6 research outputs found

    Genes and Plasmids of Salmonella spp associated with virulence

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    ABSTRACT: The Salmonella species are intracellular facultative pathogens that affect several animals, including birds, pigs, cattle and humans. After ingestion of contaminated water or food, the bacteria reach the last portion of the small gut. These microorganisms need to express coordinately many of their genes in order to establish a productive infection. The expression begins when the bacteria get in contact with the hostile environment that represent the host gut tract, where they found a great variety of conditions such as: osmolality, oxygen tension and pH. These conditions induce the transcription of genes that codify virulence factors required during the pathogenesis. Additionally, the Salmonella uses a type III secretion system as a basic mechanism of virulence. Through this system a variety of unrelated proteins are secreted and translocated into the citosol of eukaryotic cells, interfer18 ing with the transduction signals and other cellular processes, favoring the bacteria pathogenesis. Some of these genes have been described and characterized by in vitro isolation of mutants, which have shown defects in several characteristics that might be important to carry out some basic functions and also for virulence; for instance: the capability to colonize epithelial cells in culture, the survival inside fagocitic cells, the regulation of inflammation processes and the secretion of fluids. Most of these genes that encode virulence factors are regulated by systems that can be found in both, pathogens and no pathogens species. Several strains of Salmonella have plasmids that encode virulence genes, which are highly associated with bacteremia and systemic infections. A better understanding of these genes, of their proteins products and their functions will improve our knowledge of the pathogenecity pathways used by these microorganisms when they infect a susceptible host. Additionally the development of strategies to successfully prevent such infections will be more easily accomplished.RESUMEN: Las serovariedades de Salmonella, patógenos intracelulares gram negativos, afectan varias especies animales como las aves, los cerdos, los bovinos y el hombre. Después de la ingestión de alimentos o aguas contaminadas, la bacteria se localiza en la porción distal del intestino delgado donde hace contacto con la mucosa intestinal. Estos microorganismos requieren la expresión coordinada de muchos de sus genes para causar una infección productiva en su hospedero. La expresión se inicia cuando la Salmonella entra en contacto con el medio ambiente hostil que representa el tracto gastrointestinal del hospedero, donde encuentra una gran variedad de condiciones como: la osmolaridad, la tensión de oxígeno y el pH; que actúan como señales para que inicie la transcripción de genes que codifican factores de virulencia, los cuales favorecen la interacción con la célula blanco durante la patogénesis. La Salmonella utiliza, además, un sistema de secreción tipo III como un mecanismo básico de virulencia, este sistema es el encargado de translocar proteínas hacia el citosol, las cuales interfieren con las señales de transducción y otros procesos celulares, facilitando la patogénesis de la bacteria, algunos de estos genes han sido descritos y caracterizados mediante la obtención de mutantes in vitro, las cuales han mostrado defectos en ciertas características que parecen ser importantes para cumplir algunas funciones básicas y para la virulencia in vivo, por ejemplo: la capacidad para invadir células epiteliales en cultivo, la sobrevivencia dentro de células fagocíticas, la citotoxicidad de macrófagos, la regulación de la inflamación y la secreción de fluidos. Muchos de los genes que codifican estos factores de virulencia son regulados por sistemas presentes en especies patógenas y no patógenas. Algunas cepas de Salmonella contienen plásmidos que codifican genes de virulencia que están altamente asociados con bacteremia y con la diseminación de la infección. El conocimiento de los genes que conforman el genoma bacteriano, de las proteínas que codifican y de sus funciones, permitirá comprender mejor los mecanismos de patogenecidad de estos microorganismos para generar conocimiento que permita prevenir exitosamente estas infecciones

    Análisis de polimorfismos en el locus 1908STR1934 locus del 3 UTR del gen Nramp1 bovino en ocho razas de ganado

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    ABSTRACT: The Nramp1 gene has been associated with natural resistance to intracellular microorganisms in several species including bovine. Recent evidence suggests an association between polymorphism in the 3 untranslated region (3 UTR) of this gene with resistance/susceptibility (R/S) to Brucella abortus as determined in vivo and in vitro. In this study we tested for the variability of the short tandem repeat (STR) within the 3 UTR of Nramp1 in six breeds of Colombian creole cattle (CCC) and compared the genotypes with those of Holstein and Brahman, which were recently introduced into this country. In CCC as well as in Holstein we found the allele 175 fixed in all populations. In Brahman, 175 allele was also present with a frequency of 0.467 but additionally, in this breed there appeared five other alleles and among them two previously unreported: 183 y 185; also was found the allele 189 in the Colombian creole Harton del Valle cattle, which is not previously reported. Together these results suggest that the 175 allele in the 3 UTR Nramp1 may be an ancestral allele in cattle and if this is true the association previously reported with the R/S trait requires further evaluation.RESUMEN: El gen Nramp1 ha sido asociado con resistencia natural a microorganismos intracelulares en varias especies incluyendo bovinos. Evidencia reciente sugiere una asociación in vivo e in vitro, entre el polimorfismo en la región 3 no traducida (3 UTR del inglés 3 untranslated region) de este gen con resistencia susceptibilidad (R/S) a Brucella abortus. En este estudio se evaluó la variabilidad de una secuencia repetida en tandem (STR, del inglés short tandem repeat) dentro del 3 UTR de Nramp1 en seis razas de ganado criollo colombiano (GCC) y se comparó con la variabilidad de los de ese STR en Holstein y Brahman, razas que fueron recientemente introducidas a este país. En GCC así como en Holstein se encontró que el alelo 175 esta fijado en todas las poblaciones. En Brahman. El alelo 175 estuvo presente con una frecuencia de 0.467, pero adicionalmente en este ganado aparecieron otros 5 alelos, dos de ellos no habían sido previamente reportados: 183 y 185; también se encontró el alelo 189 en el ganado criollo colombiano Harton del Valle, el cual no está reportado previamente. Estos resultados sugieren que el alelo 175 en el 3 UTR de Nramp1 puede ser un alelo ancestral en ganado y si esto es cierto, la asociación previamente reportada con la característica de R/S requiere evaluación futura

    BON cattle : an alternative for production in Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: BON cattle derived from the domestic animals brought by Christopher Columbus on his second trip have gone through 500 years of adaptation to the tropical coffee producing areas of Colombia. This breed posseses several important characteristics such as: tameness, maternal ability, longevity, high fertility, increased productivity in F1 crosses, and ability to take advantage of rough relatively poor pastures. These qualities together with recent molecular findings suggesting high genetic variability and resistance to viral and bacterial infections make of this breed, now classified as “at risk” of extinction, an invaluable genetic resource from which a national cattle industry adapted to our tropical conditions could be established. The aim of this review it is to compile information about this breed and indicate some research perspectives to the light of advances made at University of Antioquia demonstrating the genetic potential of this breed, that maybe has not been expressed before due to the husbandry conditions to which it has been subjected throughout the five centuries.RESUMEN: El ganado Blanco Orejinegro descendiente del ganado traído por Colón durante su segundo viaje, ha sobrevivido durante casi 500 años en las áreas tropicales colombianas productoras de café. Además de su capacidad adaptativa este ganado ha mostrado otras características como: docilidad, habilidad para aprovechar forrajes de mala calidad, gran habilidad materna, mayor precocidad sexual, alta fertilidad, mayor productividad en cruces F1 (carne y leche) y marcada resistencia a ectoparásitos. Estas características, en conjunto con hallazgos moleculares recientes que sugieren alta variabilidad genética y resistencia a patógenos bacterianos y vírales demuestran que esta raza, que en la actualidad se encuentra en vía de extinción, es portadora de información genética importante que la convierte en una alternativa para la producción en las condiciones tropicales. El objetivo de esta revisión es hacer una recopilación de trabajos realizados con ganado BON; además, mostrar las perspectivas de investigación, basados en los trabajos actualmente llevados a cabo en la Universidad de Antioquia, con el fin de demostrar el potencial genético de esta raza, que quizás no ha podido ser expresado debido a las condiciones de manejo a que esta raza ha sido sometida

    Genetic selection for natural disease resistance against brucellosis and foot and mouth disease virus in colombian criollo cattle

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    IP 2121-12-134-94resistencia natural a las infecciones virales / Albeiro Lopez,Ana E. Arango, Jorge E. Ossa. -- En: Revista;colombiana de ciencias pecuarias. -- Vol. 13, no. 1 (2000); p.37-45. -- ISSN 01200690 -- Caracterizacion de;recursos geneticos autoctonos en Colombia / Olivera AngelM. ...[et al.]'-- en: Revista escuela nacional de;policia general Santander seccional Rafael Reyes. -- No. 3(dic.2001); p.39-40. -- ISSN 0124549X--;Resistencia natural del ganado blanco ojinegro (Bon) a lainfeccion por virus de estomatitis vesicular (Vev) y;rinotraqueitis infecciosa bovina (RIB) / Restrepo S. ... [et al.] -- En: susceptibilidad a los subtipos A24-C;y O1-C de la fiebre aftosa y la capacidad de produccion deIFN,por parte1 (2000); p. 37-45. -- ISSN 01200690;'-- caracterizacion de Recursos geneticos autoctonos en COLombia/ Olivera(BON) / Albeiro Lopez, Ana E.;Arango, Fabio N. Zuluaga, Jose Barrera, Jorge E. Ossa. --En:Iatreia. --Vol. 13, no. 2 (jun. 2000); p.;53-120. -- ISSN 01210793. -- Genotipicacion de la resistencianatural delganado blanco ojinegro (BON) a la;salmonella dublin / Omar A. Saldarriaga, Maria T. Rugeles,JaimeI. Velasquez, Gabriel Bedoya, Gary Adams,;Jorge E. Ossa. -- En: Iatreia. -- vol. 13, no. 2 (jun. 2000);p.53-120. -- ISSN 01210793. -- Caracterizacion;'-- en: Proceedings of the Global Conference On Conservation ofDomestic Animal Genetic Resources (4 : 1998;Aug. 17-21 : Colombia) -- [s.l. : s.n.], 1998 -- p. ; 28 cm. --Ifn mediated restriction of fmdv in bovine;fibroblast / A. Lopez ... [et al.] -- En: International symposium on positive strand RNA visure cm. --;ARTICULO(S) EN REVISTA: Receptores celulares, interferon yapoptosis en laresistencia natural a las;infecciones virales / Albeiro Lopez, Ana E. Arango, JorgeE. Ossa. -- En:Revista colombiana de ciencias;pecuarias. -- Vol. 13 (2000); p. 37-45. -- ISSN 01200690 -'- Biologia molecular y epizootiologia del virus de;la fiebre aftosa / Albeiro Lopez, Ana E. Arango, Jorge E.Ossa.'-- en: Revista colombiana de ciencias;PONENCIAS EN CONGRESO(S): Toward the recovery of criollo cattlein Colombia / M. Olivera Angel. ... [et al.];pecuarias. -- Vol. 13 (2000); p. 37-45. -- ISSN 01200690 -'- Ganado blancoorejinegro (BON): una alternativa;genotipica y fenotipica de la resistencia natural del ganado blanco oreginegro (BON) a la salmonella dublin /;O. A. Saldarriaga, M. T. Rugeles, J. I. Velasquez, G. Bedoya,J.E. Ossa.'-- en: Revista colombiana Ciencias;pecuarias. -- Vol. 12 (sep. 1999); p. 51-52. -- ISSN 01200690--Analisisde resistencia/susceptibilidad al;virus de la fiebre aftosa en el ganado blanco orejinegro (BON)/A. Lopez,... [et al.] -- En: Revista;colombiana ciencias pecuarias. -- Vol. 12 (sep. 1999); p.51-52.-- ISSN 01200690 -- Estructura molecular y;poblacional del ganado criollo Colombiano (GCC) / GabrielBedoya... [et al.] -- En: Revista colombiana;ciencias pecuarias. -- vol. 14, no. 2 (2001); p. 107-125.'-- ISSN 01200690-- Receptores celulares, interferon;y apoptosis en la resistencia natural a las infecciones virales/ AlbeiroLopez, Ana E. Arango, Jorge Ossa. --;para la produccion en Colombia / Albeiro Lopez ... [et al.] --En: Revistacolombiana de ciencias pecuarias.; Vol. 13 (2000 ); p. 37-45. -- ISSN 01200690 -- Receptores celulares, interferon y apoptosis en la;En: Revista colombiana ciencias pecuarias. -- vol. 13, no.1 (2000); p. 14-18. -- ISSN 0120069

    International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortiu (INICC) report, data summary of 43 countries for 2007-2012. Device-associated module

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    We report the results of an International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) surveillance study from January 2007-December 2012 in 503 intensive care units (ICUs) in Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe. During the 6-year study using the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) U.S. National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) definitions for device-associated health care–associated infection (DA-HAI), we collected prospective data from 605,310 patients hospitalized in the INICC's ICUs for an aggregate of 3,338,396 days. Although device utilization in the INICC's ICUs was similar to that reported from ICUs in the U.S. in the CDC's NHSN, rates of device-associated nosocomial infection were higher in the ICUs of the INICC hospitals: the pooled rate of central line–associated bloodstream infection in the INICC's ICUs, 4.9 per 1,000 central line days, is nearly 5-fold higher than the 0.9 per 1,000 central line days reported from comparable U.S. ICUs. The overall rate of ventilator-associated pneumonia was also higher (16.8 vs 1.1 per 1,000 ventilator days) as was the rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (5.5 vs 1.3 per 1,000 catheter days). Frequencies of resistance of Pseudomonas isolates to amikacin (42.8% vs 10%) and imipenem (42.4% vs 26.1%) and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates to ceftazidime (71.2% vs 28.8%) and imipenem (19.6% vs 12.8%) were also higher in the INICC's ICUs compared with the ICUs of the CDC's NHSN

    Cardiac myosin activation with omecamtiv mecarbil in systolic heart failure

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    BACKGROUND The selective cardiac myosin activator omecamtiv mecarbil has been shown to improve cardiac function in patients with heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction. Its effect on cardiovascular outcomes is unknown. METHODS We randomly assigned 8256 patients (inpatients and outpatients) with symptomatic chronic heart failure and an ejection fraction of 35% or less to receive omecamtiv mecarbil (using pharmacokinetic-guided doses of 25 mg, 37.5 mg, or 50 mg twice daily) or placebo, in addition to standard heart-failure therapy. The primary outcome was a composite of a first heart-failure event (hospitalization or urgent visit for heart failure) or death from cardiovascular causes. RESULTS During a median of 21.8 months, a primary-outcome event occurred in 1523 of 4120 patients (37.0%) in the omecamtiv mecarbil group and in 1607 of 4112 patients (39.1%) in the placebo group (hazard ratio, 0.92; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.86 to 0.99; P = 0.03). A total of 808 patients (19.6%) and 798 patients (19.4%), respectively, died from cardiovascular causes (hazard ratio, 1.01; 95% CI, 0.92 to 1.11). There was no significant difference between groups in the change from baseline on the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire total symptom score. At week 24, the change from baseline for the median N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide level was 10% lower in the omecamtiv mecarbil group than in the placebo group; the median cardiac troponin I level was 4 ng per liter higher. The frequency of cardiac ischemic and ventricular arrhythmia events was similar in the two groups. CONCLUSIONS Among patients with heart failure and a reduced ejection, those who received omecamtiv mecarbil had a lower incidence of a composite of a heart-failure event or death from cardiovascular causes than those who received placebo. (Funded by Amgen and others; GALACTIC-HF ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT02929329; EudraCT number, 2016 -002299-28.)