20 research outputs found

    Optimasi Diameter Jaringan Pipa Dalam Sistem Penyediaan Air Bersih (Pdam) Di Kec. Bululawang Kab. Malang Menggunakan Linear Programming

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    Salah satu peran penting dari sistem penyediaan air bersih adalah jaringan perpipaan. Kinerja pelayanan sistem penyediaan air bersih tidak hanya ditentukan oleh besarnya kapasitas sumber, namun volume air tersebut juga harus sampai pada simpul-simpul layanan dengan aliran dan tinggi tekanan yang memadai sesuai kebutuhan. Disamping itu efektivitas sebuah jaringan pipa juga dapat diukur dari besarnya biaya investasi dan operasionalnya selama usia guna yang ditetapkan. Agar dicapai kondisi tekanan dan debit yang memadai, perlu dilakukan analisis diameter yang cermat. Linear programing merupakan satu teknik penyelesaian riset operasi yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah-masalah optimasi. linear programming digunakan untuk meminimasi biaya akibat pemakaian diameter pipa. Pada penelitian ini diambil sampel data jaringan pipa distribusi air bersih di Kec.Bululawang Kab.Malang. Dengan metode linear programing didapat hasil optimasi diameter pada masing-masing pipa di Kec. Bululawang Kab. Malang dengan pemilihan diameter pipa utama antara 3 inch sampai 8 inch dan energi tekan atau energy relatif yang dihasilkan adalah 7 meter sampai 20 meter sesuai standart ijin yang ditetapkan

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Batu Marmer Sebagai Pengganti Agregat Kasar Pada Campuran Aspal Beton Terhadap Karakteristik Marshall

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    PEMANFAATAN LIMBAH BATU MARMER SEBAGAI PENGGANTI AGREGAT KASAR PADA CAMPURAN ASPAL BETON TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK MARSHALLThe Implementation Of Stone Marble Waste For Changer The Aggregate Rough To Mix Aplhalt Concrete Characteristics Of MarshalAndi Syaiful Amal1 & Chairil Saleh21,2Jurusan Teknik Sipil – Fakultas Teknik Univ. Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Raya Tlogomas No. 246 Malang 65144Email : [email protected] waste of marble stone is waste produced when manufactured processing of unused marble. The utilization of marble for road ossification material is one way to alleviate that waste of marble stone. The purpose of this research is finding out the advantage of marble stone waste as replacement of crude aggregate partly toward marshall characteristic on mixture of the concrete asphalt layer (Laston). Laston mixture with marble stone waste as replacement of crude aggregate used variation of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30% and 35%. The result is ascertainable that using of marble stone waste is able to increase the marshall characteristic. The best laston mixture is produced content optimum of marble stone waste 17,5%, The laston mixture produced : marshall stability 1050 kg, marshall quotient 2,5 KN/mm, volume air void 4,5 % and film thickness 8,8 mm.Keyword : Laston Mixture, Marble Stone Waste, Marshall CharacteristicAbstrakLimbah batu marmer merupakan limbah yang dihasilkan pada saat proses pengolahan batu marmer yang tidak dimanfaatkan. Pemanfaatan limbah batu marmer untuk material perkerasan jalan adalah salah satu cara untuk mengurangi limbah batu marmer tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manfaat limbah batu marmer sebagai pengganti agregat kasar terhadap karakteristik marshall pada campuran laston. Campuran laston dengan limbah batu marmer sebagai pengganti agregat kasar menggunakan variasi 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, dan 35%. Hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa penggunaan limbah batu marmer dapat meningkatkan karakteristik Marshall. Campuran laston terbaik dengan limbah batu marmer sebagai pengganti agregat kasar dihasilkan kadar limbah batu marmer optimum 17,5%, menghasilkan campuran laston : marshall stability 1050 kg, marshall quotient 2,5 KN/mm, volume air void 4,5 % dan film thickness 8,8 mm

    Analisis Efektifitas Instalasi Pengolahan Limbah Lindi Di TPA Supit Urang Kota Malang

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    Leachate is the liquid waste as consequence of water which flow into the influx of external water into the embankment of waste / garbage and then rinsed and dissolved the material in the embankment, so it has a variety of organic and inorganic pollutants.Leachate sewage treatment instalation is a the installation that processed waste leachate in order not to contaminate the environment of the river. The negative impact of leachate is to killed an existing biota in of the river, groundwater contamination, especially in the areas where rainfall and high soil water level. This study was conducted at the landfill Supit Urang in the Village Mulyorejo with 19.6 hectares. Waste disposed to Supit Urang landfill approximately ± 400 tons / day, and area of 75% of the total area has been filled with garbage. It has the potential to generate leachate wastewater. Therefore, it is required the leachate treatment waste installation that is storage ponds, consisting of stabilization ponds, aeration ponds and pools maturisasi waste leachate. The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of waste leachate treatment facility.The capacity of the reservoir pondswas determined by the discharge of leachate and leachate production. Effectiveness of the sewage treatment plant was determined by reduction in the quality of leachate as decreased content of COD and BOD from the waste dumped in landfill Supit Urang. Result showed that there wasthe leachate discharge obtained 9.43 m3/day and leachate production was 0.8 m3/day. Before entering the waste leachate, the content of COD = 8960 mg / l and BOD 5 = 3968.293 mg / l of leachate treatment plant. Before sewage treatment plants, the content of COD = 298.67 mg / l and BOD = 88.18 mg / l. Thus the effectiveness of the leachate treatment plant, COD and BOD can reduce 97%..From the processing of waste leachate treatment plant already appropriate with the water quality standards according to Keputusan Menteri No. 03 /1991 which includes group III. Keywords: Leachate, leachate treatment sewage instalation, COD and BOD

    Analisa Kinerja Ruas Jalan Panglima Sudirman Singosari-Malang

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    Highways are transportation infrastructure that is very important in supporting land transportation. Without being matched by an increase in road infrastructure, it will result in an excessive load on the road structure and will cause congestion. Congestion is one of the problems that is often experienced or encountered, congestion occurs due to the large number of vehicles that exceed the capacity of the road so that it affects road performance. Based on the network pattern seen during holidays or weekends, access to and from the Malang City area tends to increase. Road side barriers that occur on Commander Sudirman street, Singosari are one of the causes of traffic jams. This research aims to provide an alternative plan in overcoming the problem of traffic jams on Commander Sudirman street, Singosari. The method used in this research was based on the 1997 Indonesian Highway Capacity Manual (MKJI), as well as data collection using direct observation methods in the field and then followed by collecting primary data and secondary data. From the research results, the vehicle volume of 2320.6 pcu/hour and degree of saturation (DS) of 0.80 with a level of service (LOS) class D. So it is necessary to divert the route for heavy vehicles (HV) that pass through Commander Sudirman street in the direction of Malang - Surabaya to be diverted via Tumapel street, Ronggowuni street and Kertanegara street, then return to street main route, while for vehicles from Surabaya to Malang that will cross Commander Sudirman street with heavy vehicle types (HV) will follow the current road diversion, namely crossing Rogonoto street, Kebon Agung street, Watu Gede street, and Stasiun street then returning. to the main road as well as installing signs prohibiting parking in the Singosari market shopping area which is on Commander Sudirman street. From the results of this treatment the DS value became 0.76

    Analisis Peningkatan Kapasitas Kantong Lahar Kali Regoyo Desa Regoyo Kabupaten Lumajang

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    Kali Regoyo menerima material dari letusan Gunung Semeru dengan volume ± 6 juta m3 atau hampir 10 %dari total perkiraan material yang menjadi lahar sekunder. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan dalam rangka pengendalian aliran sedimen dan mengurangi suplai sedimen tersebut adalah dengan menahan dan menampung sehingga aliran lahar atau sedimen dalam relatif lama yang dapat mengakibatkan pendangkalan pada daerah tengah dan hilir. Untuk menghindari bencana yang diakibatkan oleh bahaya aliran lahar Gunung Semeru tersebut, dibuat bangunan pengendali sedimen yang antara lain Kantong Pasir. Untuk mereduksi debit puncak sedimen karena volume kontrol dapat direncanakan dengan menentukan dimensi dan jumlah celah. Dengan kata lain dimensi dan jumlah celah berpengaruh terhadap besar volume kontrol sedimen. Makin kecil dimensi celah dan makin sedikit jumlah celah, makin besar volume kontrol sedimen. Setelah debit puncak perencanaan (Q) sebesar 357,397 m3/det didapat dari perhitungan, maka dapat direncanakan dimensi drempel kantong lahar. Dari hasil perhitungan diperoleh bahwa tinggi main dam 6,5 m, lebar mercu main dam 4 m, kemiringan bagian hulu 1:0,9 dan kemiringan hilir 1:0,2, lebar dasar peluap 100 m, elevasi muka air 1,524 m dan tinggi jagaan 1,2. Tinggi sub dam 3,34 m, lebar mercu sub dam 3 m, kemiringan bagian hulu 1:0,9 dan kemiringan bagian hilir 1:0,2. Jarak main dam dan sub dam adalah 25 m dengan tebal lantai (Apron) 1,5 m, volume sedimen statis = 910.560,345 m3, volume sediment dinamis = 1.204.847,909 m3, volume sedimen yang harus diatur = 294.287,564 m3. Melihat begitu kompleksnya permasalahan sedimen dan perilakunya, maka penanggulangan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya banjir lahar di daerah kali regoyo harus memperhatikan kondisi dan perilaku sedimen yang ada. Kata Kunci : Lahar, Sedimen, dan Drempel Kantong Lahar

    Pemetaan Batas Lahan Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah Gondanglegi Kabupaten Malang

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    Modern Islamic boarding schools are a combination of Islamic boarding school curriculum with the national education curriculum. Therefore though the format is a boarding school, boarding education, students also acquire knowledge and graduation standards as students who attend public schools. The Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah Islamic Boarding School (PPEM) is a charity business unit managed by the Muhammadiyah Branch Leader (PCM) Gondanglegi, Malang Regency. The land used by the lodge is certified charity land. Along with the construction of housing on the side of cottage land, land boundaries have become a new problem between the border of cottage and housing developers. There is a difference in stake and land boundary, claimed by the housing developer next to the cottage. The target and output of this service program are that PPEM administrators can make an inventory of land through physical mapping. The product of this activity is the result of land mapping, which is applied directly in the form of a topographical mockup of the Islamic boarding school land that follows the mapping results and strengthens the land certificate.ABSTRAKSistem pondok pesantren yang modern adalah perpaduan antara kurikulum pendidikan nasional dengan kurikulum pesantren, sehingga walaupun bentuknya adalah sebuah pondok pesantren, santri juga memperoleh ilmu dan standar kelulusan seperti pelajar sekolah pada sekolah umum. Pondok Pesantren Entrepreneur Muhammadiyah (PPEM) adalah salah satu unit amal usaha di bawah pengelolaan Pimpinan Cabang Muhammadiyah (PCM) Gondanglegi, Kabupaten Malang. Lahan yang digunakan oleh pondok merupakan lahan wakaf bersertifikat. Seiring dengan pembangunan perumahan di sisi lahan pondok, batas lahan menjadi satu masalah baru, antara pengurus pondok, dengan pihak pengembang perumahan. Terdapat selisih patok dan batas lahan, yang diklaim oleh pengembang perumahan di sebelah pondok. Target dan luaran dari program pengabdian ini yaitu pengurus PPEM dapat menginventarisir lahan melalui pemetaan fisik. Produk kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini berupa hasil pemetaan lahan yang teraplikasikan langsung dalam bentuk maket topografi lahan pondok yang telah sesuai dengan hasil pemetaan dan memperkuat sertifikat pondok