29 research outputs found

    Case study reducing mycotoxins in Brazilian crops

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    "Mycotoxins are toxic chemical compounds produced by molds, which can have important consequences in human and animal health... The economic consequences of the presence of mycotoxins in food, feed, and agricultural crops can be severe. In fact, mycotoxins jeopardize the safety and availability of the food supply in many countries... Both the public and private sectors in Brazil are making a concerted effort to control mycotoxins in foods consumed by both humans and animals." from TextFood safety ,food security ,Public health ,

    Raw vegetable salad consumers in full-service restaurants

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify the profiles of those frequenting full-service restaurants and eating raw vegetable salads, as well as to analyze the influence of socio-demographic variables and of the tendency for social desirability in consumption frequencies. A non-probabilistic consumer sample (n = 630) was interviewed in the city of Campinas, Brazil. Besides the frequency of eating in full-service restaurants and the frequency of eating salads (as a function of the meal type and week day) in this type of restaurant, the survey instrument was also composed by socio-demographic variables and a social desirability scale. To compare data, non-parametric tests were used. Findings - Of the interviewees, 52.3 percent were shown to eat in full-service restaurants at least once a week. The frequency of eating salads in full-service restaurant stood out as being significantly higher (p < 0.05) for weekday lunches. Individuals who graduated in the areas of health or food showed a significantly higher frequency for the consumption of salads at weekends. Apparently the social desirability did not influence the responses of the consumers with respect to the frequencies studied. The sample was of a non-probabilistic type, bringing reservations with respect to generalizations. Practical implications - Socio-demographic variables should be considered in elaborating strategies for promoting vegetable salads consumption in restaurants. Health and nutrition education programs can be effective in aiding consumers to choose healthier food in this context. Studies about frequency of salad consumption in restaurants are scarce. The influence of social desirability bias on reported frequency was analyzed in this paper1173SI11361149CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ143493/2008-

    Segurança alimentar e o processo de aquisição de hortaliças in natura e minimamente processadas por serviços de alimentação

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    This research was designed to analyze whether the procedures adopted by foodservice establishments for the purchase of minimally processed and fresh vegetables favor the acquisition of safe products. This research investigated the purchasing policies of such establishments, whether self-managed or administered by foodservice contractors, in the municipality of Campinas and its outlying districts. A random sample of thirty-nine establishments participated in the research. The instruments for data collection were pre-tested, and the actual interviews were conducted by trained personnel. Comparative analyses were made using various statistical tests. All of the participating establishments purchase fresh vegetables, although only six of them use minimally processed ones. For most of the establishments, price is at least one of the most important criteria for the selection of a supplier, and they do not normally monitor the safety of the fresh products purchased (51.3%), nor do they make regular technical visits to guarantee quality (46.2%); moreover, most do not carry out a supplier development program. It is suggested that routine technical visits to suppliers should be adopted, as well as the creation of courses, such as those dealing with the safety of vegetables and supplier development, to be offered to foodservices.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar se os procedimentos utilizados para aquisição de hortaliças in natura e minimamente processadas nas Unidades de Alimentação e Nutrição (UANs) favorecem a compra de produtos seguros. Sua abrangência foi o município de Campinas e seus quatro distritos e direcionou-se para UANs administradas por autogestão ou concessionárias de alimentos localizadas através de listagens fornecidas por entidades representativas da categoria. Foram identificados 60 casos e, desses, 39 participaram da pesquisa. Utilizaram-se instrumentos para a coleta de dados previamente testados e as entrevistas foram realizadas por pessoal treinado. Foram realizadas análises comparativas por meio de diferentes testes estatísticos. Todas as unidades faziam uso de hortaliças in natura e apenas seis de minimamente processadas. Grande parte das empresas não promoveu o desenvolvimento do fornecedor, poucas realizavam visitas técnicas (46,2%) e monitoramento da segurança do produto in natura (51,3%) junto ao fornecedor. Entre os critérios mais importantes para definição do fornecedor de hortaliças, o preço obteve grande destaque. Sugere-se que seja incorporada rotineiramente a visita aos fornecedores de hortaliças. Recomenda-se a criação de cursos na temática de segurança de hortaliças e desenvolvimento de fornecedores voltados ao setor de serviços de alimentação.1097110

    Nutritional and health information released to consumers by commercial fast food and full service restaurants

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    The main objective of this study was to identify and characterize nutritional and health information made available in commercial restaurants in the city of Campinas, SP, Brazil. Pre-tested questionnaires were used to interview twenty managers of fast food and ninety-four of full service restaurants, between October and December of 2005, located in the five administrative regions of Campinas. After collecting the information, a databank was created using Microsoft Excel software. The chi-square and t Student tests and the statistical software MINITAB version 14.2 were used for the statistical treatment of the data. Among the main results, the fact that 25.4% of the restaurants provided nutritional and/or health information, stood out. The most frequently provided type of nutritional information was the nutrient declaration highlighting the energy value and macronutrients of some foods. Nearly most of the respondents (48,3%) mentioned the use of the menu to display nutritional information. The frequency with which this information was provided was significantly higher in the fast food networks than amongst the full service restaurants. The need for public authorities to study ways of regulating such information was pointed out.O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar e caracterizar o oferecimento de informação nutricional e de saúde em restaurantes comerciais do município de Campinas-SP. Com a utilização de questionários previamente testados, foram entrevistados, entre outubro e dezembro de 2005, 20 gerentes de restaurantes do tipo fast food e 94 do tipo full service, localizados nas cinco regiões de Campinas. Após a coleta das informações, foi construído um banco de dados utilizando o software Excel. Para o tratamento estatístico, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado e o teste T de Student. O software estatístico utilizado nas análises foi o MINITAB versão 14.2. Entre os principais resultados, destaca-se que 25,4% dos restaurantes fazem uso de informação nutricional e/ou de saúde. O tipo de informação nutricional mais empregado é a declaração de nutrientes, com relevância para a informação do valor energético e de macronutrientes de alguns pratos. A fonte mais citada para a disposição da informação nutricional foi o cardápio, com 48,3% das citações. A freqüência de oferecimento dessas informações é significativamente maior entre as redes de fast food do que entre os restaurantes full service. Aponta-se a necessidade de se estudar formas de regulamentação dessas informações pelo poder público.208216Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    People management in foodservice establishments and food safety

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    OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research was to characterize people management in commercial restaurants, using descriptive analysis in order to discuss the implications for food safety control. METHODS: This study adopted procedures relative to descriptive research. The study included commercial restaurants in the cities of Campinas (State of São Paulo) and Porto Alegre (State of Rio Grande do Sul), divided into segments: self service by weight, barbecue restaurants and fast food restaurants. The total sample consisted of 108 establishments, 62 in Porto Alegre and 46 in Campinas. The managers of the restaurants were interviewed using a previously tested questionnaire comprised of open and closed questions. RESULTS: We observed that only 21.7% of the employees attended courses and specific training in their field of work. Elementary school level prevailed among the human resources, with both genders being present in the same proportion. Most establishments adopt hiring criteria, and personal presentation is the most important. Personal hygiene of the employees was considered of vital importance by the managers. Insufficient experience, responsibility in conducting the activities and formal education for the position are among the main difficulties found by the foodservice companies when hiring personnel. CONCLUSION: People management in the field of commercial restaurants must be qualified, so that adequate food safety conditions can be offered for the consumers.OBJETIVO: Caracterizar a gestão de pessoas em unidades produtoras de refeições comerciais, visando a discutir as implicações para o oferecimento de segurança alimentar. MÉTODOS: Este trabalho adotou procedimentos previstos para uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva. A amostra do estudo foi formada por restaurantes comerciais das cidades de Campinas, do Estado de São Paulo, e Porto Alegre, do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, divididos por linhas de atuação: self-service por quilo, churrascarias e fast-food. Foram analisadas 108 empresas, 62 em Porto Alegre e 46 em Campinas. Para entrevistar os gerentes dos restaurantes foi elaborado um questionário, contendo questões abertas e fechadas, e previamente testado. RESULTADOS: Foi constatado que somente 21,7% dos funcionários possuem cursos e treinamentos na área de atuação. Predominou a escolaridade de ensino fundamental entre os recursos humanos e ambos os sexos estiveram presentes na mesma proporção. A maioria das empresas adota critérios para a contratação dos funcionários, sendo que o critério de apresentação pessoal é o mais freqüente. A higiene pessoal dos colaboradores foi considerada como muitíssimo importante pelos gerentes dos restaurantes. A falta de experiência, de responsabilidade na realização das atividades e de formação mínima para a função estão entre as principais dificuldades encontradas pelos restaurantes na contratação de funcionários. CONCLUSÃO: Faz-se necessário qualificar a gestão de pessoas no segmento de restaurantes comerciais, de modo a favorecer as condições de segurança alimentar para a população consumidora.65766


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    Recent industry innovations improving the safety of the Nation's meat supply range from new pathogen tests, high-tech equipment, and supply chain management systems, to new surveillance networks. Despite these and other improvements, the market incentives that motivate private firms to invest in innovation seem to be fairly weak. Results from an ERS survey of U.S. meat and poultry slaughter and processing plants and two case studies of innovation in the U.S. beef industry reveal that the industry has developed a number of mechanisms to overcome that weakness and to stimulate investment in food safety innovation. Industry experience suggests that government policy can increase food safety innovation by reducing informational asymmetries and strengthening the ability of innovating firms to appropriate the benefits of their investments.Food safety, innovation, meat, asymmetric information, Beef Steam Pasteurization System, Bacterial Pathogen Sampling and Testing Program, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Affect and risk and benefit perception of individuals related to açaí, Coari County, State of Amazonas

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    The affect can influence health risk and benefit perceptions and consumer behavior. Açaí is widely consumed in the Amazon region. Acute Chagas disease outbreaks involving açaí have been reported. The objective of this study was to identify affect related to açaí. The relationship between affect and consumer perception of risks and benefits and socioeconomic characteristics were also studied. Data collection was performed in the city of Coari, Amazonas State, through interviews with 250 subjects. The scores of affect and perception were analyzed by the means of a 5-point response scale. Descriptive data analysis was performed with the help of XLSTAT 2011 software. The affect identified among consumers was positive. A significant positive correlation between the affect and the perceived benefit (Spearman correlation coefficient 0.207, p=0.001) was observed. No significant differences were identified between the affect and socioeconomic variables. The conception of education programs regarding açaí for the studied population should take into consideration the probable influence of the affect on benefit perception.O afeto pode influenciar as percepções de riscos e benefícios à saúde e o comportamento de consumidores. O açaí é amplamente consumido na região Amazônica. Surtos da doença de Chagas aguda supostamente relacionados ao açaí têm ocorrido. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o afeto de consumidores referente ao açaí. As relações do afeto com percepções dos riscos e benefícios à saúde e características socioeconômicas também foram estudadas. Realizou-se a coleta dos dados na cidade de Coari, entrevistando 250 indivíduos. Os escores de afeto e percepções foram medidos com escalas de resposta de 5 pontos. Foram realizadas análises descritivas com o software XLSTAT 2011. O afeto identificado entre os consumidores foi positivo. Observou-se correlação significativa e positiva entre os escores de afeto e de percepção do benefício (coeficiente Spearman= 0,207, p=0,001). Não verificou-se diferenças entre o afeto e características socioeconômicas. Programas educativos relativos ao açaí para a polução estudada devem ser desenhados levando em conta a provável influência do afeto na percepção do benefício.32933

    Breast feeding and weaning in two rural communities of a Brazilian town (Piracicaba-SP)

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    Breast feeding and weaning were studied in 76 infants from 3 to 24 months of age in two rural communities in Piracicaba, state of São Paulo. Interviews with the children's mothers were conducted at their homes. The average duration of exclusive breast feeding, predominant breast feeding (including only water and tea) and complementary feeding was analyzed by means of life tables. The Wilcoxon test was conducted to verify socioeconomic and demographic variables associated with the duration of breast feeding. The average duration of exclusive breast feeding was 3 days in the community of Anhumas and 30 days in that of Santa Olímpia. Predominant breast feeding and complementary feeding were prolonged for 90 and 180 days in Anhumas and for 120 and 165 days in Santa Olímpia, respectively. Only the sex of the child was associated with the duration of predominant breast feeding, with boys being nursed longer. Insufficient milk was the main reason given for termination of breast feeding. Weaning was generally initiated with liquids such as water, tea, fluid cow milk and sweetened juices.O aleitamento materno e a prática de desmame foram estudados em 76 crianças de 3 a 24 meses de idade pertencentes a 69 famílias de comunidades rurais de Piracicaba, SP, por meio de entrevistas. Foram analisadas as medianas da duração do aleitamento materno exclusivo, predominante (incluindo somente água e chá) e misto, utilizando-se a tábua de vida. O teste Wilcoxon foi aplicado para verificar as variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas associadas com o tempo de aleitamento. A mediana da duração de aleitamento materno exclusivo foi de 3 dias para Anhumas e 30 dias para Santa Olímpia. O aleitamento predominante e o aleitamento misto prolongaram-se por 90 e 180 dias em Anhumas e 120 e 165 dias em Santa Olímpia, respectivamente. Somente o sexo da criança apresentou associação com a duração do aleitamento materno. Iniciou-se o processo de desmame especialmente com água, chás, leite de vaca fluido e sucos açucarados.17318