5 research outputs found

    Factores socioeconómicos asociados al aprovechamiento de la agrobiodiversidad de la milpa en Yucatán/Socioeconomic factors associated to agrobiodiversity of the milpa in Yucatan

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    . El concepto de agrobiodiversidad reeja las dinámicas y complejas relaciones entre las sociedades humanas y las especies vegetales cultivadas, cuyos resultados repercuten en las políticas de conservación de los ecosistemas, la seguridad alimentaria, nutricional de las poblaciones humanas y el desarrollo local sustentable. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue caracterizar la inuencia que ejercen los factores socioeconomicos de la unidad domestica campesina, sobre las formas de su conservación, uso y aprovechamiento de la agrobiodiversidad en los sistemas de producción tradicional. La información se obtuvo de una encuesta que se aplicó a productores ejidales en cinco localidades del estado de Yucatán. Las variables se obtuvieron de acuerdo a lo propuesto por la agroecología o agricultura sustentable. Los resultados indican que los factores socioeconómicos de la familia campesina inuyen sobre el manejo y aprovechamiento de la agrobiodiversidad de la milpa, a partir de la cantidad de producción destinada al autoconsumo (87.1 %). Los índices de Shannon-Wiener (5.0), Margalef (25.8) y Fisher (76.4), indican que la diversidad agrícola en los sistemas tradicionales de producción en el estado de Yucatán poseen una riqueza y abundancia signicativa de especies vegetales que se cultivan para la subsistencia de la familia; entre las que guran 13 variedades de maíz, tres de calabaza y siete de leguminosas, lo que indica la importancia que representa la producción de la milpa en la alimentación y acceso a insumos para la familia campesina

    Farmer Perceptions of Adopting Novel Legumes in Traditional Maize-Based Farming Systems in the Yucatan Peninsula

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    Intercropping constitutes the traditional farming system practice used in various forms for maize production in the Yucatan peninsula. Although practiced for centuries, problems persist with competition for water, nutrients and light between crop species in traditional farming systems. Furthermore, little is known about farmers’ perceptions regarding changes to traditional maize-legume intercropping systems and their interest in novel crop adoption to increase yields in the system while maintaining the practice. The objective of this study was to investigate the maize-based traditional cropping system by assessing the underlying motives and concepts of farmers to practice intercropping in the Yucatan Peninsula and to examine the association between farmers’ level of knowledge about legumes and decisions to adopt intercropping and related practices therein. Farmer surveys were conducted in nine different regions of the Yucatan Peninsula. We selected Xoy, Euan, Muna, Mama, Tahdziú (Yucatan), Becal, Hecelchacam, Dzitbalché and San Antonio Sahcabchén (Campeche) which are representative of agroecological small-scale farming systems. We used a mixed methods case study analysis involving key informant interviews in eight associations of farmers. A sample frame with 73 farmers was selected in total during February 2021 and April 2021. Basic information such as land use, labor inputs, agricultural production and farmer’s perceptions regarding their intercropping systems were collected. Our research shows that the primary motives for intercropping were due to the ability of intercropping to offer a more diversified range of food for human and animal consumption, as well as to take advantage of different harvest periods that this practice offers. The majority of respondents were likely to favor the idea of introducing new legume species in their maize-based cropping systems. Factors such as the type of cropping system (i.e., intercropping or monocropping), access to water and level of knowledge about legumes influenced their decision to adopt intercropping in their farming systems considerably. This paper contributes to the knowledge on the current state and farmers’ perceptions of intercropping systems in the Yucatan Peninsula

    Aportación de la milpa y traspatio a la autosuficiencia alimentaria en comunidades mayas de Yucatán

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    La información del estudio se obtuvo a través de encuesta estadística a 211 jefes de familia y a 189 productores ejidales. Esto es, de un total de 2,335 unidades domésticas distribuidas en cinco localidades rurales del estado de Yucatán. Así también a través de dos talleres participativos por localidad. Los resultados obtenidos evidencian que la milpa y el huerto familiar proveen en promedio el 63.7% de las necesidades de alimentos. Una comunidad resultó autosuficiente (119.1 %), a pesar de un índice de diversidad agrícola significativo. Los factores que influyen en el acceso a los alimentos son la distancia al mercado, edad y escolaridad del productor, tamaño de la familia, ingreso e índice de diversidad agrícola

    Competitividad y participación de la miel mexicana en el mercado mundial

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    Beekeeping is practiced in Mexico since pre-Columbian times, nowadays it has presence in several agricultural regions of the country and more than half of the production of honey is exported. The importance of this activity is given by its generation of foreign currency earnings, income and employment, so that changes in foreign markets affect the income of rural families and the economy of the livestock subsector. For this reason, this paper analyze the level and competitive position of Mexican honey considering the external supply of the main producing countries; therefore its relation with their main variable. Four indicators were estimated ex post, taking into consideration the procedure proposed by the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. The volume of former supply and the yield per hive, place Mexico in the sixth position worldwide, while as an exporter is located as third. It was found that honey obtained in the country has a high level of competitiveness in the domestic and international markets, exceeded only by China and Argentina. Production and exports evolution of honey are related to the primary phase of the supply chain, marketing processes and the physical and natural environment that determine the productivity, as well as the exportable surpluses and the economic value. La apicultura en México se practica desde la época precolombina; en el presente está arraigada en casi todas las regiones agrícolas del país y se exporta un poco menos de la mitad de la producción de miel. La importancia de esta actividad se lo confiere su generación de divisas, ingresos y empleos, por lo que los cambios en el mercado externo afectan el ingreso de las familias del medio rural y a la economía del subsector pecuario. Por este motivo, el presente artículo tiene por finalidad analizar el nivel y la posición competitiva de la miel mexicana frente a la oferta externa de los principales países productores, así como su relación con sus factores determinantes. Para alcanzar lo anterior se estimaron cuatro indicadores de resultado o ex post, considerando el procedimiento propuesto por el Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. El volumen de oferta primaria y el rendimiento por colmena ubican a México en la sexta posición mundial, mientras que como exportador se ubica en el tercer lugar; se encontró que la miel obtenida en el país presenta un alto nivel de competitividad en el mercado nacional e internacional, superado en este último ámbito sólo por China y Argentina. En la evolución de la producción exportación de miel influyen variables que tienen relación con la fase primaria de la cadena productiva, los procesos de comercialización y del medio físico-natural que determinan tanto la productividad, como la generación de los saldos exportables y de valor para la economía

    Farmer Perceptions of Adopting Novel Legumes in Traditional Maize-Based Farming Systems in the Yucatan Peninsula

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    Intercropping constitutes the traditional farming system practice used in various forms for maize production in the Yucatan peninsula. Although practiced for centuries, problems persist with competition for water, nutrients and light between crop species in traditional farming systems. Furthermore, little is known about farmers’ perceptions regarding changes to traditional maize-legume intercropping systems and their interest in novel crop adoption to increase yields in the system while maintaining the practice. The objective of this study was to investigate the maize-based traditional cropping system by assessing the underlying motives and concepts of farmers to practice intercropping in the Yucatan Peninsula and to examine the association between farmers’ level of knowledge about legumes and decisions to adopt intercropping and related practices therein. Farmer surveys were conducted in nine different regions of the Yucatan Peninsula. We selected Xoy, Euan, Muna, Mama, Tahdziú (Yucatan), Becal, Hecelchacam, Dzitbalché and San Antonio Sahcabchén (Campeche) which are representative of agroecological small-scale farming systems. We used a mixed methods case study analysis involving key informant interviews in eight associations of farmers. A sample frame with 73 farmers was selected in total during February 2021 and April 2021. Basic information such as land use, labor inputs, agricultural production and farmer’s perceptions regarding their intercropping systems were collected. Our research shows that the primary motives for intercropping were due to the ability of intercropping to offer a more diversified range of food for human and animal consumption, as well as to take advantage of different harvest periods that this practice offers. The majority of respondents were likely to favor the idea of introducing new legume species in their maize-based cropping systems. Factors such as the type of cropping system (i.e., intercropping or monocropping), access to water and level of knowledge about legumes influenced their decision to adopt intercropping in their farming systems considerably. This paper contributes to the knowledge on the current state and farmers’ perceptions of intercropping systems in the Yucatan Peninsula