84 research outputs found

    Functions and strategies for enhancing zinc availability in plants for sustainable agriculture

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    Zinc (Zn), which is regarded as a crucial micronutrient for plants, and is considered to be a vital micronutrient for plants. Zn has a significant role in the biochemistry and metabolism of plants owing to its significance and toxicity for biological systems at specific Zn concentrations, i.e., insufficient or harmful above the optimal range. It contributes to several cellular and physiological activities of plants and promotes plant growth, development, and yield. Zn is an important structural, enzymatic, and regulatory component of many proteins and enzymes. Consequently, it is essential to understand the interplay and chemistry of Zn in soil, its absorption, transport, and the response of plants to Zn deficiency, as well as to develop sustainable strategies for Zn deficiency in plants. Zn deficiency appears to be a widespread and prevalent issue in crops across the world, resulting in severe production losses that compromise nutritional quality. Considering this, enhancing Zn usage efficiency is the most effective strategy, which entails improving the architecture of the root system, absorption of Zn complexes by organic acids, and Zn uptake and translocation mechanisms in plants. Here, we provide an overview of various biotechnological techniques to improve Zn utilization efficiency and ensure the quality of crop. In light of the current status, an effort has been made to further dissect the absorption, transport, assimilation, function, deficiency, and toxicity symptoms caused by Zn in plants. As a result, we have described the potential information on diverse solutions, such as root structure alteration, the use of biostimulators, and nanomaterials, that may be used efficiently for Zn uptake, thereby assuring sustainable agriculture.This work was supported by the Qatar University vegetable factory project QUEX-CASMJF-VF-18-19

    Principles and Applicability of Integrated Remediation Strategies for Heavy Metal Removal/Recovery from Contaminated Environments

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    Contamination of agricultural soils with heavy metals present lethal consequences in terms of diverse ecological and environmental problems that entail entry of metal in food chain, soil deterioration, plant growth suppression, yield reduction and alteration in microbial community. Metal polluted soils have become a major concern for scientists around the globe. In more recent times, armed with new knowledge and understanding, removal of heavy metals using different applications has emerged as a solution for waste treatment and contaminant remediation in water and soil. However, the description of metal toxicity to the plants and its removal and degradation from the soil is limited. There are a number of reports in the literature where PGP bacterial inoculation and various chelating agents improves metal accumulation and it’s detoxification in different plant parts without influencing plant growth. Therefore, there is a need to select some useful chemicals which possess the potential to improve plant growth as well as expedite the phytoremediation of metals. In this review, we have discussed the mechanisms possessed by different chelating agents to promote plant growth and phytoremediation of metals. We anticipate that this analysis of interconnected systems will lead to the discovery of new research fields.This work was supported by the Qatar University vegetable factory project QUEX-CAS-MJF-VF-18/19

    Floating Treatment Wetlands (FTWs) is an Innovative Approach for the Remediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons-Contaminated Water

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    Globally, water resources contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons are under much consideration due to their hazardous effects on human beings as well as on plants and animals in the ecosystem. Petroleum hydrocarbons are classified as recalcitrant pollutants in nature. These petroleum products are mostly released in the water resources during the petroleum refining process by oil refineries. The conventional clean-up technologies for hydrocarbons contaminated water have more destructive effects on the aquatic and land ecosystems. Consequently, to develop cost-effective and more environment-friendly techniques that clean up the environment and restore the marine ecosystem to its original forms. Keeping in view, this review article explores the detailed information on fabrication, cost-effectiveness, and an overview of innovation of the floating treatment wetlands (FTWs) using plants and bacterial combined functions to remediate the petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated water. The review also discusses the improvement of microbial efficacy for hydrocarbon degradation using FTWs. The review article shows the various applications of FTWs to remove different organic pollutants in petroleum hydrocarbons contaminated water. The review also describes the prospective benefits of FTWs for their multiple uses for removal of hydrocarbons, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), phenol, and solids from hydrocarbons contaminated water. This review widely discusses the role of hydrocarbons in degrading bacteria, and wetland plants and the mechanism involved during the remediation process of hydrocarbons in FTWs. It further demonstrates features disturbing the treatment efficiency of FTWs, and finally, it is concluded by successful applications of FTWs and various suggestions for potential future research prospects. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Their Biosynthesis: Overview

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    Zinc (Zn) is plant micronutrient, which is involved in many physiological functions, and an inadequate supply will reduce crop yields. Its deficiency is the widest spread micronutrient deficiency problem; almost all crops and calcareous, sandy soils, as well as peat soils and soils with high phosphorus and silicon content are expected to be deficient. In addition, Zn is essential for growth in animals, human beings, and plants; it is vital to crop nutrition as it is required in various enzymatic reactions, metabolic processes, and oxidation reduction reactions. Finally, there is a lot of attention on the Zn nanoparticles (NPs) due to our understanding of different forms of Zn, as well as its uptake and integration in the plants, which could be the primary step toward the larger use of NPs of Zn in agriculture. Nanotechnology application in agriculture has been increasing over recent years and constitutes a valuable tool in reaching the goal of sustainable food production worldwide. A wide array of nanomaterials has been used to develop strategies of delivery of bioactive compounds aimed at boosting the production and protection of crops. ZnO-NPs, a multifunctional material with distinct properties and their doped counterparts, were widely being studied in different fields of science. However, its application in environmental waste treatment and many other managements, such as remediation, is starting to gain attention due to its low cost and high productivity. Nano-agrochemicals are a combination of nanotechnology with agrochemicals that have resulted in nano-fertilizers, nano-herbicides, nano-fungicides, nano-pesticides, and nano-insecticides being developed. They have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and optical capabilities. Green approaches using plants, fungi, bacteria, and algae have been implemented due to the high rate of harmful chemicals and severe situations used in the manufacturing of the NPs. This review summarizes the data on Zn interaction with plants and contributes towards the knowledge of Zn NPs and its impact on plants.This work was supported by the Qatar University vegetable factory project QUEX-CASMJF-VF-18-19

    Understanding the Phytoremediation Mechanisms of Potentially Toxic Elements: A Proteomic Overview of Recent Advances

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    Potentially toxic elements (PTEs) such as cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and arsenic (As), polluting the environment, pose a significant risk and cause a wide array of adverse changes in plant physiology. Above threshold accumulation of PTEs is alarming which makes them prone to ascend along the food chain, making their environmental prevention a critical intervention. On a global scale, current initiatives to remove the PTEs are costly and might lead to more pollution. An emerging technology that may help in the removal of PTEs is phytoremediation. Compared to traditional methods, phytoremediation is eco-friendly and less expensive. While many studies have reported several plants with high PTEs tolerance, uptake, and then storage capacity in their roots, stem, and leaves. However, the wide application of such a promising strategy still needs to be achieved, partly due to a poor understanding of the molecular mechanism at the proteome level controlling the phytoremediation process to optimize the plant’s performance. The present study aims to discuss the detailed mechanism and proteomic response, which play pivotal roles in the uptake of PTEs from the environment into the plant’s body, then scavenge/detoxify, and finally bioaccumulate the PTEs in different plant organs. In this review, the following aspects are highlighted as: (i) PTE’s stress and phytoremediation strategies adopted by plants and (ii) PTEs induced expressional changes in the plant proteome more specifically with arsenic, cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, and lead with models describing the metal uptake and plant proteome response. Recently, interest in the comparative proteomics study of plants exposed to PTEs toxicity results in appreciable progress in this area. This article overviews the proteomics approach to elucidate the mechanisms underlying plant’s PTEs tolerance and bioaccumulation for optimized phytoremediation of polluted environments.Qatar University’s Agricultural Research Station (ARS) supported this manuscript preparation and funded the APC

    Chromium toxicity in plants: consequences on growth, chromosomal behavior and mineral nutrient status

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    Chromium (Cr) is a heavy metal of commercial importance; thus, significant amounts are released in wastewaters. The mobility and distribution of metals in the environment is related not only to their concentration but also to their availability in the environment. Most chromium (Cr) exists in oxidation states ranging from 0 to VI in soils but the most stable and common forms are Cr(0), Cr(III), and Cr(VI) species. Cr can have positive and negative effects on health, according to the dose, exposure time, and its oxidation state. Its behavior in soil, its soil-plant transfer and accumulation in different plant parts vary with its chemical form, plant type and soil physicochemical properties. Soil microbial community plays a key role in governing Cr speciation and behavior in soil. A number of factors have been identified to influence Cr toxicity on activated sludge, such as, pH, biomass concentration, presence of organic substances or other heavy metals, acclimation process, exposure time, etc. Inside plants, Cr provokes numerous deleterious effects to several physiological, morphological, and biochemical processes. Cr induces phytotoxicity by interfering plant growth, nutrient uptake and photosynthesis, inducing enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species, causing lipid peroxidation and altering the antioxidant activities. The present review describes the consequences of Cr toxicity on plants, including morphological, physiological and ultrastructural changes. This review also provides the basic concepts of Cr translocation and interaction with other essential macro-and microelements. Moreover, based on the available literature and current research scenario, this review suggests some possible management and remediation strategies to alleviate Cr toxicity and contamination in soil. It also provides valuable knowledge for further studies towards enhancement of soil phytoremediation and crops improvement. Therefore, there is a dire need to monitor biogeochemical behavior of Cr in soil-plant system

    Interactions of Metal‐Based Engineered Nanoparticles with Plants: An Overview of the State of Current Knowledge, Research Progress, and Prospects

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    Nanotechnology is a potential technique for increasing agricultural output by producing nano-fertilizers, improving herbicide and pesticide efficacy, regulating soil fertility, managing wastewater, and detecting illnesses. It is also virtuous for industrial food processing since it boosts market value, improves nutritional and sensory properties, enhances safety, and boosts antibacterial protection. Moreover, nanotechnology may also assist farmers in reducing post-harvest losses by prolonging shelf life via the use of nanoparticles. Furthermore, nanoscience develops new ideas that lead to a better understanding of nanoparticles and their mechanisms of action in plants. Plants can grow and develop more effectively when the physiological-biochemical and molecular pathways involving nanoparticles in plants are understood. Scientists have developed a broad range of nanoparticles (NPs) such as Au, Ag, Pt, Fe, Cu, Cd, ZnO, and TiO2. At the same time, nanoscience gives us new ideas and diverts our intentions to attain some suitable mechanism mode for the functions of NPs in plants. The proper functionality of the physical, biological, and cellular mechanisms of NPs requires selected plant species to influence the variation in the different phases of plant growth and development. Although several reviews on engineered nanoparticles have been published in recent years, few have focused on their current applications, transport, interaction, and physio-chemical aspects of metal-based nanoparticles (MBNPs) and carbon-based nanoparticles (CBNPs) with crops. As a result, we evaluated the behaviors of (MBNPs) and (CBNPs) in agricultural systems, including absorption and translocation of MBNPs and CBNPs in crop plants, physiological and biochemical effects of MBNPs on plants, and factors influencing MBNPs and CBNPs\u27 interactions on plants. This review will help glow nanotechnology by promoting scientific study on MBNPs and metal oxides nanoparticles MONPs and understanding the risks and advantages of their association with plants. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    S‐Fertilizer (Elemental Sulfur) Improves the Phytoextraction of Cadmium through Solanum nigrum L.

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    Soil contamination with toxic heavy metals [such as cadmium (Cd)] is becoming a serious global problem due to the rapid development of the social economy. This study was carried out to assess the beneficial role of two different kinds of (S)‐fertilizer in the phytoremediation of Cd contaminated soil through Solanum nigrum L. Gypsum (Gyp) and Elemental sulfur (ES) was applied alone and in combination with different ratios (0, 100:0, 0:100, 50:50 mg kg−1) accompanied by different Cd levels (0, 25, 50 mg kg−1). After seventy days of sowing, plants were harvested for determination of growth, physiological characteristics, oxidants and antioxidants, along with Cd uptake from different parts of the plant. Cd toxicity significantly inhibited growth, physiology and plant defence systems, and also increased Cd uptake in the roots and shoots of Solanum nigrum L. The application of Gyp 100 mg kg−1 boosted plant growth and physiology along with oxidants and antioxidants activity as compared to ES 100 mg kg−1 alone, and combine application of GYP+ES 50 + 50 mg kg−1. The application of ES 100 mg kg−1 showed an effective approach to decreasing Cd uptake as compared to Gyp 100 mg kg−1. Overall results showed that the combined application of GYP+ES 50 + 50 mg kg−1 significantly enhanced the phytoremediation potential of S. nigrum in Cd contaminated soil. Thus, it is highly recommended to apply the combined application of GYP+ES for phytoremediation of Cd contaminated soil

    Nickel Toxicity Interferes with NO3−/NH4+ Uptake and Nitrogen Metabolic Enzyme Activity in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    The excessive use of nickel (Ni) in manufacturing and various industries has made Ni a serious pollutant in the past few decades. As a micronutrient, Ni is crucial for plant growth at low concentrations, but at higher concentrations, it can hamper growth. We evaluated the effects of Ni concentrations on nitrate (NO3−) and ammonium (NH4+) concentrations, and nitrogen metabolism enzyme activity in rice seedlings grown in hydroponic systems, using different Ni concentrations. A Ni concentration of 200 µM significantly decreased the NO3− concentration in rice leaves, as well as the activities of nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NiR), glutamine synthetase (GS), and glutamate synthetase (GOGAT), respectively, when compared to the control. By contrast, the NH4 + concentration and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity both increased markedly by 48% and 46%, respectively, compared with the control. Furthermore, the activity of most active aminotransferases, including glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) and glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), was inhibited by 48% and 36%, respectively, in comparison with the control. The results indicate that Ni toxicity causes the enzymes involved in N assimilation to desynchronize, ultimately negatively impacting the overall plant growth.This research was supported in part by National Key Research and Development Program (2018YFC1800305), Guangxi Major Special Project of Science and Technique (AA17202026-3), Hubei Special Project for Technique Innovation (2017ABA154), and Qatar University’s Vegetable Factory Project (QUEX–CAS–MJF–VF–18/19

    Individual and Synergic Effects of Phosphorus and Gibberellic Acid on Organic Acids Exudation Pattern, Ultra-Structure of Chloroplast and Stress Response Gene Expression in Cu-Stressed Jute (Corchorus Capsularis L.)

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    Copper (Cu) pollution in agricultural soils is considered as a serious health risk due to its accumulation in plants. Thus, there is an urgent need to optimize nutrient application for higher yield with lower Cu uptake to ensure food security. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of single and/or combined application of different levels (0 and 80 kg ha−1) of phosphorus (P) and gibberellic acid (0 and 100 mg L−1) on Cu accumulation, morpho-physiological and antioxidative defence attributes of jute (Corchorus capsularis L.) exposed to severe Cu stress (0, 200 and 400 mg kg−1). Results revealed that C. capsularis tolerated up to 200 mg kg−1 Cu concentration without a significant (