1,518 research outputs found

    On critical values of L-functions of potentially automorphic motives

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    In this paper we prove a version of Deligne's conjecture for potentially automorphic motives, twisted by certain algebraic Hecke characters. The Hecke characters are chosen in such a way that we can use automorphic methods in the context of totally definite unitary groups.Comment: 24 page

    Families of Bianchi modular symbols: critical base-change p-adic L-functions and p-adic Artin formalism

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    Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field. In this article, we study the eigenvariety for GL(2)/K, proving an etaleness result for the weight map at non-critical classical points and a smoothness result at base-change classical points. We give three main applications of this; let ff be a regular pp-stabilised newform of weight kk at least 2 without CM by KK. (1) We construct a two-variable pp-adic LL-function attached to the base-change of ff to KK under assumptions on ff that we conjecture always hold, in particular making no assumption on the slope of ff. (2) We construct three-variable pp-adic LL-functions over the eigenvariety interpolating the pp-adic LL-functions of classical base-change Bianchi cusp forms in families. (3) We prove that these base-change pp-adic LL-functions satisfy a pp-adic Artin formalism result, that is, they factorise in the same way as the classical LL-function under Artin formalism. In an appendix, Carl Wang-Erickson describes a base-change deformation functor and gives a characterisation of its Zariski tangent space.Comment: 26 pages, with a 3 page appendix by Carl Wang-Erickson. Comments welcome! Changes for v5: added contents, minor changes to exposition. v4: corrected funding acknowledgements. v3: This version has a new introduction, has been reorganised and greatly shortened, and incorporates minor corrections. v2: minor correction

    On critical values of L-functions of potentially automorphic motives

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    In this paper we prove a version of Deligne's conjecture for potentially automorphic motives, twisted by certain algebraic Hecke characters. The Hecke characters are chosen in such a way that we can use automorphic methods in the context of totally definite unitary groups.Postprint (author's final draft

    Overconvergent cohomology, p-adic L-functions, and families for GL(2) over CM fields

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    On pp-adic LL-functions for GL2nGL_{2n} in finite slope Shalika families

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    Let pp be a prime number and Galp\mathrm{Gal}_p be the Galois group of the maximal abelian extension unramified outside p∞p\infty of a totally real number field FF of degree dd. Using automorphic cycles, we construct evaluation maps on the parahoric overconvergent cohomology for GL2n/F\mathrm{GL}_{2n}/F in degree d(n2+n−1)d (n^2 + n -1), which allow us to attach a distribution on Galp\mathrm{Gal}_p of controlled growth to any finite slope overconvergent UpU_p-eigenclass. When the eigenclass comes from a non-critical refinement π~\tilde\pi of a cuspidal automorphic representation π\pi of GL2n/F\mathrm{GL}_{2n}/F which is spherical at pp and admits a Shalika model, we prove this distribution interpolates all Deligne-critical LL-values of π\pi, giving the first construction of pp-adic LL-functions in this generality beyond the pp-ordinary setting. Further, under some mild assumptions we use our evaluation maps to show that π~\tilde\pi belongs to a unique (d+1)(d+1)-dimensional Shalika family in a parabolic eigenvariety for GL2n/F\mathrm{GL}_{2n}/F, and that this family is \'etale over the weight space. Finally, under a hypothesis on the local Shalika models at bad places which is empty for π\pi of level 1, we construct a pp-adic LL-function for the family.Comment: 64 pages (inc. glossary of notation), comments welcome! Changes for v2,v3: minor corrections and expositional improvement

    On the 22-Selmer group of Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves

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    Let C\mathcal{C} be a hyperelliptic curve y2=p(x)y^2 = p(x) defined over a number field KK with p(x)p(x) integral of odd degree. The purpose of the present article is to prove lower and upper bounds for the 22-Selmer group of the Jacobian of C\mathcal{C} in terms of the class group of the KK-algebra K[x]/(p(x))K[x]/(p(x)). Our main result is a formula relating these two quantities under some mild hypothesis. We provide some examples that prove that our lower and upper bounds are as sharp as possible. As a first application, we study the rank distribution of the 22-Selmer group in families of quadratic twists. Under some extra hypothesis we prove that among prime quadratic twists, a positive proportion has fixed 22-Selmer group. As a second application, we study the family of octic twists of the genus 22 curve y2=x5+xy^2 = x^5 + x.Comment: 28 pages, comments welcome

    Exceptional zeros and L-invariants of Bianchi modular forms

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    Let f be a Bianchi modular form, that is, an automorphic form for GL2 over an imaginary quadratic field F. In this paper, we prove an exceptional zero conjecture in the case where f is new at a prime above p. More precisely, for each prime p of F above p we prove the existence of an Linvariant Lp, depending only on p and f, such that when the p-adic L-function of f has an exceptional zero at p, its derivative can be related to the classical L-value multiplied by Lp. The proof uses cohomological methods of Darmon and Orton, who proved similar results for GL2/Q. When p is not split and f is the base-change of a classical modular form f ˜, we relate Lp to the L-invariant of f ˜, resolving a conjecture of Trifkovi´c in this case.Postprint (author's final draft
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