVA test.Results: Findings showed that group reality therapy training, significantly decreased aggression scores in experimental group (P&lt;0.05).Conclusion: This study confirmed the effect of group choice theory and reality therapy on the reduction of aggression among high school aggressive female students.

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Persian Version of Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DASS-42): Non-Clinical Sample

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    Background Based on historical viewpoint, relationship among depression, anxiety and stress attracted clinical and theoretical consideration. Despite the relative overlap of these psychological disorders in general, these three syndromes are distinctive in terms of theoretically and conceptually aspects. Objectives The aim of current study is investigation confirmatory factor analysis and psychometric characteristics of Iranian version of depression, anxiety and stress scale (DASS-42) in student’s population. Methods The student sample n = 664 studied in current study. The method of estimation Weighted Least Squares (WLS) used to investigate the confirmatory factor structure of this sample. NNFI, RMR, RMSEA, CFI, AGFI, GFI, ECVI, X2, X2 / df, were used to assess the adequacy of model fitness with data. In this study, MMPI -2 questionnaire, Cattell anxiety scale, and Beck depression inventory were used as criterion validity. Results The results suggest DASS-42 scale had satisfactory internal consistency, test-retest validity and concurrent reliability. The results showed three factors with first class fitted better with data and DASS-42 scale had desirable construct validity of student sample. Conclusions The results showed confirmatory factor structure and validity of this tool for application usages and clinical diagnosis are acceptable

    The Effect of Simple Febrile Seizure on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children

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    Background Febrile seizure is one of the most prevalent childhood convulsions. There are controversy about possible relation between febrile seizure and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The aim of this study was to find the effect of simple febrile seizure on ADHD in children. Materials and Methods In a case-control study all children of 3-12 years old with febrile seizure referring Amir-Kabir hospital, Arak-Iran. Among these children, 103 of them with no corporeal or psychiatric disorders were compared to 103 children of the same age and gender admitted due to disease other than febrile seizure utilizing DSM-IV criteria for ADHD. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16. Results This study shows that the hyperactivity disorder in the same order were 34.3% and 16.7%, respectively, which also denotes a significant relation between simple febrile seizure and hyperactivity(

    Effect of the training of the child development monitoring on stress and parenting satisfaction of mothers

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    The impact of stress on physical and mental health is undeniable and today, many mothers have parental stress. This study aimed to examine effect of training of growth monitoring period to reduce parenting stress and improving the level of satisfaction of mothers' parenting. Study's population included mothers of children 1 to 4 years old that in the form of available sample were selected to participate in training. 93 mothers were included in the intervention group for training and 57 mothers were included in the control group in form of quasi-experimental design. Parenting stress scale and parental satisfaction scale were used to collect data. Results showed the training of monitoring period decreased parenting stress levels and increased parenting satisfaction (t=15.29, p=0.001). This training reduces the parent – child dysfunctional interaction, parental distress, and problematic child characteristic. It seems to help mothers during child-rearing and provide the necessary information to them about the child and their natural features and modification of mothers' false beliefs and knowledge in this field can be used for the protective role of mothers and their children in the face of stress, and facilitate the process of parenting

    Evaluation of differences in HLA-DR4 gene and its subtypes prevalence among healthy people and RA patients in Isfahan province population

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    Background: There are a lot of evidences showing that genetic play an important role in RA disease. Inheritance of some subgroups of HLA-DR4 gene increases the propensity to RA disease. In this paper, the impact of HLA-DR4 gene and its subtypes or subgroups, be consistence on RA patient who lived in Isfahan province, has been evaluated. Materials and Methods: In this survey, two groups of people (100 patients in case group and 100 normal persons in control group) have been selected. These two groups were similar in age and gender. Statistical population has been considered among people who visited Al Zahra rheumatology clinic. The participants were from Isfahan province and accepted to participate to the study voluntarily. The prevalence of HLA-DR4 and its 0401-0404 subtypes were evaluated between two groups; DNA was extracted from blood samples and studied using PCR SSCP method. Results: It was found that 35% of RA patients had HLA-DR4 gene, of which 14 persons had 0401, 10 persons had 0404, and 11 persons had other subtypes, whereas 30 people in control group had HLA-DR4 gene, of which 10 people had 0401, 20 people had 0404, and nobody had other subtypes. Conclusion: The observed differences between prevalence of HLA-DR4 gene between the case and control group were not statistically significant (P = 0.45; OR = 1.256; 95% CI = 0.69-2.27), but a relation was between HLA-DR4 0404 subtypes and RA (P = 0.02; OR = 0.44; 95% CI = 0.196-0.992)