115 research outputs found

    Refunctionalization of buildings and participatory design: what does this have to do with sustainability? Case study from the Saco dos Limões Integration Terminal, Florianópolis / SC

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    O presente artigo aborda a relação entre a existência de imóveis abandonados e o conceito de sustentabilidade, colocando no centro do debate a participação popular. Para tanto, faz uma breve revisão teórica acerca da sustentabilidade de edificações e da refuncionalização do ambiente construído. Toma como exemplo os debates que envolvem novos usos para o Terminal de Integração dos Saco dos Limões, em Florianópolis/SC, e discute a questão da transversalidade na gestão participativa, pela qual entende-se que os usuários devam participar – desde a fase de idealização e concepção até a manutenção do edifício. Com base na discussão teórica e no exemplo apresentado, conclui-se que a mobilização popular, além de transpor as barreiras entre saberes técnicos e populares, também é fundamental para a implementação de abordagens sustentáveis na cidade.This article tackles the relationship between the existence of abandoned properties and the concept of sustainability, placing popular participation at the center of the debate. Therefore, it makes a brief theoretical review about the sustainability of buildings and the refunctionalization of the built environment. It takes as an example the debates involving new uses for the Saco dos Limões Integration Bus Station, in Florianópolis / SC, and discuss the issue of transversality in participatory management, whereby it is understood that users should participate - from the idealization phase. and design until the maintenance of the building. Based on the theoretical discussion and on the example presented, it is concluded that popular mobilization, in addition to crossing the barriers between technical and popular knowledge, is also fundamental for the implementation of sustainable approaches in the city

    Gender Dimorphism in Aspartame-Induced Impairment of Spatial Cognition and Insulin Sensitivity

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    Previous studies have linked aspartame consumption to impaired retention of learned behavior in rodents. Prenatal exposure to aspartame has also been shown to impair odor-associative learning in guinea pigs; and recently, aspartame-fed hyperlipidemic zebrafish exhibited weight gain, hyperglycemia and acute swimming defects. We therefore investigated the effects of chronic lifetime exposure to aspartame, commencing in utero, on changes in blood glucose parameters, spatial learning and memory in C57BL/6J mice. Morris Water Maze (MWM) testing was used to assess learning and memory, and a random-fed insulin tolerance test was performed to assess glucose homeostasis. Pearson correlation analysis was used to investigate the associations between body characteristics and MWM performance outcome variables. At 17 weeks of age, male aspartame-fed mice exhibited weight gain, elevated fasting glucose levels and decreased insulin sensitivity compared to controls (P<0.05). Females were less affected, but had significantly raised fasting glucose levels. During spatial learning trials in the MWM (acquisition training), the escape latencies of male aspartame-fed mice were consistently higher than controls, indicative of learning impairment. Thigmotactic behavior and time spent floating directionless was increased in aspartame mice, who also spent less time searching in the target quadrant of the maze (P<0.05). Spatial learning of female aspartame-fed mice was not significantly different from controls. Reference memory during a probe test was affected in both genders, with the aspartame-fed mice spending significantly less time searching for the former location of the platform. Interestingly, the extent of visceral fat deposition correlated positively with non-spatial search strategies such as floating and thigmotaxis, and negatively with time spent in the target quadrant and swimming across the location of the escape platform. These data suggest that lifetime exposure to aspartame, commencing in utero, may affect spatial cognition and glucose homeostasis in C57BL/6J mice, particularly in males

    Neuroendocrine Disturbances in Huntington's Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Huntington's disease (HD) is a severe inherited neurodegenerative disorder characterized, in addition to neurological impairment, by weight loss suggesting endocrine disturbances. The aims of this study were to look for neuroendocrine disturbances in patients with Huntington's disease (HD) and to determine the relationship with weight loss seen in HD METHODS AND FINDING: We compared plasma levels of hormones from the five pituitary axes in 219 patients with genetically documented HD and in 71 sex- and age-matched controls. Relationships between hormone levels and disease severity, including weight-loss severity, were evaluated. Growth hormone (GH) and standard deviation score of insulin-like growth factor 1 (SDS IGF-1) were significantly higher in patients than in controls (0.25 (0.01-5.89) vs. 0.15 (0.005-4.89) ng/ml, p = 0.013 and 0.16+/-1.02 vs. 0.06+/-0.91, p = 0.039; respectively). Cortisol was higher (p = 0.002) in patients (399.14+/-160.5 nmol/L vs. 279.8+/-130.1 nmol/L), whereas no differences were found for other hormone axes. In patients, elevations in GH and IGF-1 and decreases in thyroid-stimulating hormone, free triiodothyronine and testosterone (in men) were associated with severity of impairments (Independence scale, Functional score, Total Functional Capacity, Total Motor score, Behavioral score). Only GH was independently associated with body mass index (beta = -0.26, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Our data suggest that the thyrotropic and in men gonadotropic axes are altered in HD according to the severity of the disease. The somatotropic axis is overactive even in patients with early disease, and could be related to the weight loss seen in HD patients

    A 63 element 1.75 dimensional ultrasound phased array for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia

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    BACKGROUND: Prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia are very common diseases in older American men, thus having a reliable treatment modality for both diseases is of great importance. The currently used treating options, mainly surgical ones, have numerous complications, which include the many side effects that accompany such procedures, besides the invasive nature of such techniques. Focused ultrasound is a relatively new treating modality that is showing promising results in treating prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Thus this technique is gaining more attention in the past decade as a non-invasive method to treat both diseases. METHODS: In this paper, the design, construction and evaluation of a 1.75 dimensional ultrasound phased array to be used for treating prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia is presented. With this array, the position of the focus can be controlled by changing the electrical power and phase to the individual elements for electronically focusing and steering in a three dimensional volume. The array was designed with a maximum steering angle of ± 13.5° in the transverse direction and a maximum depth of penetration of 11 cm, which allows the treatment of large prostates. The transducer piezoelectric ceramic, matching layers and cable impedance have been designed for maximum power transfer to tissue. RESULTS: To verify the capability of the transducer for focusing and steering, exposimetry was performed and the results correlated well with the calculated field. Ex vivo experiments using bovine tissue were performed with various lesion sizes and indicated the capability of the transducer to ablate tissue using short sonications. CONCLUSION: A 1.75 dimensional array, that overcame the drawbacks associated with one-dimensional arrays, has been designed, built and successfully tested. Design issues, such as cable and ceramic capacitances, were taken into account when designing this array. The final prototype overcame also the problem of generating grating lobes at unwanted locations by tapering the array elements

    Inequalities and socio-spatial segregation in medium cities. The case of Blumenau, SC

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    Seeking to contribute to the understanding of inequalities present in medium-sized Brazilian cities, this article reports partial results of a research that aimed to analyze the process of consolidation of socio-spatial segregation in Blumenau, an industrial municipality in Santa Catarina. We sought to identify the socio-spatial dynamics by income extremes, as well as the environmental, economic, political, social and significant public investments involved in territorial disputes. The investigation focused between the 1980s and 2020s, when changes in economic policies and in the productive structure increased socio-spatial inequalities. The investigations showed changes in socio-spatial dynamics, with a significant increase in informality and displacement of the poorest strata to peripheral and precarious areas, and the concentration of the highest strata in central neighborhoods with better infrastructure. The conclusions indicate that the consolidation of spatial segregation in the conurbated area of ​​Blumenau had a significant influence on the previous location of the industries, the frequent environmental disasters and the unequal distribution of public investments. This study aims to understand the dynamics of spatial inequalities in medium-sized cities, considering their historical and socioeconomic specificities, as well as the challenges and actions necessary to ensure their reduction, territorial inclusion and social justice. Keywords: urban segregation, medium-sized cities, intra-urban dynamics, socio-spatial inequalitiesBuscando contribuir para a compreensão das desigualdades presentes nas cidades médias brasileiras, este artigo relata resultados parciais de pesquisa que teve como objetivo analisar o processo de consolidação da segregação socioespacial em Blumenau, município industrial catarinense. Buscou-se identificar a dinâmica socioespacial por extremos de rendimento, assim como os fatores ambientais, econômicos, políticos, sociais e investimentos públicos significativos envolvidos nas disputas territoriais. A investigação centrou-se entre os anos 1980 a 2020, quando mudanças nas políticas econômicas e na estrutura produtiva ampliaram as desigualdades socioespaciais. As investigações apontaram alterações na dinâmica socioespacial, com expressivo aumento da informalidade e deslocamento das camadas mais pobres para áreas periféricas e precárias, e a concentração das camadas de mais alta nos bairros centrais e com melhor infraestrutura. As conclusões indicam que a consolidação da segregação espacial na área conurbada de Blumenau teve significativa influência da localização pregressa das indústrias, dos frequentes desastres ambientais e da desigual distribuição dos investimentos públicos. Este estudo visa compreender a dinâmica das desigualdades espaciais nas cidades médias, considerando suas especificidades históricas e socioeconômicas, assim como os desafios e as ações necessárias para garantir a sua redução, a inclusão territorial e a justiça social. Palavras-chave: segregação urbana, cidades médias, dinâmica intraurbana, desigualdades socioespaciais.Peer Reviewe

    SOPROLIFE System: An Accurate Diagnostic Enhancer

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    Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate a light-emitting diode fluorescence tool, the SOPROLIFE light-induced fluorescence evaluator, and compare it to the international caries detection and assessment system-II (ICDAS-II) in the detection of occlusal caries. Methods. A total of 219 permanent posterior teeth in 21 subjects, with age ranging from 15 to 65 years, were examined. An intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was computed to assess the reliability between the two diagnostic methods. Results. The results showed a high reliability between the two methods (ICC = 0.92; IC = 0.901–0.940; P<0.001). The SOPROLIFE blue fluorescence mode had a high sensitivity (87%) and a high specificity (99%) when compared to ICDAS-II. Conclusion. Compared to the most used visual method in the diagnosis of occlusal caries lesions, the finding from this study suggests that SOPROLIFE can be used as a reproducible and reliable assessment tool. At a cut-off point, categorizing noncarious lesions and visual change in enamel, SOPROLIFE shows a high sensitivity and specificity. We can conclude that financially ICDAS is better than SOPROLIFE. However SOPROLIFE is easier for clinicians since it is a simple evaluation of images. Finally in terms of efficiency SOPROLIFE is not superior to ICDAS but tends to be equivalent with the same advantages

    Dynamics of non-communicable disease prevention, diagnosis and control in Lebanon, a fragile setting

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterKarin Diaconu - ORCID: 0000-0002-5810-9725 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5810-9725Abstract: Background: Non-communicable diseases (NCD) present an increasing global health challenge, particularly for settings affected by fragility where access to care may be disrupted, and where high-quality continuous care delivery is difficult to achieve. This study documents the complex dynamics of NCD prevention and management in the fragile setting of rural Beqaa, Lebanon. Methods: Participatory system dynamics methods were used, including 30 semi-structured interviews and three Group Model Building (GMB) workshops. Participants included health care providers offering NCD care, and Lebanese host- and Syrian refugees community members affected by NCDs. Results: Participants across all groups articulated a shared complex understanding of both the structural and direct determinants behind NCD onset. Lebanese and Syrian community members further identified several barriers to health seeking, including restrictions in health coverage, limited availability of services in the Beqaa and perceptions of poor-quality care. Health providers and community members described a health system overtly focused on disease control and overwhelmed by delivery of care to people living with NCD across both communities. Conclusion: Participants across all groups agreed on the need for health promotion and primary prevention activities and identified priority interventions in these areas.This research was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Global Health Research programme 16/136/100.The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the National Health Service, the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.15pubpu

    Cardiovascular Disease among Syrian refugees: a descriptive study of patients in two Médecins Sans Frontières clinics in northern Lebanon.

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    BACKGROUND: Literature on the burden and management of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in humanitarian settings is limited. This study aimed to describe patient characteristics and explore both service use and use of recommended secondary prevention drugs in Syrian refugee patients with ASCVD attending two Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) clinics in Lebanon. METHODS: This study comprised a cross-sectional survey of ASCVD patients attending either MSF clinic over a four-week period in early 2017. Using descriptive statistics, we explored patient demographic characteristics, cardiovascular risk factors and assessed ASCVD secondary prevention medication prescription and patient adherence with a 7-day self-report scale. A retrospective study of routine clinical data explored workload and trends in patient loss to follow-up. We performed logistic regression modelling to explore risk factors for loss to follow-up. RESULTS: We included 514 patients with ASCVD in the cross-sectional study, performed in 2017. Most (61.9%) were male and mean age was 60.4 years (95% CI, 59.6-61.3). Over half (58.8%) underwent revascularization and 26.1% had known cerebrovascular disease. ASCVD risk factors included 51.8% with diabetes and 72.2% with hypertension. While prescription (75.7 to 98.2%) and self-reported adherence rates (78.4 to 93.9%) for individual ASCVD secondary prevention drugs (ACE-inhibitor, statin and antiplatelet) were high, the use of all three was low at 41.3% (CI95%: 37.0-45.6). The 5-year retrospective cohort study (ending April 2017) identified 1286 patients with ASCVD and 16,618 related consultations (comprising 24% of all NCD consultations). Over one third (39.7%) of patients were lost to follow-up, with lower risk among men. CONCLUSIONS: The burden of ASCVD within MSF clinics in Lebanon is substantial. Although prescription and adherence of individual secondary prevention drugs is acceptable, overall use of the three recommended drugs is suboptimal. Loss to follow-up rates were high. Further studies are needed to evaluate innovative strategies to increase the use of the multiple recommended drugs, and to increase the retention of patients with ASCVD in the care system

    Patterns of medication errors involving pediatric population reported to the French Medication Error Guichet

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    Background: Medication error is a global threat to patient safety, particularly in pediatrics. Yet, this issue remains understudied in this population, in both hospital and community settings. Objectives: To characterize medication errors involving pediatrics reported to the French Medication Error Guichet, and compare them with medication errors in adults, in each of the hospital and community settings. Methods: This was a retrospective secondary data analysis of medication errors reported throughout 2013-2017. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were performed to compare actual and potential medication error reports between pediatrics (aged 18 and <60 years). Two subanalyses of actual medication errors with adverse drug reaction (ADR), and serious ADR were conducted. Results: We analyzed 4,718 medication error reports. In pediatrics, both in hospital (n=791) and community (n=1,541) settings, antibacterials for systemic use (n=121, 15.7%; n=157, 10.4%, respectively) and wrong dose error type (n=391, 49.6%; n=549, 35.7%, respectively) were frequently reported in medication errors. These characteristics were also significantly more likely to be associated with reported errors in pediatrics compared with adults. In the hospital setting, analgesics (adjusted odds ratio (aOR)=1.59; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03:2.45), and blood substitutes and perfusion solutions (aOR=3.74; 95%CI 2.24:6.25) were more likely to be associated with reported medication errors in pediatrics; the latter drug class (aOR=3.02; 95%CI 1.59:5.72) along with wrong technique (aOR=2.28; 95%CI 1.01:5.19) and wrong route (aOR=2.74; 95%CI 1.22:6.15) error types related more to reported medication errors with serious ADR in pediatrics. In the community setting, the most frequently reported pediatric medication errors involved vaccines (n=389, 25.7%). Psycholeptics (aOR=2.42; 95%CI 1.36:4.31) were more likely to be associated with reported medication errors with serious ADR in pediatrics. Wrong technique error type (aOR=2.71; 95%CI 1.47:5.00) related more to reported medication errors with ADR in pediatrics. Conclusions: We identified pediatric-specific medication error patterns in the hospital and community settings. Our findings inform focused error prevention measures, and pave the way for interventional research targeting the needs of this population

    Seeing revolution non-linearly: www.filmingrevolution.org

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    Filming Revolution, launched in 2015, is an online interactive data base documentary tracing the strands and strains of independent (mostly) documentary filmmaking in Egypt since the revolution. Consisting of edited interviews with 30 filmmakers, archivists, activists, and artists based in Egypt, the website is organised by the themes that emerged from the material, allowing the viewer to engage in an unlimited set of “curated dialogues” about issues related to filmmaking in Egypt since 2011. With its constellatory interactive design, Filming Revolution creates as much as documents a community of makers, as it attempts to grapple with approaches to filmmaking in the wake of such momentous historical events. The non-hierarchical polysemous structure of the project is meant to echo the rhizomatic, open-ended aspect of the revolution and its aftermath, in yet another affirmation and instantiation of contemporary civil revolution as a non-linear, ever-unfolding, on-going, event